

单词 te
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(as) regular as clockwork〕He calls me every day at ten, as regular as clockwork.他每天十点钟给我打电话,非常准时。剑桥高阶〔ABOUT/APPROXIMATELY〕How can you be tired? You slept for ten hours or more last night. 你怎么会累呢?昨晚你可睡了十多个小时。朗文写作活用〔BEGINNING〕Rangers scored early in the game but fell behind within ten minutes. 流浪者队在比赛初期取得入球,但10分钟后落后了。朗文写作活用〔BUSY/NOT BUSY〕It's all go around here this morning. Ten new orders, all marked "URGENT'. 今天上午这里真忙个不停。来了十张新订单,上面都标着“紧急”的字样。朗文写作活用〔CONVENIENT〕Ten o'clock is good for me. How about you? 10点钟我没问题,你呢?朗文写作活用〔DAMAGE〕Allowing for normal wear and tear, a washing machine should last at least ten years. 在正常损耗的情况下,一台洗衣机至少应该使用十年。朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕There had been no rain to speak of for ten weeks and the garden was dying. 十个星期没有下过像样的雨了,花园里草木枯萎。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕She first visited Ireland when she was ten, and developed a lifelong interest in the country. 她10岁时第一次到爱尔兰,对爱尔兰产生了毕生的兴趣。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕The judge set her child support at ten dollars a week. 法官给她判定的子女抚养费为每周十美元。朗文写作活用〔O level〕She's got ten O levels.她获得了10门科目的普通程度证书。剑桥高阶〔PLAN〕Ten men were convicted of conspiring to bomb the UN and the FBI buildings in New York. 十名男子密谋炸毁纽约的联合国总部大楼和联邦调查局大楼,被判有罪。朗文写作活用〔PROBABLY〕Stop worrying, Mum. Ten to one Liz has just gone round to a friend's house. 别担心了,妈妈。利兹十有八九去了朋友家里。朗文写作活用〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕Our knowledge of the deepest parts of the ocean has advanced considerably over the last ten years. 我们对于海洋最深处的知识在过去的十年里取得了相当大的进步。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕At least ten birds have been sighted feeding on the lake this year. 今年至少看到有十只鸟在湖上觅食。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕If fewer than ten students sign up, the course will be discontinued. 如果报名的学生不足十名,这门课就会停办。朗文写作活用〔TOWN〕Johnson lived in Seattle for ten years before returning to his home town of Cody, Wyoming. 约翰逊在西雅图住了十年后回到了故乡怀俄明州的科迪。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕Okay, I get it. You only get paid if you sell at least ten copies. 好了,我明白了,你只有在卖出十份之后才能领到工钱。朗文写作活用〔USUALLY〕Nine times out of ten, jobs that become vacant are filled from inside the organization. 空缺的职位十之八九都由内部人员来填补。朗文写作活用〔abstention〕There were ten votes in favour, six against, and three abstentions.10票赞成,6票反对,3票弃权。剑桥高阶〔around〕Ten people have died in scattered violence around the country.在全国各地零星发生的暴力事件中, 有10人死亡。外研社新世纪〔asthmatic〕One child in ten is asthmatic.每十个孩子里就有一人患有哮喘。外研社新世纪〔average〕The average child spends around ten hours a week watching television.普通孩子一周花大约10小时看电视。麦克米伦高阶〔average〕They average ten times the output of European factories.它们的产量平均是欧洲那些工厂的10倍。外研社新世纪〔backburner〕For ten years she has looked after her three children with her career very much on the back burner.十年来, 她都在照料三个孩子, 在很大程度上搁置了事业。外研社新世纪〔be with〕I've been with the company for over ten years.我为这家公司工作已经10多年了。