

单词 spoken
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANGRY〕I know I shouldn't have spoken to Suzanne like that, but I was absolutely livid. 我知道不该这样和苏珊娜说话,但我当时已经气糊涂了。朗文写作活用〔ANGRY〕Students have spoken of their growing frustration with school administrators. 学生讲到他们对学校管理人员越来越失望。朗文写作活用〔Abkhaz〕The Northwest Caucasian language of Abkhazia, also spoken in Georgia and Turkey.阿伯卡茨语:阿伯卡茨的西北高加索语,在格鲁吉亚和土耳其也使用美国传统〔Akan〕A South Central Niger-Congo language spoken in parts of Ghana and the Ivory Coast whose two main varieties are Fante and Twi, including Ashanti.库阿语:,在加纳和象牙海岸部分地区使用的尼日尔--刚果中南部语言,主要变体是芳蒂语和特维语,包括阿散蒂语美国传统〔Algonquin〕Any of the varieties of the Ojibwa language spoken by the peoples called Algonquin.阿尔贡金语:阿尔冈昆民族所讲的奥吉布瓦语的任意一种变体美国传统〔Amoy〕The dialect of Chinese spoken in and around the city of Xiamen in Fujian province in southeast China.厦门话:中国方言,为中国东南部福建省厦门市地区的人所使用美国传统〔Anglophone〕An English-speaking person, especially one in a country where two or more languages are spoken.讲英语者:讲英语的人,尤指在使用两种或多种语言的国家里美国传统〔Briticism〕A word, a phrase, or an idiom characteristic of or peculiar to English as it is spoken in Great Britain.英国英语语法:英国人特用的词、短语、或习语,如大不列颠人所讲的美国传统〔Cantonese〕The dialect of Chinese spoken in and around Guangzhou (formerly Canton), China.广东话,粤语:中国广州城里或附近地区(旧名广东)所讲的方言美国传统〔Catalan〕The Romance language spoken especially in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, Andorra, and the Roussillon region of France.加泰隆尼亚语:在加泰隆尼亚、布勒瑞克群岛、安道尔和法国的罗萨林地区讲的罗曼语美国传统〔Cayuga〕The Iroquoian language spoken by the Cayuga.卡尤加语:卡尤加族人说的易洛魁语美国传统〔Chadic〕A branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family, spoken in west-central Africa and including Hausa as its best-known member.乍得语:非洲中西部所讲的亚非语系的一个分支,包括最著名的豪萨语支美国传统〔Chinese〕A branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family that consists of the various dialects spoken by the Chinese people.汉语:汉藏语系中的一支,包括中国人所说的各种方言美国传统〔Chuvash〕The Turkic language spoken by the Chuvash.楚瓦什语:楚瓦什人说的突厥语美国传统〔Creole〕The French dialect spoken by these people.混杂法语:这些人所讲的法语方言美国传统〔DIVORCE〕My ex and I haven't spoken in years. 前夫和我已经多年没说话了。朗文写作活用〔Dravidian〕A large family of languages spoken especially in southern India and northern Sri Lanka that includes Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada.达罗毗荼语系:使用于印度南部和斯里兰卡北部的一个大语族,包括泰米尔语、泰卢固语、马拉亚兰语和卡纳拉语美国传统〔Fante〕The variety of Akan spoken by this people.芳蒂语:此族人所使用的阿坎语美国传统〔Francophone〕A French-speaking person, especially in a region where two or more languages are spoken.操法语者:尤指在使用两种或多种语言的国度里讲法语的人美国传统〔Friday〕I haven't spoken to him since last Friday.自从上星期五以来我都没有和他说过话。剑桥高阶〔Fujian〕A dialect of Chinese spoken in Fujian province, eastern Guangdong province, and Taiwan province.福建话,闽南语:在福建省、广东省东部和台湾省所使用的一种中国方言美国传统〔Gaeltacht〕The collection of regions in Ireland where Irish Gaelic is spoken as a native language.盖尔族区:爱尔兰使用盖尔族为母语的聚集区美国传统〔Geordie〕The dialect of English spoken by Geordies.北英格兰语:北英格兰人说的英语方言美国传统〔Haida〕Any or all of the language varieties spoken by the Haida.