

单词 recognize
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASK〕Nearly 60% of the voters who were polled did not recognize Bronson's name. 接受民意调查的选民当中有近60%的人不知道布朗森的名字。朗文写作活用〔BURN〕It was nearly impossible to recognize the charred bodies. 要辨认出这些烧焦了的尸体几乎是不可能的。朗文写作活用〔ENTER〕Officially recognized asylum-seekers cannot be deported. 经官方承认的避难者不得驱逐出境。朗文写作活用〔FORGET〕In his latest film he plays an amnesiac who meets his wife but doesn't recognize her. 他在最新的一部电影里扮演了一位遗忘症患者,他遇见妻子却不认得她。朗文写作活用〔GOVERNMENT〕The military regime refused to recognize the elections. 军政府拒绝承认这些选举。朗文写作活用〔INSTINCT〕Some managers seem to intuitively recognize the need to balance work life with home life. 有些经理似乎凭直觉就认识到有必要将工作与家庭生活加以平衡。朗文写作活用〔JUST〕I saw him a week ago and I almost didn't recognize him, he'd lost so much weight. 我一星期前看到他时几乎都认不出他来了。他瘦了许多。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕It has long been recognized that a high fat diet can cause heart problems. 人们早已认识到,高脂肪的饮食会导致心脏方面的疾病。朗文写作活用〔OLD〕He barely recognized her wizened face and haggard features. 他几乎认不出她那形容憔悴、满是皱纹的脸了。朗文写作活用〔PLAY A GAME OR SPORT〕He is recognized as the world's greatest chess player. 他被公认为是世界上最伟大的国际象棋选手。朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕I recognized her from the movies, but she was much taller than I expected. 我是从电影里认识她的,但她比我想的要高得多。朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕Lisa! I'm sorry -- I didn't recognize you -- you've had your hair cut! 莉萨!对不起—我没认出你来—你把头发剪了!朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕That security guy never recognizes me. I always have to show him my ID. 那名保安从来都不认得我。我总得给他看我的身份证。朗文写作活用〔REMEMBER〕I recognize his face but I can't seem to recollect much about him. 我认得他的脸,但是好像不大想得起他是谁。朗文写作活用〔SHAPE〕I recognized the doctor's messy, irregular handwriting. 我认出这是医生的字,潦草而不工整。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕Lawrence's novel was rejected at first, but it later came to be recognized as a work of genius. 起初劳伦斯的小说不受欢迎,但后来逐渐被公认为天才之作。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕It has long been recognized that a high-fat diet can cause heart problems. 人们长久以来就认识到高脂饮食会导致心脏病。朗文写作活用〔WAY〕I don't recognize this part of town - we must have come the wrong way. 镇上的这块地方我认不出来—我们肯定走错路了。朗文写作活用〔YES〕When asked if he recognized the defendant, the witness replied in the affirmative. 当被问及是否认出被告的时候,证人作出肯定的回答。朗文写作活用〔abroad〕There will still be a feeling abroad that this change has to be recognized.人们普遍认为, 这一变更必须得到认可。外研社新世纪〔accomplishment〕The award recognizes extraordinary accomplishment in the field of medicine.这一奖项表彰的是医学界取得的非凡成就。牛津搭配〔acquaintance〕He recognized Mr Hunter as an old business acquaintance from his years in banking.他认出亨特先生是他在银行业工作那些年里相识的生意上的老熟人。麦克米伦高阶〔admit〕They recognized the need to take the problem seriously.他们承认这个问题需要严肃对待。牛津高阶〔alter〕He had altered so much I scarcely recognized him.