

单词 bars
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACTUALLY〕Teenagers are not allowed to drink in bars, but in practice they often do. 青少年不允许在酒吧中喝酒,可实际上他们常常去喝。朗文写作活用〔Americanize〕Many European cities have been Americanized with burger bars and diners.许多欧洲城市已经美国化了,大街上到处都是汉堡快餐店和美式快餐馆。剑桥高阶〔Baltimore oriole〕A subspecies of the northern oriole in its eastern range, of which the male is bright orange and black and the female olive brown with white wing bars.巴尔的摩黄鹂:在东分布区的北方黄鹂亚种,雄性为亮丽的橙色和黑色,雌性为橄榄棕色,翅膀上有白色条纹美国传统〔DANCE〕It was a small seaside town with a couple of bars and one shabby-looking disco. 那是一个海滨小镇,有几家酒吧和一家肮脏破旧的迪斯科舞厅。朗文写作活用〔FASHIONABLE/NOT FASHIONABLE〕Trendy bars and restaurants are opening and inexpensive apartments in the area are getting hard to find. 时髦酒吧和餐厅不断开张,这一地区便宜的住房是越来越难找了。朗文写作活用〔FULL〕The two resorts are crammed with hotels, discos, bars, and restaurants. 这两个度假胜地挤满了旅馆、迪斯科舞厅、酒吧和饭店。朗文写作活用〔Greek cross〕A cross formed by two bars of equal length crossing in the middle at right angles to each other.希腊式十字架:两横竖相等并互相在中点呈垂直交叉的十字架美国传统〔ILLEGAL〕Many shops and bars stayed open, in contravention of the Sunday trading laws. 许多商店和酒吧仍然开门营业,这违反了星期日贸易法规。朗文写作活用〔LOOSE〕He took a screwdriver from his pocket and began loosening the screws that secured the steel bars to the window frame. 他从口袋里取出一把螺丝刀,动手把固定窗框上钢条的螺丝拧松。朗文写作活用〔Main Street〕There is a good choice of bars and clubs on Main Street.大街上有各种各样的酒吧和俱乐部。外研社新世纪〔PIECE〕The gold bars were transported from the bank in an armored truck. 金条被装在装甲车里从银行运出来。朗文写作活用〔PROVE〕You can't drink in bars without some proof of your age. 你不证明自己的年龄就不能进酒吧喝酒。朗文写作活用〔PUBLIC SERVICES|公共服务〕The facilities at the hotel were excellent -- tennis courts, swimming pool, several bars and a good restaurant. 那家酒店设施一流—有网球场、游泳池、几间酒吧和一家不错的餐厅。朗文写作活用〔SOMETIMES〕I worked in bars on and off for two years before I decided to go back to college. 我断断续续地在酒吧里干了两年,最后还是决定回大学读书。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕I'm not in the mood to go to bars and wait for sad men to try to chat me up. 我没心情去酒吧等伤心的男人来跟我搭讪。朗文写作活用〔UNTRUE〕It's the sort of tall tale about how good they are with women that guys tell in bars. 这是男人们在酒吧里吹的那些牛皮,说自己和女人打交道如何如何了得。朗文写作活用〔USE〕The main function of the bars is to protect the driver's legs. 横杠的主要作用是保护驾驶员的双腿。朗文写作活用〔USUALLY〕I'm not in the habit of going to bars during the day. 我没有白天去酒吧的习惯。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕Football hooligans caused over £30,000 of damage in bars and restaurants near the stadium. 足球流氓给体育馆附近的酒吧和餐厅造成了三万多英镑的损失。朗文写作活用〔VISIT〕We spent the days sightseeing and the evenings sitting in cosy bars drinking the local wine. 我们白天游览观光,晚上坐在舒适的酒吧里喝当地产的葡萄酒。朗文写作活用〔WAKE UP/GET UP〕A few early risers were already sipping their cappuccinos in the bars facing the square. 一些早起的人已经在广场对面的酒吧里喝卡布奇诺咖啡了。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕Like a lot of aspiring New York artists, Lara worked in bars and restaurants in the evenings. 