

单词 shows
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARRIVE〕If Tina shows up, tell her we waited as long as we could. 如果蒂娜来了,就告诉她我们尽量等她了。朗文写作活用〔BODY〕This diagram shows the position of the main organs of speech. 这张示意图显示了主要发音器官的位置。朗文写作活用〔COPY〕The 1957 photo shows him holding a scale model of an ocean liner he built entirely by hand. 在这张摄于1957年的照片上,他拿着一艘自己完全用手工制作的按比例缩小的远洋邮轮模型。朗文写作活用〔Celsius〕The thermometer shows the temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit.这支温度计显示摄氏和华氏两种温度。外研社新世纪〔DO/NOT DO〕Watching talk shows has become a national pastime in this country. 观看访谈节目已成为这个国家的全国性消遣活动了。朗文写作活用〔ESPECIALLY〕Kids in particular will love the rides and shows. 尤其是小孩子会喜欢这些游乐设施和节目表演。朗文写作活用〔EXAMINE〕An analysis of data from Australia shows that skin cancer is on the increase. 对从澳大利亚得到的数据所作的分析显示,皮肤癌患者的数量在上升。朗文写作活用〔EXAMINE〕Our analysis shows that the proposed cost for the new highway is unrealistic. 我们的分析显示,新公路的建议造价不切实际。朗文写作活用〔HELP〕The suspect has been cooperative with investigators, but he shows little remorse. 嫌疑犯和调查人员很合作,但是没有表示出多少悔恨。朗文写作活用〔OBSESSION〕She's got this obsessive fear of losing control, so she never shows her emotions. 她非常担心自己会失去控制,所以从不将喜怒形之于色。朗文写作活用〔ONLY〕It's just another one of those daytime talk shows. 那不过是另一个白天的清谈节目。朗文写作活用〔OWE〕The chart shows the movements in the company's liabilities and assets during a particular trading period. 这张图表显示了公司在某一经营阶段负债与资产的变动情况。朗文写作活用〔PROVE〕A scientific theory is only ‘true’ until someone shows it to be false or inaccurate. 一个科学理论仅仅在某人证明它错误或不精确以前才算是“正确的”。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕Parents have expressed concern about the amount of violence in some children's shows. 家长对一些儿童节目中的大量暴力行为表示担忧。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕His performance shows great talent. 他的表演显示出他极高的天赋。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕It shows you what they think of their customers, if they can't even be bothered to answer your letter! 如果他们甚至连信都不愿意给你回,这就说明顾客在他们心中是什么地位!朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕The graph shows that gas volume increases with temperature. 图表表明气体的体积随着温度的上升而增加。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕The way he got to that ball shows what a superb athlete he is. 他接那个球的动作显出了他的球技之高超。朗文写作活用〔SUMMARIZE〕This chapter shows, in outline, the way money circulates through the economy. 本章扼要地介绍了货币在经济体系里的流通方式。朗文写作活用〔Swiss〕The report shows the Swiss are among the world's top wage earners.报告显示, 瑞士人的工资收入位列世界最高水平。外研社新世纪〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕At this time of year, most of the primetime shows are reruns. 一年中的这个时候,大部分黄金时间播放的节目都是重播的。朗文写作活用〔USE〕When the toilet is engaged, a red light shows above the door. 厕所有人在用时,门上方的红灯会亮起。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕Indian cinema shows several diverse influences. 印度电影表现出所受到的几种不同的影响。朗文写作活用〔accent〕This year's new TV shows put/place the/an accent on youth.