

单词 bible
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Abba〕Bible In the New Testament, God.【圣经】 阿爸父:《新约》中的上帝美国传统〔Absalom〕In the Bible, a son of David who staged a revolt against his father's kingship and was defeated and killed in the ensuing battle.押沙龙:圣经中大卫的儿子,他策划了一起谋夺父皇王权的叛乱,在随后的搏斗中被击败并杀死美国传统〔Armageddon〕Bible The scene of a final battle between the forces of good and evil, prophesied to occur at the end of the world.【圣经】 世界末日的战争:预言将在世界末日出现的善恶力量最后决战的情景美国传统〔Azazel〕Bible In the Old Testament, the evil spirit in the wilderness to whom a scapegoat was sent on the Day of Atonement.【圣经】 阿撒泻勒:在《旧约全书》中,荒野中的恶魔,赎罪日那一天会给其送去替罪羊美国传统〔Belial〕Bible A personification of wickedness and ungodliness alluded to in the Old and New Testaments.【圣经】 彼勒:《旧约》和《新约》中邪恶和罪孽的化身美国传统〔Beulah〕Bible The land of Israel in the Old Testament.【圣经】 比乌拉:《旧约》中的以色列的国土美国传统〔Bible banger〕A Bible thumper.狂热宣讲的基督徒,过于严苛的基督徒美国传统〔Bible〕Bible a hotel 在宾馆里放《圣经》英汉大词典〔Bible〕King James Bible 钦译《圣经》(即基督教《圣经》的钦定英译本) 英汉大词典〔Bible〕The Koran is the Bible of the Moslems.《古兰经》是穆斯林教徒的圣经。英汉大词典〔Biblicist〕An expert on the Bible.《圣经》研究专家美国传统〔Biblicist〕One who interprets the Bible literally.对《圣经》进行文字上的翻译者美国传统〔COPY〕At school we often had to copy out whole chapters from the Bible. 学生时代,我们常常得整章整章地抄写《圣经》。朗文写作活用〔DV.〕Bible Douay Version.【圣经】 杜埃版本的英文本圣经美国传统〔Decalogue〕Bible The Ten Commandments.【圣经】 十诫美国传统〔Gideon〕A member of an interdenominational and international society known for placing Bibles in hotel rooms.吉迪恩:他是各教派和国际社会的成员,以把圣经放在旅馆的房间里而闻名美国传统〔Good Book〕The Bible.圣经美国传统〔Heb.〕Bible Hebrews.【圣经】 《希伯来书》美国传统〔JJ〕Bible Judges.【圣经】 (基督教《圣经·旧约全书中》的)《士师记》美国传统〔K〕Bible Kings.【圣经】 国王美国传统〔MONEY〕If I'm successful in raising over £500, those funds will go to the Bible School. 如果我成功地筹集到500英镑以上,这笔钱将送给圣经学校。朗文写作活用〔Mammon〕Bible Riches, avarice, and worldly gain personified as a false god in the New Testament.【圣经】 贪欲之神:新约圣经中将财富、贪欲和世俗追求人格化的一个凶神美国传统〔Moloch〕Bible In the Old Testament, the god of the Ammonites and Phoenicians to whom children were sacrificed.【圣经】 摩洛神:在旧约中亚们人和腓尼基人所信奉的神灵,用儿童向他献祭美国传统〔NAB〕New American Bible.新美国圣经美国传统〔NEB〕New English Bible.《新英文圣经》美国传统〔Natick〕The variety of Massachusett presumed to have been spoken in the mission town of Natick, Massachusetts, and used in the Massachusett Bible.内蒂克语:马萨诸塞语的分支,认定为曾在内蒂克,马萨诸塞传教镇说过,在马萨诸塞圣经上用过美国传统〔Noachian〕Bible Of or relating to Noah or his time.【圣经】 诺亚的,诺亚时代的:属于或关于祖先诺亚的或祖先诺亚时代的美国传统〔Potiphar〕In the Bible, an officer of the Pharaoh who bought Joseph as a slave and later imprisoned him when Potiphar's wife falsely accused Joseph of rape.波提乏:圣经中埃及法老的护卫长,把约瑟买来当奴隶,随后其妻诬告约瑟强暴时波提乏把约瑟关进监狱美国传统〔Promised Land〕Bible The land of Canaan, promised by the Lord to Abraham's descendants in the Old Testament.【圣经】 应许之地:在《旧约》里上帝许诺给亚伯拉罕的后代的迦南美国传统〔Prov.〕Bible Proverbs.【圣经】 《箴言》美国传统〔Pr〕Bible Proverbs.