

单词 securing
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IMPORTANT〕Mary had been instrumental in securing my release from jail. 我从监狱获释,玛丽帮了很大的忙。朗文写作活用〔anchor〕A rigid point of support, as for securing a rope.支撑点,系缚物美国传统〔assembly〕The government will act this week to block extremist parties from securing seats in London's new assembly.政府本周将采取行动, 阻止极端主义党派在伦敦新议会中获得席位。外研社新世纪〔belaying pin〕A short, removable wooden or metal pin fitted in a hole in the rail of a boat and used for securing running gear.系索栓:可插入船栏的洞内以固定船只的一种短的,可移动的木拴或金属栓美国传统〔belay〕The securing of a rope on a rock or other projection during mountain climbing.固定保护绳:登山中在岩石或凸出处系住的绳子美国传统〔billet〕A loop or pocket for securing the end of a buckled harness strap.为弄紧紧扣的皮带末端的环或口袋美国传统〔binding〕Sports Fastenings on a ski for securing the boot.【体育运动】 皮靴固定装置:为使滑雪靴牢固而在雪橇上设置的扣拴美国传统〔bollard〕A thick post on a ship or wharf, used for securing ropes and hawsers.系船柱,带缆桩:在船上或码头的粗桩,用于系缆索美国传统〔brace〕A cranklike handle with an adjustable aperture at one end for securing and turning a bit.手摇曲柄:一种在一端带有可调节的孔以抓住和转动钻头的曲柄状把手美国传统〔car seat〕A small removable seat, usually equipped with safety straps, that fastens to the seat of a vehicle and is used for securing young children.可移动的小座位:一种可移动的小座位,通常配备有拴在车座上用以确保小孩安全的安全带美国传统〔devil〕He had a devil of a time securing proper papers.为了搞到必要的证件他真苦透了。英汉大词典〔downhaul〕A rope or set of ropes for hauling down or securing a sail or spar.收帆索:用来拉下或保住帆或圆材的一根或一套绳索美国传统〔fisherman's knot〕A knot used to join two lines, made by securing either end to the opposite standing part by an overhand knot.渔人结:把两根线连在一起的结,通过一个交叉结把任意一边固定在另一根上美国传统〔grommet〕Nautical A loop of rope or metal used for securing the edge of a sail to its stay.【航海】 索环,索眼:用来把船帆的边缘系在支索上的绳环或金属环美国传统〔hopeful〕The board is quite hopeful of securing further investment.董事会对争取获得进一步的投资抱很大的希望。麦克米伦高阶〔lanyard〕Nautical A short rope or gasket used for fastening something or securing rigging.【航海】 绞收索:用于系紧物品或帆缆的短绳或束帆索美国传统〔lashing〕Something used for securing or binding.绳,绳索:固定或捆绑用的东西美国传统〔lock〕A device operated by a key, combination, or keycard and used, as on a door, for holding, closing, or securing.锁:一种用钥匙、暗码锁或钥匙卡操作的装置。装于门上,用以把持、关上或紧闭美国传统〔majority〕They look like securing another overwhelming majority.他们看来将再一次获得绝对的多数票。麦克米伦高阶〔nose ring〕A ring inserted through the nose of an animal to allow the passage of a rope, as for leading or securing.鼻环:穿透并嵌入动物鼻子,用来穿绳以便带领或看顾的环美国传统〔outrigger〕A projecting beam or spar run out from the side of a vessel to help in securing the masts or from a mast to be used in extending a rope or sail.舷外框架:为了帮助固定桅而从船边突出来的,或为了用于延伸绳索或帆而从桅上突出来的横梁或圆材美国传统〔pin〕A thin rod for securing the ends of fractured bones.不锈钢钉:一种固定裂开骨头的末端的细钉美国传统〔pin〕Music One of the pegs securing the strings and regulating their tension on a stringed instrument.【音乐】 弦轴,琴轸:用来固定弦或调弦的松紧的部分美国传统〔piton〕A metal spike fitted at one end with an eye for securing a rope and driven into rock or ice as a support in mountain climbing.钢锥:一头有眼可固定绳索的金属锥子,钉在岩石或冰中可助登山之用美国传统〔secure〕The party won 399 seats, thereby securing a majority in the Assembly.该党赢得了 399 个席位,从而在议会中占据了多数。牛津搭配〔secure〕This could improve your chances of securing employment.这样也许会增加你的就业机会。牛津搭配〔secure〕This form of investment is an excellent way of securing your children's financial future.这种投资方式是为你的孩子提供日后经济保障的极佳方式。剑桥高阶〔secure〕We are seeking their assistance in securing the release of the hostages.使某人获释麦克米伦高阶〔snug〕To prepare (a vessel) to weather a storm, as by taking in sail or securing movable gear.为(船)作好防备:使(船只)做好抗风暴的准备,如收帆或固定可移动的齿轮组美国传统〔strap〕Such a strip equipped with a buckle or similar fastener for binding or securing objects.吊带:带有扣或相似的扣拴物以拴住或固定住物体的这种窄带美国传统〔tenterhook〕A hooked nail for securing cloth on a tenter.拉幅钩:将织物固定在拉幅机上的钩状钉子美国传统〔tuft〕To pass threads through the layers of (a quilt, mattress, or upholstery), securing the thread ends with a knot or button.用线束钉住:把线穿过(被子、床垫或沙发垫的吏层)并在线端打结或上扣美国传统〔view〕He has a view to securing further qualifications.他准备取得进一步的资格。英汉大词典A doe blind in one eye was accustomed to grazing as far from the edge of the cliff as she possibly could, in the hope of securing her greater safety. 为了更安全,这只独目雌鹿习惯了尽量在远离峭壁的地方吃草。译典通She has played a crucial/decisive role in securing a $2 million deal for the company.她在促成公司的一笔200万美元的生意中起了决定性作用。剑桥国际




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