今年的新电视节目把重点放在了年轻人身上。韦氏高阶〔accompany〕The picture shows the party chairperson escorting the candidate through the crowd.这张图片反映了党的主席陪同候选人通过人群。美国传统〔acidity〕This low pH level clearly shows the acidity of the soil here.这里土壤的pH值很低,说明土壤呈酸性。剑桥高阶〔advantage〕The dark foliage really shows the flowers off to best advantage.暗色的叶子最有效地衬托出花的美丽。麦克米伦高阶〔against〕The flag shows twelve yellow stars against a blue background.这面旗在蓝色背景上缀有12颗黄色星星。外研社新世纪〔aggression〕The research shows that computer games may cause aggression.研究显示,电脑游戏可能引起好斗情绪。牛津高阶〔bar chart〕The bar chart below shows the huge growth of UK car exports over the past few years.下面的柱形图显示了过去几年英国汽车出口量的大幅增长。柯林斯高阶〔between〕The survey shows a link between asthma and air pollution.调查表明哮喘病与大气污染有关。剑桥高阶〔blithe〕She shows a blithe disregard for danger.她对危险毫不在乎。剑桥高阶〔chart〕The chart shows the rise of unemployment.图中显示失业率在上升。外研社新世纪〔chart〕The chart below shows our top 10 choices.下图是我们优先考虑的10个选择。外研社新世纪〔circus〕A circular arena, surrounded by tiers of seats and often covered by a tent, in which such shows are performed.圆形马戏场:周围围绕着座位区的圆形场地,常覆有帐篷,表演在其中进行美国传统〔clock〕The town-hall clock says (= shows that the time is) nine o'clock.市政厅的大钟指向了9点。剑桥高阶〔comfort〕This will enable the audience to sit in comfort while watching the shows.这样能够让观众舒舒服服地坐着看表演。柯林斯高阶〔compassion〕She shows compassion to the sick.她对病人表示同情。韦氏高阶〔convention〕Many sports shows have recently adopted the conventions of the talk show.许多体育节目最近都采用了脱口秀的惯用形式。韦氏高阶〔culture〕Her art shows the influence of pop/popular culture.她的艺术体现出大众文化的影响。韦氏高阶〔day〕Game shows like that have had their day (=were successful in the past, but are not any more).那种游戏节目曾经风光过。朗文当代〔defect〕The photograph shows slight defects due to age.这张照片因为年代久远而略有瑕疵。牛津搭配〔deliverance〕The opening scene shows them celebrating their sudden deliverance from war.开场的一幕是他们在庆祝自己突然从战争中解脱出来。外研社新世纪〔demographic〕The demographic information shows that the population increased but the average income went down.人口统计信息显示,人口增长了,人均收入却下降了。韦氏高阶〔determination〕Yuri shows great determination to learn English.尤里表现出很大的决心要学好英语。朗文当代〔diet〕We are fed a diet of game shows and soap operas.我们被灌输大量的游戏节目和肥皂剧。麦克米伦高阶〔dispassionate〕Any dispassionate analysis of his record shows him to be one of the least effective European political leaders.对他功过的任何客观分析都显示他是最无能的欧洲政治领导人之一。外研社新世纪〔dumb〕This is one of the dumbest TV shows I've ever seen.这是我看过的最烂的电视节目之一。韦氏高阶〔effervescent〕She's one of those effervescent personalities that you often see hosting TV game shows.她是那种很会活跃气氛人,常常主持电视竞赛节目。剑桥高阶〔elevation〕This plan shows the front, side, and back elevations of the new supermarket.该示意图展示的是新超市的正、侧、后三面的立视图。剑桥高阶〔elongated〕The picture shows two elongated figures dancing.图片上是两个拉长的、正在跳舞的人影。朗文当代〔every〕The economy shows every sign of making a strong recovery.有充分的迹象表明经济在强势复苏。麦克米伦高阶〔example〕Their example shows us what we are all capable of.他们作为榜样向我们展示了我们都能做些什么。外研社新世纪〔example〕Their example shows us what we are all capable of.