

单词 to yield to
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔compliance〕A disposition or tendency to yield to the will of others.顺从别人意愿的性格或倾向美国传统〔give〕To yield to a more powerful force; retreat.在优势兵力前撤退;撤退美国传统〔give〕To yield to physical force.屈服于外力美国传统〔give〕To yield to urging or demand; give in.放弃激励或要求;屈服,让步美国传统〔indulge〕To yield to the desires and whims of, especially to an excessive degree; humor.迁就,纵容:尤指过分地受欲望和幻想的支配;迁就美国传统〔knuckle〕To yield to pressure; give in.向外界压力作出让步;屈服美国传统〔temporize〕To yield to current circumstances or necessities; act to suit the time.见风使舵:向现实环境或需要妥协;见风使舵美国传统〔yield to sth〕It's very easy to yield to temptation and spend too much money.很容易会抵制不住诱惑而大把地花钱。剑桥高阶〔yield〕Boston's traditional drab brick was slow to yield to the modern glass palaces of so many American urban areas.波士顿传统而单调的砖石建筑并没有迅速被许多美国城市地区流行的现代玻璃大厦所取代。柯林斯高阶〔yield〕If you're going downhill, you need to yield to bikers going uphill.下山的时候,你需要停车让上山的骑自行车的人先行。剑桥高阶〔yield〕The company refused to yield to the protesters' demands.公司拒绝了抗议者提出的要求。韦氏高阶〔yield〕The hijackers refuse to yield to demands to release the passengers.劫机者拒绝了释放乘客的要求。朗文当代〔yield〕Traditional brick was slow to yield to modern glass.现代玻璃建筑并没有很快取代传统砖石建筑。外研社新世纪He refused to accept the force of logic (= be persuaded by reasonable argument) , now he will have to yield to the logic of force (= physical power) .他不愿接受合理的劝说,现在他将不得不屈服于武力。剑桥国际It's very easy to yield to the temptation to sign for a lot of money.屈服于签收大笔钱款的诱惑是非常容易的。剑桥国际




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