

单词 to turn off
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WAIT〕Wait a minute. I forgot to turn off the lights. 且慢,我忘记关灯了。朗文写作活用〔cut〕Chiefly Southern U.S. To turn off (a light or television set).【多用于美国南部】 关掉:关掉(电灯或电视机)美国传统〔doodah〕Where's the doodah to turn off the TV? 关电视的那玩意哪去了?朗文当代〔feather〕To turn off (an aircraft engine) while in flight.关引擎:在飞行中关掉(飞机的一个引擎)美国传统〔forget〕Don't forget that you have to turn off the light when you leave.别忘了走的时候一定要关灯。韦氏高阶〔forget〕Someone's forgotten to turn off their headlights.有人忘记关汽车前灯了。朗文当代〔intelligence〕At least he had the intelligence to turn off the gas.至少他还知道关掉煤气。牛津搭配〔presence of mind〕The boy had the presence of mind to turn off the gas.那男孩子镇定地关掉了煤气。牛津高阶〔sense〕You should have had the sense to turn off the electricity first.你应该知道要先关掉电源这个道理。朗文当代〔thing〕It's a good thing you remembered to turn off the gas! 你没忘关煤气,很好!牛津搭配〔turn ... off〕She forgot to turn off the tap, so there was water all over the floor.她忘关水龙头了,地板上全是水。21世纪英汉〔turn〕It is now safe to turn off your computer.现在可以安全地关闭计算机了。麦克米伦高阶〔turn〕The jet began to turn off the main runway.那架喷气式飞机开始拐出主跑道。牛津高阶〔zapper〕Use the zapper to turn off the TV.用遥控器关掉电视。剑桥高阶〔zap〕To use a remote control device to switch (channels on a television) or to turn off (a television set).遥控:用一种远距离遥控器调节(电视频道)或关闭(电视)美国传统He flicked the switch to turn off the light.他按下开关把灯关了。剑桥国际It's just along here that we have to turn off (= move off this road onto another).我们得马上准备拐弯了。剑桥国际Use the zapper to turn off the TV.用遥控器来关掉电视机。剑桥国际You'll need to change lanes if you want to turn off at the next junction.你如果想在下一个路口拐弯,就要换车道。剑桥国际




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