与许多有抱负的纽约艺术家一样,拉勒晚上也在酒吧和餐厅打工。朗文写作活用〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕It's become a cliché to say that presidential candidates are being marketed like bars of soap or boxes of cereal. 说总统候选人像肥皂或谷类食物一样被推销出去,这已成为陈词滥调。朗文写作活用〔assault〕The gang assaulted him with iron bars.那伙人用铁棒袭击了他。外研社新世纪〔barhop〕To patronize a series of bars during an evening.逐店狂饮,逛酒吧:一夜之间连接在好几个酒店喝酒美国传统〔barred〕Fisher was behind bars last night, charged with attempted murder.费希尔被控谋杀未遂,昨晚入狱。柯林斯高阶〔barred〕Nearly 5,000 people a year are put behind bars over motoring penalties.每年有近5,000人因违章驾车而入狱。柯林斯高阶〔barred〕One of the fundamental bars to communication is the lack of a universally spoken, common language.交流的一个基本障碍就是缺少一种大家都说的通用语。柯林斯高阶〔bar〕All the ground floor windows were fitted with bars.底层所有的窗户都装了铁栅。牛津高阶〔bar〕He has been behind bars for 10 years.他已经蹲了10年的班房。韦氏高阶〔bar〕Her killer was finally put behind bars .杀害她的凶手终于被关进了监狱。朗文当代〔bar〕My father bars smoking at the dinner table.我父亲不允许有人在餐桌上抽烟。英汉大词典〔bar〕Our teacher bars smoking in the classroom.我们的老师禁止在教室里抽烟。文馨英汉〔bar〕Poverty bars the way to success.贫穷阻碍成功之路。文馨英汉〔bar〕She played a few bars on the piano.她在钢琴上弹了几个小节。牛津搭配〔bar〕The car's safety features include side-impact bars.这辆汽车的安全装置包括装有侧面防撞条。麦克米伦高阶〔bar〕The club will not let down its membership bars.俱乐部不肯取消它的限制性入会规定。英汉大词典〔bar〕The decision bars the possibility of additional development in the area.这个决定排除了在该地区进一步开发的可能性。韦氏高阶〔bar〕The gorilla rattled the bars of its cage.大猩猩把笼子的铁栅栏弄得吱嘎吱嘎响。剑桥高阶〔bar〕The lion is now behind bars.狮子现已被关进牢笼。英汉大词典〔bar〕The windows of the prison have iron bars.监狱的窗户装有铁栅。英汉大词典〔bar〕There were bars across all the windows.窗户上都钉了横条。韦氏高阶〔bar〕To shut in or out with or as if with bars.关,关闭:用或好象用横杆关进或关出美国传统〔bar〕Twenty years' actual possession by a third person bars both you and them.由于第三方已实际占有20年,你和他们都不能再提出权利要求。英汉大词典〔beer〕Singing in bars keeps him in beer money (= earns him a little money).在酒吧唱歌让他能挣点儿小钱。牛津搭配〔beneath the/sb's radar〕Little local bars like this fly beneath the tourists' radar.像这样的当地小酒吧一般都不会引起游客的注意。 剑桥高阶〔bent〕The metal bars were bent and twisted.金属棒不直而且扭曲了。剑桥高阶〔bijou〕The street is lined with bijou cafés and bars.路边有一排小巧别致的咖啡馆和酒吧。剑桥高阶〔blink〕Neon signs were blinking outside bars and casinos.酒吧和赌场外的霓虹灯招牌在闪烁。麦克米伦高阶〔blues〕She sings the blues in smoky bars.她在烟雾弥漫的酒吧里唱布鲁斯歌曲。牛津搭配〔bullion〕Gold or silver in the form of bars, ingots, or plates.金银条,金银块或金银片美国传统〔candy bar〕I usually avoid eating candy bars.通常我会避免吃条形糖。剑桥高阶〔canon〕The first violin plays the first two bars of the canon's melody.首席小提琴手演奏了卡农曲旋律的开头两小节。外研社新世纪〔care〕I addressed their letters in care of the bars and clubs where I'd known them.我把写给他们的信寄往我们结识时的酒吧和俱乐部,请它们代为转交。柯林斯高阶〔cattle guard〕A grid, usually of parallel metal bars, set at ground level in a road or gateway as a barrier to cattle while allowing the passage of vehicles and pedestrians.