

单词 structures
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BASE-jump〕To engage in the sport of parachuting off extremely high structures and earth formations.基本跳伞:从事跳伞运动,从非常高的建筑上或地面建筑上往下跳美国传统〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕Le Corbusier was the most adventurous architect of modern times, always experimenting with new forms and structures. 勒科巴西尔是当代最敢于创新的建筑师,他总是在探索新的形式与结构。朗文写作活用〔BUILD/BUILDING〕The stone arch is one of the town's oldest existing structures. 石拱门是该镇上现存的最古老的建筑之一。朗文写作活用〔SEEM〕The archaeologists uncovered both domestic structures and what appear to have been commercial buildings. 考古学家发现了民居结构和看上去像商用的建筑。朗文写作活用〔Tiryns〕An ancient city of southern Greece in the eastern Peloponnesus. It contains the ruins of pre-Homeric palaces as well as prehistoric structures.梯林斯:希腊南部一个古代城市,在伯罗奔尼撒半岛的东部,它保存有前荷马时代的宫殿遗址,还有一些史前建筑美国传统〔absolute music〕Instrumental music that depends solely on its rhythmic, melodic, and contrapuntal structures.绝对音乐,纯音乐:仅靠节奏、旋律和对位结构来表意的器乐美国传统〔accommodation〕Religions, to survive, must make accommodations with the larger political structures that nurture them.为了生存,宗教必须同其赖以存在的更大的政治体系相调和。柯林斯高阶〔accommodation〕Religions, to survive, must make accommodations with the larger political structures that nurture them.宗教要想生存就必须顺应其赖以存在的大政治体系。外研社新世纪〔adhesion〕Medicine A fibrous band of scar tissue that binds together normally separate anatomical structures.【医学】 粘连:连接通常分离的解剖结构的疤痕组织纤维带美国传统〔alicyclic〕Of or relating to organic compounds having both aliphatic and cyclic characteristics or structures.脂环的:同时具有脂肪族和循环特征、结构的有机化合物的美国传统〔analytic geometry〕The analysis of geometric structures and properties principally by algebraic operations on variables defined in terms of position coordinates.解析几何学:通过关于位置坐标表示变量的数学运算对几何结构及性质进行的分析美国传统〔architect〕Abbr. arch.,archt.One who designs and supervises the construction of buildings or other large structures.缩写 arch.,archt.建筑师:设计并监管建筑物或其它大型设备的构造的人美国传统〔armchair〕A chair with side structures to support the arms or elbows.扶手椅:带有侧面结构用以支撑胳膊或胳膊肘的椅子美国传统〔articular〕Inflammation can limit joint function, and destroy bone, cartilage, and other articular structures.发炎可能限制关节功能并损伤骨骼、软骨和其他关节组织。剑桥高阶〔asterism〕Mineralogy A six-rayed starlike figure optically produced in some crystal structures by reflected or transmitted light.【矿物学】 星彩,星芒:某些水晶体经反光或光线穿透所产生的六棱形星状图象美国传统〔axis〕Any of various central structures, such as the spinal column, or standard abstract lines used as a positional referent.中心结构物:任何一种中心结构物,如脊柱,或用于有位置物体的标准抽象线美国传统〔bacillary〕Consisting of small rods or rodlike structures.杆的:由小杆或杆状结构组成的美国传统〔band〕Anatomy A cordlike tissue that connects or holds structures together.【解剖学】 索状组织:把组织连结或束缚在一起的索状组织美国传统〔banister〕A handrail, along with all of its supporting structures.栏杆,扶手:与其所有的支持结构相连接的扶手美国传统〔basophilia〕The affinity of cellular structures for basic dyes, such as methylene blue.嗜碱性:基本染料,如亚基兰的细胞结构的亲和性美国传统〔beak〕A usually firm, tapering tip on certain plant structures, such as some seeds and fruits.坚果:某些植物组织上通常硬而坚的顶端,如一些种子和果实美国传统〔bearded iris〕Any of various irises characterized by a conspicuous region of hairs or hairlike structures on the lower parts of the three outer drooping perianth segments.