他们作为榜样向我们展示了我们都能做些什么。柯林斯高阶〔fangirl〕Fangirls love shows not just for their good qualities but for the opportunities they provide to engage emotionally with what's on the screen.这些节目的年轻女性狂热爱好者喜欢的不仅仅是节目的高质量,也是因为这些节目为她们提供了与屏幕内容感情互动的机会。剑桥高阶〔fatal〕It just shows how you should never say how well things are going for you - it's fatal (= it causes bad things to happen).这件事恰恰说明你决不能说事情进展很顺利——这么讲会带来大麻烦。剑桥高阶〔favoritism〕A wise teacher never shows favoritism.明智的老师从不偏爱学生。文馨英汉〔feeling〕It's a great feeling when a wild animal shows you affection.有野生动物向你示好感觉真棒。朗文当代〔figure〕Figure 1.15 shows which provinces lost populations between 1910 and 1920.表 1.15 显示出哪些省份在 1910 至 1920 年间人口减少了。柯林斯高阶〔filthy〕That just shows what a filthy liar he is.那正表明他是一个多么卑劣的骗子。外研社新世纪〔flag〕Her energy shows no sign of flagging after all these years.过了这么多年,她的精力还一点不减。韦氏高阶〔foresight〕His career choice shows a lack of foresight.他的职业选择显示出缺乏预见性。韦氏高阶〔graduate〕From commercials she quickly graduated to television shows.她很快就从拍商业广告上升到拍电视节目。柯林斯高阶〔guest〕She guested on several chat shows while visiting Britain.她访问英国时做过几个访谈节目的特邀嘉宾。牛津高阶〔hear out〕He shows keen interest in his friends, hearing out their problems and offering counsel.他对自己的朋友表现出极大的关注,聆听他们的难题并提出忠告。柯林斯高阶〔heavy〕Her book shows a heavy reliance on the work of Dr Winston.她的书显示出对温斯顿博士的工作的高度信赖。麦克米伦高阶〔heritage〕The performance shows how African Americans celebrate their heritage.这个表演展示了非洲裔美国人是如何颂扬自己的传统的。牛津搭配〔hike〕TV channels are trying to hike up their viewing figures by broadcasting cheap game shows.电视频道都在试图通过播放低级的电视有奖竞赛节目来提高收视率。麦克米伦高阶〔history〕History shows that high approval ratings are no guarantee of re-election.历史记录表明,高支持率并不能保证再次当选。牛津搭配〔hitch〕The report shows that fewer couples are getting hitched.报告显示,结婚的人数呈下降趋势。柯林斯高阶〔illness〕If your child shows any signs of illness, take her to the doctor.如果您的孩子出现任何患病症状,带她去看医生。柯林斯高阶〔imaginative〕Our brochure shows you dozens of imaginative ways to add interest to your garden.我们的手册告诉你几十种给花园增添情趣的独创性方法。外研社新世纪〔imperfect〕Grammar Of or being the tense of a verb that shows, usually in the past, an action or a condition as incomplete, continuous, or coincident with another action.【语法】 未完成过去时的:属于或作为动词的一个时态的,该时态表示一个动作或状态是未完成的、延续的或与其他动作同时发生的,通常用过去时美国传统〔imprint〕Spanish architecture that shows the imprint of Islamic rule.留着伊斯兰统治的印记的西班牙建筑美国传统〔inane〕There are too many inane quiz shows on television these days.现在电视中无聊的智力竞答节目太多。剑桥高阶〔inclination〕She shows no/little inclination to give in to their demands.对于他们的要求,她一点让步的意思都没有。韦氏高阶〔independence〕She shows great independence of mind.她表现出很强的独立思考能力。外研社新世纪〔independently〕An independent opinion poll published today shows growing discontent with the government.今天发表的一项独立民意测验表明民众对政府的不满正与日俱增。柯林斯高阶〔inflict〕He shows no regret for the suffering he has inflicted on/upon these innocent people.对于自己给这些无辜的人们所带来的苦难,他毫无悔意。韦氏高阶〔influence〕Spanish architecture shows Moorish influence.西班牙建筑显示出摩尔人的影响。