护牛网:由平行金属杆构成的栏网,设置于道路或道路的地面上拦住牛以使车辆和行人通过美国传统〔chafe〕The caged panda chafed against the bars.笼子里的大熊猫贴在栅栏上蹭它的身体。21世纪英汉〔crampon〕Often crampons A hinged pair of curved iron bars for raising heavy objects, such as stones or timber. 常作 crampons 起重吊钩:一种带有铰链的弯铁杆,用来吊起石块或木材等重物美国传统〔cruise〕We went cruising the singles bars.我们在单身酒吧里寻觅性伙伴。朗文当代〔crumple zone〕The car has front and rear crumple zones and two side-impact protection bars.这辆汽车前后都有缓冲区,两边有防撞护条。剑桥高阶〔cut your teeth〕He cut his teeth performing at local bars and nightclubs.一开始,他在当地酒吧和夜总会表演。韦氏高阶〔dead〕There were no theatres, no cinemas, no coffee bars. It was dead as anything.那时既无剧院,又无电影院,也无咖啡馆,简直是死气沉沉。牛津高阶〔decent〕Paul visited the local bars more frequently than was decent for a senior lecturer.保罗过于频繁地光顾当地酒吧,不太合乎高级讲师的身份。朗文当代〔detergent〕Handmade soap is softer than commercial detergent bars.手工肥皂比商业化生产的洗涤皂要软。外研社新世纪〔develop〕Entrepreneurs developed fashionable restaurants and bars in the area.实业家在这一地区建起了许多时尚的餐馆和酒吧。柯林斯高阶〔difficulty〕The dog squeezed himself through the bars of the gate with no difficulty at all.那条狗毫不费劲地从大门栅栏中间钻了过去。英汉大词典〔dismount〕The gymnast dismounted from the parallel bars.体操运动员从双杠上下来。韦氏高阶〔dissipated〕He recalled his dissipated youth spent in nightclubs and bars.他回忆起自己年轻时在夜总会和酒吧里的放荡生活。剑桥高阶〔distance〕The bars are within walking distance.酒吧走着去就行。牛津搭配〔doorstep〕The nightlife is great with bars and clubs right on the doorstep.有这些酒吧和夜总会在家门口,夜生活真是棒极了。牛津高阶〔droves〕Droves of young people filled the bars.酒吧里挤满一群群的年轻人。外研社新世纪〔droves〕In the warm petrol-scented night, droves of young men and girls were strolling along the quays and packing the bars.在这个温暖的夜晚里,空气中弥漫着汽油的味道,成群结队的年轻男女或是漫步在码头边或是泡在酒吧间。柯林斯高阶〔drumhead〕Nautical The circular top part of a capstan, used to hold bars for turning.【航海】 绞盘头:绞盘的圆形顶部,用于套住轴杆,使之旋转美国传统〔entertainment〕There are three bars, with live entertainment seven nights a week.有三家酒吧一个星期七个晚上都有现场表演节目。牛津高阶〔everywhere〕When we got to Newport, we found everywhere was closed(=all the shops, bars etc).我们到达纽波特时,发现所有营业场所都关门了。麦克米伦高阶〔fagot〕A bundle of pieces of iron or steel to be welded or hammered into bars.束铁:把铁片或钢片焊接或锻打成条形美国传统〔fanlight〕Architecture A half-circle window, often with sash bars arranged like the ribs of a fan.【建筑学】 扇形窗:门或窗上有扇骨状放射格条的半圆形窗美国传统〔file〕They had somehow managed to file through the metal bars.他们不知怎么锉断了金属栅。麦克米伦高阶〔flyaway〕An aerial gymnastic move performed on the parallel bars, rings, or other apparatus, especially a flying dismount with a somersault.空翻下杠:在双杠、吊环或其他器械上进行的空中体育运动,尤指一百八十度腾空下杠的动作美国传统〔frequent〕He began frequenting cheap bars.他开始常去便宜的酒吧。韦氏高阶〔gig〕She gigged at bars for years before becoming famous.她出名前在酒吧里做了好几年乐师。剑桥高阶〔glockenspiel〕A percussion instrument with a series of metal bars tuned to the chromatic scale and played with two light hammers.钟琴:按半音阶调准的分级金属棒构成的打击乐器,用两个轻槌击奏美国传统〔go slumming〕He sometimes likes to go slumming in bars around the city.他有时喜欢去城市各处的廉价酒吧消磨时光。