他变得我几乎认不出来了。牛津高阶〔appetite〕The website recognizes the public appetite for serious information.这家网站意识到大众渴望了解严肃的资讯。牛津搭配〔authority〕He's universally recognized as an authority on Russian affairs.他是公认的俄罗斯事务专家。柯林斯高阶〔badness〕They only recognize badness when they perceive it in others.他们只有在别人身上看到坏品质的时候, 才承认其存在。外研社新世纪〔beat〕They recognize that tough action offers the only hope of beating inflation.他们认识到采取强硬的措施是战胜通货膨胀的唯一希望。外研社新世纪〔bud〕It is important to recognize jealousy and to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand.重要的是意识到嫉妒心理, 并将其消灭在萌芽阶段, 以免失控。外研社新世纪〔bud〕It is important to recognize jealousy and to nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand.重要的是要甄辨出嫉妒情绪并尽早消除这种心理,以免其一发不可收拾。柯林斯高阶〔characteristic〕I recognized his characteristic walk.我认得出他那独特的步姿。牛津同义词〔clinical〕If not found on clinical examination, it is easily recognized with the aid of a laparoscopy.如果门诊检查发现不了, 那么借助腹腔镜检查就很容易识别。外研社新世纪〔collectively〕They collectively decided to recognize the changed situation.他们集体决定承认形势已经发生改变。柯林斯高阶〔contribution〕He was recognized for his unique contribution to the arts.他对艺术的独特贡献是公认的。牛津搭配〔cryptogam〕A member of a formerly recognized taxonomic group that included all seedless plants, such as mosses, algae, fungi, and ferns.隐花植物:先前已被确认的一个分类的成员,包括有所有的无籽植物,如苔藓、水藻、真菌和蕨类植物美国传统〔de jure〕The UN has recognized the country de jure.联合国承认了这个国家的合法性。韦氏高阶〔dead〕Often a genius is recognized only after he is dead and gone.天才常常在死后才得到认可。外研社新世纪〔dead〕Often a genius is recognized only after he is dead and gone.天才往往在离开人世之后才得到认可。柯林斯高阶〔dead〕She saw me, recognized me and cut me dead.她看见了我,也认出了我,却不理睬我。牛津高阶〔delirious〕He became delirious and couldn't recognize people.他已精神错乱,谁都不认得了。牛津高阶〔deny〕To refuse to recognize or acknowledge; disavow.否认:拒绝承认;否认美国传统〔developed〕The developed nations have to recognize the growing gap between rich and poor around the world.发达国家务必认识到世界范围内贫富差距正在不断扩大。外研社新世纪〔dignity〕He longs for a society in which the dignity of all people is recognized.他渴望看到一个人人都有尊严的社会。剑桥高阶〔disguise〕He put on a large hat and glasses as a disguise and hoped no one would recognize him.他戴上大帽子和眼镜来伪装自己,希望没人会认出他来。剑桥高阶〔dullness〕I realized with a kind of dull shock that I didn't recognize a single name.我暗自一惊,发现一个名字都不认识。柯林斯高阶〔enough〕She looked enough like her mother so I recognized her at once.她长得挺像她母亲,所以我马上认出了她。英汉大词典〔established church〕A church that a government officially recognizes as a national institution and to which it accords support.国教:经国家法律认可并获得经济上支持的官方教会美国传统〔excellence〕The hospital is recognized as a centre of excellence in research and teaching.这所医院已被确认为成就卓著的教学和研究中心。牛津高阶〔flowing〕I thought I recognized your flowing script.我想我认出了你那流畅的笔迹。剑桥高阶〔foot〕Learn how to recognize which sewing machine foot will get the job done.学会识别哪种缝纫机压脚能干这种活。外研社新世纪〔formalism〕Rigorous or excessive adherence to recognized forms, as in religion or art.