牛津搭配〔interlocking〕The illustration shows two interlocking circles joined through their centres by a straight line.该图显示了被一条直线从中心穿过而相互连接起来的两个圆。麦克米伦高阶〔intrigue〕The play shows great concern for comic intrigue.此剧显示了专工喜剧性情节的特点。英汉大词典〔kitsch〕The restaurant is decorated with 1950s furniture and kitsch from old TV shows.这家餐馆摆着20世纪50年代的家具和过去的电视节目中的庸俗图片。韦氏高阶〔lamentable〕She shows a lamentable lack of understanding.她显得缺乏体谅,实在令人遗憾。牛津高阶〔lineament〕Her face shows the lineaments of the royal family.她的脸显示出王族的相貌。文馨英汉〔location〕The map shows the exact location of the mine.地图上标出了矿藏的准确位置。牛津搭配〔loom〕Of all the shows I did, this one looms largest in my mind.在我演过的所有节目中,这一个印象最突出。英汉大词典〔maturity〕His behavior shows a lack of maturity.他的行为表明他还不够成熟。韦氏高阶〔obscene〕His salary was obscene for three 40-minute shows a week.他一周只有3次节目, 每次40分钟, 薪水实在高得离谱。外研社新世纪〔obverse〕The obverse shows the Queen.正面有女王像。外研社新世纪〔on parade〕Television executives learned that violent shows attract more viewers, and pretty soon it was violence on parade all day long.电视台管理者发现暴力节目会吸引更多观众,于是没多久就开始全天播出暴力节目。韦氏高阶〔per se〕Research shows that it is not divorce per se that harms children, but the continuing conflict between parents.研究表明,对孩子造成伤害的不是离婚本身,而是父母间持续的矛盾。剑桥高阶〔pollen〕The pollen record shows that this plant was never common on the island.花粉记录显示这种植物在岛上一向罕见。牛津搭配〔potential〕He shows enormous potential as an athlete.他有极大的潜质,是一位可造就的运动员。韦氏高阶〔preoccupation〕Karouzos's poetry shows a profound preoccupation with the Orthodox Church.卡鲁佐斯的诗歌表明他对东正教的执着。柯林斯高阶〔producer〕We commission TV shows from independent producers.我们委托独立制片人制作电视节目。牛津搭配〔profile〕This picture shows the girl in profile.这张照片照的是女孩的侧面。柯林斯高阶〔prêt-à-porter〕This season's prêt-à-porter for men was the most outlandish it has been in in decades, with sequins and feathers turning heads at the London shows.这一季的流行男装成衣是近几十年来最奇异的,在伦敦展示时,闪光饰片和羽毛等让这些衣服颇受瞩目。剑桥高阶〔put ... in〕The firm has put money in shows.公司把钱投入了娱乐业。21世纪英汉〔quality〕His attention to detail shows in the quality of his work.他对细节的关注体现在他作品的品质上。韦氏高阶〔realism〕His decision not to expand the business shows his down-to-earth realism.他决定不扩大经营规模,这显示了他脚踏实地的务实作风。剑桥高阶〔reflection〕The increase in crime is a sad reflection on(= shows sth bad about)our society today.犯罪上升遗憾地反映了当今社会不太好的一面。牛津高阶〔regard〕He shows regard for his parents.他敬爱父母。英汉大词典〔relation〕The study shows the close relation between poverty and ill health.该研究表明了贫穷与健康不佳之间的密切关系。牛津搭配〔round〕I did the rounds of all the talk shows yesterday.昨天我逐一参加了所有的脱口秀节目。麦克米伦高阶〔script〕Famous stories are being scripted for some TV shows.许多著名故事正在被改编成电视剧本。英汉大词典〔season〕The new season at the Ustinov Theatre offers a mix of shows.在乌斯季诺夫剧院的新戏剧季将有多种演出。麦克米伦高阶〔section〕The first diagram is a view of the building from the street, and the second shows it in section.第一幅图是由街上看商店的景象,第二幅图是截面图。剑桥高阶〔section〕This vertical section of the soil shows four basic soil layers.土壤的纵断面显示有4个基本的土壤层。剑桥高阶〔serious〕Dog shows are a serious business.犬展是需要认真对待的事情。