

单词 swamp
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GET〕Since we started the advice service we have been swamped with requests from people who need help. 自从我们开设咨询服务以来,人们需要帮助的请求多得我们难以招架。朗文写作活用〔GET〕Susan is always swamped with work this time of year. 每年的这个时候,苏珊工作总忙得不可开交。朗文写作活用〔Kioga〕An irregularly shaped lake of central Uganda. The shallow lake is noted for its papyrus swamps.基奥加湖:乌干达中部的呈不规则形状的湖,这个狭窄的湖以它的纸莎草沼泽而知名美国传统〔LOT〕Malaria is particularly common near swamps where mosquitoes can breed. 疟疾在繁殖蚊子的湿地附近尤为普遍。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕During the dry season, many of the swamps turn to hard-baked mud. 旱季期间,许多沼泽地变成了硬邦邦的泥地。朗文写作活用〔WET〕About 3000 years ago a tidal wave swamped the coastal lowlands of Greece, causing massive destruction. 大约3,000年以前,海啸淹没了希腊沿海的低地,造成巨大破坏。朗文写作活用〔WET〕The dam burst, swamping the valley and hundreds of homes. 大坝决堤,淹没了山谷和数百户人家。朗文写作活用〔WET〕Water the young plants well, but don't swamp them. 好好给这些幼苗浇水,但不要浇得太多。朗文写作活用〔aground〕There were just two or three fishermen mending nets, empty canoes aground in the swamp.只有两三个渔民在补网, 空独木舟搁浅在沼泽里。外研社新世纪〔around〕Elephants were often to be found in swamp in eastern Kenya around the Tana River.在肯尼亚东部的塔纳河一带经常发现陷入沼泽的大象。柯林斯高阶〔avalanche〕We were swamped by an avalanche of letters/phone calls/complaints.大批的来信/电话/投诉让我们疲于应付。剑桥高阶〔beset〕We were beset by mosquitoes in the swamp.我们在沼泽地遭受蚊群围攻。英汉大词典〔bog in〕The soldiers became bogged in the swamp.士兵们陷在沼泽中。21世纪英汉〔bunyip〕An imaginary monster inhabiting swamps and lagoons.沼泽怪兽:一种想象中的西自于沼泽地和水池里的怪物美国传统〔catalogue〕The ants, which have been previously catalogued, live in the mangrove swamps of northern Australia.这种蚂蚁此前有过详细记录, 生活在澳大利亚北部的红树林沼泽地区。外研社新世纪〔cut〕The road cut through the swamp.那条路斜穿过沼泽地。英汉大词典〔drain〕A swamp is drained to grow vegetables.一块沼泽地被疏干以种植蔬菜。英汉大词典〔drain〕The swamp has been drained.沼泽地里的水已经排干。韦氏高阶〔drain〕The Niagara River drains into Lake Ontario. When flooded, the swamp drains northward.尼加拉河流入安大略湖。发洪水时,沼泽向北泄水美国传统〔escape〕The ground became swamped, allowing no escape.地面成了一片泥沼,无法逃脱。牛津搭配〔ever〕Nobody [No one] ever comes to this swamp.从来没有人到过这个沼泽。文馨英汉〔fact〕His opponent swamped him with facts and figures.他的对手抛出精确的资料和数据,使他难以招架。柯林斯高阶〔flank on〕The fort flanked on a swamp.堡垒侧面靠着沼泽。21世纪英汉〔flank〕We flanked the swamp and continued north.我们绕过沼泽地,继续往北。英汉大词典〔flow〕They flowed oil over the swamp to kill mosquito larvae.他们在沼泽地注油灭孑孓。英汉大词典〔forsaken〕The delta region of the Rio Grande river was a forsaken land of thickets and swamps.里奥格兰德三角洲地区是一片荒弃的土地, 遍布灌木与沼泽。外研社新世纪〔forsaken〕The delta region of the Rio Grande river was a forsaken land of thickets and swamps.