

单词 barb
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHILD〕After her first baby was born, Barb read child development books constantly. 第一个孩子出生以后,巴布不断阅读有关儿童成长的书。朗文写作活用〔ENTER〕The barbed wire fences and mine fields are designed to stop people leaving or entering. 带刺的铁丝网和雷区是为了阻止人们进出而设的。朗文写作活用〔ENTER〕The barbed wire fences and security shields made the air base very difficult to penetrate. 带刺的铁丝网和安全防御设施使空军基地难以突破。朗文写作活用〔KEEP〕Barb, could you file these papers for me? 巴布,你帮我把这些文件归档,行吗?朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕A barbed wire fence marks the boundary between the two communities. 那两个社区之间以带刺的铁丝网为界。朗文写作活用〔TIGHT〕A single strand of taut barbed wire was strung along the top of the garden wall. 一条绷紧的带刺铁丝拉在花园围墙上。朗文写作活用〔banderilla〕A decorated barbed dart that is thrust into the bull's neck or shoulder muscles by a banderillero in a bullfight.带有倒钩的短标枪:斗牛中斗牛士的助手用于刺入公牛脖子或肩膀肌肉的短扎枪,带有倒钩和装饰美国传统〔banderillero〕One who implants decorated barbed darts into the bull's neck or shoulder muscles during a bullfight.斗牛士助手:斗牛中用带有倒钩和装饰的短枪刺入公牛脖子或肩膀肌肉的斗牛士美国传统〔bangalore torpedo〕A piece of metal pipe filled with an explosive, used primarily to clear a path through barbed wire or to detonate land mines.爆破筒:内装炸药的一段金属筒,常用于有刺铁丝网或起爆地雷以开路美国传统〔barbed wire〕The factory was surrounded by barbed wire.工厂四周围着带刺铁丝网。外研社新世纪〔barbed wire〕The factory was surrounded by barbed wire.工厂用带刺的铁丝网围着。柯林斯高阶〔barbed wire〕Twisted strands of fence wire with barbs at regular intervals.有刺铁丝网:在一定间隔有刺的绞丝网美国传统〔barbed〕Having barbs.有倒钩的美国传统〔barbed〕He ignored her barbed remark.他不理会她那句尖刻的讽刺话。英汉大词典〔barbed〕His remarks were rather barbed, I thought.我认为他的话颇带讽刺。文馨英汉〔barbed〕She made some rather barbed comments about my lifestyle.她对我的生活方式作了一番讥讽。剑桥高阶〔barbed〕The candidates exchanged barbed comments during the debate.候选人在辩论中唇枪舌剑。韦氏高阶〔barbule〕A small barb or pointed projection, especially one of the small projections fringing the edges of the barbs of feathers.羽小支:小羽支或尖状凸起物,尤指沿羽支边缘排列的小凸起美国传统〔barbwire〕Barbed wire.有刺铁丝(网)美国传统〔barb〕Barbs are small fish.鲃属鱼是小型鱼类。外研社新世纪〔barb〕Barbels have a pair of barbs on the side of the mouth and another pair beneath the chin.鲃鱼的口侧和颏下分别长有一对触须。外研社新世纪〔barb〕He barbed his reply.他使自己的回答带上讥刺。英汉大词典〔barb〕Her talk carried small barbs directed at me.她话中隐隐带刺,是针对我说的。英汉大词典〔barb〕I tried to ignore their barbs about my new jacket.我努力不去理会他们针对我的新夹克说的那些连讽带刺的话。剑桥高阶〔barb〕Most feathers have a rachis from which the barbs branch.大多数羽毛具有一个羽干, 从上面分出羽支。外研社新世纪〔barb〕She directed/aimed a few barbs at reporters who had hounded her.