韦氏高阶〔showing〕Her popularity clearly shows no sign of waning.她的受欢迎程度显然没有下降的迹象。柯林斯高阶〔showing〕Much of the film shows the painter simply going about his task.这部电影大部分都在描述那位画家如何完全沉溺于自己的工作。柯林斯高阶〔showing〕Our photograph shows how the plants will turn out.我们的照片展示了植物的生长状况。柯林斯高阶〔showoff〕One who shows off.炫耀卖弄的人美国传统〔show〕A barometer shows changes in the weather.气压计标示天气的变化。外研社新世纪〔show〕The film shows the painter going about his task.电影刻画了画家是如何作画的。外研社新世纪〔show〕The map shows the main rivers of the region.这张地图上标示出了该地区的主要河流。朗文当代〔show〕The odometer shows now 140 miles per hour.里程表显示现在的时速为140英里。21世纪英汉〔show〕They used the cheapest materials they could find, and it shows.显而易见;完全看得出来麦克米伦高阶〔show〕What television shows do you usually watch? 你经常看哪些电视节目? 英汉大词典〔show〕Your shirt's so thin that it shows your bra.你的衬衫太薄,里面的胸罩都透出来了。剑桥高阶〔sign〕The play shows every sign of being a big success.这出戏表现出巨大成功的种种迹象。朗文当代〔skin flick〕It's a cheap movie house that only shows skin flicks.这是一家只放映色情电影的廉价影院。剑桥高阶〔slant〕His mind shows a curious slant.他的思想显示出奇怪的偏向。英汉大词典〔smile〕He looked across at Jos with a wry smile (=one which shows both amusement and sadness) .他苦笑着朝乔斯那边看了一眼。朗文当代〔sniff sth out〕Her job is to go round the big fashion shows sniffing out talent for a modelling agency.她的工作就是观看大型时装展示会,为模特经纪公司发现人才。剑桥高阶〔stand〕The photograph shows the happy couple standing beside a banana tree.照片上那对幸福的夫妇站在香蕉树旁。剑桥高阶〔staple〕News and weather reports are staples of television shows.新闻和天气报告是电视节目的日常性内容。英汉大词典〔statement〕His writing shows great eloquence and precision of statement.他的文章表达流畅准确。韦氏高阶〔suspension〕His record shows several suspensions from school.他的记录上显示有几次被勒令停学。韦氏高阶〔swashbuckle〕His swashbuckling behaviour shows that he isn't a gentleman.他的恃强凌弱的行为表明他不是一个君子。21世纪英汉〔swath〕An aerial view of the countryside shows wide swathes of green.空中鸟瞰乡村可见大片又长又宽的绿地。韦氏高阶〔table〕Table 2 shows how prices and earnings have increased over the past 20 years.表 2 显示了过去 20 年来价格和收入的增长情况。牛津高阶〔table〕Table 6 shows that the number of murders has decreased by 30% during the last ten years.表6表明近10年的凶杀案数量已经减少了30%。麦克米伦高阶〔talent show〕He began his musical career in talent shows.他的音乐生涯始于才艺秀。外研社新世纪〔talent〕Billy shows a remarkable talent for upsetting his sister.比利在惹妹妹生气方面表现出非凡的才能。麦克米伦高阶〔talk trash〕There are too many radio shows featuring idiots who call in and talk trash all day.在很多广播节目里,老有一些白痴整天打进电话说些废话。剑桥高阶〔thaw〕His visit shows a thaw in relations between East and West.他的访问表明东西方关系开始缓和。外研社新世纪〔thaw〕The report shows that relations between the two enemies may be thawing.报告显示敌对双方的关系可能在缓和。剑桥高阶〔thing〕The thing about talk shows is that you never know how they will turn out.脱口秀节目的问题是你永远不知道结局会怎样。朗文当代〔tone〕The author's tone shows her attitude toward the subject.作者的语气表明了她对这一主题的态度。韦氏高阶〔topography〕The map shows the topography of the island.这张地图标示了这座岛的地形。韦氏高阶〔tour〕He toured for nearly two years and played 500 sell-out shows.他巡回演出了近两年时间, 500场演出场场爆满。外研社新世纪〔trunk〕The statue shows the head, trunk, and arms of an old man.