

单词 prosperous
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔KIND〕Pam was raised as the pampered daughter of a prosperous businessman. 帕姆是一个成功商人的女儿,从小娇生惯养。朗文写作活用〔RICH〕After the war, Germany became one of Europe's most prosperous countries. 战后,德国成了欧洲最繁荣的国家之一。朗文写作活用〔TOWN〕Leeds is a thriving, vibrant, and prosperous city. 利兹是一座欣欣向荣、充满活力、繁荣昌盛的城市。朗文写作活用〔WORK HARD〕The Omanis are industrious people, striving to make their country prosperous. 阿曼人是个勤劳的民族,努力使自己的国家繁荣昌盛。朗文写作活用〔advertisement〕Dirty streets and homelessness are no advertisement for a prosperous society.肮脏的街道和无家可归现象绝不是繁荣社会的景象。牛津高阶〔advertisement〕Dirty streets are no advertisement for a prosperous society.肮脏的街道决不是繁荣社会的景象。牛津高阶〔auspicious〕Marked by success; prosperous.吉兆的:以成功为标志的;繁荣的美国传统〔belief〕It is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy.我们坚信,改善医疗保健会使经济更加繁荣昌盛。柯林斯高阶〔better-off〕Being in a better or more prosperous condition.处于更好或更兴旺状况的美国传统〔black〕On the credit side of a ledger; prosperous.富裕的:在总帐目中有存款的一方的;富裕的美国传统〔conclusion〕In conclusion, I would like to wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year.最后, 我祝大家新年幸福、兴旺发达。外研社新世纪〔contract〕Many once prosperous northern mill towns have shrunk as industry has moved to the South.因为工业迁移到了南方,许多一度繁荣的北方磨坊小镇都减小了规模。美国传统〔darling〕Rajneesh was the darling of a prosperous family.罗杰尼希原是一个富有家庭的宠儿。外研社新世纪〔darling〕Rajneesh was the darling of a prosperous family.罗杰尼希是一个富有家庭的宠儿。柯林斯高阶〔division〕The division between the prosperous west and the impoverished east remains.繁荣的西部和贫穷的东部之间的差距仍然存在。柯林斯高阶〔eye〕That country has long had a covetous eye on the prosperous port.那个国家长期以来觊觎着这繁荣的港口。 英汉大词典〔fallacy〕It's a fallacy that the affluent give relatively more to charity than the less prosperous.富人比穷人对慈善事业的捐助更多些;这种观点是一种谬见。柯林斯高阶〔golden age〕Greek Mythology Roman Mythology The first age of the world, an untroubled and prosperous era during which people lived in ideal happiness.【希腊神话】 【罗马神话】 黄金时代:世界的最高阶段,人们过着理想、幸福的生活的一个平静而富裕的时代美国传统〔haemorrhage〕The once prosperous town has hemorrhaged manufacturing jobs over the last 15 years.这个城镇曾经非常繁荣,但在过去的 15 年里已经流失了大量制造业的工作岗位。朗文当代〔impoverish〕The incompetent military leadership had impoverished a once prosperous country.无能的军事领导层使一个曾经繁荣昌盛的国家变得一贫如洗。麦克米伦高阶〔impregnable〕Troy is a strong and prosperous nation based around a city whose walls have proven impregnable to attack.特洛伊是一个强盛的城邦, 中心城市的城墙坚不可破。外研社新世纪〔increasingly〕Our country has become increasingly prosperous and strong.我国日益繁荣强盛。文馨英汉〔individualist〕The people became more prosperous, more assertive, more individualist.人们变得更加富有, 更加有主见, 更加奉行个人主义。外研社新世纪〔issue〕His enterprise would have a prosperous issue.他的企业会有兴旺之日。英汉大词典〔kulak〕A prosperous landed peasant in czarist Russia, characterized by the Communists during the October Revolution as an exploiter.富农:沙皇俄国时期拥有土地的富裕农民,在十月革命中被共产党划为剥削者美国传统〔more〕Scotland has become more prosperous in recent years.在最近几年,苏格兰变得越来越繁荣。麦克米伦高阶〔mute〕Even a relatively prosperous life on the farm has not muted the lure of cities.甚至农场里比较富裕的生活也未能削弱城市的诱惑力。英汉大词典〔overrun〕Padua and Vicenza are prosperous, well-preserved cities, not overrun by tourists.帕多瓦和维琴察两市商业繁荣, 建筑古迹保存良好, 也没有蜂拥而至的游客。外研社新世纪〔overrun〕Padua and Vicenza are prosperous, well-preserved cities, not overrun by tourists.帕多瓦和维琴察两市商业繁荣,建筑古迹保存良好,也没有蜂拥而至的游客。柯林斯高阶〔prosperity〕The condition of being prosperous.繁荣:繁盛的状况美国传统〔prosperous〕He predicted a prosperous future.他预言未来会很成功。韦氏高阶〔prosperous〕In a prosperous country like this, no one should go hungry.在这样一个繁荣的国家里,不应该有人挨饿。剑桥高阶〔prosperous〕Never before in the history of Calgary was there a more prosperous outlook for the city.卡尔加里的城市史上从未有过如此光明的前景。外研社新世纪〔prosperous〕Suburbs sprawled out to provide homes for the newly prosperous.市郊无序地向外扩展以便为新富起来的人提供住房。牛津搭配〔prosperous〕The company had a prosperous year.公司这一年生意兴隆。韦氏高阶〔prosperous〕The place looks more prosperous than ever.这地方显得空前繁荣。外研社新世纪〔prosperous〕The place looks more prosperous than ever.这地方显得空前繁荣。柯林斯高阶〔prosperous〕The town is increasingly prosperous.这个城镇越来越繁荣。麦克米伦高阶〔prosperous〕They have a very prosperous family business.他们有一个蒸蒸日上的家族企业。外研社新世纪〔prosperous〕With economic expansion comes the promise of a more prosperous future.随着经济的发展,一个更加繁荣昌盛的未来已成为可望之事。麦克米伦高阶〔rich〕It's good to see you looking so prosperous.看到你成功的样子真是令人高兴。牛津高阶〔social〕They are a prosperous upper-middle-class couple with social aspirations.他们是希望出人头地的一对阔绰的来自中上层社会的夫妇。外研社新世纪〔thrifty〕Industrious and thriving; prosperous.兴旺的:勤劳而兴盛的;兴旺的,繁荣的美国传统〔verge〕The country was on the verge of becoming prosperous and successful.这个国家即将走向繁荣富强。柯林斯高阶〔well-heeled〕Having plenty of money; prosperous.有足够的钱的;富裕的美国传统Farmers are more prosperous in the south of the country.这个国家南部的农民较富裕。牛津商务He said Britain used to be second in the league of prosperous industrial nations and was now much lower.他说英国过去在富裕的工业化国家中排名第二而现在排名越来越靠后。剑桥国际It's hard to believe that in this prosperous country, hunger could be a serious problem.很难相信在这个富裕的国家里,饥饿会成为一个严重的问题。剑桥国际She was the second daughter of a prosperous merchant banker.她是一个富有的商业银行家的第二个女儿。剑桥国际The prosperous have a moral obligation to assist those who live in poverty and there is a prima facie case for a transfer of resources from rich countries to poor.生活富裕的人有道义上的责任帮助那些生活贫困的人,因此把资源从富国运到穷国初看起来是言之有理的。剑桥国际Valencia is the capital of a prosperous region in Spain which has a long mercantile tradition.瓦伦西亚是拥有长期贸易传统的西班牙一个繁荣地区的首府。剑桥国际




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