海达语:海达人使用的语言美国传统〔Hausa〕A Chadic language spoken by the Hausa, widely used as a trade language in West Africa.豪萨语:作为商业用语广泛用于西非的豪萨人所说的一种乍得语美国传统〔Hindi〕A group of vernacular Indic dialects spoken in northern India.北印度方言:北印度乡土方言的集成美国传统〔IMPROVE〕The best way to perfect your Spanish is to live in a country where it's spoken. 完善西班牙语能力的最佳办法是到说西班牙语的国家去居住。朗文写作活用〔Indianism〕A word or phrase characteristic of English as spoken in India.印第安英语:印第安人所说的英语字句中有的特征美国传统〔Iraqi〕The modern dialect of Arabic spoken in Iraq.伊拉克所用的阿拉伯语现代方言美国传统〔Kru〕A group of Niger-Congo languages spoken primarily in Liberia and Côte d'Ivoire.克鲁语:主要在利比里亚及科特迪瓦使用的尼日尔刚果语系美国传统〔Lallan〕Scots as spoken in southern and eastern Scotland.苏格兰低地的方言:在苏格兰南部和东部讲的苏格兰语美国传统〔MISTAKE〕My spoken Spanish was okay, but I kept making mistakes in my written work. 我的西班牙语说说还可以,但写起来就错误连篇了。朗文写作活用〔Mende〕A language of the Mande branch of the Niger-Congo language family spoken in southern Sierra Leone and eastern Liberia.曼第语:尼日尔刚果语系家族的曼第分支语言,主要是在撒哈拉里昂南部及利比亚东部使用美国传统〔Miao-Yao〕A small group of languages of uncertain affinity, including Hmong and Yao, spoken in southern China, northern Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam.苗瑶语:起源不清的一小组语言,包括荷芒语和瑶语,见于中国南部,老挝、泰国和越南北部美国传统〔Moravian〕A group of Czech dialects spoken in Moravia.摩拉维亚语:摩拉维亚地区说的一组捷克方言美国传统〔Nakota〕The dialect of Sioux spoken by the Nakota branch.拿可达语:拿可达族使用的苏族方言美国传统〔Naskapi〕The variety of Montagnais spoken by the Naskapi.纳斯卡皮语:纳斯卡皮人说的各种的蒙塔格尼语美国传统〔Natick〕The variety of Massachusett presumed to have been spoken in the mission town of Natick, Massachusetts, and used in the Massachusett Bible.内蒂克语:马萨诸塞语的分支,认定为曾在内蒂克,马萨诸塞传教镇说过,在马萨诸塞圣经上用过美国传统〔Nilotic〕A large group of Nilo-Saharan languages, spoken in southern Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, and northern Tanzania and including Masai.尼罗河语:尼罗一撒哈拉语系的一个大语支,苏丹南部、乌于达、肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚北部多讲此种语言,并包括马赛语美国传统〔Nyanja〕A Bantu language closely related to Chewa and spoken in Malawi.尼扬扎语:在马拉维人们使用的一种班图语,与奇瓦语渊源很深美国传统〔OFTEN〕My grandmother must have spoken to him hundreds of times but, surprisingly, she didn't know his name. 我祖母一定跟他说过许多次话了,可她竟然不知道他的名字。朗文写作活用〔Omotic〕A branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family, spoken in Ethiopia.欧摩提克语:埃塞俄比亚使用的非亚语系的一支美国传统〔Ottawa〕The dialect of Ojibwa spoken by the Ottawa.奥塔瓦语:奥塔瓦人的语言,属奥吉瓦语的方言美国传统〔PRAISE〕I'm so pleased to meet you -- my wife has always spoken very highly of you. 很高兴见到你——我妻子经常称赞你。朗文写作活用〔Pahari〕The group of Indo-Aryan languages spoken by these peoples, including Nepali.帕哈里语族:包括尼泊尔语在内的帕哈里族使用的印度亚利安语系美国传统〔Pama-Nyungan〕A large family of Australian aboriginal languages, spoken throughout Australia except in the extreme north, and including Pitjantjatjara and Warlpiri.帕玛-尼昂冈语:澳大利亚原住民语言的一大语系,在澳大利亚全境使用,除了其最北端之外,该语系包括皮特简特加特加拉语和瓦尔皮黎语美国传统〔Pidgin English〕Any of several pidgins based on English and now spoken mostly on the Pacific islands and in West Africa.混杂英语,洋泾滨英语:以英语为基础的几种混杂语,现主要在太平洋岛屿和西非的人讲美国传统〔Polynesian〕A subfamily of the Austronesian language family spoken in Polynesia.