

单词 radiation
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-going〕The material can absorb outward-going radiation from the Earth.该物质可以吸收地球向外辐射的能量。柯林斯高阶〔AFTER〕The effects of exposure to atomic radiation at Hiroshima have been passed on to succeeding generations. 原子弹辐射的影响祸及了以后好几代广岛居民。朗文写作活用〔ALL/EVERYTHING〕Physicists are searching for one all-embracing theory that covers matter, energy, radiation, and gravity. 物理学家正在探索一个对于物质、能量、辐射和引力都适用的统一理论。朗文写作活用〔BURN〕All the clothes that were affected by radiation had to be incinerated. 所有受到辐射的衣服都得焚毁。朗文写作活用〔Compton effect〕The increase in wavelength of electromagnetic radiation, especially of an x-ray or a gamma-ray photon, scattered by an electron.康普顿效应:X射线或γ射线的光子与电子发生碰撞并被散射时,电磁辐射的波长同时增加的现象美国传统〔DANGEROUS〕Scientists feel that present levels of radiation pose no threat. 科学家们认为当前的辐射水平不会构成威胁。朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕Small amounts of radiation were found on their clothing. 他们的衣服上发现有少量的辐射。朗文写作活用〔SMALL〕The level of radiation in the atmosphere is really very small. 大气中的辐射水平其实很低。朗文写作活用〔UNIMPORTANT〕The level of radiation was considered ‘insignificant’ and not a danger to health. 这个辐射水平被认为是“不严重的”,不会危害健康。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕The standard treatment is surgery, often combined with radiation. 标准的治疗方法是手术,常和放射治疗结合使用。朗文写作活用〔X-ray〕X-ray radiation [=radiation from X-rays] *X射线辐射韦氏高阶〔absorptance〕The ratio of absorbed to incident radiation.吸收比:吸收投射的辐射线的比率美国传统〔actinic ray〕Photochemically active radiation, as of the sun.光化射线:光化性活跃的辐射线,如太阳的光线美国传统〔actinism〕The intrinsic property in radiation that produces photochemical activity.光化性:辐射线固有的产生光化作用的特性美国传统〔albedo〕The fraction of incident electromagnetic radiation reflected by a surface, especially of a celestial body.反照率:被一平面,尤指一天体反射的投射电磁辐射的微量美国传统〔announce〕The gauge recorded the radiation level and announced it safe to return home.测量仪记录了辐射级,显示可以安全回家了。英汉大词典〔atmospherics〕Electromagnetic radiation produced by natural phenomena such as lightning.大气电,自然电波:由自然现象,如闪电等产生的电磁辐射等美国传统〔aura〕An invisible breath, emanation, or radiation.气味:看不见的呼吸、放射或辐射美国传统〔background〕Sound or radiation present at a relatively constant low level at a specific location.背景音乐,基底:在某个特定的位置以一个相对稳定的低水平表现出来的声音或传播美国传统〔bandwidth〕The numerical difference between the upper and lower frequencies of a band of electromagnetic radiation, especially an assigned range of radio frequencies.带宽:电磁辐射频带中高频与低频之间的数值差,尤指某设定的无线电频率范围美国传统〔band〕A specific range of wavelengths or frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.波段,波带:电磁辐射的波长和频率的特定范围美国传统〔barrier〕Ozone is the earth's barrier against ultra-violet radiation.臭氧是地球防止紫外线辐射的屏障。牛津高阶〔belt〕The space mission provided new data on the Earth's radiation belts.这次太空任务提供了地球辐射带的新数据。牛津搭配〔biologically〕Possibly we are accustomed, biologically speaking, to this background radiation.从生物学角度来说, 我们可能已经习惯了这种本底辐射。外研社新世纪〔biologically〕Possibly we are accustomed, biologically speaking, to this background radiation.从生物机理上说,我们可能已经习惯了这种本底辐射。柯林斯高阶〔black dwarf star〕The remains of a white dwarf star after it has expended all of its energy and is no longer emitting detectable radiation.黑矮星:白矮星消耗掉所有能量并且不再放射可测辐射能后的残留物美国传统〔blackbody〕A theoretically perfect absorber of all incident radiation.