她把纠缠不休的记者们挖苦讽刺了一番。韦氏高阶〔barb〕The barb is a horse with great stamina.柏柏里马是一种耐力很强的马。外研社新世纪〔barb〕The barb of his wit made us wince.他那锋芒毕露的机智使我们退避三舍。英汉大词典〔barb〕The barb stung her exactly the way he hoped it would.如他所愿,这句带刺的话刺痛了她。柯林斯高阶〔barb〕The barb stung her exactly the way he hoped it would.这句尖刻的话正如他所愿刺痛了她。外研社新世纪〔barb〕The MP ignored the barbs.这位下院议员不理会那些讥刺的话语。外研社新世纪〔barb〕The candidates exchanged barbs during the debate.候选人在辩论中唇枪舌剑。韦氏高阶〔barb〕The headdress consisted of a barb covered by a head-veil.头巾由一块颈纱和盖在其上的头纱组成。外研社新世纪〔barb〕The leather strap was studded with sharp metal barbs.皮带上镶有尖尖的金属刺。外研社新世纪〔barb〕The three-pronged spear had a barb on it and could not be pulled out.这把三齿矛上有个倒钩, 拔不出来。外研社新世纪〔barb〕To provide or furnish with a barb.给…装倒钩美国传统〔barrel〕Feathers have three main parts: the barrel, the shaft, and the barbs.羽毛由三大部分组成:翮、羽轴和羽支。外研社新世纪〔beggar ticks〕The fruit of any of these plants, typically having barbed awns and clinging readily to clothing and animal fur.鬼针草果实:任何这些植物的果实,一般有倒刺的芒且易粘在衣服和动物毛皮上美国传统〔broad arrow〕An arrow with a wide barbed head.宽头箭:头部较宽的一种箭美国传统〔camp〕We were camped with the Red Cross workers behind a fence of barbed wire.我们被安排和红十字会工作人员一起住在一道带刺铁丝网后面的营地。外研社新世纪〔cheval-de-frise〕An obstacle composed of barbed wire or spikes attached to a wooden frame, used to block enemy advancement.铁蒺藜:由钉在林桩上的有刺铁丝或尖钉构成的用来阻挡敌人的前进障碍物美国传统〔climb〕The barbed wire is to stop people climbing over the fence.带刺铁丝网是用来阻止人们爬篱笆的。麦克米伦高阶〔concertina wire〕Barbed wire that is extended in a spiral for use as a barrier, as on a fence.蛇笼,蛇腹型铁丝网:用作屏障的成螺旋状延伸、装有倒勾的金属丝网,如在栅栏上美国传统〔courtesy〕Hugh and John were exchanging faintly barbed courtesies.休和约翰互相说着略带讥刺的客气话。外研社新世纪〔courtesy〕Hugh and John were exchanging faintly barbed courtesies.休和约翰正说着带有相互挤兑意味的客气话。柯林斯高阶〔cut〕The prisoners cut their way through the barbed wire.囚犯们切断铁丝网开出一条路逃之夭夭。牛津高阶〔demarcate〕Plots of land have been demarcated by barbed wire.一块块土地都用带刺的铁丝网圈了起来。牛津高阶〔disentangle from〕The prisoner finally managed to disentangle himself from the barbed wire.那囚犯终于从铁丝网中挣脱出来。21世纪英汉〔fence〕His land is fenced with barbed wire.他的地用带钩的铁丝围起来。21世纪英汉〔fence〕His property is fenced with barbed wire.他的房地产四周围有带刺的铁丝网。牛津高阶〔filoplume〕A hairlike feather having few or no barbs, usually located between contour feathers.纤羽:具有少量或没有羽支的发状羽毛,通常处于外侧羽毛之间美国传统〔fishhook〕A barbed metal hook used for catching fish.鱼钩,钓钩:一种用于捕鱼的金属倒钩美国传统〔fluke〕A barb or barbed head, as on an arrow or a harpoon.倒钩:如箭头或鱼叉等尖倒钩或有倒钩的顶端美国传统〔fraise〕A defensive barrier of pointed, inclined stakes or barbed wire.