这座雕塑展示了一位老人的头部、躯干和手臂。剑桥高阶〔turnaround〕A new survey shows signs of a turnaround in Northern California's housing market.一项新的调查显示, 加利福尼亚州北部的房市有了回暖迹象。外研社新世纪〔unplug〕The video shows you how to unplug a bath drain full of hair.这段视频向你展示如何疏通一个完全被头发堵塞的浴缸下水道。剑桥高阶〔us〕This table shows us the tides.这张表格显示了潮汐情况。英汉大词典〔variant〕The dictionary shows "neighbour" with the American variant spelling "neighbor".字典里标出了“neighbour”这个词的美式拼写“neighbor”。剑桥高阶〔videography〕The art or practice of making one's own video shows or movies using a video camera.电视录像制作:用摄像机进行个人的电视录像和电影制作的艺术美国传统〔warm-up〕The shows serve as a warm-up for the band's forthcoming tour.这些表演可算是为乐队即将开始的巡回演出所进行的热身。外研社新世纪〔widely〕Research shows a wide difference in tastes around the country.研究表明全国各地的口味大有不同。柯林斯高阶A dissection of your argument shows several inconsistencies. 对你论点作仔细分析后发现一些前后矛盾之处。译典通A great actor needs to have an expressive face/voice (= a face/voice which shows a lot of feeling).一名伟大的演员需要富有表情的面孔/声音。剑桥国际A survey of death trends in Britain shows that the worst grouping for early deaths is Northern men.一项对英国死亡趋势的调查显示过早死亡最严重的群体是北方男人。剑桥国际Although Annie's had several radio shows in the past, this is the first time she's had her own television show.尽管安妮过去演过几次广播剧,但这是她首次演出电视剧。剑桥国际Food industry research shows that 20% of consumers say their microwave makes items soggier.食品业调查研究表明,20%的消费者认为他们的微波炉使食物更加湿润。剑桥国际He is the producer of several TV shows. 他是好几个电视节目的制作人。译典通He may be old hat among the trendy younger generation, but his shows draw more viewers than any other comedian.在追赶新潮的年轻一代中他可能是过时的,但是他的演出比其他喜剧演员吸引了更多的观众。剑桥国际Her latest novel shows her usual acute observation of the English middle classes.她的最新小说显示出她对英国中产阶级一向敏锐的洞察力。剑桥国际Her refusal to help shows how mean she really is. 她拒绝帮助他人表明了她有多卑鄙。剑桥国际His plight shows what can happen when a tiny company faces the full legal power of a wrathful multinational company.他的困境说明,当一家小公司面临一家动真格的跨国公司的全部法律威力时会发生什么。剑桥国际It shows littleness to notice such things. 注意这类事情只能表示心胸狭窄而已。译典通It says a lot for her determination (= It shows how determined she is) that she practises her cello so often.她练习大提琴练得那么勤奋,这充分说明她的决心有多大。剑桥国际Many novels were scripted for TV shows. 许多小说被改编成电视剧本。译典通New evidence shows that she did not sign the confession of her own free will, but was coerced into it by police officers.新的证据表明,她不是自愿在招供书上签字,而是被警官逼迫的。剑桥国际One popular screen saver shows winged toasters flying across the screen, accompanied by slices of toast.一个流行的屏幕保护程序显示长翅膀的烤面包片器连同烤面包片飞过屏幕。剑桥国际Our cream-coloured rug really shows the dirt.我们的奶油色小地毯真显脏。剑桥国际Our intelligence shows that the enemy is advancing. 我们的情报显示敌人正在向前推进。译典通People are always plugging their books on TV talk shows. 人们总是在电视访谈节目中一再推荐自己所写的书。译典通Quantitative analysis shows that 36% of the population carry this gene.定量分析显示出36%的人口携带这种基因。剑桥国际Rather worryingly, the survey shows a worsening of child health in many areas.相当令人担心的是,调查表明许多地区的儿童健康状况正在恶化。