

单词 beak
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BITE〕The woodpecker's long beak is specially designed for pecking. 啄木鸟有很长的喙,专门用来啄食。朗文写作活用〔REMOVE〕The bird uses its long beak to extract nectar from the flowers. 鸟用细长的喙汲取花蜜。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕The eagle tears at its prey ferociously with its beak. 鹰用嘴狠狠撕扯猎物。朗文写作活用〔beak〕Birds use their beaks to pick up food.鸟用嘴叼食。剑桥高阶〔beak〕Concordes with their drooping beaks 头部呈喙状下垂的协和式飞机英汉大词典〔beak〕He'd be handsome if it wasn't for that huge beak of his.要不是长着那个硕大的鹰钩鼻他会很英俊的。剑桥高阶〔beak〕It had a worm in its beak.它嘴里衔了个虫子。外研社新世纪〔beak〕The gull held the fish in its beak.海鸥嘴里叼着鱼。牛津高阶〔beak〕What a beak he's got.他的鼻子好大。文馨英汉〔bill〕The horny part of the jaws of a bird; a beak.啄:鸟嘴的坚硬部分;啄美国传统〔bill〕To touch beaks together.鸟嘴相接触美国传统〔cere〕A fleshy or waxlike swelling at the base of the upper part of the beak in certain birds, such as parrots.蜡膜:一些鸟类如鹦鹉上喙部基部的一种肉质或蜡质的突起美国传统〔differentiate〕The male's yellow beak differentiates it from the female.雄鸟黄色的喙是与雌鸟相区别的主要特征。牛津高阶〔distinguish〕The male bird is distinguished from the female by its red beak.雄鸟喙红色,有别于雌鸟。牛津高阶〔generally〕The male is generally larger with a shorter beak.雄鸟通常体形较大,喙较短。牛津高阶〔hook〕The bird's beak hooks downward.这只鸟的喙像钩子一样向下弯。韦氏高阶〔horny〕Birds have horny beaks.鸟类长有角质喙。剑桥高阶〔kingfisher〕Any of various birds of the family Alcedinidae, characteristically having a crested head, a long stout beak, a short tail, and brilliant coloration.翠鸟:一种属于翠鸟科的鸟,其特征为有冠羽,喙长而坚硬,尾比较短,颜色鲜艳美国传统〔mandible〕Either the upper or lower part of the beak in birds.喙:鸟类喙的上半部或下半部美国传统〔mustache〕Distinctive coloring or feathers near the beak of a bird.鸟眼附近具有明显不同的颜色或者羽毛美国传统〔neb〕A beak of a bird.鸟喙鼻,口鼻部美国传统〔nib〕A bird's beak or bill.鸟喙或嘴美国传统〔parrotfish〕Any of various brightly colored tropical marine fishes, especially of the family Scaridae, having fused teeth resembling a parrot's beak.鹦嘴鱼:多中亮色的热带海鱼中的任一种,尤指鹦嘴鱼科的鱼,长有类似鹦鹉喙的牙齿美国传统〔peck〕A stroke or light blow with the beak or a pointed instrument.啄:用嘴巴或尖头工具击或轻敲美国传统〔peck〕To make (a hole, for example) by striking repeatedly with the beak or a pointed instrument.啄出,啄穿:通过用嘴巴或尖器连续的击使形成(一孔)美国传统〔peck〕To make strokes with the beak or a pointed instrument.啄:用嘴或尖器材轻击美国传统〔peck〕To strike with the beak or a pointed instrument.啄:用嘴巴或尖利的器械击、刺或啄美国传统〔preen〕To smooth or clean (feathers) with the beak or bill.用嘴整理:用嘴或喙平整或清理(羽毛)美国传统〔probe〕The bird uses its long beak to probe for worms.这只鸟用其长喙探寻虫子。牛津搭配〔rictus〕The expanse of an open mouth, a bird's beak, or similar structure.(鸟等)张嘴宽距,喙裂:张开嘴的宽度、鸟的喙或相似的结构美国传统〔spot〕The male bird has a red spot on its beak.雄鸟喙上有一个红点。牛津高阶〔within〕The heron waited patiently for the next poor fish to come within reach of his beak.鹭耐心地等待着下一条口中餐游到嘴边。外研社新世纪After fourteen days the eggs hatch, the young using their hard beaks to break open the shell.蛋孵了十四天之后,幼鸟用它们坚硬的喙把壳啄开。剑桥国际Birds have horny (= hard) beaks.鸟有坚硬的角质喙。剑桥国际Birds use their beaks to pick up food.鸟用尖嘴啄食。剑桥国际He was up before the beak last month.上个月他被带去见法官。剑桥国际




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