

单词 pulp
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MACHINE〕The garlic press uses a screw mechanism to squeeze out juice and pulp. 榨蒜器用一个螺旋装置榨出蒜汁和蒜肉。朗文写作活用〔SQUASH〕He closed his fist over the flower, crushing it into a pulp. 他握起拳头,把花砸得稀巴烂。朗文写作活用〔antichlor〕A substance, such as sodium thiosulfate, used to neutralize the excess chlorine or hypochlorite left after bleaching textiles, fiber, or paper pulp.脱氯剂:一种用于中和漂白织物、纤维或纸浆留下的氯或次氯酸盐的物质,如硫酸钠美国传统〔applesauce〕Apples stewed to a pulp, sweetened, and sometimes spiced.苹果酱,苹果泥:炖成果浆后加糖,有时加香料的苹果制品美国传统〔banana〕The elongated, edible fruit of these plants, having a thick yellowish to reddish skin and white, aromatic, seedless pulp.香蕉:这些植物的长的、可食用果实,有从浅黄色到浅红色的厚皮和白色的、有香味的无籽果肉美国传统〔beaverboard〕A light, semirigid building material of compressed wood pulp, used for walls and partitions.木纤维板:由木浆压制成的一种轻的、半硬的建筑材料,用作墙和隔板美国传统〔bitter〕Too much pulp produces a sour wine.过多的果肉会让酒变酸。牛津高阶〔blood orange〕A sweet orange having pulp that is red or streaked with red.血橙:果肉为红色或夹有红色的甜橙美国传统〔bond paper〕A superior grade of strong white paper made wholly or in part from rag pulp.证券纸:一种全部或部分用旧布片纸浆制成的高级强白纸美国传统〔cardboard〕A material similar to thick, stiff paper, that is made of pressed paper pulp or pasted sheets of paper. It is used for making cartons and signs, for example.卡纸板:一种类似厚硬纸板的材料,用压制过的纸浆或粘贴的纸板做成。该材料用于做纸(板)盒和标志等美国传统〔cellophane〕A thin, flexible, transparent cellulose material made from wood pulp and used as a moistureproof wrapping.玻璃纸(胶膜):由树浆所制的一种柔韧且透明的薄纤维材料,作防潮包装用美国传统〔deckle〕A frame used in making paper by hand to form paper pulp into sheets of a desired size.定边装置:造纸时用手将纸浆定型用的框架美国传统〔dentin〕The main, calcareous part of a tooth, beneath the enamel and surrounding the pulp chamber and root canals.牙质,齿质:牙齿主要的钙质部分,在珐琅质下面,牙髓周围,植根于牙床的管道内美国传统〔durian〕The fruit of this plant, having a hard, prickly rind and soft pulp with an offensive odor but a pleasant taste.榴莲果:榴莲树的果实,果皮有硬刺,果肉柔软,有刺激性气味,但味道可口美国传统〔endodontics〕The branch of dentistry that deals with diseases of the tooth root, dental pulp, and surrounding tissue.牙髓病学:研究牙根、牙髓及其周围组织疾病的牙医学的一个分支美国传统〔extract〕The pulp was crushed to extract the juice.果肉被压碎以榨取果汁。麦克米伦高阶〔fictioneer〕One who writes fiction, especially a prolific creator of commercial or pulp fiction.小说作家:写小说的人,尤指写商业性小说或低级趣味小说的多产作家美国传统〔freestone〕A fruit, especially a peach, that has a stone not adhering to the pulp.离核果实:一种核没连在果肉上的水果,尤指桃子美国传统〔gelignite〕An explosive mixture composed of nitroglycerine, guncotton, wood pulp, and potassium nitrate.葛里炸药,炸胶:一种炸药混合物,由碳酸甘油、棉火药、木浆和钾硝酸盐组成美国传统〔grapefruit〕The large, round fruit of this tree, having a yellow rind and juicy, somewhat acid pulp.葡萄柚果:这种树的大的圆形果实,生黄皮和多汁的,略酸的浆肉美国传统〔hemlock〕The wood of such trees, used as a source of lumber, wood pulp, and tannic acid.铁杉,铁杉木:这些树的木料,用作木材、木浆及丹宁酸的原料美国传统〔hesperidium〕A berry having a thickened, leathery rind and juicy pulp divided into segments, as an orange or other citrus fruit.柑果:如桔子或其它柑橘属水果,有厚厚的、坚韧的革质外皮和分为许多节有多汁果肉的浆果美国传统〔jam〕A preserve made from whole fruit boiled to a pulp with sugar.