

单词 to distribute
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CALL/DESCRIBE AS〕The program to distribute Thanksgiving turkeys was dubbed ‘Operation Gobble.’ 分发感恩节火鸡的计划被戏称为“咯咯行动”。朗文写作活用〔NEED/NECESSARY〕Many plants rely on birds to distribute their seeds. 许多植物依靠鸟儿传播种子。朗文写作活用〔SHARE〕The party's aim is to distribute power more evenly among the people. 该党的目标是把权力更平均地分给人民。朗文写作活用〔SHARE〕We must try to distribute the country's wealth so that we help those who need it most. 我们必须分配国家的财富,以帮助那些最有需要的人。朗文写作活用〔abandon〕The authorities have abandoned any attempt to distribute food.当局中止了分发食物的尝试。柯林斯高阶〔air〕The United Nations have been unable to distribute food around the country, other than by air.联合国还未能通过空运以外的途径把食品分发到全国各地。外研社新世纪〔allow〕The extra money allows them to distribute more aid.这笔额外的款项使他们能分发更多的援助物资。外研社新世纪〔base〕The Red Cross established a base to distribute supplies to flood victims in the area.红十字会设立了总部,以便把供应品分发给这个地区遭受水灾的灾民。英汉大词典〔coordinate〕A number of charities are coordinating their efforts to distribute food to the region.几家慈善机构通力协作为该地区分发食品。剑桥高阶〔deal〕To distribute (playing cards) among players.发牌美国传统〔deal〕Games To distribute playing cards.【游戏】 发牌美国传统〔deal〕The right or turn of a player to distribute the cards.发牌权或轮到…发牌美国传统〔decentralize〕To distribute the administrative functions or powers of (a central authority) among several local authorities.权力分散:在地方政权中分散(中央政权)的管理职能或权力美国传统〔deploy〕To distribute (persons or forces) systematically or strategically.部署:系统地或策略地分布(人员或力量)美国传统〔detangle〕Use a wide-toothed comb to distribute conditioner evenly and detangle your hair when it's wet.趁头发未干, 用宽齿梳均匀抹上护发素并理顺。外研社新世纪〔discretion〕The vicar was given power to distribute the money at his discretion.教区牧师有权按自己的意思分配这笔钱。英汉大词典〔disperse〕To distribute (particles) evenly throughout a medium.使粒子分散:(粒子)均匀分散在介质中美国传统〔distribute〕He'd been hired to distribute leaflets to people who passed by.他受雇向路人分发传单。韦氏高阶〔distribute〕Immediately after his election he began to distribute major offices among his friends and supporters.他当选后立即着手将要职分派给他的朋友和支持者们。柯林斯高阶〔distribute〕Soldiers are working to distribute food.士兵们正在努力分发食品。外研社新世纪〔distribute〕The company aims eventually to distribute (= supply for sale) its products throughout China.公司计划最终让产品行销中国各地。剑桥高阶〔distribute〕Thousands of soldiers are working to distribute food and blankets to the refugees.数以千计的士兵正在给难民们分发食物和毯子。柯林斯高阶〔distribute〕We didn't understand how difficult it was to distribute a national paper.我们不了解分销一份全国发行的报纸有多难。柯林斯高阶〔distributive〕Serving to distribute.用于分发的,用于分配的,用于分送的美国传统〔diversify〕To distribute (investments) among different companies or securities in order to limit losses in the event of a fall in a particular market or industry.多元化投资:把(资金)分投在几个不同的公司或安全保护机构,为了在特殊的市场或工业倒闭的情况下可减少损失美国传统〔feeder〕Any of the medium-voltage lines used to distribute electric power from a substation to consumers or to smaller substations.馈电线:任何用来将电力从变电站分送到用户或更小的变电站的电压导线美国传统〔feed〕To distribute (a local radio or television broadcast) to a larger audience or group of receivers by way of a network or satellite.传播:通过无线电或卫星将(地方电台或电视台广播)传送给更多的听众和观众或更大的接收群体美国传统〔hand〕To distribute freely; disseminate.随意分发;散布美国传统〔patronage〕The power to distribute or appoint people to governmental or political positions.授与职务的权力:分派或委任给某人政府职位或政治地位的权力美国传统〔picture〕Warner Communications Inc. has refused to distribute the picture in the United States.华纳通信公司已拒绝在美国发行这部电影。柯林斯高阶〔poor〕Local politicians used to distribute Thanksgiving turkeys to needy families.地方政客们过去常给穷人家分送感恩节火鸡。美国传统〔reapportion〕To distribute anew.重新分配美国传统〔recruit〕She recruited four friends to distribute food to the homeless with her.她动员了四个朋友和她一起向无家可归者发放食物。韦氏高阶〔redistribute〕To distribute again in a different way; reallocate.再分配:以不同方式再分配;重新分配美国传统〔result〕Take these pamphlets with you to distribute aboard ship. They may bring results.把这些小册子带到船上去发,它们可能产生积极的效果。英汉大词典〔sprinkle〕To distribute or intersperse at random.随意分配:星星点点地随机分布美国传统〔template〕A horizontal piece of stone or timber used to distribute weight or pressure, as over a door frame.承梁短板:如在门框上的用来分散重量或压力的一块水平的石头或木头美国传统The company aims eventually to distribute (= supply for sale) its products throughout the European Union.公司的目标是最终在全欧盟国家发售它的产品。剑桥国际The company bought the US rights to distribute the drug.这家公司购买了这一药品在美国的经销权。牛津商务The company intends to distribute new common stock to its old preferred shareholders.公司打算向旧有的优先股股东发行新的普通股。牛津商务We have exclusive rights to distribute the products in the UK.我们是这些产品的英国独家经销商。牛津商务We need a more cost-effective way to distribute our products.我们需要一种更具成本效益的方法来销售我们的产品。牛津商务




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