波利尼西亚语:在波利尼西亚讲的澳斯特罗尼西亚语系中的一个亚语系美国传统〔Punjabi〕An Indic language spoken in the Punjab.旁遮普地区使用的印度语美国传统〔SPEAK〕This book will help you with both spoken and written English. 本书将帮助你改善口头英语和书面英语。朗文写作活用〔Sahaptian〕A North American Indian language family spoken in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho and comprising the Sahaptin and Nez Perce languages.萨哈普廷语组:北美洲的一个印第安人语组,在华盛顿州、俄勒冈州和爱达荷州都有人说,其中包括萨哈普廷语和内兹珀塞语美国传统〔Serbian〕Serbo-Croatian as spoken in Serbia and adjacent regions of Yugoslavia, written in a Cyrillic alphabet.塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语:在塞尔维亚和南斯拉夫的相邻地区说的,用西里尔字母写的塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语美国传统〔Sesotho〕A Sotho language spoken in Lesotho, where it is the national language, and in South Africa, where it is an official language.塞索托语:赖索托境内使用的索托语,为赖索托的国语,南非的官方语言之一美国传统〔Shanghainese〕The variety of Chinese spoken in Shanghai.上海话,上海方言:上海人的汉语变体美国传统〔Siouan〕A large North American Indian language family spoken from Lake Michigan to the Rocky Mountains and southward to Arkansas.苏族语:一种广泛使用的北美印第安人语族,使用范围从密歇根湖到落基山脉,南到阿肯色州广大地区美国传统〔TALK〕Have you spoken with Michael about the scheduling conflict? 你有没有跟迈克尔谈过计划有冲突的问题?朗文写作活用〔TYPE〕At that time, all newsreaders spoke a variety of English spoken in southern England, known as Received Pronunciation. 那时候,所有的新闻广播员都用一种于英格兰南部地区使用的、称为“标准发音”的英语来进行广播。朗文写作活用〔Tai〕A family of languages spoken in southeast Asia and southern China that includes Thai, Lao, and Shan.泰语:东南亚和中国南部使用的一个语族,包括泰语、老挝语和掸语美国传统〔Tausug〕An Austronesian language spoken in the Sulu Archipelago.陶苏格语:苏禄群岛居民讲的南岛语族语言美国传统〔Telugu〕A Dravidian language spoken in central India.泰卢固语:印度中部使用的德拉威语美国传统〔Tok Pisin〕A pidgin based on English and spoken in Papua New Guinea.一种以英语为基础的混杂语,在巴布亚新几内亚使用美国传统〔Tsimshian〕The family of languages spoken by the Tsimshian and related peoples.茨姆锡安语:茨姆锡安及亲缘民族的语族美国传统〔Tuscan〕Any of the dialects of Italian spoken in Tuscany.托斯卡纳方言:在托斯卡纳使用的意大利语的方言美国传统〔Twi〕A variety of the Akan language spoken in Ghana.特维语:在加纳使用的库阿语的一个变体美国传统〔Uto-Aztecan〕Of or relating to the Uto-Aztecans or to the languages spoken by them.犹他-阿兹特克语族或与之相关的,使用犹他-阿兹特克语族的人的美国传统〔Venetian〕The variety of Italian spoken in Venice.威尼斯方言:在威尼斯说的意大利语的一种美国传统〔WRITE〕Some expressions are more common in spoken English than in written English. 有些表达方式在英语口语里比在书面语里常见。朗文写作活用〔Walloon〕The dialect of French spoken by these people.瓦龙语:瓦龙人讲的法语方言美国传统〔Yat〕The variety of English spoken by these people, derived from Irish English.耶特语:耶特人讲的从爱尔兰英语演变而来的变化英语美国传统〔Yupik〕The group of Eskimoan languages spoken by the Yupik.尤皮克语:尤皮克人讲的爱斯基摩语群美国传统〔after〕I'll call you after I've spoken to them.我和他们谈了以后就给你打电话。牛津高阶〔agitate〕To arouse interest in (a cause, for example) by use of the written or spoken word; debate.热烈讨论,辩论:用书面或口头的话激起兴趣(如对于一项事业);争论美国传统〔all〕In all, there are over 120 languages spoken in London's schools.伦敦的学校里总共有120多种语言在使用。麦克米伦高阶〔ambiguity〕Ambiguity arises when students' spoken English is very limited.学生英语会话水平有限就容易产生歧义。牛津搭配〔anger〕A few words spoken in anger can quickly destroy a love affair or friendship.