【圣经】 格言,警句美国传统〔REMEMBER〕Wesley would pray for hours and memorize large sections of the Bible. 韦斯利会祷告好几小时,并把《圣经》大段大段地记住。朗文写作活用〔Rom.〕Bible Romans.【圣经】 罗马书美国传统〔SHORT〕The book contains many of the most popular stories from the Bible in shortened form. 这本书里有许多经过缩略的最广为流传的圣经故事。朗文写作活用〔SIMPLE〕It would be simplistic to suggest that the Bible promotes male domination. 说《圣经》提倡男权统治未免太过简单。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕If I'm successful in raising over £500, those funds will go to the Bible School. 如果我能筹到500英镑,这笔钱就归圣经学校。朗文写作活用〔Semite〕Bible A descendant of Shem.【圣经】 闪的后裔美国传统〔according〕According to the Bible ...根据圣经…文馨英汉〔affirm〕Of 63 Opposition MPs sworn in, 30 opted to affirm rather than swear an oath on the Bible.在宣誓就职的63名反对党议员中, 有30人选择发表确认声明, 而非手按《圣经》起誓。外研社新世纪〔agrapha〕The sayings of Jesus not in the Bible.耶稣言论:耶稣未见于圣经的言论美国传统〔alternative〕The Hobbit became a bible for the alternative society.《霍比特人》这本书成了非传统社会的宝典。外研社新世纪〔angel〕According to the Bible, an angel told Mary that she would have God's son, Jesus.据《圣经》所述,一位天使告知马利亚她将生下上帝之子耶稣。剑桥高阶〔antediluvian〕Occurring or belonging to the era before the Flood written about in the Bible.大洪水以前的:发生或属于《圣经》中记载的大洪水以前的美国传统〔anthem〕A sacred composition set to words from the Bible.赞美诗,圣歌:从圣经中取词而谱的圣歌美国传统〔apocalypse〕Apocalypse Abbr. Apoc.Bible The Book of Revelation. Apocalypse 缩写 Apoc.【圣经】 启示录美国传统〔apocryphal〕Apocryphal Abbr. Apoc.Bible Of or having to do with the Apocrypha. Apocryphal 缩写 Apoc.【圣经】 次经的:次经的或有关次经的美国传统〔approach〕He decided to adopt a different approach and teach the Bible through story-telling.他决定采用一种不同的方法,通过讲故事来教授《圣经》。朗文当代〔ark〕Bible In the Old Testament, the boat built by Noah for survival during the Flood.【圣经】 方舟:旧约中,诺亚为避洪水而造的船美国传统〔began〕The Bible begins with Genesis.《圣经》以《创世记》为首卷。21世纪英汉〔beget〕In the Bible it says that Adam begat Cain and Abel.《圣经》中说亚当生了该隐和亚伯。剑桥高阶〔beget〕In the Bible,Isaac begat Jacob.《圣经》中记载,以撒生了雅各。21世纪英汉〔behemoth〕Often Behemoth Bible A huge animal, possibly the hippopotamus, described in the Old Testament. 常作 Behemoth 【圣经】 巨兽:在旧约中描述的巨大动物,可能是河马美国传统〔believe in〕I don't believe in everything the Bible says.我不相信《圣经》中的每一句话。21世纪英汉〔believe〕Do you believe in everything the Bible says? 你相信《圣经》中的每句话吗?英汉大词典〔bible〕Her parents gave her a bible when she was a young child.当她还是小孩时,她父母就给了她一本《圣经》。剑桥高阶〔bible〕In the Bible it says that Adam and Eve were the first human beings.《圣经》中写道,亚当和夏娃是人类的祖先。剑桥高阶〔bible〕Our teacher told us that this textbook should be our bible.老师告诉我们,这本教科书我们应该奉为经典。麦克米伦高阶〔bible〕She gave each of her grandchildren a Bible.她送给她的孙辈每人一本《圣经》。韦氏高阶〔bible〕The Bible teaches that all people are equal before God.《圣经》教导说,在上帝面前人人平等。牛津搭配〔bible〕The book is famous among foodies—it's the gourmet's bible.这本书在美食家中享有盛名,被奉为宝典。韦氏高阶〔bible〕The magazine is now considered the bible of the plastics industry.这本杂志现在被认为是塑料工业的圣典。