鸢尾花:一种鸢尾植物,特征为在外部三层下垂的花被部分中,较低部分上具有显著毛状结构的美国传统〔betaine〕Any of several alkaloids with similar structures.一种结构相似的晶体碱美国传统〔bionic〕Having anatomical structures or physiological processes that are replaced or enhanced by electronic or mechanical components.仿生替代增强:通过电子或机械部件取代或增强的解剖学结构或生理过程的美国传统〔bladder〕Botany Any of various hollow or inflated saclike organs or structures, such as the floats of certain seaweeds or the specialized traps of bladderworts.【植物学】 囊状物:一种中空或充气的囊状器官或结构,如某种海草的浮囊或狸藻的特有存水囊美国传统〔bracket〕A small shelf or shelves supported by such structures.托架:以这种结构支撑起来的架子美国传统〔breezeway〕A roofed, open-sided passageway connecting two structures, such as a house and a garage.有顶过道:联接两幢建筑物的带屋顶的侧边敞开的过道,如房子和车库的美国传统〔buttock〕Either of the two rounded prominences on the human torso that are posterior to the hips and formed by the gluteal muscles and underlying structures.半边屁股,臀部:人的躯体上位于臀部的由臀肌和下层组织构成的两个圆形突起的任何一个美国传统〔buttress〕The builders buttressed that wall with stone structures.建筑工人们用石结构加固墙。21世纪英汉〔carpenter〕A skilled worker who makes, finishes, and repairs wooden objects and structures.木匠,木工:一种技术工人,制作,完成并修理木质物件和木质结构美国传统〔cascade〕The three anatomical structures involved in this chemical cascade are known collectively as the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis.这一化学级联反应涉及的三个解剖结构合称为丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴。外研社新世纪〔centriole〕One of two cylindrical cellular structures that are composed of nine triplet microtubules and form the asters during mitosis.中心体:由九个三联体微管组成的两个圆柱体细胞组织之一,在有丝分裂中形成星状体美国传统〔chassis〕The landing gear of an aircraft, including the wheels, skids, floats, and other structures that support the aircraft on land or water.起落架:飞机的着陆装置,包括轮子、滑橇、浮码头以及其他在陆地或水上的支撑装置美国传统〔ciliary〕Of or relating to the ciliary body and associated structures of the eye.睫状的:有关睫状体的和同眼睛结构有联系的美国传统〔cineradiography〕A diagnostic technique in which a movie camera is used to film the images, as of internal body structures, produced through radiography or fluoroscopy.射线电影摄制:一种诊断技术,通过放射线照相或X光透视法,用电影摄影机拍摄图象,如人体内部结构的图象美国传统〔circulatory system〕The system of structures, consisting of the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatics, by which blood and lymph are circulated throughout the body.循环系统:由心脏、血管和淋巴管组成的结构系统,血液和淋巴经其在体内循环美国传统〔commissure〕Botany The surface or place along which two structures, such as carpels, are joined.【植物学】 接着面:两个组织连接的面或地方,例如心皮美国传统〔curtain〕Architecture An enclosing wall connecting two towers or similar structures.【建筑学】 间壁:连接两个类似结构的围墙美国传统〔depart〕It's revolutionary music; it departs from the old form and structures.这是革命性的音乐,突破了老套的曲式和结构。朗文当代〔drafting〕The systematic representation and dimensional specification of mechanical and architectural structures.制图:机械或建筑结构的系统表现与尺寸规范美国传统〔draftsman〕A man who draws plans or designs, as of structures to be built.制图员,绘图师:绘制计划或方案的人,如建筑结构美国传统〔draftswoman〕A woman who draws plans or designs, as of structures to be built.