

单词 sop
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔sop sth up〕It's surprising how much milk the bread sops up.这块面包能吸收那么多牛奶,太出人意料了。剑桥高阶〔sop up〕Can you help me to sop up the pool of milk on the floor?你能帮我把地板上的牛奶揩净吗?21世纪英汉〔sop〕Critics say that the proposed tax cut is just a sop to wealthy taxpayers.批评者认为减税提议不过是给富有的纳税人的一个小贿赂。韦氏高阶〔sop〕Critics see the increase in defence spending as a sop to the armed forces rather than an improvement of national security.批评人士认为国防开支的增加只是对军队的一种安抚,并不意味着国家安全的改善。剑桥高阶〔sop〕That law is a mere sop to those who have been calling for reform.那项法律只不过是用以安抚一下那些要求改革的人而已。英汉大词典〔sop〕The company agreed to inspect the river regularly, as a sop to the environmental lobby.这家公司同意定期对那条河进行检测,以敷衍环保团体。朗文当代〔sop〕The government parties may be tempted to throw a few sops to the right-wingers.执政党也许想对右翼人士施以小恩小惠。柯林斯高阶〔sop〕They keep their petrol cheap as a sop to public opinion.他们使石油保持低价以取悦民意。麦克米伦高阶〔sop〕This is an obvious sop to the large Irish-American audience.这明显是讨好广大爱尔兰裔美国观众的一种手段。柯林斯高阶Critics see the increase in defence spending as a sop to the armed forces rather than an improvement of national security.批评家把国防开支的增加看作是对军队的贿赂,而不是国家安全的改善。剑桥国际He gave the foreman a carton of cigarettes as a sop. 他给工头一条香烟以表心意。译典通He was trying to sop the oil up with newspaper.他正试着用报纸来吸干油。剑桥国际I used a mop to sop up the spilled water. 我用拖把把泼出的水擦干。译典通It's surprising how much milk the bread sops up.真是令人惊奇不已,这块面包能吸那么多牛奶。剑桥国际The playground was a mere sop. 操场很湿。译典通




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