韦氏高阶〔bible〕Vogue magazine quickly became the bible of fashionable women.《时尚》杂志很快就成了时尚女性的必读宝典。剑桥高阶〔bible〕You can read the story of Noah in the Bible.你能在《圣经》里读到挪亚的故事。牛津搭配〔biblical〕Abbr. bib.,Bib.,bibl.,Bibl.Of, relating to, or contained in the Bible.缩写 bib.,Bib.,bibl.,Bibl.《圣经》的:《圣经》的、与之相关的或包含于其的美国传统〔biblical〕Suggestive of the personages or times depicted in the Bible.《圣经》时代的:与圣经中描写的人或时代有关的美国传统〔biblical〕Suggestive of the prose or narrative style of the King James Bible.圣经钦定英译本中的散文或叙述风格的美国传统〔bibliolatry〕Excessive adherence to a literal interpretation of the Bible.圣经崇拜:对《圣经》文字解释的极度忠实美国传统〔bibliomancy〕Divination by interpretation of a passage chosen at random from a book, especially the Bible.圣经占卜:从一本书中随意选取的一段预言性释义,尤指从圣经中美国传统〔book〕Book The Bible. Book 圣经美国传统〔canon〕The books of the Bible officially accepted as Holy Scripture.真经:被官方接受为圣经的圣经篇目美国传统〔canticle〕Canticles Bible The Song of Songs. Canticles 【圣经】 所罗门之歌美国传统〔carve〕The oak chest was carved with scenes from the Bible.橡木柜上雕刻着《圣经》故事中的场面。英汉大词典〔chapter and verse〕Bible A specific passage.【圣经】 特定段落美国传统〔christian〕Boyle was a devout Christian and an enthusiastic student of the Bible.博伊尔是个虔诚的基督徒,热衷于研究《圣经》。牛津搭配〔class〕I missed Bible class last week.上周我缺席了一节《圣经》课。朗文当代〔cleaning〕He became a model of clean living and Bible Belt virtues.他成了洁身自好、恪守“圣经地带”德行的典范。柯林斯高阶〔conflict〕His views on the literal truth of the Bible brought him into conflict with other Christian leaders.他对于《圣经》所述的真实性方面的观点使他与其他的基督教领袖发生了冲突。朗文当代〔covenant〕In the Bible, God's promise to the human race.约:《圣经》中,上帝对人类的承诺美国传统〔create〕The Bible says that God created the world.《圣经》上说是上帝创造了世界。剑桥高阶〔creation science〕An effort to give scientific proof for the account of the creation of the universe given at the beginning of the Bible.特创研究,创世研究:为《圣经》篇首给出的创造宇宙的叙述提供科学依据的研究美国传统〔creationism〕The position that the account of the creation of the universe given at the beginning of the Bible is literally true.特创论,创世论:认为《圣经》篇首给出的创造宇宙的叙述是真实无误的学说美国传统〔criticism〕Detailed investigation of the origin and history of literary documents, such as the Bible.考证:对文学文献如《圣经》的出处和历史的详细调查美国传统〔deluge〕Deluge Bible In the Old Testament, the great flood that occurred in the time of Noah. Deluge 【圣经】 大洪水:在旧约全书中,特指在诺亚时代发生的大洪水美国传统〔diligently〕He read the Bible even more diligently.他甚至更加勤勉地研读圣经。文馨英汉〔disbelieve〕She disbelieves in the Bible.她怀疑《圣经》上的话。英汉大词典〔earth〕The Bible says the meek will inherit the earth.《圣经》上说,温顺的人必承受地土。牛津搭配〔embossed〕She was given a Bible embossed with her name.她得到了一本凸印有她的名字的《圣经》。朗文当代〔excerpt〕Today's reading is excerpted from the Bible.今天阅读的材料摘自《圣经》。21世纪英汉〔extract from〕Today's reading is extracted from the Bible.今天阅读的材料摘自《圣经》。21世纪英汉〔family Bible〕A Bible with special pages to record births, deaths, and marriages.家庭用圣经:有特殊记录的圣经,通常记录有出生、死亡和婚姻美国传统〔firstborn〕In the Hebrew Bible, the firstborn son is the one who inherits his father's position as head of the family.