

单词 stuck with
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BORING/BORED〕At parties she always gets stuck with some bore who wants to tell her the story of his life. 在聚会上她总是被某个讨厌的家伙缠住,要把自己平生之事告诉她。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕We usually rotate the worst jobs so that no one gets stuck with them. 最苦的工作我们通常轮流干,这样就没有人会被它缠住。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕As a result of the financial collapse many people are stuck with worthless investments. 由于金融崩溃,许多人手上都只得拿着一些毫无价值的投资。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕It's only a rented house, so we're stuck with the decor. 这只是租来的房子,所以这样的装修我们只能将就了。朗文写作活用〔Hard times〕She's stuck with them through all the hard times.在困难时期,她始终和他们在一起。韦氏高阶〔TALK〕What a gasbag that Mrs Jenkins is! I've been stuck with her for over an hour. 詹金斯太太真是空话连篇!我被她缠了一个多小时。朗文写作活用〔duration〕I guess we're stuck with each other for the duration (of the journey).我想(旅程结束之前)这段时间我们两个要一直呆在一起。剑桥高阶〔engage in sth〕Once Mrs Kirkpatrick engages you in conversation, you're stuck with her for half an hour.一旦柯克帕特里克夫人跟你聊起来,不说上半个小时她是不会放过你的。剑桥高阶〔existence〕You may be stuck with a miserable existence for the rest of your life.你可能一辈子都要过着悲惨的生活。柯林斯高阶〔hardy〕Hardy fans stuck with the team through good times and bad.无论是在巅峰还是在低谷,坚强的粉丝们一直支持着这个队。韦氏高阶〔label〕He seems to be stuck with the label of "troublemaker".他好像被人贴上了“麻烦制造者”的标签。剑桥高阶〔misplaced〕She stuck with him through a misplaced sense of loyalty.她盲目忠诚,一直跟随着他。朗文当代〔stick with〕He has stuck with me as a candidate for President.他始终支持我做总统候选人。21世纪英汉〔stick with〕I stuck with him in the race and finally I overtook him.我在比赛中紧追着他跑,最终又超过了他。21世纪英汉〔stick with〕I got stuck with Tom again.我又一次不得不与汤姆在一起。韦氏高阶〔stick with〕I was stuck with washing dishes.我被叫去洗盘子。韦氏高阶〔stick with〕The challenger stuck with the champion until the very last round.挑战者与冠军僵持到最后一回合。韦氏高阶〔stick with〕The lessons she learned from that experience stuck with her.她铭记那次经历中吸取的教训。韦氏高阶〔stick〕Bill left and I was stuck with the bill.比尔走了,只好我来付账。朗文当代〔stick〕He doesn't want to get stuck with the bill.他不想被迫揽下账单。外研社新世纪〔stick〕It could be stuck with such adhesive.用这种胶能把它粘住。21世纪英汉〔stick〕It was a moment that has stuck with me for years.那是我多年来不能忘却的时刻。麦克米伦高阶〔stick〕The childhood fears have stuck with me.童年时代的恐惧至今犹在。英汉大词典〔stick〕They found themselves stuck with huge losses.他们发现自己不可避免地遭到了巨大的损失。英汉大词典〔stick〕We stuck with him as our candidate.我们继续支持他为候选人。英汉大词典〔stick〕We had a tough time for a few years, but we stuck with it.我们曾经有过几年困难时期,但我们坚持下来了。麦克米伦高阶〔stick〕Will you help me with this mathematical problem? I'm stuck with it. 这道数学题你能帮我一下吗? 我怎么也解不出来。 英汉大词典〔stuck〕I was stuck with him for the whole journey.一路上我一直没能摆脱他。牛津高阶〔stuck〕Many people are now stuck with expensive fixed-rate mortgages.许多人目前都有高额的定息按揭缠身。柯林斯高阶〔stuck〕They are stuck with each other with no end in sight.他们两个无望地拖着。朗文当代〔stuck〕Tom's gone, and she's stuck with a garage full of his stuff.汤姆走了,扔给她一个堆满了他的东西的车库。麦克米伦高阶〔stuck〕We are, unfortunately, stuck with this huge, ugly building.不幸的是,我们只得接受这幢又大又丑的建筑。朗文当代〔stuck〕We should never have hired Jean, but now it looks like we're stuck with her.我们本来根本不该聘用琼的,但现在看来好像我们只好与她一起共事了。麦克米伦高阶〔stuck〕We were stuck with him for the entire journey! 整个旅程中我们一直都无法甩掉他!剑桥高阶〔stuck〕We're stuck with this old sofa that nobody wants.我们不得不留着这个没人要的旧沙发。韦氏高阶〔through thick and thin〕She has stuck with me through thick and thin.在各种艰苦的情况下,她总是和我在一起。剑桥高阶〔triumph〕All her life, Kelly had stuck with difficult tasks and challenges, and triumphed.凯莉一生经历了各种艰巨的任务与挑战,她都一一成功应对了。柯林斯高阶〔triumph〕Kelly had stuck with difficult tasks and challenges, and triumphed.凯莉顶着艰巨的任务和挑战坚持下去, 并取得了胜利。外研社新世纪I suppose we're stuck with each other for the duration (= as long as this situation lasts).我想我们要在一起呆一段时间。剑桥国际Once Mrs Kirkpatrick engages you in conversation, you're stuck with her for at least half an hour.一旦柯克帕特里克夫人和你谈起话来,你就不得不跟她谈上至少半小时。剑桥国际We were stuck with (= unable to get away from) him for the entire train journey! 整个火车旅程他都缠着我们不放。剑桥国际What do you do when you're stuck with inventory you can't sell? 当存货砸在手里卖不掉时你该怎么办?牛津商务




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