韦氏高阶〔grate〕A framework of metal bars used to hold fuel or food in a stove, furnace, or fireplace.火格子,火床,炉床:炉子、取暖炉或壁炉中用于盛燃料或食物的金属条构成的框架美国传统〔grate〕A framework of parallel or latticed bars for blocking an opening.炉格栅;筛滤栅:由平行或交叉的横木构成的框架,用于封住一个口子美国传统〔grating〕A grill or network of bars set in a window or door or used as a partition; a grate.格栅:由杆做成的栏栅或框架,置于窗内或门上用作隔离物;格栅美国传统〔habituate〕He used to habituate the dirty bars during those days in Europe.在欧洲的那些日子他常常去下等酒吧。21世纪英汉〔hang around (somewhere)〕I spent most of my youth hanging around the bars of Dublin.我年轻时多半时间都泡在都柏林的酒吧里。剑桥高阶〔hassle〕It's one of the few bars that women can go to and not get any hassle from men.那是女性可以去的为数不多的几个酒吧之一,在那里女性不会受到男人的任何烦扰。剑桥高阶〔have a rare old time〕We went on a tour of the city's bars and had a rare old time.我们在城中逛了一家又一家酒吧,喝得痛快极了。剑桥高阶〔hip〕The bars in the old part of the town are frequented by hip young students.镇上老城区的酒吧是时髦的年轻学生常光顾的地方。剑桥高阶〔hit out〕The police hit out with batons and iron bars.警察用警棍和铁棍一顿猛打。外研社新世纪〔honky-tonk〕To visit cheap, noisy bars or dance halls.去廉价,喧闹的酒吧或舞厅美国传统〔hot up〕The bars rarely hot up before 1 am.酒吧在凌晨一点以前都不怎么热闹。外研社新世纪〔hot up〕The bars rarely hot up before 1am.酒吧在午夜一点前通常都很冷清。柯林斯高阶〔integral〕Bars and terrace cafés are integral to the social life of the city.酒吧和露天咖啡座是这个城市社交生活不可缺少的一部分。剑桥高阶〔jog〕Hum the first bars and see if it jogs my memory.哼一哼开头几个小节, 看我能不能想起来。外研社新世纪〔joint〕He owned several bars in the city and ran an illegal gambling joint.他在市里拥有好几家酒吧,还经营着一个非法赌场。剑桥高阶〔jungle gym〕A structure of poles and bars for children to climb and play on.儿童攀缘游戏立体构架:儿童攀缘游戏的由竖杆和横杆组成的构架美国传统〔lift〕The city has temporarily lifted its ban on smoking in bars.市政府临时撤销了不得在酒吧吸烟的禁令。韦氏高阶〔live〕A lot of the bars have live music .许多酒吧都有现场演奏的音乐。朗文当代〔loosen〕Loosen the bolt so the bars can be turned.松一松插销, 好转动门闩。外研社新世纪〔low〕Sing those bars an octave lower.那几个小节用低八度唱。朗文当代〔many〕There are plenty of bars, many of them serving excellent food.有很多酒吧,其中有许多都提供精美的食物。朗文当代〔metallophone〕A percussion instrument consisting of a graduated series of metal bars struck with either hand-held or keyboard-controlled hammers.马泰勒琴:一种由一系列分级排列的金属条组成的打击乐器,用手执的或键盘控制的槌敲击发出声音美国传统〔meter〕Division into measures or bars.节拍:将音乐分成拍子和小节的分切美国传统〔mission〕We had to mission round all the bars until we found him.我们跑遍了所有的酒吧才找到他。牛津高阶〔monkey bars〕A three-dimensional structure of poles and bars on which children can play, as in a playground; a jungle gym.猴架:供孩子玩耍的由横竖杆构成的一种立体结构,如在操场上;儿童攀缘游戏的主体构架美国传统〔monkey bars〕In the old days, a bored kid could go hang on the monkey bars.以前, 孩子要是烦闷的话可以在猴架上吊着玩。外研社新世纪〔music〕A lot of the bars round here have live music at weekends.这附近的许多酒吧会在周末现场演奏音乐。朗文当代〔nucleate〕The nucleating factors of a community are rooming houses, bars, pool rooms, etc.集体寄宿所、酒吧间、弹子房等是社区内的人集结的因素。英汉大词典〔nut〕These chocolate bars could be fatal for anyone who has a nut allergy.这些巧克力棒对坚果过敏者而言可能是致命的。