里奥格兰德河三角洲曾是一片遍布荆棘和沼泽的荒废之地。柯林斯高阶〔guilt〕I often felt swamped by guilt at having left my children.离开孩子们使我内心充满了负罪感。麦克米伦高阶〔hike〕Soldiers had to hike nearly 20 km through the swamps.士兵们得在沼泽地里跋涉近20公里。麦克米伦高阶〔interior〕The interior of the island consists largely of swamps.这个岛屿的腹地主要是沼泽。外研社新世纪〔jewel〕The swamp water was jeweled with reflected stars.沼泽水映出星星,犹如镶嵌了点点宝石。英汉大词典〔mail-bomb〕You can be mail-bombed or swamped in junk mail.你可能遭受邮件炸弹轰击或陷入大量的垃圾邮件的泥淖中。英汉大词典〔malodorous〕The town is built on a malodorous swamp.该镇建在一片恶臭的沼泽地上。剑桥高阶〔miasma〕A poisonous atmosphere formerly thought to rise from swamps and putrid matter and cause disease.臭气,瘴气:有毒的空气,最初被认为源自烂池塘和腐烂物并可致病美国传统〔morph〕The river flooded its banks and morphed into a giant sea that swamped the town.河水漫过堤岸,变成一片汪洋,淹没了城镇。朗文当代〔muskeg〕A swamp or bog formed by an accumulation of sphagnum moss, leaves, and decayed matter resembling peat.厚苔沼:类似泥炭地的沼泽地,由水藓、叶子和腐烂物质的堆积物形成美国传统〔off〕They offed him and dumped his body in the swamp.他们杀死了他,然后把尸体抛弃在沼泽里。剑桥高阶〔ooze〕Swamp ground oozes when you step on it.当你踩在沼泽地上时,它会渗出水来。英汉大词典〔ooze〕Vapours seemed to ooze out of the swamp.水汽好像是从沼泽地散发出来的。英汉大词典〔oppose〕A swamp opposed the advance of the army.沼泽地阻碍部队的前进。英汉大词典〔part〕It was in large part a clay-like swamp.那儿大部分是烂泥状沼泽地。英汉大词典〔plain〕The grassy plain gave way to an extensive swamp.青草覆盖的平原被广阔的沼泽地所取代。朗文当代〔poach〕The swamp country is inclined to poach in winter.这片沼泽地带在冬季一踏就陷下去。21世纪英汉〔protrude〕A rotting branch protruded from the swamp like a ghostly arm.一根腐烂的树枝像鬼的手臂一样从沼泽里伸出来。剑桥高阶〔reclaim〕The site for the airport will be reclaimed from the swamp.这片湿地将会被开发来建机场。牛津高阶〔reversion〕His photos document the land's reversion to swamp.他的那些照片记录了这片土地恢复为沼泽的过程。韦氏高阶〔sapropel〕A fluid slime found in swamps as a product of putrefaction.腐殖粘泥:一种作为腐烂产物存在于沼泽的稀泥美国传统〔spill〕The ship was suddenly swamped and all its passengers spilled into the sea.轮船突然沉没,船上乘客全都掉进海里。英汉大词典〔stink〕The stagnant swamp stinks.这潭死水臭气熏天。英汉大词典〔suppose〕Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps.科学家们猜想大型恐龙栖居于沼泽地中美国传统〔swamp gas〕You could smell the swamp gas a mile off.一英里以外都能闻到沼气的气味。剑桥高阶〔swamp with〕Angry staffs swamped the company with complaints.愤怒的职工对公司大发牢骚。21世纪英汉〔swamp with〕He's swamped with visitors.来访者多得让他应接不暇。21世纪英汉〔swamper〕One who clears a swamp or forest.清理工人:清理沼泽或森林的人美国传统〔swamper〕One who lives in or close to a swamp.沼泽地居民美国传统〔swampland〕Land of swampy consistency or having many swamps on it.沼泽地带:持续为沼泽或有许多沼泽的地带美国传统〔swamp〕A hugh wave swamped the ship.巨浪把船淹没了。牛津同义词〔swamp〕A rogue wave swamped the boat.凶猛的海浪淹没了船只。柯林斯高阶〔swamp〕All our feet were swamped in the mud.我们的脚都陷在淤泥中了。