黑体:能吸收全部入射辐射的理论上的理想物体美国传统〔blue shift〕A decrease in the wavelength of radiation emitted by an approaching celestial body as a consequence of the Doppler effect.蓝移:飞近的天体发射出的幅射波长之减小,是杜普勒效应的结果美国传统〔burn〕An injury produced by fire, heat, radiation, electricity, or a caustic agent.烧伤,烫伤,灼伤:因火焰、高温、辐射、电击或腐蚀性物质而造成的伤害美国传统〔capture〕Physics The phenomenon in which an atom or a nucleus absorbs a subatomic particle, often with the subsequent emission of radiation.【物理学】 俘获:一种原子或原子核吸收亚原子粒子的现象,随后常伴有辐射现象美国传统〔caveat〕She will be offered radiation treatment – with the caveat that the method has only around a 30% chance of success.将为她进行放射治疗,但她被告诫说这种方法只有30%左右的成功率。麦克米伦高阶〔chordoma〕Currently, surgery and radiation are the only standard treatment options for chordoma.目前外科手术和放射治疗是治疗脊索瘤的标准方法。剑桥高阶〔combination〕His treatment was a combination of surgery, radiation and drugs.对他的治疗是把手术、放射和药物结合起来。牛津高阶〔continuous spectrum〕A spectrum having no lines or bands, especially a spectrum of radiation distributed over an uninterrupted range of wavelengths.连续光谱:一种没有谱线或谱带的光谱,尤指在整个波长范围内没有中断或间隙的光谱美国传统〔danger〕Despite the high levels of radiation, people are now moving back into the danger zone.虽然有高强度的辐射,人们现在还是要返回到危险区。牛津搭配〔deceive〕The government deluded the public about the dangers of low-level radiation.政府欺骗公众,关于低强度辐射的危险性。美国传统〔delta ray〕An electron ejected from matter by ionizing radiation.δ射线,δ粒子:受到电离辐射的物质发射出的电子美国传统〔detect〕This sensitive piece of equipment is used to detect radiation.这件灵敏设备是用于探测辐射的。外研社新世纪〔disinfectant〕An agent, such as heat, radiation, or a chemical, that disinfects by destroying, neutralizing, or inhibiting the growth of disease-carrying microorganisms.消毒剂,杀菌剂:用高温、辐射或化学药剂来杀死细菌或抑制可引发疾病的微生物的增长,从而达到消毒目的美国传统〔dose〕In the accident, the workers received a heavy dose of radiation.在那次事故中,工人们受到大剂量的辐射。英汉大词典〔dose〕Local people were exposed to high doses of radiation.当地人受到大量辐射。麦克米伦高阶〔dose〕The amount of radiation administered as therapy to a given site.射线剂量:作为治疗,对指定部位施用的射线剂量美国传统〔dose〕Workers at the nuclear plant were exposed to high doses of radiation.核电站的工作人员受到大量辐射。牛津高阶〔dosimeter〕An instrument that measures and indicates the amount of x-rays or radiation absorbed in a given period.剂量计:测量并指示在给定时间里所接受X射线或其它辐射的剂量的仪器美国传统〔dosimetry〕The accurate measurement of doses, especially of radiation.剂量测定:尤指辐射的剂量准确测定法美国传统〔effect〕The radiation leak has had a disastrous effect on/upon the environment.核辐射泄漏给环境带来了灾难性的影响。剑桥高阶〔electromagnetic pulse〕The pulse of intense electromagnetic radiation generated by a nuclear explosion high above Earth.电磁脉冲:由于地球的核爆炸产生的强烈电磁辐射脉冲美国传统〔emissivity〕The ratio of the radiation emitted by a surface to the radiation emitted by a blackbody at the same temperature.发射率:在同一温度下一表面发射的辐射量与一黑体发射的辐射量的比例美国传统〔emit〕Hot objects emit infrared radiation.热物体发出红外辐射。外研社新世纪〔emit〕Pulsars emit radiation.脉冲星发出辐射。麦克米伦高阶〔environmental〕Examples of unsafe environmental conditions are noise, radiation, dust.不安全的环境条件, 例如噪音、放射线和粉尘。外研社新世纪〔evaluate〕The study will evaluate the long-term effects of exposure to radiation.这项研究将评估辐射对人的长远影响。麦克米伦高阶〔excite〕When energetic particles or quanta of radiation pass through a crystal, they excite a few of its atoms into a higher energy state.辐射性的高能粒子或量子穿过晶体时, 会把晶体的一些原子激发成更高的能态。