女制图员,女绘图师:绘制(如建筑结构的)计划或方案的女性美国传统〔dysteleology〕Purposelessness in natural structures, as manifested by the existence of vestigial or nonfunctional organs or parts.无用器官学:自然结构中的无用性,如退化器官或机能丧失的部分所表现出的美国传统〔earthquake engineer〕A civil engineer specializing in earthquake-resistant design and construction and in the study of the effects of seismic activity on fabricated structures.抗震工程师:专精于抗震设计与建物并研就地震活动如何影响建物结构的土木工程师美国传统〔echelon grating〕A diffraction grating made of parallel glass plates, each of which extends slightly beyond the next, used to examine extremely fine structures.梯状光栅:用来检查极小结构的衍射光栅,由平行的玻璃片组成,每块玻璃片都比邻近一块长出一点美国传统〔embryonic membrane〕Any of the membranous structures closely associated with or surrounding a developing vertebrate embryo, including the amnion, chorion, allantois, and yolk sac.胚膜:任何与发育中的胚胎相关或包围胚胎的膜状结构,包括衣胞、绒膜胚囊、尿膜和卵黄囊美国传统〔ensemble〕The state is an ensemble of political and social structures.国家是一个政治结构和社会结构的组合体。外研社新世纪〔ensemble〕The state is an ensemble of political and social structures.国家是一个政治结构和社会结构的组合体。柯林斯高阶〔eye〕The external, visible portion of this organ together with its associated structures, especially the eyelids, eyelashes, and eyebrows.眼圈:此器官的外部视觉结构以及其相关结构,尤指眼睑、睫毛和眼眉美国传统〔fascia〕Anatomy A sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue enveloping, separating, or binding together muscles, organs, and other soft structures of the body.【解剖学】 筋膜:一层或一束纤维状连接组织,包裹、隔离或连结肌肉、器官和身体其它的软结构美国传统〔fertile〕Botany Bearing functional reproductive structures such as seeds or fruit or material such as spores or pollen.【植物学】 具有生殖结构的:如种子、果实或类似孢子或胚种等有结果或再生功能结构的美国传统〔fiber〕Any of various elongated cells or threadlike structures, especially a muscle fiber or a nerve fiber.神经纤维:尤指肌纤维或神经纤维等各种长形细胞或线状组织中的任一种美国传统〔focus〕In today's lecture the focus will be on tax structures within the European Union.今天讲课的重点是欧洲联盟内部的税制结构。牛津高阶〔foliaceous〕Having leaves or leaflike structures.有叶的,叶状的:具有叶子的或叶状结构的美国传统〔gill〕Botany One of the thin, platelike structures on the underside of the cap of a mushroom or similar fungus.【植物学】 菌褶:蘑菇或类似的真菌帽下面的瘦长而扁平的组织美国传统〔hardscape〕The part of a building's grounds consisting of structures, such as patios, retaining walls, and walkways, made with hard materials.硬结构:建筑物建地上组成部分,包含例如露台、定位墙、走道等结构体,全以坚硬原料建造美国传统〔harmonic〕I had been looking for ways to combine harmonic and rhythmic structures.我一直在寻找把和声与节奏结合起来的方法。外研社新世纪〔harmonic〕I had been looking for ways to combine harmonic and rhythmic structures.我过去一直在寻找将和声和节奏结合起来的方法。柯林斯高阶〔heteromerous〕Having unequal or differing parts within the same structure or similar structures.异基数的:在同样或类似的构造中有不相等的或不同的部分的美国传统〔heterothallic〕Producing male and female gametangia in different structures or plants, as in some algae and fungi.雌雄异株的:在不同的构造或植物中产生雄性与雌性配子囊的,如一些藻类和菌类美国传统〔homologous〕The wing of a bat and the arm of a man are homologous structures.蝙蝠的翅膀和人类的手臂是相应的同源结构。剑桥高阶〔homothallic〕Having male and female reproductive structures on the same thallus, as in some fungi and algae.同宗配合的:在同一菌体上有雌雄两种生殖结构的,如某些真菌和藻类美国传统〔identify〕All three structures dated to the third century and were tentatively identified as shrines.这 3 座建筑全都建于 3 世纪,并且被初步鉴定为神庙。