形式主义:严格地或过分地依据规定的形式,如在宗教或艺术等方面美国传统〔glamour〕I can cast a glamour over myself. Nobody will recognize me.我可以给自己施魔法。没有人会认出我来。外研社新世纪〔glimpse〕I only caught (= had) a fleeting glimpse of the driver of the getaway car, but I know I would recognize her if I saw her again.我只是在刹那间瞥见了开车逃跑的司机,但我知道如果再看见她还是能认出来。剑桥高阶〔grace〕We bow our heads in grief as we recognize that but for the grace of God there go I.我们悲伤地低下了头, 意识到幸亏有上天庇佑我们才得以免遭此劫。外研社新世纪〔handwriting〕I didn't recognize the handwriting on the envelope.我认不出信封上的字迹。牛津搭配〔haunted〕She looked so haunted, I almost didn't recognize her.她愁容满面,我差点儿没认出她来。柯林斯高阶〔head〕He recognized ability and gave people their heads.他看重能力, 让大家放开手脚做。外研社新世纪〔high def〕With high def, you can recognize faces in the crowd.使用高清晰度技术,你可以从人群中识别人脸。剑桥高阶〔his〕Even his own mother would not have recognized him.即使他的亲生母亲也是认不出他的。朗文当代〔humanitarian〕She has been recognized as a great humanitarian for her efforts to end world hunger.她因致力于解决全球饥荒而被视作一位伟大的人道主义者。韦氏高阶〔immediately〕She recognized me immediately she saw me.她一看到我就认出了我。文馨英汉〔importance〕The company recognizes the importance of training its employees.该公司意识到培训员工的重要性。麦克米伦高阶〔information〕Pictures are scanned into a form of digital information that computers can recognize.照片被扫描成某种电脑可以识别的数字资料。柯林斯高阶〔kindred spirit〕When I saw his work for the first time, I recognized a kindred spirit.我第一次看到他的作品的时候, 我就发现我们趣味相投。外研社新世纪〔look〕Take a (good) look at this picture and see if you recognize anyone.好好看看这张照片,看看能不能认出上面的什么人。剑桥高阶〔look〕Take a good look at the photo and see if you recognize anyone in it.好好看看这张照片,看你能不能认出里面的什么人。朗文当代〔mangle〕After the accident we tried to identify the victims, but the bodies were too hadly mangled to be recognized.事故发生后我们试图辨认遇难者,但血肉模糊的尸体已无法辨认。21世纪英汉〔merely〕He did not merely recognize black rights. He learned from blacks.他不仅承认黑人的权利,他还向黑人学习。英汉大词典〔message〕Tom squinted at the message. He recognized the handwriting.汤姆眯着眼看了一下那张便条,他认出了笔迹。英汉大词典〔midst〕Nobody recognized the stranger in their midst.没人认出他们当中的陌生人。麦克米伦高阶〔momentous〕His colleagues all recognized that this was a momentous occasion .他的同事都认识到这是一个重要时刻。朗文当代〔money〕The Senate recognized the need to put more money in the pockets of dairy farmers.参议院认识到有必要往奶农们口袋里多放些钱。牛津搭配〔name〕It's a big school but the principal knows everyone by name (=can recognize everyone and address them by their name) .尽管学校很大,但校长叫得出每个人的名字。朗文当代〔need〕The government recognizes the need for immediate action.政府意识到有必要立即采取行动。麦克米伦高阶〔note〕He was able to recognize the note of the willow warbler.他能分辨出柳莺的叫声。外研社新世纪〔once〕Once she spoke, I recognized her.她一开口我就认出了她。韦氏高阶〔once〕When I saw him I recognized him at once.我一眼就认出了他。朗文当代〔on〕I recognized the writing on the postcard.我辨认出了明信片上的字。外研社新世纪〔overeat〕If you tend to overeat because of depression, first take steps to recognize the source of your sadness.如果你常常因为沮丧而暴饮暴食, 首先应该设法找到悲伤的原因。外研社新世纪〔overlord〕Henry II was the first king to be recognized as overlord of Ireland.