

单词 the operative word
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔operative word〕If I go, I will bring a salad. “If,” however, is the operative word, since I am not sure that I can go.如果我去,我会带份沙拉回来。不过,“如果”是这句话的关键词,因为我并不确定我是否能去。韦氏高阶〔operative〕The operative word in this sentence is “sometimes”.这句句子中的关键词是“sometimes”。英汉大词典〔operative〕A small dram of whisky may be prescribed by doctors for those over 60 to help them sleep. It is vital though to emphasize that 'small' is the operative word.医生可以建议60岁以上的老人少量地喝点威士忌以改善睡眠,然而至关重要的是必须强调“少量”这个关键词。柯林斯高阶〔operative〕As long as the operative word is 'greed', you can't count on people keeping the costs down.只要“贪婪”仍是一切的出发点,就别指望人们会降低成本。柯林斯高阶〔operative〕I was in love with her—‘was’ being the operative word.在 I was in love with her 这句话中,was 是关键词。牛津高阶〔operative〕The new system offers fast solutions. Fast being the operative word.这一新体系能够提供快速的解决办法。“快速”一词为关键词。朗文当代〔operative〕When I say “come quickly”, the operative word is “quickly”.我说“快来”, 关键的字是“快”。牛津同义词〔the operative word〕He was a painter - "was" being the operative word, since he died last week.他曾经是位画家——“曾经”是关键词,因为他上周去世了。剑桥高阶〔word〕He seemed nice. But 'seemed' was the operative word.他好像还不错吧。不过“好像”二字是关键词。牛津搭配Inside the house there were more statues--‘more’being the operative word, I've never seen so many in one place.在房子里有更多的雕塑----“更多”是关键字,我从未在一个地方见过这么多。剑桥国际




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