根据《希伯来圣经》,长子是继承父亲家庭首领位置的人。剑桥高阶〔god〕We believe that the Bible is the word of God .我们相信《圣经》是上帝的话语。朗文当代〔gospel〕Gospel Bible One of the first four books of the New Testament, describing the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and recording his teaching. Gospel 【圣经】 福音书:新约圣经的前四本书之一,记载了耶稣的生平、死亡、复活和他的教导美国传统〔go〕Thus goes the Bible.圣经上这样写著。文馨英汉〔grace〕In such moments the Bible becomes sacramental, a means of grace and mediator of the sacred.此时此刻, 《圣经》成了圣物, 是神的佑护, 是神圣的中保。外研社新世纪〔holy writ〕Often Holy Writ The Bible. 常作 Holy Writ 圣经美国传统〔hyssop〕An unidentified plant mentioned in the Bible as the source of twigs used for sprinkling in certain Hebraic purificatory rites.一种不知名的植物,在《圣经》中作为希伯来某些斋戒仪式中使用的树枝被提及美国传统〔image〕According to the Bible, man was made in the image of God.据《圣经》说,人是按照上帝的模样创造出来的。朗文当代〔improvisation〕Uncle Richard intoned a chapter from the Bible and improvised a prayer.理查德叔叔吟诵了《圣经》中的一章,又即兴作了一段祈祷文。柯林斯高阶〔improvise〕Uncle Richard intoned a chapter from the Bible and improvised a prayer.理查德叔叔吟诵了《圣经》中的一章, 又即兴作了一段祈祷文。外研社新世纪〔interpretation〕It is difficult for many people to accept a literal interpretation of the Bible.很多人觉得难以接受对圣经的字面诠释。剑桥高阶〔interpretation〕The Catholic interpretation of the Bible is slightly different.天主教对《圣经》的阐释略微有些不同。麦克米伦高阶〔it〕It says in the Bible that ...圣经上说…文馨英汉〔judge〕Bible To govern; rule. Used of an ancient Israelite leader.【圣经】 统治,治理:管理;统治。用在指古代犹太士师时美国传统〔lend〕The Bible lends itself to various interpretations.《圣经》有不同的阐释美国传统〔lesson〕Often Lesson A reading from the Bible or other sacred text as part of a religious service. 常作 Lesson (圣经)选读:作为宗教仪式的一部分而从《圣经》或其它宗教正文中选出一段宣读美国传统〔leviathan〕Bible A monstrous sea creature mentioned in the Old Testament.【圣经】 海中怪兽:《旧约》中提到的海中怪物美国传统〔lie〕She turned back to the Bible lying open in her lap.她的注意力又回到了膝头翻开的《圣经》上面。外研社新世纪〔literally〕She takes the Bible literally.她是从字面上去理解《圣经》的。朗文当代〔mankind〕According to the Bible, the whole of mankind is descended from Adam.据《圣经》记载,全人类都是亚当的后代。牛津搭配〔manna〕Bible In the Old Testament, the food miraculously provided for the Israelites in the wilderness during their flight from Egypt.【圣经】 吗哪:在旧约中奇迹般出现的食物,提供给从埃及逃出在荒凉的沙漠中游荡的以色列人美国传统〔oath〕The witness placed her hand on the Bible and took the oath (= promised to tell the truth).证人将手放在《圣经》上,起誓要讲真话。剑桥高阶〔open〕He opened the heavy Bible.他打开那本厚厚的《圣经》。外研社新世纪〔part〕The Bible tells the story of how God parted the Red Sea.《圣经》讲述了上帝如何将红海分开的故事。韦氏高阶〔passage〕He quoted a passage from the Bible.他引用了《圣经》中的一段话。韦氏高阶〔passage〕He read out a short passage from the Bible.他朗读了《圣经》里的一小段。朗文当代〔polyglot〕A book, especially a Bible, containing several versions of the same text in different languages.多种文字对照本:包含同一文本的几种语言版本的书,尤其指《圣经》美国传统〔polyglot〕She was reading a polyglot bible, with the text in English, Latin and Greek.