

单词 pulse
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕As a manager of a bookshop, I have to have my finger on the pulse of the publishing industry. 作为书店经理,我必须掌握出版行业的脉搏。朗文写作活用〔PRF〕Pulse recurrence frequency.脉冲重复频率美国传统〔PRF〕Pulse repetition frequency.脉冲重复频率美国传统〔Stokes-Adams syndrome〕An occasional temporary stoppage or extreme slowing of the pulse as a result of heart block, causing dizziness, fainting, and sometimes convulsions.斯托克斯-亚当斯病:因心脏传导阻滞而致的脉搏的暂停或极缓慢跳动,能引起头晕、昏厥,有时引起痉挛美国传统〔X-ray〕They took my pulse, took my blood pressure, and X-rayed my jaw.他们给我量了脉搏、血压,还给我的下颌拍了X光片。柯林斯高阶〔aortic coarctation〕With aortic coarctation, pulses in the arms are stronger than those in the legs.主动脉缩窄情况发生时,手臂脉搏比腿部的有力。剑桥高阶〔beating-up〕Most people's pulse rate is more than 70 beats per minute.大多数人的脉率都在每分钟70次以上。柯林斯高阶〔beat〕His pulse is still beating.他的脉搏还在跳动。英汉大词典〔beat〕Most people's pulse rate is more than 70 beats per minute.多数人的脉搏是每分钟多于70下。外研社新世纪〔beat〕My heart was beating wildly/frantically with excitement and my pulse was racing! 我的心激动得狂跳起来,脉搏也加速了。韦氏高阶〔beat〕The doctor could feel no pulse beating.医生感觉不到脉搏的跳动。剑桥高阶〔bigeminy〕An abnormal pulse characterized by two beats in rapid succession followed by a pause.二联律:一种非正常脉搏,其症状为两次连续的快跳之后跟一次停顿美国传统〔check〕The doctor checked for a pulse.医生号了脉。麦克米伦高阶〔clock〕A source of regularly occurring pulses used to measure the passage of time, as in a computer.计时器,时钟脉冲:有规律地显示脉冲的一种仪器,用于测量经过的时间,如用于计算机美国传统〔coarctation of the aorta〕With coarctation of the aorta, pulses in the arms are stronger than those in the legs.患有主动脉缩窄的病人手臂脉搏比腿部脉搏强。剑桥高阶〔dicrotism〕A condition in which the pulse is felt as two beats per single heartbeat.重脉搏,二脉波:心脏每跳动一次时脉搏发生两次搏动的情况美国传统〔electromagnetic pulse〕The pulse of intense electromagnetic radiation generated by a nuclear explosion high above Earth.电磁脉冲:由于地球的核爆炸产生的强烈电磁辐射脉冲美国传统〔fast〕Her pulse seemed very fast.她的脉搏好像跳动很快。牛津搭配〔feeble〕His pulse was very feeble.他的脉搏衰微无力。英汉大词典〔fibrillation〕Rapid, uncoordinated twitching movements that replace the normal rhythmic contraction of the heart and may cause a lack of circulation and pulse.心室纤维性颤动:快速的、不协调的抽搐运动,代替了心脏正常的有节奏的收缩而且可能引起暂时的血液循环及脉搏的停止美国传统〔flutter〕I could feel a fluttering pulse.我感到脉搏跳动。牛津高阶〔flutter〕The dying man's pulse fluttered feebly.垂死者的脉搏微弱地跳动着。英汉大词典〔flutter〕You need sensitive fingers to find the flutter of a pulse.只有敏感的手指才能感觉到脉搏的跳动。外研社新世纪〔gate〕Electronics A circuit with multiple inputs and one output that is energized only when a designated set of input pulses is received.【电子学】 选通电极,门电路:具有多个输入端和一个输出端,只有当一套指定的输入端受到脉冲时才有能量美国传统〔go〕His pulse is going very fast.他的脉搏很快。英汉大词典〔guess〕He took her pulse and made a guess at her blood pressure.他给她把了把脉并推测了她的血压。外研社新世纪〔guess〕He'd taken her pulse and made a guess at her blood pressure.