

单词 shrubby
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔burning bush〕Any of several shrubs or shrubby plants, such as the summer cypress and certain species of euonymous, having foliage that turns bright red in autumn.燃烧灌木:一种灌木或灌木植物,如地肤和某种卫矛属植物品种,叶子在秋天变成鲜红色美国传统〔bush bean〕A shrubby variety of the snap bean.矮菜豆:菜豆的一种灌木状变种美国传统〔frutescent〕Relating to, resembling, or assuming the form of a shrub; shrubby.灌木状的:具有灌木外貌的、象灌木的与灌木有关的;灌木的美国传统〔suffrutescent〕Having a stem that is woody only at the base; somewhat shrubby.半(亚)灌木状的:具有基部是木质化的茎的;类似灌木的美国传统




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