外研社新世纪〔expose sb to sth〕It is feared that people living near the power station may have been exposed to radiation.人们担心居住在发电站附近的居民可能已受到辐射。剑桥高阶〔exposed〕Depletion of the ozone layer leaves the earth's surface increasingly exposed to harmful radiation from the sun.臭氧层的消耗使地球表面越来越受到来自太阳的有害辐射。牛津搭配〔expose〕Many of the soldiers had been exposed to radiation.许多士兵曾暴露在辐射中。麦克米伦高阶〔expose〕The general public is constantly exposed to radiation.民众无时无刻不受到辐射的危害。牛津搭配〔expose〕The report revealed that workers had been exposed to high levels of radiation.报告披露工人们受到了高强度的辐射。朗文当代〔exposure〕Even a brief exposure to radiation is very dangerous.即便只是短暂受辐射也是非常危险的。剑桥高阶〔fall〕Her hair started falling out as a result of radiation treatment.由于放疗,她开始掉头发。柯林斯高阶〔filter〕Ozone is the earth's primary filter for ultraviolet radiation.臭氧层是地球上阻挡紫外线辐射的主要屏障。剑桥高阶〔flare〕Radiation comes from the sun during solar flares.太阳耀斑会引起辐射。牛津搭配〔fluorescence〕The radiation so emitted.荧光辐射:如此散发的辐射美国传统〔from〕Wearing the correct type of clothing will reduce the risk from radiation.衣着得当会降低辐射对身体的危害。剑桥高阶〔galactic noise〕Radio-frequency radiation originating outside the solar system.银河噪声:产生于太阳系之外的无线电频率辐射美国传统〔gamma-ray burst〕A short-lived, localized, and intense burst of gamma radiation that originates outside the solar system from an unknown source.γ射线:由γ射线发出的密集、局部且短暂的干扰波,来自太阳系的不明来源处美国传统〔gray〕The SI unit for the energy absorbed from ionizing radiation, equal to one joule per kilogram.格雷,辐射能单位:测量从离子化辐射中所吸收能量的国际单位制,相当于每公斤一焦耳美国传统〔greenhouse effect〕A similar retention of solar radiation, as by another planet or in a solar panel.温室效应:类似的保留太阳辐射的效应,如其它行星或太阳能电池极上美国传统〔high-level〕The health effects of high-level radiation are extreme.强辐射对健康的影响非常大。麦克米伦高阶〔hypothesis〕Her hypothesis concerns the role of electromagnetic radiation.她的假说涉及到电磁辐射的作用。牛津搭配〔illuminate〕To be exposed to or revealed by radiation.暴露于射线:被辐射发现或曝光美国传统〔illuminate〕To expose to or reveal by radiation.暴露于射线:用辐射手段暴露或发现某物美国传统〔imply〕The high level of radiation in the rocks implies that they are volcanic in origin.这些岩石内的高辐射显示它们是火山作用形成的。朗文当代〔incidence〕There is a greater incidence of cancer in the families of radiation workers.接触放射性物质的工作人员,其家属的癌症发病率要更高一些。牛津搭配〔insolation〕The rate of delivery of solar radiation per unit of horizontal surface.日射能量:单位水平面上日辐射的量美国传统〔insolation〕The solar radiation striking Earth or another planet.日射:到达地球或其他行星的太阳辐射美国传统〔irradiate〕To expose to radiation.使暴露在射线前美国传统〔irradiation〕Therapy or treatment by exposure to radiation.射线疗法:暴露在辐射前的疗法或冶疗美国传统〔keep out〕The ozone layer keeps out ultraviolet radiation.臭氧层隔离紫外线。外研社新世纪〔langley〕A unit equal to one gram calorie per square centimeter of irradiated surface, used to measure solar radiation.兰利:等于每平方厘米发光表面一克卡的单位,用于测量太阳幅射量美国传统〔lens〕A device that causes radiation other than light to converge or diverge by an action analogous to that of an optical lens.辐射镜:一种通过与光学镜片类似的原理使射线而不是光线聚集起来或发散的装置美国传统〔level〕Radiation is well below the permitted level.辐射量远远低于规定水平。牛津搭配〔level〕There is some danger of low level (= a continuing small amount of) radiation.存在低剂量辐射的危险。剑桥高阶〔light〕Electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength.光:任何波长的电磁辐射美国传统〔malfunction〕The radiation can damage microprocessors and computer memories, causing them to malfunction.辐射会损坏微处理器和电脑内存,使之失灵。