牛津搭配〔individuation〕Embryology Formation of distinct organs or structures through the interaction of adjacent tissues.【胚胎学】 个体分离:通过相邻的组织间的相互作用,产生新的器官或组织结构美国传统〔inspection〕The organization is responsible for the maintenance and inspection of offshore structures.该组织负责维护和检查离岸建筑。麦克米伦高阶〔integumentary system〕The bodily system consisting of the skin and its associated structures, such as the hair, nails, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands.表皮系统:由皮肤及其相关组织所构成的身体系统,例如头发、指甲、汗腺及皮脂线等美国传统〔interweave〕Social structures are not discrete objects; they overlap and interweave.社会结构之间不是离散的,他们相互重叠交织。柯林斯高阶〔ironworker〕A construction worker who builds steel structures.造铁构架的建筑工人美国传统〔jaw〕Either of two bony or cartilaginous structures that in most vertebrates form the framework of the mouth and hold the teeth.颚:大部分脊椎动物具有的支持牙齿的骨架,由两块大骨或软骨结构组成美国传统〔knacker〕A person who buys discarded structures and dismantles them to sell the materials.收买废弃的设备,拆散后出售其材料的人美国传统〔medulla〕The inner core of certain organs or body structures, such as the marrow of bone.髓质:某些器官或身体结构的内部或深部,如骨髓美国传统〔membrane〕A thin, pliable layer of tissue covering surfaces or separating or connecting regions, structures, or organs of an animal or a plant.膜:薄而柔软的组织层,覆盖在表面或分割连接各种区域、结构或动植物器官美国传统〔mesomorphic〕Anatomy Having or characterized by a robust, muscular body build caused by the predominance of structures developed from the embryonic mesodermal layer.【解剖学】 具有运动型体格的:由胚胎中胚层发育而来,因结构占优势而促成健壮高大的体型的、或以此为特征的美国传统〔metrics〕The use or study of metrical structures in verse; prosody.韵律学:在诗歌中运用韵律结构或研究诗歌里的韵律结构;韵律学美国传统〔microsurgery〕Surgery on minute body structures or cells performed with the aid of a microscope and other specialized instruments, such as a micromanipulator.显微外科,显微手术:借助显微镜和其它专业仪器,如显微操纵器材等对微小的身体结构或细胞进行的手术美国传统〔microvillus〕Any of the minute hairlike structures projecting from the surface of certain types of epithelial cells, especially those of the small intestine.微绒毛;微小突起物;指状突起:一些上皮细胞表面上突起的微小发状结构的总称,尤指小肠上的美国传统〔monolithic〕The monolithic free-standing structures suggest entrances to caves, tunnels, tombs, and temples.这些独块巨石构成的独立式结构指示着山洞、地下通道、墓穴和寺庙的入口。外研社新世纪〔nog〕A wooden block built into a masonry wall to hold nails that support joinery structures.木栓,木砖:嵌入石墙中的木块,以钉支撑细木构造物的钉子美国传统〔normalize〕To remove strains and reduce coarse crystalline structures in (metal), especially by heating and cooling.使规格化:除去特点并减少(金属)里的粗晶结构,尤指用加热和冷却的方式美国传统〔nuclear physics〕The scientific study of the forces, reactions, and internal structures of atomic nuclei.核物理学:关于原子核的力,反应和内部结构的科学或学科美国传统〔ototoxic〕Having a toxic effect on the structures of the ear, especially on its nerve supply.耳毒性的:对耳结构有毒害影响的,尤指对耳神经感觉美国传统〔peptide bond〕The chemical bond formed between the carboxyl groups and amino groups of neighboring amino acids, constituting the primary linkage of all protein structures.肽键:相邻氨基酸的羧基和酸基之间的化学键,包括所有蛋白质结构中的基本联系美国传统〔periodontal〕Relating to or affecting tissue and structures surrounding and supporting the teeth.关于或影响包裹和支持牙齿的组织和结构的美国传统〔peristalsis〕The wavelike muscular contractions of the alimentary canal or other tubular structures by which contents are forced onward toward the opening.