

单词 the other
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MAKE FUN OF〕The other kids poked fun at him, saying his mother dressed him like a girl. 其他孩子取笑他,说他母亲把他打扮得像个女孩子。朗文写作活用〔Mercury〕Roman Mythology A god that served as messenger to the other gods and was himself the god of commerce, travel, and thievery.【罗马神话】 墨丘利神:各路神灵的使者,其本身是商业、旅行及盗窃的守护神美国传统〔Panchen Lama〕One of Tibet's two grand lamas, the other being the Dalai Lama.班禅喇嘛:西藏的两大喇嘛之一,另一位是达赖喇嘛美国传统〔SELL〕Britain's total exports to the other EU member states now exceed imports. 现在英国对其他欧盟成员国的出口总量超过了进口量。朗文写作活用〔SHORT〕Mr Smart's on the other line, can he call you back in a second? 斯马特先生在听另一个电话,叫他过一会儿打给你好吗?朗文写作活用〔THANK〕Many thanks for your letter of the other day. 非常感谢前些天你的来信。朗文写作活用〔TRAVEL〕One day he took an excursion to the other end of the island for a change of scene. 有一天他想看一下别的景色,于是去了岛的另一边游玩。朗文写作活用〔a cut above〕She's a cut above the other competitors and should win easily.她比其他参赛选手技高一筹,赢得比赛应该轻而易举。韦氏高阶〔add up〕We just added all the numbers up and divided one by the other.我们只是把所有的数字相加然后用一个除以另一个。外研社新世纪〔admit〕He refused to admit to the other charges.他拒不承认其他指控。牛津高阶〔advantage〕Being tall gave him an advantage over the other players.他个子高,比其他运动员有利。牛津高阶〔agenda〕He wants to push/promote his own agenda no matter what the others say.不管别人怎么说,他都要推进自己的计划。韦氏高阶〔align〕This pillar is roughly aligned with the others.这根柱子和其他柱子大致成一条直线。牛津搭配〔belong〕These papers belong with the others.这些报纸应该和其他的放在一起。剑桥高阶〔check〕They paused to check how the other climbers were getting on.他们停下来看看其他的登山者进展如何。朗文当代〔day〕I saw your teacher the other day.前几天我看到你的老师。文馨英汉〔each〕When you run, each foot leaves the ground before the other comes down.奔跑时,你的一只脚在另一只脚着地之前就离开了地面。剑桥高阶〔embedded〕I think that hatred of the other is deeply embedded in our society.我觉得对异己的仇恨在我们的社会中根深蒂固。柯林斯高阶〔fault〕The party at fault in a court case usually pays the other party's legal costs.在诉讼案件中,有过错的一方通常要为另一方支付诉讼费。牛津搭配〔few〕I think a good few of the others were like me, a bit confused.我觉得其他人中不少都像我一样,有点迷惑不解。柯林斯高阶〔funny〕A funny thing happened to me the other day.那天我碰上了一件怪事。韦氏高阶〔good〕I heard a good joke the other day.几天前我听到个有趣的笑话。韦氏高阶〔harmonize〕The new offices harmonize with the other buildings in the area.这些新办公楼和这一地区的其他大楼看上去很协调。朗文当代〔impose〕It was noticeable how a few people managed to impose their will on the others.显而易见,有少数几个人设法把自己的意志强加于别人。牛津高阶〔it〕They played hide-and-seek; Susan was “It” and the others scattered to hide.他们玩捉迷藏,苏珊做“捉人者”,其他人四下散开找地方躲起来。英汉大词典〔losable〕He lost the other runners from the very beginning of the race.他从比赛一开始就将其他选手甩到后面去了。21世纪英汉〔manual〕According to the manual, the wires should be the other way around.根据手册,电线应该反过来接。牛津搭配〔mock〕The other children mocked her, laughing behind their hands.其他孩子学她的样子,用手捂着嘴笑。牛津高阶〔other〕We moved from one side of town to the other.我们从镇子的一头搬到了另一头。韦氏高阶〔out〕Mary felt out of it as she watched the others set out on picnic.当玛丽看到别人出发去野餐时,因自己未被邀参加而感到难过。英汉大词典〔pick pockets〕One of the boys distracted her while the other picked her pocket.其中一个男孩转移她的注意力,另一个偷她的东西。韦氏高阶〔pile on〕After the first few negative reviews, all the other critics started piling on.最初的几个负面评论出现之后,其他的评论家都开始随声附和。韦氏高阶〔pile〕The little girl piled one paper box on top of the other.小女孩把一个纸箱子堆叠在另一个之上。21世纪英汉〔play off〕He played one side off against the other.他离间双方。韦氏高阶〔step〕The distance traversed by moving one foot ahead of the other.一步的距离:放置一脚在另一脚前面跨过的距离美国传统〔street〕He was streets ahead of the other contestants.他比其他参赛选手水平高出一大截。柯林斯高阶〔tally〕One twin is the tally of the other.双胞胎的一个与另一个长得一模一样。英汉大词典〔turn〕To shift the position of, as by rolling from one side to the other.翻滚:改变位置,似乎通过从一边到另一边滚动美国传统〔way〕A big Mercedes was coming the other way (=from the opposite direction) .一辆很大的梅塞德斯汽车正从对面开来。朗文当代〔way〕Try it the other way around.倒过来试试。牛津搭配〔zero-sum〕The stock market is now a zero-sum game, in which one party gains what the other loses.股市现在是一种零和游戏,有人赚就有人赔。剑桥高阶As it leaves the village, the road climbs steeply up the mountain and down the other side.在离开村庄后,这条路顺着山坡陡然向上,然后在山的另一边向下延伸。剑桥国际Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations (= the arrangement between two countries by which each has representatives in the other country).英国威胁要断绝外交关系。剑桥国际Hold the racquet in one hand and the ball in the other.一只手拿球拍,另一只手拿球。剑桥国际I got an angry letter from my bank manager (= the person in charge of a bank) the other day.前几天我从银行行长处收到一封气愤的信。剑桥国际Small businesses make up 59% of industry in the region, while at the other end of the scale, 2% employ over 500 people.小企业占该地区企业总数的 59%,而在另一端,2% 的大企业雇员人数却超过 500 人。牛津商务The ball carried high into the air and landed the other side of the fence.球飞得很高,落在了栅栏的另一边。剑桥国际The commentary on the Olympic games was much better on the other channel.另一个频道对奥运会的实况报导要好得多。剑桥国际This cable should have a plug at one end and a socket at the other.这根电缆的一端该有插头,另一端则该有插座。剑桥国际Walking past the people sleeping in doorways and boxes, we were left in no doubt about how the other half lives.从睡在门口和箱子里的人们身边走过,我们确切无疑地知道了穷人们是怎样生活的。剑桥国际




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