柯林斯高阶〔meltdown〕Severe overheating of a nuclear reactor core, resulting in melting of the core and escape of radiation.熔炉:由熔解原子核及辐射的释放引起的原子核反应之极度过程美国传统〔monitor〕The workers are constantly monitored for exposure to radiation.这些员工接受了持续的受辐射程度监测。牛津搭配〔monitor〕To test (air or an object's surface, for example) for radiation intensity.测定…的辐射强度:测定(例如,空气或物体表面)的辐射强度美国传统〔more〕We are learning more and more about the effects of radiation on the human body.我们越来越了解辐射对人体的影响。麦克米伦高阶〔mutation〕It is well known that radiation can cause mutation.众所周知,辐射可能造成基因突变。剑桥高阶〔neutron bomb〕Neutron bombs release lethal radiation instead of exploding with a lot of heat and wind.中子弹爆炸并不产生强热气流,而是释放致命的辐射。剑桥高阶〔obliterate〕Medicine To remove completely (a body organ or part), as by surgery, disease, or radiation.【医学】 消除,除去:完全除去(身体器官或一部分),通过手术、疾病或射线等美国传统〔occultation〕The progressive blocking of light, radio waves, or other radiation from a celestial source during such a passage.星掩:在上述运行中,从一天体源发出的光,无线电波或其它射线被逐渐掩蔽美国传统〔occupationally〕He was occupationally exposed to radiation.由于职业的关系他暴露在辐射之下。韦氏高阶〔optical maser〕A laser, especially one that produces visible radiation.激光器:一种激光器,尤指能产生可见射线的激光器美国传统〔penetrate〕It is not yet known how deeply the radiation has penetrated into the soil.现在还不知道辐射渗入土壤有多深。牛津搭配〔penetrate〕The sun's radiation penetrates the skin.太阳的辐射能透进皮肤。牛津高阶〔penetrometer〕A device for measuring the penetrating power of radiation, especially x-rays.透光计,渗透度仪:一种用于测量射线特别是X射线贯穿力的仪器美国传统〔phosphorescence〕Persistent emission of light following exposure to and removal of incident radiation.发磷光,闪磷火:曝露于入射的辐射线并将辐射线移开后持续放射光美国传统〔phosphoresce〕To persist in emitting light, unaccompanied by sensible heat or combustion, after exposure to and removal of a source of radiation.发磷光,闪磷火:在暴露或移开辐射源后持续发光,但并不伴随可感觉的热量或燃烧美国传统〔photoactive〕Capable of responding to sunlight or ultraviolet radiation by chemical reaction.能经化学反应感光的:能通过化学反应对阳光或紫外线辐射反应的美国传统〔photoaging〕The process by which skin is changed or damaged as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation in sunlight and other sources.日照老化,光致老化:皮肤因为暴露在太阳或其它光源的紫外线辐射下而受到改变或损害的过程美国传统〔photodisintegration〕Nuclear disintegration or transformation caused by absorption of high-energy radiation, as of gamma rays.光致分裂:由吸收高能量辐射、如射线而引起的核分裂或核转换美国传统〔photoelectric effect〕Ejection of electrons from a substance by incident electromagnetic radiation, especially by visible light.光电效应,光电现象:由附带的电磁辐射引起的一种物质的电子散射,尤指可见光美国传统〔phototherapy〕The treatment of a disorder, especially of the skin, by exposure to light, including ultraviolet and infrared radiation.光线疗法,光照疗法:通过暴露在光下对疾病的治疗方法,尤指皮肤病,包括紫外线和红外线治疗美国传统〔point source〕A source, especially of pollution or radiation, occupying a very small area and having a concentrated output.点源:占据很小的区域并具有集中输出的源,尤批污染或辐射的美国传统〔poison〕Thousands of children were poisoned by radiation.几千名儿童遭受辐射的毒害。朗文当代〔pump〕Physics Electromagnetic radiation used to raise atoms or molecules to a higher energy level.【物理学】 电磁辐射能:用来将原子或分子提升到较高能级的电磁辐射美国传统〔quantum〕The smallest amount of a physical quantity that can exist independently, especially a discrete quantity of electromagnetic radiation.量子:物理量中可独立存在的最小的量,尤指电磁辐射中不连续的量美国传统〔radiant energy〕Energy transferred by radiation, especially by an electromagnetic wave.