他给她把过脉,估量了她的血压。柯林斯高阶〔hammer〕My pulse hammered.我的脉博象锤子一样重击着美国传统〔have/keep your finger on the pulse〕The situation changes daily, so you need to keep your finger on the pulse.情况每天都在变,所以你得保持消息灵通。剑桥高阶〔input〕Taped sensors provided input on pulse, respiration, skin temperature, etc.配有磁带的传感器提供了有关脉搏、呼吸、皮肤温度等方面的信息。英汉大词典〔interrupter〕Electronics A device that periodically and automatically opens and closes an electric circuit, producing pulses.【电子学】 断续器:一种阶段性的能自动打开及关闭电路并产生脉冲的仪器美国传统〔jaw〕A muscle in his jaw pulsed angrily.他下巴上的肌肉因愤怒而抽动了一下。牛津搭配〔labored〕The patient's symptoms included a rapid pulse and labored breathing.病人的症状包括心跳过速和呼吸困难。韦氏高阶〔lifeless〕There was no breathing or pulse and he was lifeless.没有呼吸也没有脉搏, 他死了。外研社新世纪〔lifeless〕There was no breathing or pulse and he was lifeless.没有呼吸,也没有脉搏,他已经死了。柯林斯高阶〔life〕Ben felt her neck for a pulse or any other sign of life .本摸了摸她的脖子,看是不是还有脉搏,或者其他的生命迹象。朗文当代〔micro-〕The pulse is usually timed in microseconds.脉冲通常以微秒计。柯林斯高阶〔monitor〕The heart monitor shows the strength of your pulse.心脏监测仪可以测出脉搏跳动的强度。牛津搭配〔normal〕His pulse rate had slowed to somewhere near normal.他的脉搏已减缓到接近正常水平。牛津搭配〔pinger〕A device used underwater to produce pulses of sound, as for an echo sounder.声脉冲发送器:置于水下产生声脉冲的装置,如回音器中的装置美国传统〔pulsate〕Waves of excitement pulsed through us as the race began.比赛开始时我们的心头掠过一阵阵激动。美国传统〔pulse modulation〕A system of modulation in which pulses are altered and controlled in order to represent the message to be communicated.脉冲调制,调脉:一种对脉冲进行改变和控制以表示要传达的信息的调制系统美国传统〔pulse with〕The town pulsed with energy back then.那时, 小镇充满了活力。外研社新世纪〔pulse〕Pulse several times until the mixture looks like oatmeal.节奏均匀地开关几次搅拌机,直到混合物看上去和燕麦粉差不多。朗文当代〔pulse〕Pulses include peas, lentils, and chickpeas.豆类包括豌豆、小扁豆和鹰嘴豆。剑桥高阶〔pulse〕A muscle began to pulse in his jaw.他下巴上的肌肉开始跳动。麦克米伦高阶〔pulse〕A vein pulsed in his temple.他太阳穴上的静脉在搏动。牛津高阶〔pulse〕Before the singer went on, her pulse started to race.在继续演唱之前, 那个女歌手的脉搏开始剧烈跳动。外研社新世纪〔pulse〕Clinton had an uncanny ability to sense the pulse of the nation.克林顿拥有把握民众脉搏的超人本领。朗文当代〔pulse〕Colored lights pulsed in time to the music.彩灯随着音乐节拍闪动。朗文当代〔pulse〕Dance music pulsed from the speakers.扬声器中传出有节奏的舞曲。韦氏高阶〔pulse〕Eva heard my father taking my mother's pulse.伊娃听到我父亲在试探我母亲的想法。英汉大词典〔pulse〕Excitement pulsed through the crowd.兴奋情绪传遍了人群。朗文当代〔pulse〕Exercise increases your pulse rate.锻炼能加快你的脉搏。剑桥高阶〔pulse〕Fear sent her pulse racing(= made it beat very quickly).她吓得脉搏急速跳动。牛津高阶〔pulse〕Gently cook the pulses in a little water.加少许水, 轻轻翻炒豆子。外研社新世纪〔pulse〕He claims to have his finger on the pulse of the industry.他声称对这个行业的发展了如指掌。外研社新世纪〔pulse〕He claims to have his finger on the pulse of the industry.他声称该对行业了如指掌。柯林斯高阶〔pulse〕He kept his finger on the pulse of the presidential election.