21世纪英汉〔belief〕It is my belief that we will find a cure for cancer in the next ten years.我认为再过 10 年我们就能找到癌症的治疗方法。朗文当代〔bite〕We owe ten thousand, so what's my bite? 我们共欠一万,我名下该出多少?英汉大词典〔cake〕As far as vacuous teen flicks go, this one takes the cake.这部电影在内容空洞的青春片当中算是最糟糕的了。外研社新世纪〔called〕The second game of the series had ended in a 3-3 tie after ten innings when the game was called on account of darkness.系列赛第二场在十局过后,双方战成3比3平,此时由于天黑,比赛取消。柯林斯高阶〔cane〕They can cane ten chairs in a week.他们一个星期能编制十把藤椅。21世纪英汉〔census〕We have a census in this country every ten years.我们在这个国家每10年进行一次人口普查。剑桥高阶〔change〕Can anyone change a ten pound note? 有没有人能换开10英镑的钞票?麦克米伦高阶〔cone off〕On the left were ten vacant parking spaces, coned off.左边有10个空的停车位, 用交通锥隔开了。外研社新世纪〔conference〕The new football conference will have ten members.新的足球联合会将会有10名成员。外研社新世纪〔confusedly〕Ted frowned confusedly.特德困惑地皱起了眉头。外研社新世纪〔consist〕The committee consists of ten members.委员会由十人组成。牛津高阶〔continue〕For ten days I continued in this state.我的这种状况持续了10天。柯林斯高阶〔count〕You can always count on Ted to make a mess of the cooking.你总能看到特德把饭菜弄得一团糟。麦克米伦高阶〔coupon〕Save ten coupons and get a free mug.保留十张赠券可免费换一只大杯。牛津同义词〔cowboy〕The ranch employed ten or twelve cowboys.牧场雇了十一二个牛仔。剑桥高阶〔cystitis〕I've suffered from cystitis for around ten years.我患膀胱炎已有十年左右了。外研社新世纪〔dead〕In ten years he'll be dead and buried as a politician.他作为从政者十年后就不会有人记得了。牛津高阶〔decametric〕Of, relating to, or being a radio wave of wavelength between one and ten decameters.十米波的:无线电波的波长在十米和百米之间的美国传统〔delivery〕You can expect delivery in a week to ten days.你将可以在一周至十天内收到送货。朗文当代〔discount〕I can discount ten per cent for you.我可以给你打九折。外研社新世纪〔double〕With ten novels he has double proved his capacity for hard work. 他已写了10部小说,这更加可以证明他具有刻苦工作的能力。英汉大词典〔early〕You're ten minutes early.你提早了10分钟。外研社新世纪〔enabled〕Their aim is to make sure that every home and business becomes internet-enabled in the next ten years.他们的目标是,在接下来的10年内确保每个家庭和公司都能上网。剑桥高阶〔equalizer〕England scored the equalizer with only ten minutes to go.英格兰队在比赛只剩十分钟时进了一球,将比分扳平。朗文当代〔equivalent〕Ten thousand people a year die of the disease - that's the equivalent of the population of this town.每年有一万人死于这种疾病——该数字相当于这个城镇的总人口。剑桥高阶〔escort〕When the queen sailed, her yacht had an escort of ten destroyers and fifty aircraft.女王出航时,有10艘驱逐舰和50架飞机为她的游艇护航。英汉大词典〔excruciating〕Ten minutes passed, with excruciating slowness.十分钟过去了, 过得极为缓慢。外研社新世纪〔fall〕Average temperatures fell by ten degrees.平均气温下降了10度。剑桥高阶〔farther〕The fog's so thick, I can't see farther than about ten metres.雾太浓了,超过10米远的地方就看不见了。剑桥高阶〔find〕I found a ten pound note on the pavement! 我在人行道上捡到了一张面值10英镑的钞票!麦克米伦高阶〔foot〕The crowd was on its feet for the last ten seconds.人群都站立着渡过了最后的十秒钟美国传统〔force〕The ship had engine failure in a Force Ten.在十级大风中船的引擎发生了故障。英汉大词典〔foster〕They have fostered over 60 children during the past ten years.在过去十年间,他们抚育了 60 多个儿童。牛津高阶〔free〕The exhibition is free for children under ten.本展览对 10 岁以下的儿童免费。牛津搭配〔frequently〕The ten most frequently asked questions are listed below.下面列出的是最常被问及的10个问题。麦克米伦高阶〔frost〕There were ten degrees of frost last night.