

单词 so many
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EASY〕Don't worry. I've driven to the Bronx so many times, I could do it standing on my head. 别担心,我已开车去过布朗克斯多次,就是闭着眼睛我都能找到那个地方。朗文写作活用〔HELP〕I am very grateful to members of the faculty who have supported me in so many ways. 我非常感激教员们在很多方面对我都这么支持。朗文写作活用〔HURT/INJURE〕There were so many people at the match - it was lucky that no one got hurt. 有很多人观看比赛——真是幸运,没有人受伤。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕I could think of very little to say in the presence of so many important people. 在那么多要人面前我想不出来要说些什么。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕It was a great experience - people from so many very different backgrounds living side by side. 这真是了不起啊一那么多背景很不相同的人能相安无事地生活在一起。朗文写作活用〔ah〕Ah, so many questions, so little time.啊, 这么多的问题, 这么少的时间。外研社新世纪〔arrayed〕The trouble with all such proposals is that so many powerful interests are arrayed against them.所有这类提案遇到的困难是有太多强大的利益集团表示反对。柯林斯高阶〔awe〕She seemed awed by the presence of so many famous people.见到这么多名人出席,似乎令她惊叹不已。牛津高阶〔bed down〕There were so many people that some of us had to bed down in the living room.我们人太多了,有些人得睡在客厅里了。韦氏高阶〔bloke〕He's got so many problems, poor bloke! 他麻烦很多,真可怜!牛津搭配〔boon〕It is for this reason that television proves such a boon to so many people.正是这个原因, 电视才会给这么多人带来如此大的便利。外研社新世纪〔clash〕So many of his ideas clash with mine.他的许多想法都和我的有很大的分歧。韦氏高阶〔could do sth in your sleep〕I've made this recipe so many times I could do it in my sleep now.我做这个食谱很多次了,现在我在梦里也能做。剑桥高阶〔cure sb of sth〕I ate so many sweets that day that I was cured of my sugar craving for months.有一天我吃糖吃得太多了,这让我好几个月都不想吃甜东西。剑桥高阶〔depress〕It depresses me to see so many young girls smoking.看到这么多女孩抽烟令我感到很沮丧。牛津高阶〔fortunate〕Central London is fortunate in having so many large parks and open spaces.伦敦市中心有幸拥有许多大型公园和大片空地。外研社新世纪〔have〕She has so many things that she wants to do.她有许多想做的事情。韦氏高阶〔illiterate〕So many of us are scientifically illiterate.我们当中的科技盲真多。外研社新世纪〔perplexity〕It is an indication of the perplexity of this conflict that there are so many ways of viewing it.这表明了这次冲突的复杂性, 即有很多种看待它的方式。外研社新世纪〔powder〕Why are there so many adverts for washing powders on TV? 为什么电视里有这么多洗衣粉的广告?剑桥高阶〔rakable〕It's impossible for me to rake so many ancient books together in a week.让我在一周之内搜集这么多本古书是不可能的。21世纪英汉〔rehash〕This issue has been rehashed so many times already.这个问题已经重提过太多次了。朗文当代〔rich〕One of the mysteries of our times is why some oil-rich countries have so many poor living in them.我们这个时代的谜团之一是为什么一些盛产石油的国度里生活着这么多穷人。剑桥高阶〔scrounge〕Why are we accepting so many refugees who are scrounging on taxpayers' money?我们为什么要接受那么多榨取纳税人金钱的难民?外研社新世纪〔simply〕So many of these questions simply don't have answers.这些问题有很多根本就没有答案。柯林斯高阶〔sleep〕I've driven there so many times, I could do it in my sleep.我开车到过那里这么多次,我闭上眼睛都可以开到那里。麦克米伦高阶〔smithereens〕So many films involve everyone and everything being blown to smithereens.许多电影中都有人和东西被炸得粉碎的场景。剑桥高阶〔so〕Like so many great artists, he died young.像很多伟大的艺术家一样,他英年早逝。麦克米伦高阶〔travesty〕It is a travesty and a tragedy that so many people would be denied the right to vote.这么多人将被剥夺投票权。这是一种讽刺,也是一场悲剧。韦氏高阶〔unusual〕It's unusual to find so many different plants in one garden.一个花园里有这么多不同的植物是很难得的。麦克米伦高阶〔upsetting〕Seeing her again would be an upsetting experience after so many years.时隔这么多年再见到她将是一次令人不快的经历。剑桥高阶〔want〕Visitors to the slums were clearly shocked to see so many families living in want.到过贫民窟的人看到有这么多的家庭生活在贫苦之中显然震惊不已。牛津高阶〔weaken〕The recession has weakened so many firms that many can no longer survive.经济衰退使许多公司实力大损,不少难以为继。柯林斯高阶Dr Green didn't have the assurance to lecture interestingly to so many students.面对这么多学生要把课讲得生动有趣,格林博士对此缺乏自信。剑桥国际He pursued his hobby of collecting old almanacs for so many years. 许多年来他一直保持著收集旧历书的嗜好。译典通I always have so many things to attend to, when I come into the office after a trip abroad.当我在国外旅行后回到办公室时,总是有那么多的事情等我去处理。剑桥国际I told him in so many words that I thought he'd failed completely.我明确告诉他我认为他完全失败了。剑桥国际I've spent so many sleepless nights (= nights without sleep) worrying about him.我度过如此多的不眠之夜为他担忧。剑桥国际It must take ages to lace boots with so many holes.靴子这么多眼,穿鞋带一定要很长时间。剑桥国际It was quite something for her to remember us after so many years.她在那么多年后还能记着我们,真是了不起。剑桥国际It's unusual to see so many literary words in a newspaper report.很少看到过报纸报道中出现这么多文学用语。剑桥国际She has so many enemies in the town that the odds are heavily stacked against her being elected to the council.她在这城中有很多敌人,这很不利于她当选议员。剑桥国际She was overawed by the presence of so many people.这么多人在场,她吓坏了。剑桥国际Socially they're a great company to work for--I've never been to so many parties in my life.从社交方面而言,他们是一群值得为他们做事的人----我一生中从未去过这么多的聚会。剑桥国际The page had so many corrections and comments on it that the original text was virtually unreadable.这一页上就有这么多修正和评论之处原文简直无法读了。剑桥国际There are so many different makes to choose from.可供选择的牌子很多。牛津商务There are so many windows in the office, it's like being in a goldfish bowl (= people can easily see what you are doing)! 办公室里这么多窗户,简直像在金鱼缸里(别人可以轻易看见你在干什么)!剑桥国际There were so many children wanting a ride John didn't get a look-in.想骑的孩子太多了,所以约翰没能得到机会。剑桥国际With so many strange faces around her, the baby started to cry.看见周围有这么多的陌生面孔,这婴儿开始大声啼哭。剑桥国际You shouldn't eat so many sticky sweets.你不应吃这么多粘乎乎的糖果。剑桥国际




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