他对总统选举的情况保持消息灵通。英汉大词典〔pulse〕He knew the pulse of the people.他了解民意。英汉大词典〔pulse〕Her pulse raced (=beat very quickly) with excitement.她激动得脉搏急速跳动。朗文当代〔pulse〕Her book is a good analysis of the political pulse of the nation.她的书深刻地分析了那个国家的政治立场。韦氏高阶〔pulse〕Her heart pulsed with excitement.她的心因兴奋而跳动。文馨英汉〔pulse〕Her temples pulsed a little.她的太阳穴有点儿悸动。文馨英汉〔pulse〕His pulse was normal.他的脉率很正常。外研社新世纪〔pulse〕His pulses raced.他的心跳得飞快。英汉大词典〔pulse〕His breathing was shallow and his pulse was weak .他呼吸很浅,脉搏无力。朗文当代〔pulse〕His heart pulsed with excitement.他的心激烈地跳动着。21世纪英汉〔pulse〕His temples pulsed a little, threatening a headache.他的太阳穴跳了一会儿, 像是头痛要发作了。外研社新世纪〔pulse〕His temples pulsed a little, threatening a headache.他的太阳穴跳了一会,像是头痛要发作了。柯林斯高阶〔pulse〕I had a pulse of 75.我的脉率为75。麦克米伦高阶〔pulse〕I have a rapid (a strong, an irregular) pulse.我的脉搏很快(很强,不规则)。英汉大词典〔pulse〕In an emergency it can be difficult to find a pulse.紧急情况下有时很难找到脉搏。朗文当代〔pulse〕It's important to keep your finger on the pulse by reading all the right magazines.通过阅读合适的杂志来保持消息的灵通很重要。外研社新世纪〔pulse〕It's important to keep your finger on the pulse by reading all the right magazines.通过阅读所有相关杂志而保持消息灵通是很重要的。柯林斯高阶〔pulse〕Last time I took my pulse, it was a little fast.我上次量的脉搏有点儿快。牛津搭配〔pulse〕Logboats don't exactly set the pulse racing.划原木舟不是什么很刺激的事。外研社新世纪〔pulse〕Mahoney's pulse was racing, and he felt confused.马奥尼的脉搏跳得很快, 他感到有些慌乱。外研社新世纪〔pulse〕Mahoney's pulse was racing, and he felt confused.马奥尼脉搏跳得很快,他感到很慌乱。柯林斯高阶〔pulse〕My at-rest pulse rate is usually about 80 beats per minute.我静止时的脉搏率通常为每分钟 80 次左右。牛津搭配〔pulse〕Prospects for the markets have been brightened by the revival of a pulse in the economy.市场因经济重得活力而前景光明。英汉大词典〔pulse〕Reggae music pulsed from the speakers.节奏强劲的雷盖音乐从喇叭里传了出来。麦克米伦高阶〔pulse〕She felt her pulse quicken as she recognized the voice.听出是谁的声音后,她感到自己的心跳加快了。牛津搭配〔pulse〕She felt his neck. There was no pulse.她摸了摸他的脖子,没有脉搏了。朗文当代〔pulse〕She felt his wrist, checking for a pulse.她按住他的手腕检查他的脉搏。麦克米伦高阶〔pulse〕She reached in through the driver's broken window and checked for a pulse.她从驾驶座破碎的车窗伸手进去检查司机的脉搏。牛津搭配〔pulse〕The White House insists that the president is in touch with the pulse of the black community.白宫坚持称总统是了解黑人群体的心声的。柯林斯高阶〔pulse〕The auditorium pulsed with excitement.礼堂里洋溢着热烈的气氛。牛津高阶〔pulse〕The book pulses with movement.这本书情节起伏跌宕。英汉大词典〔pulse〕The child's pulse was strong/weak.那个孩子的脉搏很有力/虚弱。剑桥高阶〔pulse〕The city pulses with life.这座城市充满生机。韦氏高阶〔pulse〕The data, normally transmitted electronically, can be changed into pulses of light.这一数据通常是电子传送的,现在可被改为光波脉冲。剑桥高阶〔pulse〕The doctor felt to see if he had a pulse.医生摸了摸看他是否有脉搏。牛津搭配〔pulse〕The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his pulse .医生听了他的呼吸并检查了他的脉搏。朗文当代〔pulse〕The doctor took/felt my pulse.医生给我量了脉搏╱把了脉。