

单词 to be called
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASK〕Eventually the teenager's behaviour got so bad that the police had to be called in. 最后,这名少年的行为变得非常恶劣,只得请警察出面了。朗文写作活用〔NAME〕It was scarcely big enough to be called a school - it was more like a garage. 这样的规模简直不能称之为学校—那更像是一个车库。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕The hunt for the missing boy had to be called off because of severe weather conditions. 由于天气恶劣,寻找失踪男孩的行动不得不终止。朗文写作活用〔WOMAN〕Would you prefer to be called Mrs or Ms Cawley? 你喜欢被称作考利太太还是考利女士?朗文写作活用〔answer to〕My uncle's real name is “Edwin,” but he doesn't answer to that name. He prefers to be called “Ed.” 我叔叔的真名是埃德温但他不愿别人那样叫他,他更愿意被叫作埃德。韦氏高阶〔call out〕Factory workers are expected to be called out on strike if a new contract isn't signed by tomorrow.如果明天之内不签署新合同,工人可能会奉命举行罢工。韦氏高阶〔call up〕He is likely to be called up for Thursday's match against Italy.他有可能被选中参加星期四对意大利的比赛。柯林斯高阶〔call up〕He is likely to be called up for Thursday's match against Italy.他有可能被召入队中参加星期四对意大利队的比赛。外研社新世纪〔call up〕I was extremely lucky not to be called up to fight in the last war.我极为幸运未被征召去参加上一场战争。外研社新世纪〔call〕Do you want to be called Miss or Ms? 你愿意被称为小姐还是女士?朗文当代〔call〕I prefer to be called by my middle name.我喜欢别人叫我的中间名。朗文当代〔compliment〕We consider it a compliment to be called 'conservative'.我们认为被称作“保守分子”是对我们的一种赞赏。柯林斯高阶〔compliment〕We consider it a compliment to be called 'conservative'.我们认为被称作“保守”是一种赞美。外研社新世纪〔control〕Police had to be called in to control the crowds.只好把警察叫来控制人群。朗文当代〔departure〕We sat in the departure lounge waiting for our flight to be called.我们坐在候机室里等待我们航班的登机通知。牛津搭配〔easy〕Not wanting to be called an easy marker, the teacher graded the essays severely.不想被人看成是一个判分很松的人,于是老师便严格地给文章打分。美国传统〔expectancy〕Tense with expectancy, I waited for my name to be called.我紧张而满怀期望地等着我的名字被叫到美国传统〔fish〕The movie is neither fish nor fowl—it's not really a comedy, but it's too lighthearted to be called a drama.这部电影不伦不类——既不是真正的喜剧片,又过于轻松欢快,称不上正剧。韦氏高阶〔habit〕It is a tradition in his family for all first-born males to be called Peter.他家族的传统是每个长子都叫彼得。朗文当代〔irresponsible〕Not liable to be called to account by a higher authority.无需对更高一级权力负责的美国传统〔irresponsible〕One who is unlikely to be called to account by a higher authority.不被列入考虑的人:不大可能被要求向更高一级权力负责的人美国传统〔listen〕Listen out for your name to be called.请留心听好自己的名字被叫到。英汉大词典〔mob〕The police had to be called in to handle/disperse the growing/gathering mob.必须叫警察来驱散越聚越多的暴民。韦氏高阶〔nervous〕I got very nervous waiting for my turn to be called.在等着叫我时我变得非常紧张。麦克米伦高阶〔off〕The race may have to be called off if the bad weather continues.如果恶劣的天气持续下去的话,比赛可能会取消。朗文当代〔old-fashioned〕When she was very young, she was remarkably grown up – what used to be called an 'old-fashioned' child.她很小的时候就非常老成了——用过去的话说就是“小大人”。外研社新世纪〔strike zone〕The area over home plate through which a pitch must pass to be called a strike, roughly between the batter's armpits and knees.好球部位:本垒上的一区域,所投球必须通过此区域后被叫做一好球,大致位于击球员的腋窝与膝盖之间美国传统〔wait〕Take a seat and wait for your name to be called.请坐下,等着叫你的名字。韦氏高阶Britain's best-known ticket tout, or “ticket broker” as he prefers to be called, once boasted that he could get you tickets for anything.英国最著名的票贩子,或者按他自己比较喜欢的称呼说“票务经纪人”,曾经夸口说他能为你搞到任何票。剑桥国际Bushes and shrubs are often the same plants, but tend to be called ‘shrubs’ when they are intentionally cultivated in gardens and ‘bushes’ when they grow wild or in an uncontrolled way.野生灌木和庭栽灌木通常是同一种植物,当它们特意被种植在花园里时,称作“庭栽灌木”,当长在野外或不受限制地生长时,称作“野生灌木”。剑桥国际The Pope took the first step towards canonizing the priest yesterday by announcing that he was entitled to be called Venerable.教皇昨天宣布赋予那牧师“尊敬的”称号,为将他列为圣徒迈出了第一步。剑桥国际




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