蠕动:消化道或其它管状结构肌肉的波状移动,通过这种方式使里面的东西移至出口外美国传统〔photophore〕A light-producing organ found especially in marine fishes that emits light from specialized structures or derives light from symbiotic luminescent bacteria.发光器官:常在海洋鱼类身上发现的一个发光器官,可以从特殊的结构中散射光或是从共生的发冷光细菌中提取光美国传统〔pile〕The structures need to be piled.这些结构需要用桩柱支撑。外研社新世纪〔play around with〕We are playing around with genetic structures that existed for millions of years.我们正在改变存在了数百万年的遗传结构。外研社新世纪〔power structure〕The president has promised a new constitution and the creation of democratic power structures.总统保证要颁布新的宪法并创建民主的权力结构。剑桥高阶〔power〕These structures are just out of range of the microscope's focusing power.这些结构刚好超出了这种显微镜的调焦范围。外研社新世纪〔prosthodontics〕The branch of dentistry that deals with the replacement of missing teeth and related mouth or jaw structures by bridges, dentures, or other artificial devices.补牙学:牙科医学的分类,研究用齿床、假牙或其他人工器具替代缺牙和相关的嘴或下额的结构的学科美国传统〔pyelography〕X-ray photography of the pelvis of the kidney and associated structures after injection with a radiopaque dye.肾盂照相术:有关肾盂以及相连组织,在注射了一种辐射不透明的染料后而进行X射线拍照的技术美国传统〔pylon〕A large structure or group of structures marking an entrance or approach.塔门:标志进口或前进的大型建筑或建筑群美国传统〔pyramidal〕Most organizations have pyramidal structures.大部分机构都是金字塔结构。外研社新世纪〔radiosensitive〕Sensitive to the action of radiation. Used especially of living structures.对辐射灵敏的:对辐射的行动灵敏的。尤用于生物结构美国传统〔rattle〕The series of horny structures at the end of a rattlesnake's tail.音响构造:响尾蛇尾部尖端能发出连续响声的结构美国传统〔relict〕Of or relating to something that has survived, as structures or minerals after destructive processes.残遗的:跟存活下来的东西,如破坏性过程之后的结构或矿物有关的美国传统〔roof〕The exterior surface and its supporting structures on the top of a building.屋盖,屋顶构架:建筑物顶部的外表面及其支撑结构美国传统〔scale〕A similar part, such as one of the minute structures overlapping to form the covering on the wings of butterflies and moths.鳞状物:一种类似部位,如覆盖于蝴蝶或蛾子翅膀上形成覆盖物的微结构美国传统〔scale〕One of the many small, platelike dermal or epidermal structures that characteristically form the external covering of fishes, reptiles, and certain mammals.鳞:一种覆盖在鱼、爬行动物和某些哺乳动物体表的典型的小盘状表皮结构美国传统〔scutellum〕Botany Any of several shield-shaped structures, such as the cotyledon of a grass.【植物学】 盾状结构:一种似盾牌形状的结构,例如一种草的子叶美国传统〔semicircular canal〕Any of three tubular and looped structures of the inner ear, together functioning in maintenance of the sense of balance in the body.半规管:内耳的三个管状环形结构的任一个,共同作用维持身体的平衡感美国传统〔sponson〕Nautical Any of several structures that project from the side of a boat or ship, especially a gun platform.【航海】 舷台:从船或舰侧凸出的结构,尤其作为枪炮台美国传统〔stain〕To treat (specimens for the microscope) with a reagent or dye that makes visible certain structures without affecting others.着色:用试剂或颜料处理(在显微镜下观察的标本)以便使某些结构可见而不影响其他结构美国传统〔steeplejack〕One who builds or maintains very high structures, such as steeples.尖塔修理工人:建筑或保养极高建筑如尖塔的人美国传统〔sterile〕Not producing or incapable of producing seed, fruit spores, or other reproductive structures. Used of plants or their parts.不结果的:不产生或不能产生种子、果实孢子或其它繁殖结构的。用于植物或其部分美国传统〔strike〕Lightning conductors protect buildings and tall structures from lightning strikes.