

单词 to fail
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANCE〕As the finance company started to fail a few opportunists managed to make more money out of it. 信贷公司开始走下坡路时,一些投机分子乘势捞了一笔。朗文写作活用〔FAIL〕They said the latest space mission was bound to fail. 他们说最新的太空飞行任务注定要失败。朗文写作活用〔bound〕The plan is bound to fail.这个计划一定会失败。英汉大词典〔crash〕To fail utterly.彻底失败美国传统〔default〕To fail to appear in court when summoned.受传唤时未出庭美国传统〔default〕To fail to take part in or complete (a contest, for example).未参加或完成(例如,比赛)美国传统〔default〕To fail to take part in or complete a scheduled contest.弃权:未参加或完成预订的比赛美国传统〔destined〕My plans were destined to fail.我的计划注定要失败。牛津同义词〔destined〕Without the support of the unions, the plan seems destined to fail.没有工会的支持,这个计划似乎注定要失败。韦氏高阶〔disappoint〕To fail to satisfy the hope, desire, or expectation of.使希望破灭:未能满足希望、愿望或期望美国传统〔discord〕To fail to agree or harmonize; clash.不一致,不协调;冲突美国传统〔disgrace〕To fail while trying hard is no dishonor.尽了努力而不成功并不是一件丢脸的事。美国传统〔disremember〕To fail to remember.忘掉,忘记美国传统〔dread〕He's dreading the exam - he's sure he's going to fail.他很担心考试——他觉得自己肯定过不了。剑桥高阶〔fail〕Her health/eyesight is starting to fail.她的健康状况/视力开始衰退。韦氏高阶〔fail〕Her work was so bad that I had no choice but to fail her.她考得很差,我只能给她不及格。朗文当代〔fail〕She was sure she was going to fail.她肯定自己考试通不过。剑桥高阶〔fall〕To fail miserably when attempting to achieve a result.沮丧:因未能获得预期成就而沮丧美国传统〔fall〕To fail to keep up a pace; lag behind.落后:跟不上步伐;落后美国传统〔fate〕Seemingly fated to fail at the highest level, Kelly finished fourth in the 1000m time trial.好像注定在要最高级别上失利一样, 凯利在1000米计时赛中只得了第四名。外研社新世纪〔feel〕I know I'm going to fail this exam—I can feel it in my bones.我知道这次考试我过不了关,我有这种直觉。牛津高阶〔health〕His health began to fail under the heavy pressures of the job.在沉重的工作压力下,他的健康开始衰退。牛津搭配〔misfire〕To fail to ignite when expected. Used of an internal-combustion engine.不点火:当希望点火时点火失败,用于内燃机美国传统〔miss〕To fail to accomplish, achieve, or attain (a goal).没完成、未取得或未达到(目标)美国传统〔miss〕To fail to achieve the anticipated result.未达到预期的目标美国传统〔miss〕To fail to avail oneself of an opportunity.未能利用机会美国传统〔miss〕To fail to discharge. Used of a firearm.发射失败,用于指火器美国传统〔miss〕To fail to hit, reach, catch, meet, or otherwise make contact with.未击中、未达到、未赶上、未遇到或未接触到美国传统〔mortgage the/your future〕Some critics say that she has mortgaged her political future on a program that is likely to fail.一些批评者说她把自己的政治前途押在了一个很有可能失败的方案上。韦氏高阶〔odds〕The odds are that you are going to fail.你很可能会失败。柯林斯高阶〔odds〕The odds are that you are going to fail.你可能会失败。外研社新世纪〔only〕He worked hard only to fail.他努力工作,结果却失败了。文馨英汉〔oral〕I know I'm going to fail my German oral.我知道我的德语口试要不及格了。麦克米伦高阶〔override〕The bill now goes to the House where an override vote is expected to fail.该议案现在提交到众议院,在这里否决投票预计不会获得通过。柯林斯高阶〔predestine〕The plan was predestined to fail.这项计划注定要失败。英汉大词典〔renege〕Games To fail to follow suit in cards when able and required by the rules to do so.【游戏】 藏牌:在牌戏中能够并且根据规则必须跟牌时没有跟牌美国传统〔revoke〕To fail to follow suit in cards when required and able to do so.藏牌:需要时不跟同一套花色的牌,且能这样做时美国传统〔should〕If you were to fail again, I should feel very sorry.如果你再失败,我会感到非常遗憾。文馨英汉〔sit〕To fail to act.失败的表演美国传统〔skim〕Slang To fail to declare certain income to avoid tax payment.【俚语】 瞒报:为逃税而不去宣布一定的收入美国传统〔soon〕I don't want to speak too soon, but I know he is to fail.我并不想言之过早,不过我知道他必然要失败。英汉大词典〔spoiling tactic〕She hit out at the spoiling tactics of a group of MPs who deliberately caused a parliamentary bill to fail.她对一些议员故意捣乱使立法程序失败的行为进行攻击。剑桥高阶〔suspend〕To fail to make payments or meet obligations.没能偿付或履行义务美国传统〔unlikely〕Not promising; likely to fail.不一定有把握的:前景不妙的;可能会失败的美国传统As the rights issue is not fully underwritten, it is likely to fail if shares fall below 25 cents.由于配股未被全额认购,如果股价跌至 25 分以下,发行就可能终止。牛津商务He's bound to fail the exam if he doesn't do any revision.如果他不作任何复习,考试注定要失败。剑桥国际He's dreading his driving test--he's sure he's going to fail.他害怕驾驶测试----他想他一定通不过。剑桥国际My employer gave me no help when I started my new job--I was just left to sink or swim (= to fail or succeed by my own efforts, without help from others).在我开始新工作时,我的雇主没有提供帮助----只是靠我自己去挣扎。剑桥国际The army was put on full alert as the peace talks began to fail.当和平谈判开始失败时,军队处于高度戒备状态。剑桥国际The capital flight that followed the stock market crash caused several banks to fail.随着股市崩溃而来的资本外逃导致一些银行倒闭。牛津商务




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