21世纪英汉〔swamp〕Alligators live in the lowland swamps.钝吻鳄生活在低地沼泽中。韦氏高阶〔swamp〕Because of the new laws, we were swamped with paperwork.由于新的法律出台,文案工作多得令我们难以招架。韦氏高阶〔swamp〕Brace up! You haven't been swamped yet. You still have a chance to triumph over him.振作起来!你还没有被彻底击败,你还有机会战胜他。21世纪英汉〔swamp〕Don't let feelings of depression swamp you.不要被沮丧的情绪击垮。剑桥高阶〔swamp〕Fear for her children threatened to swamp her.对自己孩子的担心几乎令她崩溃。麦克米伦高阶〔swamp〕For a brief, sickening moment, the humiliation she had suffered in this man's hands tried to swamp her.有那么一小会儿, 他的羞辱叫她极为反感, 几乎要受不了了。外研社新世纪〔swamp〕Foreign cars have swamped the UK market.外国车席卷了整个英国市场。剑桥高阶〔swamp〕He swamped us with work.他交给我们的工作令我们难以招架。21世纪英汉〔swamp〕He is swamped with work.他工作忙得不可开交。外研社新世纪〔swamp〕He is swamped with work.他工作忙得不可开交。柯林斯高阶〔swamp〕He was swamped with his wife.他和他的妻子之间的关系有些紧张。21世纪英汉〔swamp〕High tides have swamped the coast.高涨的潮水淹没了海岸。剑桥高阶〔swamp〕His words were swamped by the laughter.他的话淹没在笑声之中。21世纪英汉〔swamp〕Huge waves swamped the vessel.巨浪吞没了那艘船。朗文当代〔swamp〕I'm swamped with work at the moment.我这会儿忙得不可开交。剑桥高阶〔swamp〕In summer visitors swamp the island.夏天,这个岛上游客熙熙攘攘,人满为患。牛津高阶〔swamp〕In the summer the village is swamped by visitors.夏天,村子里挤满游客。朗文当代〔swamp〕In the summer, the town is swamped with/by tourists.夏季,小镇里总是挤满了游客。韦氏高阶〔swamp〕Online bookshops were swamped with orders during the pre-Christmas rush.圣诞前的抢购期间,众多的订书单令网上书店应接不暇。麦克米伦高阶〔swamp〕She was swamped with work.她忙得不可开交美国传统〔swamp〕Slowly his car was swamped down the lake.他的汽车缓慢地沉入了湖中。21世纪英汉〔swamp〕So, what I said is swamped.就是说,我说的话全白说啦。21世纪英汉〔swamp〕Sudden heavy seas swamped the ship.突如其来的汹涌海浪吞没了那艘船。外研社新世纪〔swamp〕The Everglades are an area of swamp in southern Florida.佛罗里达大沼泽地是佛罗里达州南部的一片沼泽地区。剑桥高阶〔swamp〕The Ventura river burst its banks, swamping a mobile home park.本图拉河决堤, 淹没了活动板房区。外研社新世纪〔swamp〕The Ventura river burst its banks, swamping a mobile home park.本图拉河的河水冲破堤岸,淹没了活动房区。柯林斯高阶〔swamp〕The agency has been swamped by requests for assistance.大量援助申请使这个机构忙得不可开交。韦氏高阶〔swamp〕The boat sank after it was swamped by waves.船被海浪吞没,沉入水中。韦氏高阶〔swamp〕The boat was swamped by an enormous wave.小船被巨浪吞没了。剑桥高阶〔swamp〕The department was swamped with job applications.面对纷至沓来的求职申请,这个部门疲于应对。牛津高阶〔swamp〕The flood swamped the whole village.洪水淹没了整个村庄。21世纪英汉〔swamp〕The hotel foyer was swamped by reporters and photographers.饭店的门厅被记者和摄影师围得水泄不通。麦克米伦高阶〔swamp〕The little boat was swamped by the waves.小船被大浪淹没了。牛津高阶〔swamp〕The railway station was swamped with thousands of families trying to flee the city.火车站挤满了成千上万想要逃离这座城市的家庭。柯林斯高阶〔swamp〕The sea level rose and swamped the coastal villages.海平面上升淹没了沿海村落。韦氏高阶〔swamp〕The shrubbery has been swamped out by us.