

单词 specialization
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔compartmentation〕Compartmentation and specialization go hand in hand with the increasing complexities of civilization.随着文化的日趋复杂多元,必然出现分工和专业化。英汉大词典〔field〕A topic, a subject, or an area of academic interest or specialization.主题,范围:一个题目、课题或学术兴趣或专业领域美国传统〔heteronomous〕Biology Differing in development or manner of specialization, as the dissimilar segments of certain arthropods.【生物学】 异规的:专门化的发展或方式不同的,如某些节肢动物的不同部分美国传统〔minor〕Of or relating to a secondary area of academic specialization.辅修的:学术专业上的第二个领域的美国传统〔specialism〕A field of specialization.专业领域美国传统〔specialization〕Specialization (= limiting study or work to one particular area) usually doesn't occur until PhD level.专门化通常到博士阶段才发生。剑桥高阶〔specialization〕Applications for nurse specializations may be sent to the School of Nursing.护士专业的申请可以寄到护理学院去。麦克米伦高阶〔specialization〕Her degree is in French, with specialization in 17th-century literature.她获得的是法语学位,专业方向是 17 世纪文学。牛津搭配〔specialization〕She studies government with a specialization in foreign policy.她专门研究政府的对外政策。韦氏高阶〔specialization〕The company has gradually focused on its current areas of specialization.这个公司已逐步将重点放在目前的专门领域。牛津搭配〔specialization〕The course offers three areas of specialization – fine art, graphic design, and fashion.该课程有3个专业领域:美术、平面造型设计和时装设计。麦克米伦高阶〔specialization〕The lawyer said that he was unable to help us because our case fell outside his specialization.律师说他帮不了我们,因为我们的案子超出了他的专业范围。剑桥高阶〔specialization〕The production line involves a high degree of specialization.生产线要求的专业化程度相当高。牛津搭配〔specialization〕There has been increased economic specialization throughout the country.整个国家经济专门化的程度越来越高。牛津搭配〔specialization〕Within the brain there is a degree of functional specialization for pain.大脑内有一定程度的痛感功能特化。牛津搭配〔specialize〕Biology To adapt to a particular function or environment; cause to undergo specialization.【生物学】 使特化:使适应某种专门的功能或环境;使经历专门化美国传统〔specialize〕Biology To develop so as to become adapted to a specific function or environment; undergo specialization.【生物学】 专业化:为适应于某种具体功能或环境而进行的培育;进行专门研究美国传统〔unspecialized〕Having no special function; without specialty or specialization.非专门化的:不具有特殊的功能的;没有专业或未进行专业化的美国传统In the course I'm taking, there's no opportunity for specialization (= limiting my studying or work to one particular area) until the final year.我所上的课中没有涉及专业知识,直到最后一年情况才有所改观。剑桥国际The lawyer said that he was unable to help us because our case fell outside his specialization (= his particular area of knowledge).律师说他没法帮助我们,因为我们的案子超出了他的专业范围。剑桥国际




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