辐射能:用放射(尤其是电磁波)转移的能量美国传统〔radiational cooling〕The cooling of the earth's surface and the air near the surface, occurring chiefly at night and caused by heat loss engendered by terrestrial radiation.辐射冷却:主要发生在夜晚的地面或近地面空气的冷却,由地面辐射造成的热量丧失引起美国传统〔radiation〕Adaptive radiation.适应性辐射美国传统〔radiation〕An accident at the power station could result in large amounts of radiation being released.发电站发生事故会造成大量核辐射泄漏。朗文当代〔radiation〕Can the radiation from mobile phones be harmful to humans?手机辐射对人有害吗?外研社新世纪〔radiation〕He goes in for radiation next week.他下周去做放射治疗。韦氏高阶〔radiation〕If the cancer returns, radiation therapy is successful in 90 per cent of cases.如果癌症复发,放射性疗法有90%的治愈率。柯林斯高阶〔radiation〕Many servicemen suffered radiation sickness after the early atomic tests.很多军人在早期的原子弹试爆后患上了辐射病。剑桥高阶〔radiation〕Nuclear testing has exposed millions of people to radiation.核试验已使数百万人受到辐射。牛津搭配〔radiation〕Ozone protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation.臭氧层保护地球免受有害紫外线的辐射。牛津搭配〔radiation〕Patients receive high doses of radiation during cancer treatment.接受癌症治疗的病人要受到大剂量的辐射。牛津搭配〔radiation〕She was exposed to high levels of radiation.她受到了高强度辐射。韦氏高阶〔radiation〕Some workers at the power station were exposed to high levels of radiation.这个核电站的一些工人受到了高强度辐射的侵害。麦克米伦高阶〔radiation〕Sun creams work by blocking harmful ultraviolet radiation.防晒霜能隔离有害的紫外线辐射。朗文当代〔radiation〕The counter showed high levels of radiation.计数器上显示出高强度的辐射。牛津搭配〔radiation〕The ozone layer absorbs solar radiation.臭氧层吸收太阳辐射。牛津搭配〔radiation〕The prison authorities poisoned him with slow radiation.监狱当局以慢性辐射毒害他。英汉大词典〔radiation〕The sun warms us by radiation.太阳以辐射方式传热给我们。英汉大词典〔radiation〕There is a clear link between exposure to radiation and some forms of cancer.接触辐射与患某些癌症之间有明显的联系。麦克米伦高阶〔radiation〕They suffer from health problems and fear the long term effects of radiation.他们遭受着健康问题的困扰并且害怕辐射的长期影响。柯林斯高阶〔radiation〕This apparatus produces harmful radiations.这套仪器产生有害射线。英汉大词典〔radiator〕Physics A body that emits radiation.【物理学】 辐射体:发出辐射的东西美国传统〔radioactive decay〕Spontaneous disintegration of a radioactive substance accompanied by emission of ionizing radiation in the form of particles and gamma rays.放射性衰变:放射性物质的自发的分裂,伴随有放出微粒或r射线形式的电离辐射美国传统〔radioactivity〕Spontaneous emission of radiation, either directly from unstable atomic nuclei or as a consequence of a nuclear reaction.自动放射:自动地发出辐射,直接源于不稳定的原子核或是作为核反应的结果美国传统〔radiobiology〕The study of the effects of radiation on living organisms.辐射生物学:对辐射在生物组织上的反应的研究美国传统〔radioecology〕The study of the effects of radiation and radioisotopes on an ecological population or community.放射性生态学:对放射性和放射性同位素对生态群落的影响的研究美国传统〔radiology〕The use of radiation for the scientific examination of material structures; radioscopy.放射检查:用放射进行物质结构的科学检查;射线检验美国传统〔radiometer〕An instrument that detects electromagnetic radiation.辐射仪:一种测定电磁辐射的仪器美国传统〔radiopaque〕Not allowing the passage of x-rays or other radiation.射线透不过的:X射线或其它辐射无法通过的美国传统〔radioprotection〕Protection against the harmful effects of radiation.放射防护:对放射的有害影响的防护美国传统〔radiosensitive〕Sensitive to the action of radiation. Used especially of living structures.对辐射灵敏的:对辐射的行动灵敏的。尤用于生物结构美国传统〔radiotherapy〕Treatment of disease with radiation, especially by selective irradiation with x-rays or other ionizing radiation and by ingestion of radioisotopes.