

单词 to write
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASK〕Many job applicants do not know how to write an appealing cover letter. 许多求职者不知道如何写一封有吸引力的附信。朗文写作活用〔TRY〕My bank manager took the trouble to write a very detailed letter answering my inquiry. 银行经理特意写了一封十分详细的信回答我的询问。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕I can't come out tonight. I have an essay to write. 今晚我不能出来,我要写论文。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕Sorry, I haven't had time to write. 对不起,我没有时间写信。朗文写作活用〔amortize〕To write off an expenditure for (office equipment, for example) by prorating over a certain period.摊还,摊销:用在一个时期内以按比例分配的方式注销一笔经费(如办公设备)美国传统〔assent〕I assented to the request of the American publishers to write this book.我接受了美国出版商要我撰写此书的请求。外研社新世纪〔be going to〕She is going to write to him.她就要给他写信了。21世纪英汉〔capitalize〕To write or print in capital letters.用大写字母来书写或印刷美国传统〔commission〕She has been commissioned to write a new national anthem.她已受委托谱写新国歌。牛津高阶〔commission〕She's been commissioned to write a symphony.她受人委托写一首交响乐曲。麦克米伦高阶〔compulsion〕He felt an inner compulsion to write.他感到内心有一种想要写作的冲动。牛津搭配〔crack up〕She told stories that cracked me up and I swore to write them down so you could enjoy them too.她讲了几个令我捧腹大笑的故事,我一定要写下来,好让你也乐乐。柯林斯高阶〔experimentally〕He tends to write bizarre and highly experimental pieces of music.他倾向于创作高度试验性而且风格奇异的音乐作品。柯林斯高阶〔find〕I keep meaning to write, but never seem to find (the) time.我一直打算写信,但总找不到时间。牛津高阶〔flip〕He flipped to a fresh page and began to write.他翻到另外一页,开始写了起来。英汉大词典〔gagman〕A man employed to write jokes or comedy routines, as for a professional entertainer or show.笑话制作者:被雇佣来为专业的表演而撰写笑话或固定喜剧剧目的人美国传统〔handwrite〕To write by hand.手迹:以手来写美国传统〔if〕If anyone were to complain, I should merely tell them to write to the manager.如果有人投诉,我只会告诉他们写信给经理。麦克米伦高阶〔imitation〕Children are seen as learning to write by direct imitation of adult models.人们认为儿童通过直接模仿成人范本学习写作。牛津搭配〔nought〕Numerous attempts to persuade him to write his memoirs came to nought.无数次劝他写回忆录的尝试均以失败告终。柯林斯高阶〔pencil〕To write or produce by using a pencil.用铅笔写出或画出美国传统〔poetize〕To write poetry.写诗美国传统〔point〕I'd like to write to him, but what's the point? He never writes back.我愿意给他写信,但这有什么用呢?他从不回信。剑桥高阶〔productive〕He had an amazingly productive five years in which he managed to write four novels.5年内他写了4部小说,如此多产真让人难以置信。剑桥高阶〔put〕He was trying to write, but the continuous noise outside his window put him off. 他想写东西,可是窗外不断的喧闹声使他定不下心来。英汉大词典〔reflection〕After days of reflection she decided to write back.想了几天之后她决定回信。柯林斯高阶〔remember〕Remember to write your name on the form.记得把你的名字填在表格里。外研社新世纪〔score〕He has mastered enough of the complexities of arrangement to write and score a piece for a chamber music ensemble.他对改编的复杂之处已有了足够的掌握,能够谱写一部室内合奏曲了。柯林斯高阶〔scratch〕It took only three years to write it from scratch.从头开始写只用了3年时间。麦克米伦高阶〔scrawl〕To write in a sprawling, irregular manner.乱涂乱画:以散乱、不规则的方式写美国传统〔sign〕His failure to write is no sign that he has forgotten you.他没有给你写信并不表示他已把你忘了。英汉大词典〔stir〕The incident stirred him to write a book.那件事件促使他去写一本书。文馨英汉〔testify〕Too many young people are unable to write or spell well, as employers will testify.写作或拼写不好的年轻人太多了,这一点雇主都会证明。牛津高阶〔then〕And then, you must remember to write me on your arrival.还有,你一定要记住,到达后就写信给我。英汉大词典〔transpose〕Music To write or perform (a composition) in a key other than the original or given key.【音乐】 使…变调:用一种与原来或给定调性不同的调性写或演奏(曲子)美国传统〔trust〕I can't trust my secretary to write my speech.我不放心我的秘书给我写发言稿。21世纪英汉〔unqualified〕I am singularly unqualified to write about football.我根本不具备撰写有关足球的文章的知识。外研社新世纪〔verse〕I have been moved to write a few lines of verse.我因感动而写下了几句诗。柯林斯高阶〔write ... down〕The writer tried his best to write his books down.作者尽量把他的书写得通俗易懂。21世纪英汉〔write〕A dreary afternoon in Walthamstow is nothing to write home about.沃尔瑟姆斯托的沉闷午后乏善可陈。外研社新世纪〔write〕I have to write up my report before the meeting.我必须在会议前把报告整理一下。朗文当代〔write〕The party was nothing to write home about.宴会平淡无趣。英汉大词典He hasn't even bothered to write.他甚至懒得去写。剑桥国际He started out to write a novel. 他著手写一部长篇小说。译典通I have to write my PIN number down somewhere secret in case I forget it.我必须在一个秘密的地方写下我的密码,防止忘了。剑桥国际I'm going to stay in this morning because I've got some letters to write.我今天上午在家,因为我要写几封信。剑桥国际Imagine having to write “I must not swear at my teachers” 200 times! 想象一下要把“我一定不再诅咒我的老师”这句话写两百遍!剑桥国际Milton used an amanuensis to write some of his greatest poetry.弥尔顿让一名文书来抄写一些他最伟大的诗歌。剑桥国际She had the gumption to write directly to the company manager and persuade him to give her a job.她有魄力直接写信给公司经理并且劝说他给她一个工作。剑桥国际The teacher asked you to write your name up on the board.老师要求你将你的名字写在黑板上。剑桥国际




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