

单词 protracted
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LONG〕After a bloody and protracted struggle, the ‘Mau-Mau’ fighters forced Britain to grant independence. 经过一场旷日持久的流血斗争,“茅茅运动”的自由战士终于迫使英国允许他们独立。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕There was a protracted silence, after which Lydia said quietly, ‘I'm to inherit all the money -- you'll get nothing.’ 一阵久久的沉默之后,莉迪娅静静地说:“我要继承所有的钱——你一分也拿不到。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕This marks the first day of what is likely to be a protracted and bitter courtroom battle. 这才是第一天,这很可能是一场持久而艰难的官司。朗文写作活用〔WAR〕The rebels aimed to overthrow the government through protracted guerrilla warfare. 叛乱分子的目标是通过持久的游击战来推翻政府。朗文写作活用〔grey〕Greyer heads, however, foresee a protracted period of discomfort.然而, 那些经验丰富的老手预见到会有很长一段难捱的日子外研社新世纪〔peace〕A negotiated peace would be preferable to a protracted war.通过谈判实现和平要强于长期的战争。牛津搭配〔permissive〕Divorce before the permissive age was a protracted affair.在性开放时期之前, 离婚这种事会一直被拖延。外研社新世纪〔protracted〕After protracted negotiations, Ogden got the deal he wanted.经过漫长的谈判, 奥格登得到了他想要的那笔生意。外研社新世纪〔protracted〕After protracted negotiations, Ogden got the deal he wanted.经过长时间的谈判,奥格登得到了他想要的那笔生意。柯林斯高阶〔protracted〕The struggle would be bitter and protracted.斗争将会艰苦而漫长。外研社新世纪〔protracted〕The struggle would be bitter and protracted.斗争将会艰苦而漫长。柯林斯高阶〔protraction〕The state of being protracted.被延伸:被延伸的状态美国传统〔protract〕The mandible is protracted and retracted in chewing.在咀嚼时大颌(骨)向前伸然后回缩。21世纪英汉〔view〕According to this view, economic growth occurs in protracted spurts.根据这种观点,经济是以持续急剧的方式增长的。牛津搭配〔whine〕To utter a plaintive, high-pitched, protracted sound, as in pain, fear, supplication, or complaint.发出哀叫声:发出悲哀的,尖厉而拖长的声音,如在疼痛、恐惧、哀求或抱怨中美国传统A protracted struggle in the Australian courts about whether the book can be published there remains unresolved.在澳大利亚法庭里,一场关于这本书是否能在那里出版的旷日持久的争论到现在还没结束。剑桥国际The novel is little more than a protracted expansion of a short medieval poem.这部小说不过是把中古时期的一首小诗作了拖长的扩充罢了。剑桥国际




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