昨晚零下 10 度。牛津搭配〔get〕You should get into the routine of saving the document you are working on every ten minutes.你应该养成每十分钟将正在编辑的文件存盘一次的习惯。牛津高阶〔give〕Ten thousand copies of the software package are being given away.1万套软件将被赠送出去。麦克米伦高阶〔go〕That hairstyle went out about ten years ago.那种发型10年前就过时了。麦克米伦高阶〔habit〕You're ten minutes late. I hope you're not going to make a habit of this.你迟到了十分钟。 我希望你不要养成迟到的习惯。朗文当代〔heart〕Ted may not be rich but he's got a good heart.心地善良/心肠好/宽宏大量麦克米伦高阶〔here〕She has lived here for ten years.她已经在这里住了10年。英汉大词典〔hole in one〕The driving of a golf ball from the tee into the hole in a single stroke.一杆进洞:将一粒高尔夫球以单独的一击自球座直接击进洞中美国传统〔hunched〕A solitary hunched figure emerged from Number Ten.一个缩头弓身的孤独身影从唐宁街10号出来了。柯林斯高阶〔idle〕Over ten per cent of the workforce is now idle.现在有超过百分之十的劳动力闲置。牛津高阶〔immobilize〕The machine was completely immobilized for ten minutes.机器完全停转了10分钟。英汉大词典〔imprisonment〕He was given ten years' imprisonment.他被监禁了十年。外研社新世纪〔in reverse〕Ten years ago, American tourists flocked to Europe. But now that the dollar is weak, we have the same situation in reverse. Europeans are coming to the U.S. in record numbers.十年前,美国游客涌向欧洲。但如今美元走弱,我们看到了相反的局面。欧洲游客正不断以创纪录的人数前往美国。韦氏高阶〔instalment〕Repayment is in ten instalments.还款分 10 期支付。牛津搭配〔interaction〕While the other children interacted and played together, Ted ignored them.当别的孩子相互交流、一起玩耍的时候,泰德对他们不予理睬。柯林斯高阶〔kill〕He killed ten good years on that job.他在那件工作上浪费了整整10年时间。21世纪英汉〔labour〕Labour was induced when the baby was ten days overdue.在婴儿超过预产期 10 天以后进行了引产。牛津搭配〔landfall〕By the time we had made landfall the boat looked ten years older!我们登陆后, 那条船好像多用了十年似的!外研社新世纪〔last〕Interest in golf has grown rapidly in the last ten years.在过去十年里,人们对高尔夫球的兴趣一下子浓厚起来。朗文当代〔late〕He was ten minutes late for school.他上学迟到了10分钟。麦克米伦高阶〔layer〕There are ten layers of staff between the factory worker and the chief executive.工厂工人和首席执行官之间有十级员工。外研社新世纪〔less〕The workers earn less now than they did ten years ago.现在工人挣的钱比10年前少。麦克米伦高阶〔life〕The average life of a television is about ten years.电视机的平均寿命大约为10年。麦克米伦高阶〔lift-off〕Ten minutes to lift-off.离发射还有十分钟。牛津高阶〔lift〕The canal lock has a lift of ten feet.运河船闸的提升高度为10英尺。英汉大词典〔list〕We are making a list of the top ten men we would not want to be married to.我们正在整理一份女人最不愿嫁的前十位男人列表。外研社新世纪〔live〕They lived in Holland for ten years.他们在荷兰住了十年。朗文当代〔make〕There are nine people coming, plus me, which makes ten.九个人要来,加上我总共十个人。朗文当代〔mile〕The nearest town is ten miles away.最近的城镇在10英里外。剑桥高阶〔minimum〕We need a minimum of ten people to play this game.玩这个游戏我们至少需要10个人。剑桥高阶〔minute〕The city centre is ten minutes away.离市中心有10分钟的路程。麦克米伦高阶〔minute〕We waited until twenty minutes to ten, then left.我们等到9点40分才离开。麦克米伦高阶〔minyan〕A minimum of ten Jews or, among the Orthodox, Jewish men required for a communal religious service.法定人数:在犹太正教中举行公众宗教仪式所必需的最少为十名的犹太人美国传统〔mixing〕Ted managed to mix business with pleasure.特德设法做到了工作与娱乐两不误。柯林斯高阶〔moan〕He staggered about ten yards and fell down with a moan.他摇摇晃晃地走了大约 10 码远,呻吟了一声就倒下了。