外研社新世纪〔packaging〕The colorful packaging of many candy bars attracts the eyes of children.很多糖果棒绚丽多彩的包装吸引着孩子们的目光。韦氏高阶〔peck〕Using bronze bars and chisels, they laboriously pecked and hammered the stone.他们用青铜锭和凿子费力地捶凿石头。外研社新世纪〔pick up〕She used to go to bars to pick up men.她以前常去酒吧勾搭男人。韦氏高阶〔pickup〕He looked for pickups in singles bars.他在单身酒吧寻找能勾搭上的女孩。韦氏高阶〔place〕The hotel is well placed for restaurants, bars and clubs.这家宾馆位置很好,附近有很多餐厅、酒吧和俱乐部。牛津高阶〔platen〕The roller in a typewriter that serves as the backing for the paper against which the type bars strike.滚筒:打字机中当作纸的衬垫物由打字棒击纸的滚筒美国传统〔play〕We mostly play in bars and nightclubs.我们大多数时候是在酒吧和夜总会演奏。韦氏高阶〔poke〕He poked a stick through the bars of the cage.他把棍子由笼子的栅条间推进去。文馨英汉〔portcullis〕A grating of iron or wooden bars or slats, suspended in the gateway of a fortified place and lowered to block passage.格子吊闸:由铁条、木条或其板条组成的闸门,悬于一城堡的入口处,可降下而堵住入口通道美国传统〔present〕At present, children under 14 are not permitted in bars.目前, 14岁以下的儿童不允许进入酒吧。外研社新世纪〔press〕Wooden barrels are pressed into service as tables in Irish bars.在爱尔兰的酒吧间里,这些木桶被当作桌子使用。麦克米伦高阶〔pub-crawl〕To visit a series of bars.逐店饮酒:去一连串小酒馆喝酒美国传统〔quiver〕The opening bars of the music sent a quiver of excitement through the crowd.音乐起始的几小节让人群顿时兴奋激动起来。剑桥高阶〔rail〕A structure made of such bars and supports and forming a barrier or guard; a railing.围栏:用这种短棍和支撑柱构造架子,形成一个障碍或防护;栅栏美国传统〔refit〕The bars will be refitted and re-branded by their new owner.新业主将对酒吧进行重装修并改名。剑桥高阶〔reputable〕He spent a lot of time hanging around the less reputable bars in Chicago.他长时间泡在芝加哥的一些不知名的酒吧里。牛津搭配〔roam〕She roamed around America for a year, working in bars and restaurants.她花了一年的时间在美国各地游历,一路在酒吧和饭店里打工。剑桥高阶〔roaring drunk〕They came back from the bars roaring drunk.他们醉醺醺从酒馆回来了,耍着酒疯乱嚷嚷。剑桥高阶〔rolling mill〕A factory in which metal is rolled into sheets, bars, or other forms.轧钢厂:一种把金属滚压成片状、条状或其它形状的工厂美国传统〔roughneck〕Stay out of roughneck bars.别往那些满是不三不四的人的酒吧跑。外研社新世纪〔rule〕There are few exceptions to the general rule that bars close at midnight.酒吧一般午夜关门,很少有例外的情形。牛津搭配〔saw〕He escaped by sawing through the bars of his cell.他锯断牢房的窗栅栏逃走了。柯林斯高阶〔saw〕The prisoner had escaped by sawing through the bars.囚犯把窗栏锯开后越狱了。麦克米伦高阶〔scroll bar〕Move around with horizontal and vertical scroll bars.以横竖两种滚动条来回移动。外研社新世纪〔secure〕Screws secure the steel bars to the window frame.螺丝钉把钢条固定在窗框上。麦克米伦高阶〔secure〕The windows were secured with locks and bars.窗户已经插上栓,上了锁,都关好了。牛津高阶〔security〕The bars are to provide security against break-ins.这些铁条是为了防止盗贼进入。牛津搭配〔seethe〕Bars and restaurants were seething with customers.酒吧和饭店里都是人挤人。外研社新世纪〔shoulder〕Bars and restaurants stand shoulder to shoulder all along this street.整条街上都是一家挨着一家的酒吧与餐馆。麦克米伦高阶〔shut〕Are all the bars shut in this town? 这个镇上所有的酒吧都打烊了吗?麦克米伦高阶〔shut〕The bars all look shut to me.我看这些酒吧好像都不营业。牛津搭配〔slave labour〕He's been forced into slave labour at burger bars to earn a bit of cash.为了挣点钱,他被迫到卖汉堡的小店里做苦工。