防御工事:筑有尖利的、倾斜的木桩或铁蒺藜的防御性的障碍物美国传统〔glochid〕One of the minute barbed hairs or bristles on certain plants, such as the prickly pear.具勾毛的,具刺的:长在某些植物上的细微刺毛或是硬毛,例如霸王树(仙人球)美国传统〔harpoon〕A spearlike weapon with a barbed head used in hunting whales and large fish.鱼叉:一种象标枪一样但顶端有钩的用于捕捉鲸鱼和大鱼的武器美国传统〔herl〕A fishing fly made with this type of barb.饰有人造用羽支的假蝇:用这种羽支做的钓鱼用的假蝇美国传统〔herl〕The barb of a feather used in trimming an artificial fly for angling.羽支:用于装饰钓鱼用的假蝇的小羽毛片美国传统〔hook〕A curved or barbed plant or animal part.弯曲部分,有钩部分:曲线形或长倒刺的动植物部分美国传统〔jag〕A sharp projection; a barb.尖突:尖利的突出物;倒刺美国传统〔lot〕Barb used to have a lot of friends in New York.巴布过去在纽约有很多朋友。麦克米伦高阶〔nick〕The barbed wire had left only the tiniest nick just below my right eye.带刺铁丝网在我右眼的正下方只留下了一道小小的伤痕。外研社新世纪〔nick〕The barbed wire had left only the tiniest nick just below my right eye.带刺铁丝网在我的右眼正下方只留了非常小的划痕。柯林斯高阶〔perimeter〕A security perimeter of concrete blocks and barbed wire has been set up.用水泥板和带刺铁丝网搭建起了安全围栏。外研社新世纪〔preclude〕Barbed wire entanglements precluded the possibility of escape.有刺铁丝网杜绝了逃跑的可能。英汉大词典〔shaft〕Informal A scornfully satirical comment; a barb.【非正式用语】 嘲笑:嘲讽的评论;讽刺美国传统〔shred〕His jacket had been torn to shreds by the barbed wire.他的夹克被铁丝网挂得稀烂。牛津高阶〔slack〕The fence consisted of two slack strands of barbed wire.围栏由两股带刺铁丝松散地扎成。麦克米伦高阶〔snag〕Be careful not to snag your coat on the barbed wire.小心别让铁丝网钩破衣服。剑桥高阶〔spear〕A shaft with a sharp point and barbs for spearing fish.鱼叉:一种带有尖头的倒钩、叉鱼用的矛美国传统〔sticker〕A thorn, prickle, or barb.尖刺、小刺或钩美国传统〔surround〕People are surrounding their homes with barbed wire fences.人们正用带刺的铁丝网把自己的家圈起来。麦克米伦高阶〔tear〕He tore his hands on barbed wire.他的双手被铁丝网钩伤了。英汉大词典〔tear〕The barbed wire tore my jeans.铁丝网刺破了我的牛仔裤。牛津同义词〔through〕Barbed wire was strung through the posts around the edge of the field.田边四周的柱子上串上了带刺铁丝。外研社新世纪〔vane〕The flattened, weblike part of a feather, consisting of a series of barbs on either side of the shaft.箭翎:羽毛的压平的网状部分,由箭杆任一侧的一系列倒钩组成美国传统〔web〕The barbs on each side of the shaft of a bird's feather; a vane.羽瓣:鸟的羽干两侧的羽支;羽片美国传统〔wire〕Fencing made of usually barbed wire.金属栅栏:通常用装有倒钩的金属线做成的篱笆美国传统〔wyvern〕A two-legged dragon having wings and a barbed tail.双足飞龙:一种长有翅膀和带倒勾尾巴的双腿龙美国传统〔yet〕The new frontier has as yet no fences, trenches or barbed wire.新的边界迄今还没有栅栏、壕沟或铁丝网。英汉大词典Be careful not to snag your coat on the barbed wire.小心别被铁丝网钩破衣服。剑桥国际She slung barbs at me. 她说了些讥刺我的话。译典通The barb of his wit made us wince. 他那锋芒毕露的机智使我们退避三舍。译典通




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