

单词 refers to
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BELIEVE〕She likes to keep an open mind in religious matters and so refers to herself as an agnostic. 她在宗教方面比较开明,所以称自己是不可知论者。朗文写作活用〔FUTURE〕The memo refers to a meeting in Los Angeles, where the future of the network was discussed. 这份备忘录提及在洛杉矶的一次会议,会上讨论了网络的未来。朗文写作活用〔JOKE〕Braden jokingly refers to her daughter as ‘the demon.’ 布雷登戏称她的女儿为“恶魔”。朗文写作活用〔abstinence〕Continence specifically refers to abstention from sexual activity. Continence 特指性生活上的节制美国传统〔acidly〕She acidly refers to her former husband as “that little man.” 她刻薄地把前夫称为“那个小矮子。韦氏高阶〔affectionately〕His family affectionately refers to him as “the baby.” 他的家人都亲昵地叫他“宝贝”韦氏高阶〔autonym〕A name by which a people or social group refers to itself.本名,真名:民族或社团所引用的名字美国传统〔dialect〕Cant now usually refers to the specialized vocabulary of a group or trade and is often marked by the use of stock phrases. Cant 现在通常指某个集团或贸易的专业词汇,并常常明显带有股票短语的使用。美国传统〔directly〕The caption should be directly under the illustration it refers to.说明文字应当位于所释插图的正下方。外研社新世纪〔exonym〕A name by which one people or social group refers to another and by which the group so named does not refer to itself.外来名:一个民族或社会群体用于称呼另一民族或社会群体的名称,该社会群体因此而得名,但本身并不这么称呼自己美国传统〔flock〕Flight refers to a flock of birds in flight. Flight 指一群飞行中的鸟。美国传统〔histological〕A histological section refers to a thin slice of tissue that is viewed under a microscope.组织学切片指可在显微镜下观察的组织薄片。剑桥高阶〔matter〕She refers to herself as ‘Ms' as a matter of principle.作为原则问题,她称自己为“女士”。麦克米伦高阶〔obliquely〕The article refers to the controversy only obliquely.这篇文章只是含糊地提到了这一争议。剑桥高阶〔predicate nominative〕A noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and refers to the same person or thing as the subject of the verb.谓语性主格:跟在系动词后面并指代作为该动词主语的同一人或事的名词或代词美国传统〔prophylaxis〕Antibiotic prophylaxis refers to the use of antibiotics to prevent infection.抗生素预防指使用抗生素防止感染。剑桥高阶〔refer to sb/sth〕He always refers to the house as his "refuge".他总是把这座房子称为他的“避难所”。剑桥高阶〔refer to sb/sth〕In her autobiography she occasionally refers to her unhappy schooldays.在其自传中,她偶尔提及了她不快乐的学生时代。剑桥高阶〔refer to sb/sth〕The new salary scale only refers to company managers and directors.新的工资级别标准只适用于公司经理和主管人员。剑桥高阶〔refer to〕She often refers to her notes when giving a speech.她演讲时经常翻看讲稿。韦氏高阶〔refer to〕The word “finch” refers to a kind of bird.单词finch指一种鸟。韦氏高阶〔refer〕The hospital now refers to patients by name, not case number.医院现在叫病人的名字,不叫号码了。朗文当代〔refer〕The star refers to items which are intended for the advanced learner.标有星号的项目是给高阶学习者的。牛津高阶〔refer〕The term electronics refers to electrically-induced action.电子学这个术语涉及电感作用。柯林斯高阶〔refer〕The term ‘Arts’ usually refers to humanities and social sciences.*arts 一词通常指人文和社会科学。牛津高阶〔refer〕The term ‘groupware' refers to software designed to be used by several computer users at once.术语“组件”是指为几个计算机用户同时使用而设计的软件。麦克米伦高阶〔refer〕This paragraph refers to the events of last year.这一段说的是去年发生的事。牛津高阶〔refer〕This song refers to an incident in the civil war.这首歌是关于内战中的一次冲突。外研社新世纪He always refers to his wife as ‘the old woman’.他总是称他妻子为“老太婆”。剑桥国际In her autobiography she often refers to her unhappy schooldays.在她的自传中,她常常提到她不愉快的学校岁月。剑桥国际Tax deducted/(Br and Aus also) paid at source refers to tax taken from your pay before you receive it.纳过税的剑桥国际The new salary scale only refers to company managers and directors.新的工资级别只适用公司经理和董事。剑桥国际The sentence that has to be copied out when a pupil is given some lines usually refers to the offence that has been committed.学生们被罚写时所抄写的句子经常就是他们所犯的错误。剑桥国际




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