果酱:由整个的水果与糖熬制成酱而贮存起来的物质美国传统〔kraft〕A tough, usually brown paper made from wood pulp treated with a solution of sodium sulfate, used chiefly for bags and wrapping paper.牛皮纸:一种由经过硫酸钠溶液处理过的木浆制成的硬纸,通常为棕色,主要用来作袋子或包装纸美国传统〔kumquat〕The fruit of these plants, having an acid pulp and a thin, edible rind. It is the smallest of the citrus fruits.金桔:这些植物的果实,有酸的果肉和薄而可食的果皮。它是柑橘果中最小的一种美国传统〔lemon〕The fruit of this tree, having a yellow aromatic rind and juicy, acid pulp.柠檬(果):这种树的果实,有黄色芳香的外皮和多汁的酸果肉美国传统〔marmalade〕A clear, jellylike preserve made from the pulp and rind of fruits, especially citrus fruits.橘子果酱:用水果的果肉或果皮制成的透明、果冻状的果酱,尤指用柑橘属水果制成美国传统〔masticate〕To grind and knead (rubber, for example) into a pulp.把…磨、碾成浆状:把(塑胶)磨或揉成浆状美国传统〔mature〕The olives are pulped, then left to mature.橄榄被捣成浆,然后放着慢慢发酵成熟。朗文当代〔nerve〕The sensitive tissue in the pulp of a tooth.牙髓神经:牙髓里的感觉组织美国传统〔odontoblast〕One of the cells forming the outer surface of dental pulp that produces the dentin of a tooth.成牙质细胞:形成能制造牙质的牙髓表面的细胞美国传统〔paper wasp〕Any of various social wasps, such as the hornet, that builds papery nests from chewed wood pulp.纸巢蜂:例如大黄蜂等多种群居蜂中的任意一种,它们用吮吸的树木的浆后,建造极薄的蜂巢美国传统〔pasteboard〕A thin, firm board made of sheets of paper pasted together or pressed paper pulp.纸板:由几层纸糊在一起或由压制的纸浆做成的薄而牢固的板子美国传统〔pomegranate〕The fruit of this tree, having a tough reddish rind, and containing many seeds, each enclosed in a juicy, mildly acidic, red pulp.石榴:这种树的果实,有坚韧的浅红色果皮,并含有许多种子,每粒种子都包在多汁、微酸的红色果浆中美国传统〔pound down〕Pound the spices down to a pulp.把香料捣烂。外研社新世纪〔process〕The pulp is processed by the addition of bleach.纸浆加了漂白剂处理。外研社新世纪〔pulp〕Cook the fruit gently until it forms a pulp.用文火把水果煮烂。牛津高阶〔pulp〕Halve the melon and scoop out the pulp.把瓜切成两半,挖出瓜瓤。朗文当代〔pulp〕He made a little extra money by writing stories for a science fiction pulp.他为一家低俗科幻刊物写故事,赚点外快。韦氏高阶〔pulp〕He used to write sci-fi for the pulps.他过去常为末流低级杂志写科幻小说。英汉大词典〔pulp〕His body was pulped by the impact of the train.他的身体被火车撞得稀巴烂。朗文当代〔pulp〕I got beaten to a pulp by three other boys.我被另外三个男孩打得头破血流。外研社新世纪〔pulp〕I like to strain the pulp out of my orange juice.我喜欢把橙汁中的橙子渣滤掉。韦氏高阶〔pulp〕I tried to talk myself out of a fight and got beaten to a pulp instead by three other boys.我尽量克制住自己不要打架,却被另外3个男孩打成了重伤。柯林斯高阶〔pulp〕Make maximum use of the whole fruit, including the pulp which is high in fibre.水果的各个部分都要最大限度地利用,包括富含纤维的果肉。柯林斯高阶〔pulp〕Mash the bananas to a pulp .把香蕉捣烂。朗文当代〔pulp〕Mash the bananas to a pulp and then mix in the yogurt.把香蕉捣成糊状,然后拌到酸奶里。剑桥高阶〔pulp〕Media science fiction still reflects the 1930s pulps.现在新闻媒体上的科幻小说和20世纪30年代的庸俗杂志没什么两样。外研社新世纪〔pulp〕My aunt always cooks vegetables to a pulp.我姑妈总是把蔬菜煮成糊状。麦克米伦高阶〔pulp〕Old newspapers are pulped and recycled.旧报纸被化成纸浆重新利用。剑桥高阶〔pulp〕Onions can be boiled and pulped to a puree.洋葱可以煮一下打成糊。柯林斯高阶〔pulp〕Onions can be boiled and pulped to a puree.洋葱可以煮后捣成泥。外研社新世纪〔pulp〕Our basketball team accepted their challenge and beat them to a pulp.我们的篮球队接受了他们的挑战并把他们打得一败涂地。英汉大词典〔pulp〕Peel the garlic and crush it to a pulp.把蒜剥了皮捣成泥。外研社新世纪〔pulp〕Press the fruit through a sieve and mix the pulp with sugar.水果用滤网压榨, 再把果肉拌上糖。外研社新世纪〔pulp〕Reduce the fruit to a pulp.把水果捣成糊状。