她在看一本多种文字对照的《圣经》,经文由英语、拉丁语和希腊语写成。剑桥高阶〔press〕The minister pressed a bible into his hand.牧师把一本《圣经》塞进他手里。麦克米伦高阶〔quote〕He quoted a short passage from the Bible.他引用了《圣经》里的一小段内容。朗文当代〔quote〕He quotes from the Bible frequently.他经常摘引《圣经》中的句子。韦氏高阶〔quote〕He quotes the Bible frequently.他经常摘引《圣经》中的句子。韦氏高阶〔quote〕He's always quoting from the Bible.他总是引用《圣经》上的话。剑桥高阶〔quote〕They quoted from the Bible.他们引用了《圣经》里的话。牛津搭配〔rake〕He raked out of the box an old family Bible.他在箱子里翻出一本旧的家用《圣经》。英汉大词典〔rod〕Bible A line of family descent; a branch of a tribe.【圣经】 血统:家族;部落的一支美国传统〔say〕Jung believed that God speaks to us in dreams. The Bible says so too.荣格认为上帝在梦中和我们交谈。圣经上也如是说。柯林斯高阶〔say〕The Bible says, "Thou shalt not kill." 圣经说,「不可杀人。」文馨英汉〔score〕The Bible states that the life of man is three score and ten.《圣经》中说人的寿命是70年。柯林斯高阶〔seduce〕According to the Bible, Eve was seduced by the serpent.据《圣经》记载,夏娃受了蛇的引诱。英汉大词典〔seed〕According to the Bible we are all the seed of Adam.据《圣经》载,我们都是亚当的后代。英汉大词典〔shittah〕A tree, probably a species of acacia, that was a source of a wood mentioned frequently in the Bible.塞伊耳相思树:一种圣经中作为一种木材来源而经常提到的树,可能是金合欢树的一个品种美国传统〔sin〕As a mother, I sinned. I read the bibles of child development and still used to leave my children at playschool without saying goodbye.作为母亲, 我做得不对。虽然读了各种有关儿童发展的权威书籍, 还是经常连声再见都不说就把孩子留在了幼儿游戏班。外研社新世纪〔sin〕The Bible says that stealing is a sin.《圣经》上说偷盗有罪。牛津高阶〔somewhere〕You will find the text somewhere in the Bible.你可在《圣经》中的某处找到这段经文。英汉大词典〔studiable〕He can fluently study The Bible from Z to A.他能倒背如流地背诵整部《圣经》。21世纪英汉〔swear〕He made her swear on the Bible that she wouldn't leave him.他让她手按《圣经》发誓不会离开他。牛津搭配〔swear〕In some countries, witnesses in court have to swear on the Bible.在有些国家,出庭证人必须手按《圣经》宣誓。剑桥高阶〔swear〕She swore on the Bible.她手按圣经发誓。文馨英汉〔swear〕Witnesses have to swear on the Bible.证人须手按《圣经》宣誓。朗文当代〔swear〕Witnesses were required to swear on the Bible.证人须手按《圣经》宣誓。牛津高阶〔take〕The book takes its title from the Bible.该书书名得自于《圣经》美国传统〔take〕The writer took a verse from the Bible.作者从《圣经》中摘录了一个短句。21世纪英汉〔talk〕As it says in the Bible, my cup is running over. Talking of which, I must get you a cup of tea.正如《圣经》所说,给我恩赐太多了,我的杯子已经满满当当了。说到杯子,我得去给你倒杯茶来。柯林斯高阶〔teaching〕He followed the teachings of the Bible on this subject.他在这个问题上遵从《圣经》教义。牛津搭配〔testament〕Testament Abbr. T.,Test.Bible Either of the two main divisions of the Bible. Testament 缩写 T.,Test.【圣经】 新旧约全书:圣经的两个主要部分之一美国传统〔translate〕Martin Luther translated the Bible into German.马丁·路德把《圣经》译成了德语。柯林斯高阶〔translate〕The Bible has been translated into more than 100 languages.《圣经》已被翻译成100多种语言。麦克米伦高阶〔verse〕One of the numbered subdivisions of a chapter in the Bible.圣经中的节:圣经章节中多个小节之一美国传统〔version〕Often Version A translation of the entire Bible or a part of it. 常作 Version 译本:整个圣经的或者部分的译文美国传统〔whoredom〕Bible Unfaithfulness to God; idolatry.