避雷针保护大楼和高层建筑物免遭雷击。剑桥高阶〔structure〕About half of those funds has gone to repair public roads, structures and bridges.那些基金中大约有一半已被用来维修公路、公共建筑物和桥梁。外研社新世纪〔structure〕About half of those funds has gone to repair public roads, structures and bridges.那些基金中大约有一半已被用来维修公路、公共建筑物和桥梁。柯林斯高阶〔structure〕The class structures of England and America are quite different.英国和美国的阶级结构极不相同。英汉大词典〔structure〕The feet are highly specialised structures made up of 26 small delicate bones.脚的结构非常特殊,由 26 块细小的骨头组成。柯林斯高阶〔structure〕The street is lined with modern steel and glass structures.街道两旁矗立着现代风格的钢筋玻璃大楼。麦克米伦高阶〔system〕A network of structures and channels, as for communication, travel, or distribution.设施:由组织与频道组成的网状系统,如为通讯,旅行或发行而设的美国传统〔thereon〕The highway and structures thereon are being repaired.公路及相关建筑物正在维修中。韦氏高阶〔timbering〕Timber or objects and structures made of it.木材、木制品或木结构美国传统〔tinker〕Problems can arise when management structures are tinkered with.改进管理结构的过程中可能会产生问题。麦克米伦高阶〔topgallant〕Raised above adjacent parts or structures.隆起的:超过临近的部分或结构的美国传统〔toponymy〕Anatomy Nomenclature with respect to a region of the body rather than to organs or structures.【解剖学】 部位命名法:不依照器官或结构而依据身体部位进行的命名美国传统〔twine〕These strands of molecules twine around each other to form cable-like structures.这些分子链彼此缠绕, 形成缆线状的结构。外研社新世纪〔twine〕These strands of molecules twine around each other to form cable-like structures.这些分子链彼此缠绕,形成缆线状的结构。柯林斯高阶〔twit〕Darwin frequently twitted his creationist opponents about the apparently useless structures of many animals and plants.达尔文经常用大量动植物看来毫无用处的构造来挖苦他的神创论对手。外研社新世纪〔urogenital〕Of, relating to, or involving both the urinary and genital structures or functions.尿生殖的,尿道的:生殖器的结构或功能的,与生殖器的结构或功能有关的,涉及生殖的结构或功能美国传统〔weaken〕Family structures are weakening and breaking up.家庭结构在动摇, 进而分崩离析。外研社新世纪〔weaken〕Family structures are weakening and breaking up.家庭结构在动摇,进而分崩离析。柯林斯高阶〔weaken〕The earthquake in Cairo weakened a number of structures.开罗的这场地震使一些建筑物松动了。朗文当代〔whitewash〕A mixture of lime and water, often with whiting, size, or glue added, that is used to whiten walls, fences, or other structures.石灰水、白涂料:石灰和水的混和物,通常加有白垩粉、浆糊或胶水,用于粉刷墙、篱笆或其它建筑美国传统〔widely〕Oakley locates housework in the wider context of economic, social and political structures.奥克利把家务置于更广泛的经济、社会和政治结构背景中。柯林斯高阶〔widely〕There are wide variations caused by different academic programme structures.不同的教学项目结构造成了巨大的差异。柯林斯高阶Structures of reporting within the company are to be changed.公司内部的隶属关系将有所改变。牛津商务A lightning conductor is a means of protecting buildings and tall structures from lightning strikes.避雷针是用来保护大楼和高层建筑物免遭雷击的一种手段。剑桥国际A metalanguage usually contains specialist terminology to make it possible to refer to linguistic structures accurately.为了精确地描述语言结构,元语言通常包含专门术语。剑桥国际She criticized their prehistoric management structures.她批评了他们过时的管理结构。剑桥国际Silk is made from cocoons (= structures made of thin threads) spun by silkworms.丝绸是用蚕所织的茧而制造的。剑桥国际The president has promised a new constitution and the creation of democratic power structures.总统保证颁布新的宪法并创建民主的政治结构。剑桥国际




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