

单词 shut off
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔STRANGE〕The pumps were shut off now. It was eerie, being in the factory without their sound. 现在油泵都关掉了,在工厂里没有油泵的声音感觉很奇怪。朗文写作活用〔SWITCH ON OR OFF〕The computer automatically shuts off the pump when no water is flowing. 如果没有水在流动,电脑会自动关掉水泵。朗文写作活用〔by itself〕The computer shuts off by itself if you don't use it.如果你不用了,电脑会自动关机。韦氏高阶〔curse〕I heard him utter a curse before the microphone was shut off.在麦克风关掉之前,我听到他说了句骂人的话。韦氏高阶〔curtain〕To shut off (something) with or as if with a curtain.掩蔽:用帘幕或好象用帘幕隔绝(某物)美国传统〔disconnect〕Electricity To shut off the current in (an appliance) by removing its connection to a power source.【电学】 切断电源:使电路断开、切断(装置中的)电流与电源的连接美国传统〔flash〕Stopping to rest, Pete shut off the flash.皮特关掉手电筒,停下来休息。柯林斯高阶〔flick〕I can shut off all the power in the building at the flick of a switch .只需按一下开关,我就能关闭大楼的所有电源。朗文当代〔glide〕The pilot shut off the motors and glided down to the landing field.驾驶员关闭了发动机,滑行降落到机场。21世纪英汉〔off〕Shut off the engine.将发动机关掉。韦氏高阶〔off〕Shut off the water.关掉自来水。韦氏高阶〔reclaim〕His opponents loudly reclaimed against his attempt to shut off debate.他的政敌们大声抗议他中止辩论的企图。英汉大词典〔shut (sth) off〕A row of tall fir trees shuts off the view of the street in front.一排高大的杉树挡住了前面的街景。剑桥高阶〔shut (sth) off〕Did you remember to shut off the water and gas before you left the house? 离开房子的时候,你记得关掉水和煤气了吗?剑桥高阶〔shut (sth) off〕Oil supplies have been shut off.燃油供应被切断了。剑桥高阶〔shut (sth) off〕The engine shuts off automatically when the desired speed is reached.达到设定的速度后,发动机会自动关闭。剑桥高阶〔shut (sth) off〕The music room is shut off from the rest of the house by a soundproof wall.隔音板把音乐间和屋内的其他房间隔开了。剑桥高阶〔shut ... off〕Shut off the water in the kitchen.关上厨房里的自来水!21世纪英汉〔shut off〕A row of trees shut off the view.一排树挡住了视线。外研社新世纪〔shut off〕Make sure to shut off the water/gas/electricity before beginning any work.在开始任何工作前,请务必关掉水/煤气/电。韦氏高阶〔shut off〕She shut off the car.她把车熄火了。韦氏高阶〔shut off〕The State Water Project has shut off all supplies to farmers.州水利工程项目已切断了对农场主的所有供水。柯林斯高阶〔shut off〕They pulled over and shut off the engine.他们靠边停车熄火。柯林斯高阶〔shut off〕They pulled over and shut off the engine.他们把车开到路边, 关掉发动机。外研社新世纪〔shut off〕They threatened to shut off oil supplies.他们威胁说要切断石油供应。外研社新世纪〔shut off〕Who shut off the lights? 谁关的灯?韦氏高阶〔shut〕Shut off the radio.把收音机关掉。 英汉大词典〔shut〕A valve immediately shuts off the gas when the lid is closed.当盖子合上时,立刻会有一个阀门切断煤气。牛津高阶〔shut〕Bosnia is shut off from the Adriatic by the mountains.波斯尼亚和亚得里亚海之间有群山相隔。牛津高阶〔shut〕Don't forget to shut off the water supply.别忘了关闭供水系统。朗文当代〔shut〕How do I shut off this car alarm? 这个汽车报警器怎么关?麦克米伦高阶〔shut〕The electricity shuts off at midnight.半夜电停了美国传统〔shut〕The engines shut off automatically in an emergency.遇到紧急情况发动机便自动停止工作。牛津高阶〔shut〕The generator shuts off automatically.这台发电机能自动停。英汉大词典〔shut〕The iron shuts off automatically if it gets too hot.这熨斗过热时就会自动关闭。朗文当代〔shut〕The strikes shut off production completely early in the year.年初的罢工使生产完全停顿了下来。英汉大词典〔shut〕The valley is shut off from the modern world.这个山谷与现代世界完全隔绝。朗文当代〔shut〕The village was shut off by mountains from the rest of the world.群山使这个村子与世隔绝。英汉大词典〔tongue〕Music To separate or articulate (notes played on a brass or wind instrument) by shutting off the stream of air with the tongue.【音乐】 用运舌法吹出:用舌头阻住空气的流通从而分开或发出(铜管乐器或簧乐器演奏的音阶)美国传统Always shut off the power before removing the machine's cover.每次打开机盖前都要切断电源。牛津商务Gas supplies were shut off (= stopped operating) for four hours while the leak was repaired.修补漏洞时,煤气供应停止了四个小时。剑桥国际On-shore oil fields are often built with emergency valves below ground level, to shut off the supply if a well gets out of control.陆上油田常常在地面以下建造紧急活门,在油井失控的情况下用以关闭供油管道。剑桥国际Some immobilizers not only shut off the engine if someone attempts to steal the car, they also immobilize the doors so that the car-thief can't escape.有些汽车防盗装置在有人企图偷车时不但会使发动机熄火,还会将车门锁定使偷车贼无法逃走。剑桥国际The UN is powerless to prevent the local military commanders shutting off humanitarian aid (= stop it being delivered) whenever they want.任何时候地方军事指挥要停止人道主义援助,联合国就无力制止。剑桥国际The engine shuts off (= stops operating) automatically when the desired speed is reached.当达到所需要的速度时,引擎自动熄火。剑桥国际The engines shut off automatically in an emergency.紧急情况下,发动机会自动停转。牛津商务The houses are shut off from the outside world by high walls and hedges.高墙和树篱将这些房子同外面的世界隔绝了。剑桥国际The police have shut off all streets leading to the city.警察已经关闭所有通向这座城市的道路。剑桥国际The release of this protein by the brain shuts off nerve signals that stimulate the desire to eat (= stops these signals being sent).大脑释放的这种蛋白质会阻止刺激食欲的神经信号。剑桥国际They shut off the gas and electricity in their house before leaving on holiday. 他们出外度假之前把家中的瓦斯和电源关掉。译典通




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