牛津搭配〔most〕We saw him for ten minutes at the most. She ran two miles at most.我们能见他十分钟。她最多跑了两英里美国传统〔move〕My best friend moved away when I was ten.我十岁时我最好的朋友搬走了。朗文当代〔navy〕He spent ten years in the US navy.他在美国海军中服役 10 年。牛津搭配〔non-fiction〕Lewis is the author of 13 novels and ten nonfiction books.刘易斯著有13部长篇小说和10部纪实文学作品。外研社新世纪〔normally〕She doesn't normally arrive until ten.她通常不到10点不会来。剑桥高阶〔note〕He has published nothing of note in the last ten years.过去的十年间他没有发表任何有影响的作品。外研社新世纪〔o'clock〕The trouble began just after ten o'clock last night.昨晚刚过10点钟麻烦就开始了。柯林斯高阶〔off〕He took ten per cent off.他降价10%。外研社新世纪〔off〕You can get ten per cent off with a student card.凭学生证你可以打九折。英汉大词典〔outside〕We'll be leaving in ten days at the outside.最多十天以后我们就出发美国传统〔out〕Two of the best players on the team were out after ten minutes.10分钟后该队最棒的球员中有两名出局了。剑桥高阶〔pass〕It is doubtful whether Ted, even with his fluent French, passed for one of the locals.尽管特德能说一口流利的法语,但他是否会被当成当地人仍值得怀疑。柯林斯高阶〔pesticide〕Traces of pesticide in the water were ten times above permissible levels.水中的杀虫剂残留量是允许含量的 10 倍。牛津搭配〔pest〕Each year ten percent of the crop is lost to a pest called corn rootworm.一种叫玉米根虫的害虫每年会让粮食减产10%。柯林斯高阶〔polyp〕It takes ten years or more for a benign polyp to turn malignant.良性息肉转为恶性要经过10年或更长的时间。柯林斯高阶〔poor〕Poor old Ted was sick for weeks.可怜的老泰德病了几个星期。朗文当代〔pregnancy〕Teen pregnancy rates have fallen.少女怀孕比例有所下降。牛津搭配〔problem〕What's your problem?—I only asked if you could help me for ten minutes.你有毛病啊?我只是问问你能不能抽十分钟帮个忙而已。牛津高阶〔programme〕I've programmed the video to come on at ten.我已经把这台录像机设置在十点钟开机。朗文当代〔public service〕The star has recorded public-service announcements for local TV on subjects including HIV and teen pregnancy.这位明星为当地电视台录制的公共服务公告包括艾滋病和青少年怀孕等话题。剑桥高阶〔pursuer〕The team is ten points ahead of its closest pursuers in the league.该队在联赛中领先紧随他们的队10分。剑桥高阶〔put ... back〕That clock is fast;I'd better put it back ten minutes.那钟快了,我最好把它往后拨10分钟。21世纪英汉〔quadruple〕The number of students at the college has quadrupled in the last ten years.在过去10年内,该大学的学生人数增加了3倍。剑桥高阶〔rank〕Mr Short does not even rank in the world's top ten.肖特先生甚至没有进入世界前10名。外研社新世纪〔reach〕The audience on the opening night of the play reached to ten thousand.那出戏首次公演之夜观众达万人之多。21世纪英汉〔realize〕Ten years later her worst fears were realized.10年后,她最害怕的事情发生了。剑桥高阶〔recognition〕The city has changed (或 altered) out of all recognition since I was there ten years ago.自从10年前我离开以后,那座城市已变得认不出了。英汉大词典〔recommended〕Though ten years old, this book is highly recommended.尽管是10年前出版的, 这本书仍然得到大力推荐。外研社新世纪〔remain in〕The typewriter remained in good condition after having been used for ten years or so.这台打字机用了大约十年了,还这么好。21世纪英汉〔response〕Management have granted a ten percent pay rise in response to union pressure.面对工会的压力,资方以加薪10%应对。剑桥高阶〔revenge〕For ten years he has been plotting his revenge.10 年来他一直在策划进行报复。牛津搭配〔scab〕The area can be very painful until scabs form after about ten days.这个伤口会疼痛难忍,直到大约 10 天后结痂才会好些。柯林斯高阶〔seclusion〕They enjoyed ten days of peace and seclusion.他们享受了十天的太平和清静。朗文当代〔senior〕She was ten years his senior.