放射疗法:用放射进行的疾病治疗,尤指用X射线或其它电离辐射的有选择放射和吞下放射性同位素美国传统〔radome〕A domelike shell transparent to radio-frequency radiation, used to house a radar antenna.雷达天线罩:有顶构造,可以让无线电频率辐射穿过,用于隐蔽雷达天线美国传统〔ray〕Their instruments were able to detect faint rays of radiation.他们的仪器能够探测到微弱的辐射线。麦克米伦高阶〔react〕He reacted very badly to the radiation therapy.他接受放射治疗,副作用很大。柯林斯高阶〔red shift〕An increase in the wavelength of radiation emitted by a celestial body as a consequence of the Doppler effect.红移:天体发出的辐射波长的增加,是多普勒作用的结果美国传统〔reflectance〕The ratio of the total amount of radiation, as of light, reflected by a surface to the total amount of radiation incident on the surface.反射比:被表面反射的辐射(如光)总量与入射到表面上的辐射总量之比美国传统〔regimen〕She underwent a gruelling six-week regimen of “whole head” radiation.她经受了为期6周极为痛苦的“全头部”放射疗程。英汉大词典〔release〕How much radiation was released into the air? 多少辐射进入到了空气中?牛津搭配〔rem〕A unit for measuring absorbed doses of radiation, equivalent to one roentgen of x-rays or gamma rays.雷姆:度量被吸收的辐射数量单位,相当于一伦琴的X光射线或伽码射线美国传统〔rem〕The amount of ionizing radiation required to produce the same biological effect as one rad of high-penetration x-rays.雷姆:产生和一拉得强渗透的X光射线等量的生物反应的致电离辐射的数量美国传统〔renogram〕A graphic record of the passage of radiation through the renal system after injection of a radioactive tracer.肾探测图:一张注入放射性追踪剂以后放射线通过肾脏系统的图表记录美国传统〔reradiation〕Radiation emission following the absorption of incident radiation.再辐射:入射的射线吸收以后的再次辐射发散美国传统〔scattering〕Physics The dispersal of a beam of particles or of radiation into a range of directions as a result of physical interactions.【物理学】 散射:由于相互的物理作用造成微粒束或辐射在一方向范围内分散开来美国传统〔scintillation counter〕A device for detecting and counting scintillations produced by ionizing radiation.闪烁计数器:一种用于探测和对由电离辐射产生的火花进行计数装置美国传统〔shield〕Physics A wall or housing of concrete or lead built around a nuclear reactor to prevent the escape of radiation.【物理学】 核屏蔽:一种用混凝土或铅做成的墙壁或遮蔽物,包在核反应堆周围,以防止核辐射外泄美国传统〔sick〕The workers got sick from radiation exposure.工人们因受到辐射而患病。牛津搭配〔soil〕Soil samples taken from the site revealed massive amounts of radiation.此处得到的土壤样本显示有大量辐射。牛津搭配〔solar house〕A house having large quantities of heat-absorbing material behind large glass areas, designed to use solar radiation for heating.太阳室:由大量吸热材料构成的房屋,置于大玻璃区之后,利用太阳能加热美国传统〔solarimeter〕An instrument used to measure the flux of solar radiation through a surface.太阳尺:用来测量通过一个表面的太阳辐射流量的器具美国传统〔spectrohelioscope〕An instrument used to observe solar radiation directly.太阳单色光观测镜:用来直接观察太阳辐射的仪器美国传统〔study〕The study showed a link between radiation leaks and cancer.这项研究表明了辐射泄漏与癌症之间的联系。麦克米伦高阶〔suppress〕The growth of cancerous cells can be suppressed with radiation.癌细胞的生长可以通过放疗进行抑制。外研社新世纪〔teratogen〕An agent, such as a virus, a drug, or radiation, that causes malformation of an embryo or a fetus.致畸剂:导致畸形胎或畸形的制剂,如病毒、药物或辐射美国传统〔terrestrial radiation〕Electromagnetic radiation originating from Earth and its atmosphere.地辐射:地球及其大气所发出的电磁辐射美国传统〔thermoluminescence〕A phenomenon in which certain minerals release previously absorbed radiation upon being moderately heated.热致发光:因温和加热某些矿物而释放先前吸收的射线的现象美国传统〔throw off〕The star grew 30% brighter and threw off huge amounts of radiation.那颗星的亮度增加了 30%并释放出大量辐射。柯林斯高阶〔tie〕Their cancers are not so clearly tied to radiation exposure.他们的癌症是否和接触放射线有关还不太明确。外研社新世纪〔tie〕Their cancers are not so clearly tied to radiation exposure.