外研社新世纪〔pulp〕Remove the tomato seeds and pulp.把西红柿的籽和瓤掏出来。麦克米伦高阶〔pulp〕Shredded leaves are now wet and pulping down into ooze.碎树叶现在已经潮湿, 变成了软泥。外研社新世纪〔pulp〕The boxes will be turned back into pulp and be made into newspapers.这些盒子将返工成纸浆,再制成报纸。韦氏高阶〔pulp〕The company is accused of pulping documents crucial to the enquiry.该公司被指控销毁了对调查至关重要的文件。外研社新世纪〔pulp〕The fruit has sweet, juicy pulp and hard, black seeds.这种水果的果肉甜而多汁,果核坚硬呈黑色。韦氏高阶〔pulp〕The grain was mashed into pulp.谷物被碾成烂糊。韦氏高阶〔pulp〕The guards beat them to pulp in the name of democracy.警卫以民主的名义把他们打得死去活来。外研社新世纪〔pulp〕The machines can be used to produce paper and pulp from waste jute bags.这些机器可以利用废旧麻袋生产纸张和纸浆。外研社新世纪〔pulp〕The olives are crushed to a pulp by stone rollers.橄榄用石磙碾成了浆状。外研社新世纪〔pulp〕The olives are crushed to a pulp by stone rollers.橄榄被石磙碾成了酱。柯林斯高阶〔pulp〕The story is pure pulp fiction.这个故事纯粹是一部低俗小说。外研社新世纪〔pulp〕Their feet have pulped the wet mud to a mire.他们的脚把湿泥踩成了泥潭。英汉大词典〔pulp〕They reduced her to pulp by their air of authority.他们摆出一副权威架势,把她吓瘫了。英汉大词典〔pulp〕This paper is made from inexpensive wood pulp.这种纸是用廉价木纸浆制成的。韦氏高阶〔pulp〕To remove the pulp from.除去髓美国传统〔pulp〕Unsold copies of the novel had to be pulped.没卖出去的小说只好化成纸浆。牛津高阶〔pulp〕Unsold novels are sent to be pulped.没有卖掉的小说送去化成纸浆。朗文当代〔rag〕Cloth converted to pulp for making paper.造纸用布:制成浆状用于造纸的布美国传统〔reduce〕The fruit is reduced to a pulp and then mixed with sugar.把水果榨成浆状,然后拌上糖。麦克米伦高阶〔salt cake〕Impure sodium sulfate used in making paper pulp, soaps and detergents, glass, ceramic glazes, and dyes.盐饼,芒硝:不纯的硫酸钠,用于制纸浆,肥皂和洗衣粉,玻璃,陶瓷釉和染料美国传统〔scold〕Critics reviled the novel as unsophisticated pulp.批评家把这部小说贬为不成熟的低级品。美国传统〔scoop〕Carefully scoop out the pulp with a small spoon.用小勺小心地把果肉舀出来。麦克米伦高阶〔softwood〕A 200,000-acre forest site will be replanted with softwoods to supply the paper and pulp mill.20万英亩的林地将重新种上针叶树,以便为造纸厂提供原料。剑桥高阶〔stew〕Stew the apple and blackberries to make a thick pulp.将苹果和黑莓炖成稠浆。外研社新世纪〔stew〕Stew the apple and blackberries to make a thick pulp.将苹果和黑莓炖成稠浆。柯林斯高阶〔strawboard〕A coarse yellow cardboard made of straw pulp.黄纸板:由草浆做成的粗糙黄色纸盒美国传统〔wood pulp〕Pulp made from wood, used especially to make paper.木浆:从木头中得到的浆液,尤其用于造纸美国传统A 200 000-acre forest site will be replanted with softwoods to supply the paper and pulp mill. [C] 200 000 英亩森林地皮将重新种植针叶树,以便能为造纸和纸浆厂提供原料。剑桥国际After the abstraction of the juice from the orange, only a tasteless pulp was left. 柳橙里的汁去掉后,只剩下不可口的肉了。译典通Cook the apples and then pulp them.把苹果烧熟,然后捣成浆。剑桥国际Mash the bananas to a pulp and then mix in the yoghurt.将香蕉捣成浆,然后加入酸奶。剑桥国际One look at his face reduced me to pulp.我看了他的脸一眼,吓坏了。剑桥国际Paper is made from wood pulp. 纸由木浆制成。译典通The brute guarding him beat him to a pulp. 那个看守他的凶汉把他打得一塌糊涂。译典通The company manufactures pulp and paper products.这个公司制造纸浆和纸产品。剑桥国际The gang threatened to beat the boy to a pulp.歹徒们扬言要狠揍那个男孩一顿。剑桥国际The old newspapers were pulped and recycled.那些旧报纸被化成纸浆回收利用了。剑桥国际These old books are to be pulped. 这些旧书将被捣成纸浆。译典通They'll be hammered to a pulp (=defeated completely) if they declare war on China.如果他们向中国宣战,他们就将被彻底击败。剑桥国际




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