她比他大十岁。牛津高阶〔shortchange〕They shortchanged me ten cents.他们把十美分抹掉了,不找给我。21世纪英汉〔sleep〕Ten sleeps have passed.10夜过去了。英汉大词典〔somewhere〕It costs somewhere around ten dollars.它价值10美元左右。英汉大词典〔some〕Some ten men asked for work.约有10人要求工作。英汉大词典〔sponsor〕Representative Ted Gatte, the bill's sponsor, hopes that the bill will be reintroduced on the House floor.议员特德・加特是此项法案的倡议者,他希望法案能再次进入众议院讨论。牛津搭配〔steady〕Over the last ten years he has produced a steady flow/stream/trickle of articles and papers.过去10年中他连续发表了一系列文章和论文。剑桥高阶〔steam〕Geoff steamed in ten minutes late.杰夫快速走了进来,迟到了十分钟。朗文当代〔stick out for sth〕The unions have said that they are going to stick out for a ten percent rise.工会声称会坚持要求10%的加薪。剑桥高阶〔stretch〕Hold the stretch for a count of ten.保持伸展姿势,一直数到 10。牛津搭配〔stretch〕The common weapons should be stretched every ten years.常规武器应该十年一换代。21世纪英汉〔study〕For about ten seconds her face was a superb study of amazement and shock.大约有10秒钟的光景,她的脸完全是一片诧异加惊恐的神色。英汉大词典〔sweep〕She swept into the office and announced she could only stay ten minutes.她阔步走进办公室,大声宣布说她只能呆10分钟。麦克米伦高阶〔take out〕She had her tonsils taken out when she was ten years old.她十岁的时候把扁桃体切除了。韦氏高阶〔teaching〕I've been in teaching for ten years.我从事教学已经 10 年了。牛津搭配〔teen〕He was a teen idol.他是青少年的偶像。韦氏高阶〔teen〕Pop isn't pop without huge teen sensations.不能激起广大青少年热情的流行音乐就不能称其为流行音乐。柯林斯高阶〔tee〕Ben Crane stood on the 18th tee with a two-shot lead.本·克兰以两杆的领先优势站在第18个开球区。外研社新世纪〔thick〕Ten days of heavy rain was a bit thick.10天的大雨真叫人吃不消。英汉大词典〔times〕Five times two is ten.五乘二得十美国传统〔time〕I was about ten or eleven at the time.我当时大概十岁或十一岁。朗文当代〔time〕The time is now half past ten.现在是十点半。牛津高阶〔time〕The time was ten past six.时间是6点过10分。英汉大词典〔time〕When they want something, nine times out of ten they get it.他们想要什么, 十之八九都会得到。外研社新世纪〔to〕The time is ten to five.现在是五点差十分美国传统〔transfer〕Ten thousand pounds has been transferred into your account.1万英镑已转至你的账户。外研社新世纪〔tune〕Ten million people regularly tune in to see his show.上千万人定期收看他的表演。牛津搭配〔unlikely〕It's pretty unlikely (that) they'll turn up now - it's nearly ten o'clock.他们现在不大可能来了——都快10点了。剑桥高阶〔viral〕Here's a list of the top ten viral videos this week.以下是本周十大病毒式传播的视频。剑桥高阶〔walk〕The office is ten minutes' walk from here.从这里去办公室要步行十分钟。牛津高阶〔wear ... out〕These phrases were worn out ten years ago.这些词语十年前就是陈词滥调了。21世纪英汉〔win ... over〕We'll be working hard over the next ten days to win over the undecided voters.我们必须再努力奋斗10天把尚未拿定主意的选民争取过来。21世纪英汉〔work〕More people are in work (=have a job) than ten years ago.现在有工作的人比十年前多。朗文当代〔write〕She wrote ten pages.她写了10页。外研社新世纪〔year〕I always turn adversity and defeat into victories, but it's probably put ten years on me.我总是能够扭转逆境,反败为胜,但这可能让我显得老成了10岁。柯林斯高阶〔year〕She's only ten years old.她只有 10 岁。牛津搭配〔year〕The school has been empty for ten years.学校已经空置10年了。柯林斯高阶Ted asked me if I could help him fix his ailing car (=his car that was not working).特德问我是否可以帮他修理他坏了的汽车。剑桥国际Ten miners were trapped underground when the roof of the tunnel fell in (= dropped down because of lack of support).隧道顶部坍塌,十名矿工被困在地下。