【圣经】 邪神崇拜:对上帝的不忠;偶像崇拜美国传统〔wing〕Seraphim are represented in the Bible as the celestial beings with 3 pairs of wings.《圣经》中所描绘的撒拉弗是长着3对翅膀的天使。英汉大词典〔wisdom〕Wisdom Bible Wisdom of Solomon. Wisdom 【圣经】 所罗门智训美国传统〔word〕The Scriptures; the Bible.圣书;圣经美国传统Bible -reading classes are held in the church hall every Thursday evening.读经班每星期四晚上在教堂大厅举行。剑桥国际According to the Bible, an angel told Mary that she would have God's son Jesus.据圣经所述,一位天使告知玛丽亚,说她将生下上帝之子耶稣。剑桥国际Dr Carey said that evangelicalism tended to distrust critical scholarship, preferring to cling to traditional interpretations of the Bible.凯里博士说福音主义倾向于不信任批判性学术研究,而是爱紧守传统的圣经释义。剑桥国际He studies the Bible every day.他每天学习《圣经》。剑桥国际He used to give out the bibles and hymn books in church.他过去曾在教堂里散发《圣经》和《赞美诗集》。剑桥国际He's always quoting from the Bible.他总是引用《圣经》上的话。剑桥国际Her parents gave her a bible when she was a young child.当她还是小孩时她父母就给了她一本《圣经》。剑桥国际I can't accept literal interpretations of Bible stories like Adam and Eve.我不能接受对诸如亚当和夏娃这类圣经故事的字面诠释。剑桥国际In his speech, he referred to the Bible several times. 他在演说中好几次提到圣经。译典通In some countries, witnesses in court have to swear on the Bible.在某些国家证人出庭作证必须手按《圣经》宣誓。剑桥国际It is difficult for many people to accept a literal interpretation of the Bible.很多人觉得难以接受对圣经的字面诠释。剑桥国际Judaism is based on the Torah, which is the Old Testament of the Bible, and the Talmud.犹太教是在《律法书》,即《圣经旧约》和《塔木德经》的基础上建立的。剑桥国际Literature tends to be very allusive, with Greek and Roman mythology, the Bible and Shakespeare being echoed over and over again.文学趋于引经据典,希腊和罗马神话,圣经与莎士比亚的作品都在被一遍又一遍地引用着。剑桥国际Muslims follow the teachings of the Koran, and Christians follow those of the Bible.穆斯林遵循《古兰经》的教义,基督徒听从《圣经》的训诲。剑桥国际She was reading a polyglot bible, with the text in English, Latin and Greek.她在看一本数种文字对照的《圣经》,经文由英语,拉丁语和希腊语写成。剑桥国际The Bible says that God created the world.圣经上说是上帝创造了世界。剑桥国际The Bible says to requite evil with good. 圣经要人们以德报怨。译典通The New Testament of the Bible was written in Greek.圣经的新约全书是用希腊文写的。剑桥国际The Scriptures say (= The Bible says) that the love of money is the root of all evil.圣经上说,贪财是一切罪恶的根源。剑桥国际The church's new pastor, the Rev. Gary Hollingsworth, will lead the congregation in two services and two Bible study sessions.教堂新来的牧师,加里·霍利斯沃斯,将主持全体教徒的两次礼拜活动和两次《圣经》讨论会。剑桥国际The minister quoted from the Bible. 牧师引用《圣经》的语句。译典通The press was granted a royal charter to print Bibles.这个出版社被授予皇家特许状,可以印刷圣经。剑桥国际The witness placed her hand on the Bible and took the oath (= promised to tell the truth).这个证人把她的手放在《圣经》上,起誓要说真话。剑桥国际They refused to swear on a Bible. 他们拒绝手按《圣经》发誓。译典通This is a quote from the Bible. 这是引自《圣经》的语句。译典通Vogue magazine quickly became the bible of fashionable women.时尚杂志很快就成为时髦妇女的“圣经”。剑桥国际Western culture has been molded by the Bible. 西方文化的形成受到《圣经》的巨大影响。译典通




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