亨利二世是第一位被承认为爱尔兰领主的国王。柯林斯高阶〔peculiarly〕It's an idiom that people can recognize as peculiarly English.这是一个人们可以认出只有英语中才有的习语。英汉大词典〔phoniness〕I recognized the phoniness of her accent.我听出她的口音是装出来的。韦氏高阶〔place〕It was a voice he recognized, though he could not immediately place it.尽管声音听上去耳熟,但他不能马上想起是谁。柯林斯高阶〔potential〕Denmark recognized the potential of wind energy early.丹麦很久以前就认识到了风能的潜力。外研社新世纪〔prevention〕We recognized the possibility and took steps to prevent it happening.我们认识到了这种可能性,并且采取了一些预防措施。柯林斯高阶〔pulsar〕He recognized that pulsars were the long sought-for neutron stars.他曾确认脉冲星就是苦苦寻找的中子星。外研社新世纪〔puzzled〕Harry was puzzled that Nicholas didn't seem to recognize him.尼古拉斯似乎没有认出自己,哈里感到不解。朗文当代〔realize〕The government does not recognize the need for more funding.政府没有认识到需要更多的资金。朗文当代〔recognition〕The act of recognizing or condition of being recognized.识别:认识的行为或被认识的情况美国传统〔recognition〕When he returned to his home town after the war, he found it had changed out of all/beyond all recognition (= it had changed so much that he no longer recognized it).战后他回到家乡时,发现一切已经面目全非了。剑桥高阶〔recognized〕Professor Jones is a recognized authority on ancient Egypt.琼斯教授是公认的古埃及研究的权威人士。剑桥高阶〔recognize〕A bill of exchange is a legally recognized document.汇票是一种合法票据。牛津搭配〔recognize〕Are qualifications gained in Britain recognized in France?在英国获得的资格证书法国认可吗?外研社新世纪〔recognize〕Do you recognize this tune? 你能听出这是哪支曲子吗?牛津高阶〔recognize〕Doctors are trained to recognize the symptoms of different diseases.医生受过训练可以辨识出不同疾病的症状。剑桥高阶〔recognize〕Drugs were not recognized as a problem then.那时候还没有把毒品看成严重问题。牛津高阶〔recognize〕He recognized John as his lawful heir.他确认约翰为自己的合法继承人。英汉大词典〔recognize〕He recognized us with a wave.他挥手向我们致意。21世纪英汉〔recognize〕He had the insight to recognize their talents.他很有眼力,慧眼识英才。柯林斯高阶〔recognize〕He is recognized as the new champion.他是公认的新一届冠军。麦克米伦高阶〔recognize〕He readily recognizes the influence of Freud on his thinking.他坦然承认弗洛伊德对他思想的影响。牛津搭配〔recognize〕He was recognized as one of the finest poets of his time.他被认为是他那个时代最出色的诗人之一。外研社新世纪〔recognize〕He was recognized for having saved many lives.他因为救了很多人的生命而受到嘉奖。朗文当代〔recognize〕His services to the state were recognized with the award of a knighthood.他被封为爵士,以表彰他对国家的贡献。牛津高阶〔recognize〕I recognize my own shortcomings.我承认自己的缺点。柯林斯高阶〔recognize〕I recognize you now.You are Mary's husband.我现在认出你来了,你是玛丽的丈夫。21世纪英汉〔recognize〕I recognized her by her red hair.我根据她的红头发认出了她。牛津搭配〔recognize〕I recognized the house from your description.从你的描述中我可以认出那座房子。麦克米伦高阶〔recognize〕I recognized them from a television show.我从一个电视节目上认出了他们。牛津搭配〔recognize〕I can always recognize him from far away by/from the way he walks.根据他走路的姿势我总能远远地认出他来。韦氏高阶〔recognize〕I immediately recognized the building.我立刻认出了那座大楼。牛津搭配〔recognize〕I thought I recognized the voice! 我想我辨认出了那个声音!麦克米伦高阶〔recognize〕It is important to recognize how little we know about this disease.