几句气话就可以迅速毁掉一段恋情或友谊。外研社新世纪〔answering machine〕I haven't spoken to him yet, but he left a message on my answering machine.我还没跟他谈,但他在我的电话答录机上留言了。韦氏高阶〔antipathy〕She'd often spoken of her antipathy towards London.她常提及她对伦敦的反感。柯林斯高阶〔anyone〕I haven't spoken to anyone all day.我一整天都没跟任何人说句话。剑桥高阶〔anyone〕I haven't spoken to anyone all day.整整一天我都没跟一个人说过话。朗文当代〔as〕Gently as her words were spoken, there was no mistaking that she was displeased.尽管她的话说得很温和,但谁都看得出她生气了。英汉大词典〔be〕English is spoken here.这里讲英语。英汉大词典〔breath〕A softly spoken sound; a whisper.耳语:轻微的说话声;低语美国传统〔broken〕He tried to explain what had happened in broken English (= not spoken easily and stopping a lot) .他英语讲得结结巴巴,拼命想解释清楚发生了什么。剑桥高阶〔cockney〕You won't hear much real cockney spoken unless you go to the East End.除非你去伦敦东区,否则你不会听到多少真正的伦敦土话。剑桥高阶〔conversation〕A spoken exchange of thoughts, opinions, and feelings; a talk.谈话:交流思想、观点或感情的会话;一次交谈美国传统〔converse〕Spoken interchange of thoughts and feelings; conversation.谈话:交流思想及感情的会谈;谈话美国传统〔copy〕The reporter copied down every word spoken by the Prime Minister.记者把首相所讲的话一字不漏地全记下来了。英汉大词典〔creolize〕Creolized forms of Latin were spoken in various parts of Europe.以前欧洲各地区都讲克里奥尔语形式的拉丁语。牛津高阶〔dah〕The spoken representation of a dash in Morse code.长划:莫尔斯电码中,以短断音代表口语表达美国传统〔defiantly〕He's spoken out defiantly against the new law.他公然反对这项新的法律。韦氏高阶〔digression〕An instance of digressing, especially a written or spoken passage that has no bearing on the main subject.离题段落:离题的例子,特别是指写作或演说中与主题无关的段落美国传统〔distinction〕There's a clear distinction between the dialects spoken in the two regions.这两个地区的方言有着明显的不同。剑桥高阶〔dit〕The spoken representation of the dot in radio and telegraph code.(电码中的)点:表示无线电码或电报电码的“滴滴”、“嗒嗒”声美国传统〔dragoman〕An interpreter or guide in countries where Arabic, Turkish, or Persian is spoken.翻译,导游:讲阿拉伯语、土耳其语或波斯语的国家的翻译或导游美国传统〔draw〕She asked the little girl to draw a picture of the man she'd spoken to.她让那小女孩把和她说过话的男人画出来。朗文当代〔duck〕The man ducked behind the crowd as soon as he had spoken.那人话一讲完就躲到人群后面去了。英汉大词典〔eat〕I couldn't eat another thing/bite spoken (=used to say that you are full) 我吃饱了朗文当代〔end〕Soon after we had spoken to this man he had met a violent end.我们和这个人谈话之后没多久,他就死于非命了。柯林斯高阶〔end〕Soon after we had spoken to this man, he had met a violent end.我们和这个人谈话之后没多久, 他就死于非命了。外研社新世纪〔enough〕I have spoken to him enough this morning.今天早上我跟他谈得很充分。英汉大词典〔epilogue〕A short poem or speech spoken directly to the audience following the conclusion of a play.收场白:戏剧结束后直接对观众说的道白或短诗美国传统〔externalize〕Spoken language externalizes thought.言语使思想外表化。英汉大词典〔face-to-face〕We've spoken on the phone but never face-to-face.我们通过电话,但素未谋面。剑桥高阶〔fact〕A: You must have spoken to him today. B: As a matter of fact, I haven't.甲:你今天肯定跟他谈过了吧。 乙:恰恰还没有。英汉大词典〔fact〕I haven't spoken to anyone in English for days and that's a fact.我有好多天没和任何人说英语了,事实就是这样。牛津高阶〔fluency〕Fluency in spoken English is essential.能讲一口流利的英语很重要。牛津搭配〔know〕I only know her by sight (=I often see her but have not really spoken to her) .我和她只是面熟而已。