他们的癌症是否和接触放射线有关还不太清楚。柯林斯高阶〔transparent〕Permeable to electromagnetic radiation of specified frequencies, as to visible light or radio waves.可透过的:可以让某些频率的电磁辐射通过的,如可见光或无线电波美国传统〔ultraviolet〕Aircraft windows block ultraviolet radiation.航空器舷窗阻止了紫外线辐射。外研社新世纪〔underexpose〕To expose (film) to light for too short a time or to light or radiation insufficient to produce normal image contrast.曝光不足:(底片)曝光时间太短或光线太弱无法制造正常图像反差美国传统〔unforeseen〕Radiation may damage cells in a way that was previously unforeseen.辐射可能以一种我们过去未能预见到的方式破坏细胞。柯林斯高阶〔uvc〕UVC radiation 短波紫外辐射牛津高阶〔uv〕UV radiation 紫外辐射牛津高阶〔wavelength〕Sunlight consists of different wavelengths of radiation.阳光由不同波长的辐射组成。外研社新世纪〔wavelength〕Sunlight consists of different wavelengths of radiation.阳光由几种不同波长的射线组成。柯林斯高阶〔x-irradiate〕To expose or subject to x-ray radiation.用X射线辐射美国传统〔x-radiation〕Radiation composed of x-rays.X射线:由X射线组成的射线美国传统〔x-ray star〕A celestial object, especially a star, that emits a major portion of its radiation in x-rays.X射线星:以X射线形式放射出大部分射线的一种天体,尤指恒星美国传统〔zap〕Doctors have tried zapping tumors with high-voltage radiation.医生试过用高压辐射摧毁肿瘤。朗文当代Radiation from the sun is attenuated by the Earth's atmosphere.太阳的辐射被地球的大气层减弱。剑桥国际Carl has suffered hair loss (=hair falling out) since having radiation therapy.卡尔自从接受放射治疗以后就脱发了。剑桥国际Changes caused by the radiation first occur at the cellular level.辐射造成的变化首先发生在细胞层次。剑桥国际Exposure to radiation can lead to malformation of the embryo.辐射会导致胚胎畸形。剑桥国际He compared radiation risks with other kinds of potential daily hazard.他把放射危险和其他几种日常潜在危险相比较。剑桥国际Irradiation is a natural part of life because radiation enters the Earth's atmosphere from space.辐照是生活的一个自然组成部分,因为射线由太空进入地球的大气层。剑桥国际It is feared that people living near the power station may have been exposed to (= left without protection against and harmed by) radiation.人们担心住在发电站附近的居民会受到辐射。剑桥国际It is well-known that radiation can cause mutation.众所周知,辐射能导致突变。剑桥国际Many servicemen suffered radiation sickness after being present without protection at the early atomic tests.在未作防护参与早期的原子测试后,许多军人患了辐射引起的疾病。剑桥国际Ozone is the earth's primary filter for ultraviolet radiation.臭氧是地球上阻挡紫外线的主要屏障。剑桥国际Small doses of ultra-violet radiation cause sunburn, and larger doses cause skin cancer and eye cataracts.少量的紫外线辐射会导致皮肤晒黑,大量的则会导致皮肤癌和眼部白内障。剑桥国际The radiation leak has had a disastrous effect on / upon the environment.放射物泄漏对环境有灾难性的影响。剑桥国际The ozone layer is a shield which protects the earth against the sun's radiation.臭氧层是一层能保护地球不受太阳辐射伤害的屏障。剑桥国际The research has spin-offs on the development of radiation monitors.这次研究带来了辐射物监测器发展的派生产品。剑桥国际There is some danger of low level (= a continuing small amount of) radiation.有遭受微量辐射的危险。剑桥国际This apparatus produces harmful radiations. 这个装置产生有害的放射物。译典通Ultraviolet radiation from the sun can cause skin cancer.太阳的紫外线辐射会导致皮肤癌。剑桥国际We know there's been a radiation leak, but we can't pin down the place or time of its origin.我们知道有核泄漏,但无法证实时间和地点。剑桥国际With nuclear power, there is always the fear that there will be an escape of harmful radiation.对核能,人们总担心会有有害辐射泄漏。剑桥国际Workers at two nuclear power stations are receiving an annual dose of radiation three times the legal limit.在两家核电站工作的工人每年受到的放射能剂量是法定限度的3倍。剑桥国际




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