要承认我们对这种疾病了解得还很少,这是很重要的。朗文当代〔recognize〕It was malaria, but Dr Lee hadn't recognized the symptoms.患的是疟疾,但李医生没有辨认出症状。朗文当代〔recognize〕Lawrence's novel was eventually recognized as a work of genius.劳伦斯的小说终于被认为是天才之作。朗文当代〔recognize〕Nichols was recognized by the Hall of Fame in 1949.尼科尔斯1949年入选名人堂。外研社新世纪〔recognize〕Russia has recognized Ukraine's independence.俄罗斯承认了乌克兰的独立。外研社新世纪〔recognize〕She's a recognized authority on the subject.她在这个学科上被奉为权威。牛津高阶〔recognize〕Speakers have to be recognized by the chair.发言的人必须先经会议主席的准许。英汉大词典〔recognize〕The RAF recognized him as an outstandingly able engineer.英国皇家空军表彰他是一名杰出的工程师。外研社新世纪〔recognize〕The RAF recognized him as an outstandingly able engineer.英国皇家空军表彰他是一名非常能干的机械师。柯林斯高阶〔recognize〕The U.S. government has now recognized the newly formed country.美国政府目前正式承认了那个新成立的国家。韦氏高阶〔recognize〕The doctor recognized the symptoms.医生从症状看出了那是什么病。牛津同义词〔recognize〕The manager recognized the employees' worth by giving them a bonus.公司经理发给雇员们一笔奖金以报偿他们的劳绩。英汉大词典〔recognize〕The strength of this argument is being increasingly recognized.大家日渐认识到这一论点的说服力。牛津搭配〔recognize〕They recognized her years of service with a special award.他们用一项特别奖来表彰她多年的服务。韦氏高阶〔recognize〕They recognized the need to take the problem seriously.他们承认需要严肃对待这个问题。牛津高阶〔recognize〕They recognized the odor at once.他们立刻识别出了那种气味。韦氏高阶〔recognize〕They fully recognize the need to proceed carefully.他们充分意识到继续谨慎行事的必要性。牛津搭配〔recognize〕They refused to recognize the treaty.他们不认可这项协议。韦氏高阶〔recognize〕This credit card is recognized all over the world.这种信用卡在全世界都是认可的。麦克米伦高阶〔recognize〕Walt Whitman is recognized as one of America's great poets.沃尔特·惠特曼被誉为美国伟大的诗人之一。韦氏高阶〔recognize〕You must recognize the seriousness of the problems we are facing.你必须认识到我们现在面临的问题有多严重。剑桥高阶〔retention〕An ability to recall or recognize what has been learned or experienced; memory.记忆力:记起或认识出已经学过或经历过的事物的能力;记忆力美国传统〔rock bottom〕Alcoholics often have to reach/hit rock bottom before they can recognize that they have a problem.酗酒者往往把生活搞得一塌糊涂后才会意识到自己存在问题。剑桥高阶〔score〕He recognizes enough notation to be able to follow a score.他认得足够多的乐符,看懂乐谱不成问题。柯林斯高阶〔shape〕I recognized the distinctive shape of a 747.我认出了波音 747 那独特的机型。牛津搭配〔shoulder〕I fervently hope he recognizes and understands the burden that's on his shoulders.我热诚地希望他能认识到并懂得自己肩负的重任。柯林斯高阶〔silhouette〕Even from behind in silhouette, Billy recognized the figure.即便看到的只是背影的轮廓,比利还是认出了那个人影。柯林斯高阶〔similarly〕A mother recognizes the feel of her child's skin when blindfolded. Similarly, she can instantly identify her baby's cry.即便是蒙上眼睛母亲也能摸出自己孩子的肌肤。同样, 她也能立即听出自己孩子的哭声。外研社新世纪〔so〕Everything's changed so much I can scarcely recognize the place.一切都变化如此之大,我几乎认不出这个地方了。麦克米伦高阶〔strike〕They're striking for the right to have their trade union recognized in law.他们罢工是想让他们的工会在法律上得到承认。朗文当代〔strive〕He strove to be recognized as a musician.他力争成为一名社会公认的音乐家。