

单词 recalcitrant
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔indocile〕Resistant to authority or discipline; recalcitrant.难驯服的:不屈服于权力或权威的;暴烈的美国传统〔recalcitrance〕He had a knack for coaxing even the most recalcitrant engine to life.即使是最难摆弄的发动机他都有本事搞定。柯林斯高阶〔recalcitrance〕The danger is that recalcitrant local authorities will reject their responsibilities.危险在于抗命不遵的地方当局将拒绝履行他们的职责。柯林斯高阶〔recalcitrant〕A recalcitrant person.执拗的人,桀骜不驯的人美国传统〔recalcitrant〕The taxpayers are becoming increasingly recalcitrant about open-ended programs for overseas purposes.纳税人对于资助那些无底洞似的海外项目越来越持抗拒态度。英汉大词典〔renitent〕Reluctant to yield or be swayed; recalcitrant.顽强的:拒绝屈服或动摇的;桀骜不驯的美国传统〔unruly〕The university suspended the most recalcitrant demonstrators.该大学对最为桀骜不驯的学生做了暂令停学的处理。美国传统She claims that the company has shown itself to be recalcitrant and unwilling to take appropriate action to correct serious health hazards.她声称公司已表现出自身积重难返,不愿采取适当的措施纠正严重的弊病。剑桥国际The donkey was of a recalcitrant temperament and had to be pulled around wherever it went.驴子脾性难驯,无论去何处都得牵着它。剑桥国际




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