柯林斯高阶〔sleazy〕This part of town is full of sleazy bars and restaurants.镇上这个地区满是乌烟瘴气的酒吧和饭店。剑桥高阶〔snaffle〕A bit for a horse, consisting of two bars jointed at the center.马衔铁:马嚼子,由两根在中间连结的长条组成美国传统〔spill〕Crowds were spilling out of the bars and restaurants.人群从酒吧和饭店蜂拥而出。麦克米伦高阶〔spoiled〕At lunchtime, MPs are spoilt for choice in 26 restaurants and bars.到了午餐时间,议员们有 26 家之多的餐厅和酒吧可供选择。柯林斯高阶〔stanchion〕A framework consisting usually of two vertical bars, used to secure cattle in a stall.栓牛枷:通常有两个直立木棍的枷子,用来拴牛棚中的牛美国传统〔stick〕Don't stick your fingers through the bars of the cage.不要把指头伸进笼子里。牛津高阶〔strip〕She made money stripping in bars.她在酒吧表演脱衣舞挣钱。麦克米伦高阶〔stroll〕The bars are only a ten-minute stroll away.溜达 10 分钟就到酒吧了。牛津搭配〔throng〕Tourists thronged the bars and restaurants.游客挤满酒吧和餐馆。朗文当代〔throw〕If you buy six bars of soap, you get another one thrown in.买6条肥皂,再奉送一条。 英汉大词典〔truss〕A rigid framework, as of wooden beams or metal bars, designed to support a structure, such as a roof.桁架:用木棒或金属棒做成的坚硬的构架,用于支撑屋顶等结构美国传统〔type bar〕One of the thin movable bars on many typewriters and some computer printers that carry the letters or characters.铅字打印杆:许多打字机和某些电脑打印机上带有字母或字的一根可移动的细杆美国传统〔unbar〕To remove the bars from or become unbarred.拔去门闩,扫除障碍美国传统〔upright〕The chimpanzee stood upright and grasped the bars of its cage.黑猩猩抓住笼子的铁栅直直地站着。朗文当代〔vamp〕He vamped a few bars on the piano while she sang.她演唱时,他在钢琴上弹了几小节作即席伴奏。英汉大词典〔waitress〕Waitressing in coffee bars can be interesting,but the work is hard.在咖啡馆当女招待可能是件有趣的事,但工作是辛苦的。英汉大词典〔walk〕There are plenty of bars and restaurants within walking distance of the hotel.在离酒店几步路的地方,有许多酒吧和餐馆。朗文当代〔wedge〕Her shoe came off and got wedged between the bars.她的鞋掉了下来,卡在栏杆中间。剑桥高阶〔whatever〕Iused to meet customers in bars and pubs or whatever, and we'd do our business there.我过去经常在酒吧或酒馆之类的地方会见顾客,并在那儿洽谈生意。麦克米伦高阶〔yack it up〕I'll be 75 and hanging around bars yacking it up.我快75岁了,就只剩蹲酒吧嗑闲的份儿了。21世纪英汉〔youth〕The first volume is the author's account of his misspent youth in the bars of Dublin.第一卷是作者对他在都柏林酒吧里虚度青春的叙述。剑桥高阶Bars and terrace cafes are integral to the social life of the city.酒吧和露天咖啡座是这个城市社交生活不可缺少的一部分。剑桥国际Bars of chocolate are usually covered in silver paper.巧克力通常用锡箔纸包裹。剑桥国际At night the bars, restaurants and striptease clubs are empty.晚上不管是酒吧、餐馆还是脱衣舞夜总会都空无一人。剑桥国际He often hangs around in bars, looking for casual sex (= hoping to find someone he does not know with whom he can have sex).他经常在酒吧里晃荡,想随便找个寻欢的对象。剑桥国际He owned several bars in the city and ran an illegal gambling joint.他在城里有几家酒吧并经营一家非法赌场。剑桥国际He recalled his dissipated youth spent in nightclubs and bars.他回忆起自己放荡的年轻时代,那是在夜总会和酒吧度过的。剑桥国际He spends the weekends cruising the bars and clubs of Los Angeles.周末他泡在洛杉矶的酒吧和俱乐部里寻花问柳。剑桥国际He spent his time gabbling away in bars. 他把时间花在酒吧里没完没了地说废话。译典通He was for putting bad men behind bars. 他赞成将坏人关进监狱。译典通Her brother's doing a ten-year stretch behind bars for an armed robbery.她哥哥因持械抢劫而正在服为期10年的徒刑。