英汉大词典〔style〕I did not recognize him under his new style.他用了新的头衔,我认不出他了。英汉大词典〔sundry〕Sundry distant relatives, most of whom I hardly recognized, turned up for my brother's wedding.远房亲戚都来参加我哥哥的婚礼,大多数我都不太认识。剑桥高阶〔teaching〕Applicants must hold a recognized teaching qualification.申请者须持有经认可的教学资格证明。牛津搭配〔themself〕Usually the last person to recognize they are ill is the depressive themself.通常最不愿意承认自己有病的是抑郁症患者本人。外研社新世纪〔tightrope〕He recognized that he was walking a tightrope: one slip would mean political destruction.他认识到自己的处境正如走钢丝,稍一疏忽就意味着政治上的毁灭。英汉大词典〔time〕He's teaching his daughter to tell the time (= to recognize what time it is by looking at a clock).他在教女儿看钟表。剑桥高阶〔tolerate〕To recognize and respect (the rights, beliefs, or practices of others).宽容:承认并尊重(他人的权利,信仰或行为)美国传统〔trademark〕I recognized him by his trademark wig.我通过那标志性的假发认出了他。外研社新世纪〔twang〕I immediately recognized the nasal twang of his voice.我立刻听出了他说话时的鼻音。外研社新世纪〔underpart〕We recognized the robin by its reddish underparts.我们通过其微红色的下部认识知更鸟美国传统〔unorthodox〕Steiner was recognized as an original if unorthodox thinker.斯坦纳被认为是一位离经叛道但富有创新精神的思想家。剑桥高阶〔valid〕He recognized the valid arguments that both sides were making.他认可双方观点中合理的部分。外研社新世纪〔variable〕Biology Tending to deviate, as from a normal or recognized type; aberrant.【生物学】 变异的:倾向于偏离,如从一个正常的或被承认了的类型;畸变的美国传统〔variation〕Marked difference or deviation from the normal or recognized form, function, or structure.变异,变体:与正常或已被认可的形态、功能或结构有明显的不同或偏离美国传统〔voice〕He recognized her voice instantly.他立刻听出了她的声音。朗文当代〔walk〕I recognized him by his walk.我根据他走路的样子认出了他。牛津高阶〔walk〕Ican recognize Joan by her walk.我从琼走路的样子能认出她来。麦克米伦高阶〔weather eye〕An eye quick to recognize signs of changes in the weather.很快辨认出天气变化征兆的眼睛美国传统〔wheel〕I saw the car drive past, but didn't recognize the woman behind the wheel.我看见汽车开过去了,却没有认出开车的女子。牛津搭配〔whistle〕I recognized my father's tuneless whistle.我听出父亲不成调的口哨声。剑桥高阶〔will〕How will I recognize you?我怎样才能认出你呢?外研社新世纪〔wonder〕I wonder if I'll recognize Philip after all these years.过了这么多年,我不知道是否还认得菲利普。朗文当代〔wonder〕It's a wonder you recognized me after all these years.真想不到,这么多年不见你还认得出我。英汉大词典〔writing〕Do you recognize the writing on the envelope? 你能认出信封上是谁的笔迹吗?剑桥高阶〔writing〕I didn't recognize the writing.我辨认不出那种笔迹。牛津搭配〔writing〕Who's this from? I don't recognize the writing.这是谁写来的?我辨认不出笔迹。牛津高阶〔yours〕Yours was the first face I recognized.我认出的第一个就是你。英汉大词典As we drew alongside/(Br also) drew level with/up with (= reached) the black Fiat I suddenly recognized my exboyfriend at the wheel.当我们与那辆黑色菲亚特并排的时候,我突然认出了我以前的男朋友在开那辆车。剑桥国际Computers recognize numbers and use them to reroute phone calls.计算机识别数字,并用它们来改变电话路线。剑桥国际Doctors are trained to recognize the symptoms of different diseases.医生接受培训,识别不同疾病的症状。剑桥国际He will not recognize me any longer. 他不愿再理睬我了。译典通He's teaching his daughter to tell the time (= to recognize what particular point in the day it is by looking at a clock).