牛津高阶〔pulse〕The echoes had pulsed themselves to silence.回声阵阵震荡,直到沉静下来。21世纪英汉〔pulse〕The engine beat with a steady pulse.发动机发出稳定而有节奏的声响。英汉大词典〔pulse〕The machine sends out a series of sound pulses.这台机器发出一连串声音脉冲。外研社新世纪〔pulse〕The music's throbbing pulse was giving me a headache.音乐震动的节拍令我感到头痛。外研社新世纪〔pulse〕The nurse felt his pulse.护士给他测脉搏。外研社新世纪〔pulse〕The nurse took my pulse.护士为我查了脉搏次数。麦克米伦高阶〔pulse〕The politician was able to take the pulse of the grassroots voters without becoming overly absorbed.这位政治家可以不费太多心力就把其选民的心态摸清美国传统〔pulse〕The president is in touch with the pulse of the black community.总统了解黑人群体的感受。外研社新世纪〔pulse〕The river swelled, pulling us effortlessly into the pulse and the swirl of its current.河水上涨,轻而易举地把我们拖入水流的波涛与旋涡中。英汉大词典〔pulse〕The switch works by passing a pulse of current between the tip and the surface.这种开关通过顶端和表面间传递电流脉冲来工作。外研社新世纪〔pulse〕The switch works by passing a pulse of current between the tip and the surface.那个开关通过在末梢和表面之间传输电流脉冲工作。柯林斯高阶〔pulse〕There was little to quicken the pulse in his dull routine.枯燥乏味的日常工作中几乎没有什么能激起他的热情。牛津搭配〔pulse〕There's nothing like a local derby to get the pulse racing.没有什么比当地的赛马更令人兴奋了。外研社新世纪〔pulse〕This machine measures pulse rate and blood pressure.这台机器能测量脉搏和血压。韦氏高阶〔quicken〕Ainslie's pulse quickened in alarm.由于惊恐,安斯利的脉搏加快了。柯林斯高阶〔quicken〕Her pulse quickened (with fear) at the sight.看到这景象她(怕得)脉搏跳得更快了。英汉大词典〔quicken〕His pulse quickened at the thought of seeing her again.一想到又要见到她,他的脉搏就加快了。韦氏高阶〔quicken〕My pulse quickened when I saw the frightful sight.当我看到这个可怕的景象时,我的脉搏跳得更快了。21世纪英汉〔quicken〕This is music that will make your pulse quicken.这是那种能让你脉搏加快的音乐。剑桥高阶〔race〕He felt his pulse (heart) race.他感到他的脉搏(心脏)在急跳。英汉大词典〔race〕She took a deep breath to calm her racing pulse.她深深地吸了口气,想使急速跳动的脉搏平静下来。牛津高阶〔rate〕His pulse rate dropped suddenly.他的脉搏速率突然下降。牛津高阶〔reaper〕One that reaps, especially a machine for harvesting grain or pulse crops.收割者;收割机:收割的人或物,尤指收割谷物或豆类庄稼的机器美国传统〔reap〕To cut or harvest grain or pulse.收割,收获:收割或收获谷物或豆类植物美国传统〔sampling gate〕A circuit that produces an output only when first activated by a preliminary pulse.采样门电路:只有通过预先电脉冲才能输出电流的电路美国传统〔sb's heart/mind/pulse races〕A glimpse of his bare torso set my pulse racing.我瞥了一眼他赤裸的躯干,顿时感到血脉贲张。剑桥高阶〔set someone's pulse racing〕This is a movie that will set your pulse racing.这是一部激动人心的电影。剑桥高阶〔sign〕She checked his vital signs and found that his pulse was slow.她检查了他的生命体征,发现他脉搏很弱。牛津搭配〔spark〕A short pulse or flow of electric current.电流的短脉冲或流动美国传统〔speeding〕An electrical pulse in a wire travels close to the speed of light.电线里的电脉冲以接近光速的速度传输。柯林斯高阶〔speed〕His pulse speeded up.他的心跳加速了美国传统〔sphygmic〕Of or relating to the pulse.脉搏的,与脉搏有关的美国传统〔sphygmograph〕An instrument for graphically recording the form, strength, and variations of the arterial pulse.