朗文当代〔lady〕A woman, especially when spoken of or to in a polite way.对女性的尊称:尤指那些言谈之间很有礼貌的妇女美国传统〔last〕I've spoken my last on that subject.那个问题我要讲的都讲过了。英汉大词典〔lay〕I may have spoken a bit too freely, even laid it on a little.我可能有些自由发挥, 甚至有些言过其实了。外研社新世纪〔level〕When the car had pulled level with him, he had spoken into the lowered passenger window.汽车开到他身边与他并行时,他朝拉下车窗的后排座位说了几句话。柯林斯高阶〔lingua franca〕A mixture of Italian with Provençal, French, Spanish, Arabic, Greek, and Turkish, formerly spoken on the eastern Mediterranean coast.佛兰卡语:原在地中海东部地区使用的由意大利、普罗旺斯语、法语、西班牙语、阿拉伯语、希腊语和土耳其语构成的混杂语美国传统〔loudly〕He had spoken loudly and angrily.他愤怒地大声说话。外研社新世纪〔minority〕Gaelic is still spoken in Ireland by a tiny minority.盖尔语在爱尔兰仍有很小的一部分人在说。朗文当代〔modern〕The English that was spoken by William Shakespeare is very different from the modern English spoken today.威廉·莎士比亚讲的英语与今天所用的现代英语差异很大。韦氏高阶〔more〕The words were spoken more in sadness than in anger.这些话与其说是带着愤怒说出来的,倒不如说是带着哀伤说出来的。麦克米伦高阶〔nakedness〕There had been naked misery in her voice when she'd spoken about the letter.她说起那封信时,声音里流露出明显的痛苦。柯林斯高阶〔nary〕Nary a word was spoken.一个字也没说。韦氏高阶〔not〕We have not spoken with them.我们还没有和他们交谈。韦氏高阶〔of late〕We haven't spoken of late.我们最近没有说过话。剑桥高阶〔once〕Once again an official inquiry has spoken of weak management and ill-trained workers.官方调查又一次提到了管理不力与工人缺乏训练的问题。柯林斯高阶〔optimistically〕Both sides have spoken optimistically about the talks.双方都对会谈表示乐观。柯林斯高阶〔oralism〕The theory or practice of teaching hearing-impaired or deaf persons to communicate by means of spoken language.口语教学法:教育听障或失聪者以口语方式沟通的理论与做法美国传统〔outspoken〕Spoken without reserve; candid.坦白的:毫无保留地说的;坦率的美国传统〔paternoster〕A sequence of words spoken as a prayer or a magic formula.咒文,符咒:祈祷或魔符中讲的一连串话美国传统〔patois〕In France patois was spoken in rural, less developed regions.在欠发达的法国农村, 人们说土语。外研社新世纪〔patois〕In France patois was spoken in rural, less developed regions.在法国,欠发达的农村地区说方言。柯林斯高阶〔perfect〕He needs to perfect his spoken English before going to work in Canada.他需要把英语口语学好才能到加拿大工作。21世纪英汉〔phrase〕A word or group of words read or spoken as a unit and separated by pauses or other junctures.片语:作为读和说的词或词组的单位,并通过暂停或其他连音隔开美国传统〔pole〕We can hear English spoken from pole to pole.我们在世界各处都能听到人们讲英语。英汉大词典〔quietly〕He is a quietly spoken, thoughtful man.他是个话语轻柔、体贴周到的人。剑桥高阶〔recall〕He had a good memory, and total recall of her spoken words.他记忆力很好, 她说过的话他全都记得。外研社新世纪〔redress〕We're trying to redress the balance and to give teachers a sense that both spoken and written language are equally important.我们正在努力恢复口语和书面语之间的平衡, 让教师们感到二者同样重要。外研社新世纪〔relation〕The interpretation bore no relation to the actual words spoken.这一阐释与实际所说的话没有关联。外研社新世纪〔relation〕The interpretation had no relation to the actual words spoken.口译内容与所说原话相比完全走了样。英汉大词典〔response〕Abbr. REcclesiastical Something that is spoken or sung by a congregation or choir in answer to the officiating minister or priest.缩写 R【基督教会】 答复语,答复曲:会众或唱诗班用于答复执事牧师或教士的话语或歌曲美国传统〔responsiveness〕At hearing his name spoken, the dog gave a responsive wag of his tail.听到有人喊它的名字,这条狗摆了摆尾巴。