

单词 to design
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INSTRUCTIONS〕The architect's brief was to design an extension which would harmonize as much as possible with the existing building. 这位建筑师的指示是设计扩建部分并使之与现存的建筑尽量保持和谐。朗文写作活用〔PURPOSE〕The objective of this computer game is to design a city. 这个电脑游戏的目标是设计一座城市。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕It is difficult to design a program that will meet the diverse needs of all our users. 要设计出满足所有用户各种需求的程序是不容易的。朗文写作活用〔WAY〕Space scientists had to adopt a whole new approach to design and construction. 航天科学家在设计和建造方面必须采用一种全新的方法。朗文写作活用〔XML〕A metalanguage written in SGML that allows one to design a markup language, used to allow for the easy interchange of documents on the World Wide Web.XML语言,延伸标记语言:采用SGML语言(标准通用标记语言)格式并可设计标记语言的定义语言,藉此可在万维网上轻松交换文件美国传统〔assay〕Devices are sold separately for researchers who want to design their own assays.为方便那些想自行设计化验的研究者, 设备可单独出售。外研社新世纪〔brief〕The architect's brief is to design an extension that is modern but blends with the rest of the building.设计指令是,建筑物扩建部分的设计既要现代化,又要与其余的部分保持和谐。朗文当代〔catholic〕This year's entries demonstrate a catholic approach to design.今年的参赛作品展示出多式多样的设计方法。外研社新世纪〔commission〕They commissioned an architect to design the new library.他们委托一位建筑师设计这座新图书馆。21世纪英汉〔contract〕They're the firm of architects who won the contract to design the Museum of Fine Art extension.他们就是赢得国家美术馆扩建工程设计合同的那家建筑公司。剑桥高阶〔costume〕To design or furnish costumes for.为…设计或配备服装美国传统〔design〕They asked me to design a poster for the campaign.他们请我为这次运动设计一张海报。牛津高阶〔design〕They wanted to design a machine that was both attractive and practical.他们想设计一种既美观又实用的机械。柯林斯高阶〔design〕They wanted to design a machine that was both attractive and practical.他们想设计出既好看又实用的机器。外研社新世纪〔design〕We may be able to design a course to suit your particular needs.我们或许可以专门设计一门课程以满足你的特殊需求。柯林斯高阶〔design〕We need to design a new syllabus for the third year.我们需要为三年级学生制订一个新的课程大纲。牛津高阶〔enterprise〕We need someone with enterprise and imagination to design a marketing strategy.我们需要一位有进取心和创新精神的人来为我们制定市场战略。剑桥高阶〔example〕It is a classic example of how not to design a new city centre.这对于如何设计新市中心是个绝佳的反面教材。牛津高阶〔fiendishly〕A rather neat option allows you to design your own fiendish puzzle.只要干净利落地做一个选择,你就能自己设计出难以解开的谜题。柯林斯高阶〔garden〕We got someone to design the garden for us.我们请了人为我们设计花园。牛津搭配〔geometricize〕To design or form in geometric patterns or figures.以几何样式或图形设计或形成美国传统〔heretical〕I made the heretical suggestion that it might be cheaper to design new machines.我提出了当时被认为是旁门左道的建议, 认为设计新机器可能更省钱。外研社新世纪〔heretical〕I made the then heretical suggestion that it might be cheaper to design new machines.我提出了当时被认为是旁门左道的建议,说设计新机器可能更省钱。柯林斯高阶〔hire〕They hired a firm of consultants to design the new system.他们请了一家咨询公司来设计新的系统。牛津高阶〔illustrate〕The incident illustrates how difficult it is to design a safe system.这个事件说明, 设计一个安全系统是多么困难。外研社新世纪〔intend〕To design for a specific purpose.为特殊目的而设计美国传统〔pressurize〕To design to resist pressure.(设计)使…耐压美国传统〔program〕To design a program for; schedule the activities of.设计安排活动:为…设计程序;计划…的活动美国传统〔study〕He studied up on semi-conductors and tried to design the circuits for the new device.他悉心研究半导体,想为这个新装置设计电路。英汉大词典〔utopia〕We weren't out to design a contemporary utopia.我们并不是要设计一个现代乌托邦。柯林斯高阶〔way〕He's always gone his own way when it comes to design.在设计方面,他总是走他自己的路。牛津搭配He used to design software and then peddle it to small businesses.他过去常常设计软件然后卖给小企业。牛津商务In 1960, Pierre Cardin became the first couturier to design men's clothes. 1960 年皮埃尔·卡丹成为第一位设计高级男装的大师。剑桥国际It is now possible to design books/cars by computer.现在用计算机设计书/汽车是可能的。剑桥国际The standard costing system is helpful in creating a budget for a project to design, develop and manufacture a new product.标准成本制度有助于为新产品设计、开发和制造项目编制预算。牛津商务They attached too little importance to design and missed an important selling point in the export market.他们一点儿都不注重包装设计,丧失了在出口市场上吸引买主的重要特色。剑桥国际They have won a contract to design and build two new ships.他们已经争取到了设计和建造两条新船的合同。牛津商务They hired a firm of consultants to design the new system.他们临时雇用了一家顾问公司来设计这套新系统。牛津商务They use virtual reality systems to design and test building schemes.他们采用虚拟现实系统设计并测试建筑计划。牛津商务They're the firm of architects who won the contract to design the National Museum extension.他们是赢得了国家博物馆扩建工程设计合同的那家建筑行。剑桥国际We allow staff to design their own work schedules.我们让员工制订自己的工作时间表。牛津商务We do not have the technical know-how to design this type of structure.我们没有设计这种结构类型的技术诀窍。牛津商务We need someone with enterprise and imagination to design a marketing strategy.我们需要一个有冒险精神和想象力的人来设计营销策略。剑桥国际




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