脉搏描记器,脉波计:用绘图方式记录动脉脉搏的形式、力度及变化的仪器美国传统〔sphygmoid〕Resembling a pulse.脉搏样的美国传统〔standby〕Canned varieties of beans and pulses are a good standby.各种豆类罐头制品是很好的常备食品。柯林斯高阶〔stringy〕The pulse is faint and stringy.脉搏微弱而急促。英汉大词典〔strobe light〕A flash lamp that produces high-intensity short-duration light pulses by electric discharge in a gas.频闪闪光灯,电子闪光灯:一种闪光灯,通过在气体中放电产生高强度,短时间的闪光美国传统〔take〕Take the patient's pulse first.先测一下病人的脉搏。朗文当代〔thready〕Medicine Weak and shallow. Used of a pulse.【医学】 丝状脉的:弱且浅。用于描述脉博美国传统〔transmitter〕The receiver picks up pulses emitted by the transmitter.接收器接收发射机发出的脉冲信号。牛津搭配〔tricrotic〕Having three waves or elevations to one beat of the pulse.三波脉的:脉搏每跳动一次有三搏的美国传统〔trigger〕Electronics A pulse or circuit that initiates the action of another component.【电子学】 触发器,触发电器:引发其他部件运动的脉冲或电路美国传统〔unfavourable〕When the body reacts unfavourably to food, the pulse rate will go up.人体对食物作出排斥反应时,脉搏会加快。柯林斯高阶〔unfavourably〕When the body reacts unfavourably to food, the pulse rate will go up.人体对食物作出排斥反应时, 脉搏会加快。外研社新世纪〔vital signs〕The pulse rate, temperature, and respiratory rate of an individual.生命特征:人体的搏率、体温或呼吸率美国传统〔wave train〕A succession of similar wave pulses.波列:一列类似的波动美国传统Pulses grow in cases called pods.豆类在被叫做豆荚的壳里生长。剑桥国际Pulses include peas, lentils and chickpeas and are an important part of a vegetarian diet.豆类植物包括豌豆、小扁豆和鹰嘴豆,它们是蔬菜食品的一个重要组成部分。剑桥国际A pulse started throbbing in my right temple.我的右太阳穴开始搏动。剑桥国际Chickpeas and lentils are pulses and are an important part of a vegetarian diet.鹰嘴豆和小扁豆是豆类植物,都是素食的一个重要部分。剑桥国际He knew the pulse of the nation. 他了解国民的心态。译典通In radar, the signals used are pulses. 在雷达中,使用的信号是脉冲。译典通Peanuts, fish and pulses are rich in protein. 花生米,鱼和豆子含有丰富的蛋白质。译典通Running fast increases your pulse rate.快跑会加快你的脉搏速度。剑桥国际The child's pulse was strong/weak.那个孩子的脉搏很有力/微弱。剑桥国际The data, normally transmitted electronically, can be changed into pulses of light.这一数据通常是电子传送的,现在能改为光波脉冲。剑桥国际The doctor could feel no pulse beating.医生测不到任何脉搏。剑桥国际The doctor felt her pulse and wrote a prescription. 医生为她诊脉,开了药方。译典通The doctor took her pulse and looked worried.医生替她诊完脉,神情忧虑。剑桥国际The doctor took my temperature and my pulse. 医生量了量我的体温和脉搏。译典通The situation changes daily, so it's really important to keep your finger on the pulse.情况每天在变,所以你充分了解情况很重要。剑桥国际The transmitter was pulsed by an electron tube. 电子管使发射器产生脉冲波。译典通There's nothing in the book to quicken your pulse.这本书里没有什么让你激动的。剑桥国际This is a movie that will set your pulse racing.这是一部会让你激动不已的电影。剑桥国际This is music that will make your pulse quicken.这是可令你脉搏加快的音乐。剑桥国际You ought to hear what she has to say, because she's someone with her finger on the pulse of the city.你得听听她要说的,因为她对这个城市了如指掌。剑桥国际




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