柯林斯高阶〔scorn〕One spoken of or treated with contempt.嘲弄的对象:轻蔑地说起或对待的对象美国传统〔scouse〕Often Scouse The dialect of English spoken in Liverpool. 常作 Scouse 利物浦语:利物浦讲的英语方言美国传统〔sentence〕The last sentence was spoken considerably more softly than the others.最后一句话说得比其他话轻柔得多。牛津搭配〔sight〕I knew him by sight but had never spoken with him.我和他有过几面之缘,但从未说过话。柯林斯高阶〔silence〕I don't expect to hear from her now, after three years' silence (= three years in which she has not spoken or written to me).3年杳无音讯后,我如今不再指望能有她的消息。剑桥高阶〔silent majority〕A few people have spoken in favour of the new car park, but I'm sure the silent majority are against it.少数人说同意建造新停车场,但我敢肯定保持沉默的大多数人是反对的。剑桥高阶〔social service〕Have you spoken to social services about it? 你跟社会福利部门说过这事吗?麦克米伦高阶〔speak for〕I'm sorry. This seat is spoken for.对不起,这座位有人了。韦氏高阶〔speak up for sb/sth〕She has often spoken up for the rights of working mothers.她经常为上班族妈妈说好话,维护她们的权益。剑桥高阶〔speak〕By December last year most of the resources had been spoken for.去年 12 月之前,绝大多数的资源就被预订了。柯林斯高阶〔speak〕English is widely spoken in many parts of the world.英语在世界许多地方广泛使用。韦氏高阶〔speak〕Factory workers have finally spoken up for better working conditions.工厂的工人们终于为争取更好的工作条件而大声疾呼了。麦克米伦高阶〔speak〕French and English are spoken here.这里通用法语和英语。21世纪英汉〔speak〕He had always spoken out in favour of gay rights.他总是坚定而公开地为同性恋者的权利辩护。麦克米伦高阶〔speak〕He is often spoken of as a hero.他常常被说成一名英雄。文馨英汉〔speak〕His works were well spoken.他的作品受到了好评。21世纪英汉〔speak〕I've spoken to the manager about it.那件事我已经和经理谈过了。牛津高阶〔speak〕Is this dance spoken for? I spoke for the last slice of pizza.我可以请你跳这曲舞吗?我要了最后一块比萨饼美国传统〔speak〕Not a word was spoken between them the whole time.自始至终他们之间没说一句话。韦氏高阶〔speak〕She sometimes blushes when spoken to in the street.当有人在街上跟她打招呼时,她有时要脸红。英汉大词典〔speak〕She'd probably drop some comment about her 'fiancé' into the conversation so that he'd think she was already spoken for.她可能会在谈话的时候不着痕迹地对她的“未婚夫”作些评论,这样他便会认为她已经名花有主了。柯林斯高阶〔speak〕The plan was spoken to the public.该项规划已向公众公布。21世纪英汉〔speak〕This was a measure against which he had spoken.这是他曾发言反对过的一项措施。英汉大词典〔spoken〕Are these chairs spoken for? 这些椅子有人坐吗?麦克米伦高阶〔spoken〕Her spoken French is excellent.她说得一口流利的法语。牛津同义词〔spoken〕I was very aware that my spoken English wasn't very fluent.我非常清楚我的英语口语不太流利。外研社新世纪〔spoken〕In the meantime, every minute of her time was spoken for.与此同时, 她的每一分钟都早已被预订出去了。外研社新世纪〔stichomythia〕An ancient Greek arrangement of dialogue in drama, poetry, and disputation in which single lines of verse or parts of lines are spoken by alternate speakers.轮流对白:古希腊戏剧、诗歌和辩论中的对话安排,其中每行或行的部分由对话者交替来说美国传统〔supposedly〕The robot is supposedly capable of understanding spoken commands.那个机器人据说能了解口头命令。文馨英汉〔take on〕He's spoken to a publishing firm. They're going to take him on.他和一家出版公司谈过了,他们打算雇用他。柯林斯高阶〔talk〕I've spoken to Ed about it and he's promised not to let it happen again.我已经同埃德谈过了,他答应不让这种事情再次发生。牛津高阶〔telephone〕I've never met him, but I've spoken to him on the telephone.我从来没见过他,但我和他通过电话。朗文当代〔testimony〕All such declarations, spoken or written, offered in a legal case or deliberative hearing.