剑桥国际After ten hours under sail (= being moved by wind pushing sails), they reached dry land.经过10小时的扬帆航行,他们抵达了陆地。剑桥国际As a private IT consultant he could earn ten times what he made as an employee.作为一名私人信息技术顾问,他赚的钱是当雇员时的十倍。牛津商务By ten o'clock the bar was crowded.到十点时酒吧里已挤满了人。剑桥国际Economically the country has been improving steadily these past ten years.就经济而言,该国近十年来在稳步发展。剑桥国际Fireworks started at/on the stroke of ten (= exactly at 10 o'clock).十点整开始放焰火。剑桥国际Having spent ten minutes criticizing the film, he let slip that he had never actually seen it.在对该影片批评了十分钟后,他不留神说出他还从未看过这部影片。剑桥国际He killed ten good years on that job. 他在那件工作上浪费了整整十年时间。译典通He likes to use a number 2 wood to tee off.他喜欢用2号木棒发球。剑桥国际He reached my house at ten o'clock.他十点钟到我家。剑桥国际He's chalked up (=scored) ten goals already this season.他本赛季已有十个进球。剑桥国际Here are ten books in English, take your pick. 这里有十本英文书,你挑吧。译典通I was thoroughly exhausted after walking ten miles.步行十哩后我筋疲力尽。剑桥国际I've applied for ten jobs, but all I've got is rejections.我申请了十份工作,但都被拒绝了。剑桥国际I've tried to condense ten pages of comments into two.我试图把十页长的评论文章缩短为两页。剑桥国际If I don't hear to the contrary (=If I'm not told that the arrangements have been changed) I'll see you at the station at ten.如无变动,十点钟我在车站见你。剑桥国际It took me ten hours to tabulate the results. 我花了十个小时把结果制成表格。译典通It's past ten o'clock and the 9∶30 train still hasn't arrived.已过了10点,但9点30的火车仍未到。剑桥国际Our office floor space measured twelve metres by ten (= was twelve metres in one direction and ten in the other).我们办公室面积为12米乘10米。剑桥国际Six people have confirmed that they will be attending and ten haven't replied yet.六个人已确认将参加,十个人还未作答。剑桥国际The bottom line is that we need another ten thousand dollars to complete the project.基本问题是我们还需要一万美元来完成这个项目。剑桥国际The leisure industry has burgeoned over the last ten years.在过去的十年里,休闲产业蓬勃发展。牛津商务The morning will start off misty, but by ten o'clock we should be enjoying bright sunshine.早上开始有雾,但到十点我们就可以享受明媚的阳光了。剑桥国际The overall winner, after ten games, will receive $250. 000.十局后总赢家将获得25万美元。剑桥国际The past ten years we've seen some very positive developments in East-West relations.在过去的10 年中东西方关系有了一些非常积极的发展。剑桥国际The teacher wrote a big red ten at the bottom of my test, to show that I'd got all the answers right.老师在我的测验卷下面用红笔写了一个大大的10,表示我的答案全对。剑桥国际The team are ten points ahead of their closest pursuers in the league.这个队在联赛中领先紧随他们的队10分。剑桥国际The young hero rescued ten people from the fire single-handed. 那个少年英雄独立自火中救出十个人。译典通There were ten compartments in each car of the train. 那辆火车每节车厢有十个小客房。译典通Walking swiftly, he was at the station within ten minutes.他走得飞快,十分钟就到了车站。剑桥国际We had ten children at the party and chaos reigned all afternoon.我们聚会上有十个孩子,整个下午都是乱糟糟的。剑桥国际We narrowed the list of candidates down from ten to three.我们将候选人的人数从十人缩减至三人。剑桥国际With ten extra years and ten extra kilos on him, the boxer failed to make a comeback.年龄大了十岁,体重又增加了十公斤,这位拳手没能在拳台上重振雄风。剑桥国际Working conditions have changed measurably in the last ten years.在过去十年中,工作条件发生了重大变化。牛津商务




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