剑桥国际I spent most of my youth hanging around the bars of Dublin.我年轻时大部分时间都泡在都柏林的酒吧里。剑桥国际In some bars there are warning signs (= notices) telling women of the dangers of drinking alcohol during pregnancy.有些酒吧贴有告示,提醒妇女注意在怀孕期间饮酒的危险性。剑桥国际It's one of the few bars that women can go to and not get any hassle from men.这是妇女能去的少数几个酒吧之一,在那里不会受到任何男人的烦扰。剑桥国际L.A. has many topless bars. 洛杉矶有很多酒吧女侍都袒胸。译典通Near midnight crowds started spilling out of bars. 接近午夜时分,大群大群的人从酒吧里涌出来。译典通The band played the first few bars, and then everyone joined in with the singing.乐队演奏了开头几小节,然后大家都加入了演唱。剑桥国际The car has front and rear crumple zones and two side-impact protection bars.这部车前后都有缓冲区,两边并有防撞护条。剑桥国际The city centre is usually moribund in the evening, so the council is trying to encourage more cafes and bars to open there.市中心在夜里通常不繁荣,所以市政会要鼓励更多的咖啡屋和酒吧在那里开业。剑桥国际The company plans to sell its estate of 108 coffee bars.这家公司计划出售旗下的 108 家咖啡馆。牛津商务The first volume is the author's account of his misspent youth in the bars of Dublin.第一册是作者对他在都柏林酒吧里虚度青春的描述。剑桥国际The main street was packed with bars and discos and the noise was deafening.大街上酒吧和迪斯科舞厅林立,喧闹声震耳欲聋。剑桥国际The monkey reached out a hand through the bars and took the banana. 猴子从栏杆伸出手拿走了香蕉。译典通The opening bars of the music sent a quiver of excitement through the crowd.音乐的起始几小节引起人群一阵激动。剑桥国际The parrot pecked my finger through the bars of the cage -- it really hurt! 鹦鹉透过笼子啄我的手指,真疼。剑桥国际The prisoner filed through (=cut) the bars on his window and made his escape.囚犯锉断了窗栅逃跑了。剑桥国际The steel and concrete vaults hold 800,000 gold bars.在那钢筋混凝土的保险库中存放着800,000根金条。剑桥国际The supermarket withdrew thousands of chocolate bars from their shelves after an anonymous caller claimed to have laced them with a deadly poison.在一个匿名电话声称在巧克力糖里放了致命的毒药后,超市将数千块巧克力从售货架上撤了下来。剑桥国际The traditional British pub usually has two bars (= rooms where drinks are sold) -- a public bar, popular with the regulars and sometimes with cheaper prices, and a saloon bar or lounge bar, with more comfortable seats.传统的英国小酒店通常有两个酒吧----公共酒吧受到一般酒客的欢迎,有时价钱也便宜一点,而沙龙酒吧亦即休闲酒吧有更舒适的座位。剑桥国际There are plenty of burger bars and kebab shops for late-night snacks.这儿有许多供应夜宵的汉堡包酒吧和烤肉串店。剑桥国际These bars are bolted to the structure to add rigidity.这些杆子固定在结构上,以增加其坚固度。剑桥国际These chocolate bars are known as something else in the US, but I can't remember what.在美国这种大块巧克力另有名字,可我记不得了。剑桥国际They live in an area of town which is full of cheap bars and fast-food joints.他们住在这个镇上到处是廉价酒吧和快餐店的地区。剑桥国际This part of town is full of sleazy bars and restaurants.镇上的这个地区满是低级的酒吧和饭馆。剑桥国际Vagrants and drunks hang around the bars at the end of the street.无赖和醉鬼们在街头的酒吧里荡悠。剑桥国际We barred (= put bars across) the door to stop anyone getting into the room.我们闩上门,阻止任何人进屋。剑桥国际We had very little money left, so we ate frugally in cheap cafes and bars.我们只剩下没几个钱,因此我们就在便宜的小咖啡店和小酒吧省着点吃。剑桥国际




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