他在教他的女儿看钟。剑桥国际I recognized several old jailbirds among the photographs.在这些照片中我认出了几个老惯犯。剑桥国际I recognized that I had made a mistake. 我认识到自己犯了一个错误。译典通I hadn't seen her for 20 years, but I recognized her immediately.我已有20年没见过她,但立刻就认出了她。剑桥国际I know enough about art to recognize a masterpiece when I see one.我对艺术的所知使我足以在见到一幅名画时能认得出。剑桥国际I was challenged by a new security guard who didn't recognize me.我给一个不认识我的新警卫喝住盘问了一番。剑桥国际I was in the act of shooting her when I suddenly recognized her. 我正要向她开枪时,忽然认出了她。译典通If you are thinking about buying this type of keyboard there is one important caveat: some PCs might not recognize the keyboard.如果你想买这类键盘,有一个重要的忠告:有些计算机可能不懂识别这种键盘。牛津商务In one of his more lucid moments, he appeared to recognize his wife.在他更清醒的时候,他似乎能认出妻子。剑桥国际Many countries recognized the new government. 许多国家承认了新政府。译典通Plants can sometimes be recognized by the silhouette (= shape) of their leaves.有时能从叶子轮廓来辨认植物。剑桥国际Sundry distant relatives, most of whom I hardly recognized, turned up for my brother's wedding.形形色色的远房亲戚都来参加我哥哥的婚礼,其中大多数人我几乎都不认识。剑桥国际The 1973 Supreme Court decision, Roe v Wade, recognized a constitutional right to abortion in the US. 1973 年最高法院在罗诉魏德案中,裁定堕胎在美国符合宪法。剑桥国际The Prime Minister recognized her services to her country by awarding her an MBE.首相授予她一枚英帝国勋章,表彰她对国家的贡献。剑桥国际The company refused to recognize the union.这家公司拒绝承认这个工会。牛津商务The country has de facto independence now, and it will soon be recognized de jure by the world's governments.该国现在获得了事实上的独立,它很快会被世界各国政府承认为合法政府。剑桥国际The effects of transactions can be recognized on a cash basis (= when money is paid or received).交易的结果可以在收付实现制基础上加以确认。牛津商务The effects of transactions can be recognized on an accruals basis (when the transactions take place), or on a cash basis (when money is paid or received).交易结果可以按权责发生制或现金制加以确定。牛津商务The logo is becoming a nationally recognized brand.这个标识正成为一个全国家喻户晓的品牌。牛津商务The plot of the film turns on making you believe that the child would not recognize her mother.电影的情节使你相信那个孩子不会认她母亲。剑桥国际The thieves wore false beards and thick glasses so that they wouldn't be recognized.小偷们戴着假胡子、厚眼镜,以防被认出。剑桥国际They refused to acknowledge (=to recognize officially) the new government.它们拒绝承认新政府。剑桥国际Those two paintings look so alike I'm surprised anyone can tell which is which (= can recognize each one separately).那两幅画看上去如此相像,我很惊奇有人能分出哪个是哪个。剑桥国际We need to recognize that we are now living in a plural society (= one in which there are a lot of people of different races).我们需要意识到我们目前生活在一个多元社会中。剑桥国际When he returned to his home town after the war, he found it had changed out of all/beyond all recognition (= it had changed so much that he no longer recognized it).战后他回到家乡,发现变化很大,认不出来了。剑桥国际You must recognize the seriousness of the problems we are facing.你必须认清我们面临问题的严重性。剑桥国际




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