

单词 repulsion
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔repulsion〕A look of repulsion flashed across her face.她脸上闪过一丝厌恶的表情。剑桥高阶〔repulsion〕I feel repulsion for snakes.我厌恶蛇。文馨英汉〔repulsion〕I felt a mixture of amazement and repulsion.我感到既吃惊又反感。朗文当代〔repulsion〕I read about what happened with a feeling of shock and repulsion.我读到所发生的事情,感到又震惊又厌恶。韦氏高阶〔repulsion〕She felt a repulsion for politics.她对政治感到很反感。韦氏高阶〔repulsion〕She gave a dramatic shudder of repulsion.她恶心得直发抖。柯林斯高阶〔repulsion〕Spiders fill some people with repulsion.有些人一见蜘蛛就满腔厌憎。英汉大词典His badly scarred face produced an involuntary feeling of repulsion (= disgust) in her.他伤痕累累的面孔使她不由自主地产生了反感。剑桥国际




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