

单词 street corner
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISHONEST〕Anyone waiting around on street corners at night must be up to no good. 夜里在街角等候的人肯定不干什么好事。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕Men stood in groups on street corners. 一些男人三五成群地站在街角上。朗文写作活用〔around〕They could be seen hanging around street corners, watching the girls go by.人们可以看见他们在街角闲荡,盯着来往的女孩。朗文当代〔at〕They met at [=on] a street corner in a town.他们在一个小镇的街角碰面。韦氏高阶〔brassy〕Musicians blast their brassy jazz from street corners.玩音乐的人在街角大声弹奏起尖锐刺耳的爵士乐。柯林斯高阶〔clutter〕Too many signs were cluttering up the street corner.街角处堆了太多的标识。韦氏高阶〔corner〕She would spend the day hanging round street corners.她会整天在街角附近游荡。柯林斯高阶〔corner〕She would spend the day hanging round street corners.她会一整天在街头晃悠。外研社新世纪〔corner〕There was a group of youths standing on the street corner.有一群年轻人站在街角。牛津高阶〔corner〕There were a lot of young men hanging around on street corners.很多年轻人在街角闲荡。牛津搭配〔dejected〕The unemployed stood at street corners, dejected.失业者纷纷沮丧地站在街角。朗文当代〔harangue〕He stood on the street corner, haranguing passers-by about the stupidity of the forthcoming war.他站在街角向路人慷慨陈词,说这场即将爆发的战争是如何荒唐。朗文当代〔harmonize〕A group of singers were harmonizing on the street corner.一群歌手正在街角用和声演唱。韦氏高阶〔hawk〕On every street corner there were traders hawking their wares.每个街角都有商贩在兜售商品。剑桥高阶〔hill〕The plows came and cleared the streets, forming a hill of snow on the street corner.扫雪机过来清理街道,在街角堆起一个小雪堆。韦氏高阶〔importune〕He stood on the street corner, importuning passersby for help/money.他站在路口,死乞白赖地向路人求助/要钱。韦氏高阶〔loaf〕Soldiers loafed at street corners.士兵们在街角逛荡。柯林斯高阶〔loaf〕Soldiers loafed at street corners.士兵们在街角闲逛。外研社新世纪〔loaf〕They spend all day loafing around on street corners.他们整天在街角闲荡。朗文当代〔lodge〕There is a lodge at the street corner that rents rooms to travellers.街角有家旅舍出租房间给旅客居住。英汉大词典〔lounge〕He enjoys lounging at street corners.他爱在街头闲荡。21世纪英汉〔lover〕Two lovers were arguing on a street corner.一对情侣正在街角争吵。外研社新世纪〔old boy〕Outside, two old boys lingered on the street corner discussing cattle.两个老头儿在外面街角迟迟不走,聊着牛的事情。柯林斯高阶〔old boy〕Outside, two old boys lingered on the street corner discussing cattle.外面, 两个老头儿在街角迟迟不走, 聊着牛的事情。外研社新世纪〔pitch〕The new stallholder had a good pitch on a street corner.这位新的摊主在街角有个很好的摊位。麦克米伦高阶〔play〕The firemen played their hoses on the burning building at the street corner.消防队员将水龙带对着街角燃烧的大楼喷射。21世纪英汉〔ply〕In some areas, drug dealers openly ply their trade on street corners.在某些地区,毒贩公然在街角进行交易。朗文当代〔reduce〕The Depression reduced many to begging on street corners.大萧条使许多人沦落到街头乞讨美国传统〔round〕She would spend the day hanging round street corners.她会在街角游荡,无所事事地度过这一天。柯林斯高阶〔shifty〕There's a couple of shifty-looking people standing on the street corner.街角站着几个贼头贼脑的人。剑桥高阶〔stand〕People were standing about at street corners talking.人们三三两两地站在街头转角处谈话。英汉大词典〔stand〕She bought a hot dog from a stand on a street corner.她从街角的小摊上买了个热狗。柯林斯高阶〔stand〕Soldiers stand guard on street corners.士兵守卫在街角上。朗文当代〔street〕I spotted her on a street corner.我在街角发现了她。外研社新世纪〔street〕Two people were chatting on a street corner .两个人在街角闲谈。朗文当代〔tarry〕Two old boys tarried on the street corner discussing cattle.两个老男孩在街角徘徊, 讨论牛的问题。外研社新世纪〔wolf〕She bought a hot dog from a stand on a street corner and wolfed it down.他从街角小摊上买了一个热狗,大口地吃了下去。柯林斯高阶〔youth〕Several youths and girls were standing at the street corner.几个小伙子和姑娘站在街道拐角处。英汉大词典A black man stood at the street corner distributing handbills. 一个黑人站在街角处散发广告单。译典通Guards armed with cudgels stood on the street corners.手持短棍的警卫站在街角。剑桥国际He turned the street corner. 他拐过街角。译典通I wish you'd do something constructive at the weekends instead of hanging about on street corners with your friends.我希望你能在周末做些有建设性的事,而不是和朋友在街头无所事事。剑桥国际In this part of town, there are whores on every street corner.在城镇的这一地区,每个街道拐角处都有娼妓。剑桥国际On every street corner there were traders hawking their wares, everything from plastic sunglasses to ‘genuine’antiques at half their usual price.每个街角总有商贩们兜售他们的商品,什么都有,从塑料太阳眼镜到“正宗的”古董,全是半价。剑桥国际Some youngsters were seen on the prowl around the street corner. 有人看到一些青年在街角徘徊。译典通The cabaret is right on the street corner. 那家歌舞餐厅就在街角。译典通The old man peddled ice-cream on the street corner. 这个老人在街角叫卖冰淇淋。译典通The queue at the ticket window extended all the way to the street corner. 售票窗口的队伍一直排到街角。译典通There are too many truants hanging around on street corners instead of going to school.有许多许多旷课生在街头巷尾游荡不去上学。剑桥国际There's usually a couple of kids just hanging round on street corners.时常有几个孩子在街角闲逛。剑桥国际




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