我们已把灌木丛清理干净了。21世纪英汉〔swamp〕The switchboard was swamped with complaining calls.投诉电话使接线总机应接不暇。外研社新世纪〔swamp〕Their boat swamped in the storm.他们的船在风浪的冲击下沉没了。21世纪英汉〔swamp〕We've been swamped with phone calls since the advert appeared.自从广告出来后,电话纷至沓来,我们应接不暇。朗文当代〔swarm〕The swamps were swarming with mosquitoes.沼泽中蚊子满天飞。文馨英汉〔wade〕They had to wade through a swamp.他们不得不艰难地步行穿过沼泽地。剑桥高阶〔waterline〕As the waterline advanced, the vegetation was swamped.随着水位线的前移,植被被淹没了。朗文当代〔wave〕A big (或mountainous) wave swamped the rowboat.一个大浪淹没了那只划艇。英汉大词典〔wildfire〕A luminosity that appears over swamps or marshes at night; ignis fatuus.鬼火,磷火:夜间在旷野或沼泽出现的闪光; 鬼火美国传统〔woodland〕The swamp was surrounded by dense woodland.沼泽周围是茂密的林地。韦氏高阶A rotting branch protruded from the swamp like a ghostly arm.一根腐烂的树枝像鬼的手臂一样从沼泽里伸出来。剑桥国际Ditches were dug to drain water from the swamp. 挖渠排掉沼泽的水。译典通Foreign cars have swamped the UK market.外国车充斥着英国的汽车市场。剑桥国际He struggled through the swamp, tormented by mosquitoes and leeches.他在蚊子和水蛭的骚扰下挣扎着走过了沼泽地。剑桥国际Henry swamped Jack 13-6. 亨利以十三比六击败杰克。译典通High tides have swamped the coast.汹涌的潮水淹没了海岸。剑桥国际His secretary was swamped with work. 他秘书的工作多得难以招架。译典通I'm swamped with work (= have more work than I can easily deal with) at the moment.目前有一大堆工作等着我。剑桥国际In many parts of the world, the rate of population growth already swamps the ability of society to cope.世界上许多地方的人口增长率已经使社会束手无策了。剑桥国际Mangrove swamps are common along river banks in tropical and subtropical areas.红树林常见于热带和亚热带的河岸两边。剑桥国际Most coal-fields began life as swamps about 300 million years ago.大多数煤田都是由大约三亿年前的沼泽地发展形成的。剑桥国际On her 100th birthday she was swamped with (= received a lot of) cards and messages of congratulations.她100岁生日时收到一大堆贺卡和贺信。剑桥国际The Everglades are an area of swamp in southern Florida.埃弗格莱兹是佛罗里达南部的一片大沼泽地。剑桥国际The boat was swamped by an enormous wave.船被巨浪吞没了。剑桥国际The boat was swamped in the storm. 那条小船在暴风雨中沉没了。译典通The ground is like a swamp after all that rain.连日降雨之后地面简直像泥沼一样。剑桥国际The horses were swamped in the stream. 这些马陷在河里。译典通The market has been swamped by cheap imports.市场上充斥着廉价进口货。牛津商务The town is built on a malodorous swamp.城镇是建立在一个恶臭的沼泽地上。剑桥国际Their boat swamped. 他们的船被淹没了。译典通Their company is in a financial swamp. 他们的公司陷入了财政困境。译典通They swamped out a small landing strip. 他们开辟了一个简易小机场。译典通They drained the swamp and turned it into fertile land. 他们排去沼泽地的水,将它变成了肥沃的土地。译典通They offed him and dumped his body in the swamp.他们杀死了他,然后把尸体抛弃在沼泽地里。剑桥国际We are swamped with work at the moment.我们目前被工作压得透不过气来。牛津商务We were beset by mosquitoes in the swamp. 我们在沼泽地遭受蚊虫围攻。译典通




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