剑桥国际She's a bit sniffy about (= She shows that she has a low opinion of) my taste in music.她对我的音乐品味抱着一种嗤之以鼻的态度。剑桥国际That's enough clever talk (=talk which shows an able mind but is not sincere, polite or serious), young lady.你说话真够聪明啊,年轻的女士。剑桥国际The shows will be broadcast digitally.这些表演将用数字技术广播。牛津商务The Federal Reserve's ‘flow of funds’ report shows a decrease in the wealth of households.美国联邦储备委员会的《资金流转》报告显示家庭财富有所下降。牛津商务The badge shows a dove in a wreath of olive leaves.这个徽章显示出一只鸽子四周一圈橄榄叶。剑桥国际The book takes a gee-whiz approach to science (= It shows too much surprise and enthusiasm for everything).这本书用对任何事都大惊小怪的夸张手法来写科学。剑桥国际The capital account shows that the company invested heavily in new machine tools.资产账目显示这公司大量投资于新机床。牛津商务The chart shows how weight increases in proportion to height (= the increase in weight depends on the increase in height).这张图表显示出体重是怎样随身高成正比例上升的。剑桥国际The chart shows the growth of exports and imports over the last 30 years.这图表显示了过去 30 年进出口的增长情况。牛津商务The fighting in the area shows no sign of abating.该地区的冲突没有任何减弱的迹象。剑桥国际The film shows the rapidity of the changes in this area of medicine. 这部电影展示了这一医学领域里的迅速变化。译典通The first diagram is a view of the shop from the street, and the second shows it in section.第一幅图是由街上看商店的景象,第二幅图是截面图。剑桥国际The group shows little sign now of their earlier musical leanings.目前几乎看不出这群人过去曾经对音乐有偏好。剑桥国际The latest opinion poll gives the Democrats a clear lead (= shows that they are the most popular political party).最近的一项民意调查表明民主党已遥遥领先了。剑桥国际The legend on the diagram shows how the engine works.图表上的说明显示发动机是怎样工作的。剑桥国际The pay-off of the new system shows up in all stages of a project.新系统的好处在项目的所有阶段都有所体现。牛津商务The poll shows that the government is leading by the narrowest of margins.民意调查显示政府以最微弱的优势领先。剑桥国际The poverty of original ideas for television shows has led to a substantial fall in viewing figures.电视节目缺乏独创的思想导致了收视率的大幅度下降。剑桥国际The sales chart shows a distinct decline in the past few months.销售图表示出在过去几个月里销量明显下降。剑桥国际The secretly filmed video shows the prince and princess kissing and cuddling. 秘密摄制的录像带显示了王子与王妃亲吻拥抱(的镜头)。剑桥国际The survey shows a link between asthma and air pollution.考察结果表明哮喘病与大气污染有关。剑桥国际The survey shows that Internet ads significantly increase product awareness.调查显示互联网广告会显著提高产品的知名度。牛津商务Their shows are always incredibly camp and flamboyant.他们的演出总是惊人地矫揉造作,华而不实。剑桥国际Their research shows that small caps usually outperform large caps.他们的研究显示小盘股通常胜过大盘股。牛津商务This cross-section of a human heart shows how it functions.这个心脏截面图显示了它是如何工作的。剑桥国际This graph shows how crime has varied in relationship to unemployment over the last 20 years.这张图表显示了过去20 年间犯罪率与失业率之间的关系。剑桥国际This plan shows the front, side and back elevations of the new supermarket.这张平面图显示了新超市的正面、侧面和背面。剑桥国际This vertical section of the soil shows four basic soil layers.土壤的纵断面显示了4个基本的土壤层。剑桥国际Your account shows an adverse balance of €630.00.你的账户上有 630 欧元的欠额。牛津商务




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