

单词 sulfate
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bordeaux mixture〕A mixture of copper sulfate, lime, and water that is sprayed as a fungicide on trees and plants.波尔多混合物:一种硫酸铜、石灰和水的混合物,作为杀菌剂喷洒在树和植物上美国传统〔baryta〕Any of several barium compounds, such as barium sulfate.重土(氧化钡):一种含钡化合物,如硫酸钡美国传统〔blanc fixe〕Powdered barium sulfate used as a base for watercolor pigments and as a filler in paper.硫酸钡粉:硫酸钡粉,用于水彩色素主要原料和纸张填充物美国传统〔colcothar〕A brownish-red ferric oxide obtained as a residue after heating ferrous sulfate, used in glass polishing and as a pigment.褐红色铁氧化物:由硫酸亚铁加热后所得的褐红色的氧化铁,作玻璃抛光和颜料之用美国传统〔kraft〕A tough, usually brown paper made from wood pulp treated with a solution of sodium sulfate, used chiefly for bags and wrapping paper.牛皮纸:一种由经过硫酸钠溶液处理过的木浆制成的硬纸,通常为棕色,主要用来作袋子或包装纸美国传统〔lithopone〕A white pigment consisting of a mixture of zinc sulfide, zinc oxide, and barium sulfate.锌钡白:一种由硫化锌、氧化锌和硫酸钡混合构成的白色色素美国传统〔patina〕A thin greenish layer, usually basic copper sulfate, that forms on copper or copper alloys, such as bronze, as a result of corrosion.铜绿锈:通常如碱性硫酸铜的一层浅绿色薄层,在铜或铜合金(如青铜)上形成,是由腐蚀引起的美国传统〔salt cake〕Impure sodium sulfate used in making paper pulp, soaps and detergents, glass, ceramic glazes, and dyes.盐饼,芒硝:不纯的硫酸钠,用于制纸浆,肥皂和洗衣粉,玻璃,陶瓷釉和染料美国传统〔sulfate〕Electricity To cause lead sulfate to accumulate on (the plates of a lead-acid storage battery).【电学】 使在(铅酸蓄电池极板上)形成含硫酸铅的沉淀物美国传统〔sulfate〕To become sulfated.变成硫酸盐美国传统〔sulfate〕To treat or react with sulfuric acid or a sulfate.使与硫酸或硫酸盐化合:用硫酸或硫酸盐处理或化合美国传统〔verdigris〕A green patina or crust of copper sulfate or copper chloride formed on copper, brass, and bronze exposed to air or seawater for long periods of time.铜绿:在长期放置于空气或海水中的铜、黄铜和青铜上形成的绿锈或硫酸铜、氯化铜的沉淀物美国传统〔vitriol〕Any of various sulfates of metals, such as ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, or copper sulfate.硫酸盐:各种金属硫酸盐之一,如硫酸铁、硫酸锌和硫酸铜美国传统Most sulfates are soluble in water. 大多数硫酸盐可溶于水。译典通




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