证词:此种口头或书面的、在一起案件或听证会中提出的陈述美国传统〔third person〕A set of grammatical forms used in referring to a person or thing other than the speaker or the one spoken to.第三人称:一套用于指说话人或说话对象之外的人或物的语法形式美国传统〔third person〕Reference of a grammatical form to a person or thing other than the speaker or the one spoken to.第三人称:一种与谈话者及说话对象之外的人或物有关的语法形式美国传统〔tick〕She mentally ticked off the names of the people she had already spoken to.她在心里记下已经谈过话的人的名字。牛津搭配〔turn〕I hope I haven't spoken out of turn.希望我没有多嘴。柯林斯高阶〔unappropriated〕Not possessed by, spoken for, or formally assigned to a particular person or organization.非专用的:并非正式分配给一特定人或组织或归其所有、或为其辩护的美国传统〔undertone〕A tone of low pitch or volume, especially of spoken sound.低音;低声:低强度或音量的音调,尤指说话声音美国传统〔unfold〕To reveal gradually by written or spoken explanation; make known.展现,披露:通过书面或口头解释逐步揭示;使知道美国传统〔unknown〕Unknown to the MP, his secretary had already spoken to reporters.这位议员还不知道,他的秘书已跟记者说了。麦克米伦高阶〔versicle〕A short sentence spoken or chanted by a priest and followed by a response from the congregation.短句:做礼拜时由牧师领唱由会众应唱的短句美国传统〔vocable〕Capable of being voiced or spoken.发声的:能发出声音或说出的美国传统〔widely〕French used to be widely spoken in Cambodia.在柬埔寨,过去人们普遍讲法语。剑桥高阶〔word〕You said we were about to make a big mistake, and never was a truer word spoken (= you were right)! 你说我们将犯下大错,你说得真是千真万确!牛津搭配〔world〕French is spoken in many parts of the world.世界上许多地方都说法语。牛津高阶〔yea〕They have spoken, yea, shouted their reply.真的,他们已经大声地回答“是”美国传统After he had spoken, a deathly silence/hush fell on the room.他发言后房间里一片死寂。剑桥国际After the meeting he sought out the person who had spoken about the plans.会议后他设法找到了那个发言谈论计划的人。剑桥国际French used to be widely spoken (= spoken in many places and by many people) in Kampuchea.在柬埔寨,人们过去普遍讲法语。剑桥国际He is a quietly spoken (= He speaks quietly), thoughtful man.他是个说话嗓音低、爱思考的人。剑桥国际He tried to explain what had happened in broken (= not spoken easily and stopping a lot) English.他试图用蹩脚的英语解释发生的事情。剑桥国际I have not spoken to him on this subject yet. 我还没有和他谈这件事。译典通I was so pleased when you rang--I hadn't spoken to anyone all day.听到你的电话我真高兴----我一整天没跟一个人说过话。剑桥国际In the production, the recitatives are eliminated and replaced with much crisper spoken dialogue.在演出中,宣叙部被除去,代之以更清朗爽脆的对白。剑桥国际People who can't use a keyboard can use voice recognition for spoken commands.无法使用键盘的人可以使用语音识别下达口头指令。牛津商务She claims her remarks were only spoken in jest, and that they should never have been published.她声称她的话仅仅是开玩笑地说的,决不应该发表。剑桥国际She has a good command of spoken English. 她的英语口语很熟练。译典通She hasn't even spoken to me yet.她甚至还没和我说过话。剑桥国际The reporter had copied down every word spoken by the minister. 记者已把部长讲的话一字不漏地全记下来了。译典通There's a clear distinction between the dialects spoken in the two regions.两地所说的方言有明显的差别。剑桥国际We haven't heard a dickybird from (= spoken to or received a letter from) Riza recently.我们最近还没得到理扎的任何音讯。剑桥国际You won't hear much real Cockney spoken unless you go to the East End of London.除非你去伦敦东区,否则你不会听到真正的伦敦话。剑桥国际




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