

单词 rendering
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Yahweh〕A name for God assumed by modern scholars to be a rendering of the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton.耶和华,上帝:现代学者为上帝假定的名称,作为代表上帝之名的四个希伯来字母读音的译文美国传统〔burgage〕A tenure in England and Scotland under which property of the king or a lord in a town was held in return for a yearly rent or the rendering of a service.纳贡土地所有权:在英格兰和苏格兰的城镇中向国王或贵族付一定的年租或提供服务作为回报而获得的土地所有权美国传统〔defeasance〕A rendering void; an annulment.作废:处于作废的状况;废止,取消美国传统〔dongle〕A hardware device that serves as copy protection for certain software by rendering the software inoperable when the device is not plugged into a printer port.保护锁:一种硬盘装置,用作保护某些软件版权,当此装置未插在打印机的连接端口上时,该软件就无法作业美国传统〔faithful〕He gave a faithful rendering of the poem.他忠实地翻译了这首诗。外研社新世纪〔grease〕Soft or melted animal fat, especially after rendering.油脂;动物脂:软的或溶化的动物油脂,尤指熬炼过的美国传统〔interpretation〕A performer's distinctive personal version of a song, dance, piece of music, or role; a rendering.艺术处理:一个表演者对一首歌、舞蹈、一曲音乐或角色的有特色的、个人的独到处理;艺术加工美国传统〔phototoxic〕Rendering the skin susceptible to damage by light. Used of certain medications and cosmetics.光毒的:使皮肤易受光线损害的。用于一些药物和化妆品美国传统〔plan〕In perspective rendering, one of several imaginary planes perpendicular to the line of vision between the viewer and the object being depicted.轮廓,平面图概略:在透视的图表中,与被描述的观察者和物体之间的视觉线垂直的虚构位面之一美国传统〔rendering〕Her rendering of the song was delightful.她对这首歌曲的演绎欢快怡人。剑桥高阶〔rendering〕His rendering of the part of Hamlet was splendid.他扮演哈姆雷特这一角色极为出色。英汉大词典〔rendering〕The rendering on two sides of the house needed to be removed.这座房子两边墙上的灰泥必须得去掉。剑桥高阶〔rendering〕The book is a faithful rendering of life in a rural community.这本书是对乡村生活的真实写照。韦氏高阶〔rendering〕They began with a loud rendering of the hymn “Onward Christian Soldiers”.他们响亮地奏出“前进,基督教战士们”的赞美诗乐曲,作为开始。英汉大词典〔rendering〕This phrase may well have been a rendering of a popular Arabic expression.这个短语可能翻译自一个阿拉伯语常用表达。柯林斯高阶〔render〕She is rendering the book into English from French.她正在把这本书从法语译成英语。剑桥高阶〔render〕Solar power could become a viable energy source, rendering fossil fuels obsolete.太阳能可能会成为一种切实可用的能源,那样就不需要再使用矿物燃料了。麦克米伦高阶〔render〕The mechanism filled up with sand, rendering it useless.机器里到处都是沙子, 根本运行不了了。外研社新世纪〔render〕The plasterers were rendering the walls.泥瓦工正在墙上抹灰。21世纪英汉〔render〕Under socialist system rendering to a worker is done according to his work.在社会主义制度下是按劳付酬。21世纪英汉〔render〕We see that freight railroads make good profits while rendering excellent service.我们看到铁路货运公司在提供优质服务的同时也赢得了丰厚的利润。剑桥高阶〔rendition〕The act of rendering.给予:给予的行为美国传统〔rot〕The rot spread quickly, rendering the bridge unsafe even for pedestrians.桥上腐烂的部分迅速扩展开来,连行人走在上面都不安全美国传统〔tankage〕Animal residues that remain after rendering fat in a slaughterhouse, used for fertilizer or feed.箱装肥料或饲料:屠宰场中提取动物油脂后的动物残体,用来作肥料或饲料美国传统She is rendering the book into English from French(=changing it from French to English).她正将书由法语译成英语。剑桥国际




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