

单词 banal
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BORING/BORED〕I was expecting an interesting interview but he only asked a few banal questions about the weather. 我原以为会是一次有趣的访谈,可他只问了几个有关天气的无关重要的问题。朗文写作活用〔BORING/BORED〕It was just another banal newspaper story. 这只是另一则平淡无奇的报纸新闻。朗文写作活用〔banality〕Bland, banal music tinkled discreetly from hidden loudspeakers.隐藏的喇叭里幽幽地传出平淡乏味的音乐。柯林斯高阶〔banality〕The allegations ranged from the banal to the bizarre.从平淡无奇到离奇百怪的各种说法都有。柯林斯高阶〔banality〕The text is banal.课文索然无味。柯林斯高阶〔banal〕Bland, banal music tinkled discreetly from hidden loudspeakers.隐藏的喇叭里幽幽地传出平淡乏味的音乐。外研社新世纪〔banal〕He just sat there making banal remarks all evening.他整晚只是坐在那儿说些老套的话。剑桥高阶〔banal〕He made some banal remarks about the weather.他空泛地谈论了一下天气。韦氏高阶〔banal〕It is a banal joke.那是个陈腐的笑话。文馨英汉〔banal〕That restaurant serves banal food.那家饭馆供应的饭菜全无特色。英汉大词典〔banal〕The music is banal.那音乐是庸俗的。文馨英汉〔banal〕The writing was banal but the story was good.文字平淡无味,但故事不错韦氏高阶〔banal〕There was nothing new in his banal lecture.他的讲演平庸之极,没有一点新东西。英汉大词典〔camp〕An affectation or appreciation of manners and tastes commonly thought to be artificial, vulgar, or banal.下流,庸俗,做作:行为或情趣上的矫揉造作,通常被认为是不自然的、粗俗的或平庸的美国传统〔camp〕To act in a deliberately artificial, vulgar, or banal way.故意夸张做作:蓄意做作地、粗俗地或平庸地做美国传统〔embarrassingly〕The lyrics of the song are embarrassingly banal.那首歌的歌词非常老套,令人难堪。柯林斯高阶〔hackney〕To cause to become banal and trite through overuse.使变平凡:由于过于频繁的使用使…变陈腐和平庸美国传统〔hack〕Hackneyed; banal.陈腐的;平庸的美国传统〔hack〕To make banal or hackneyed with indiscriminate use.使…变陈腐:因不加区别的使用而使之变得平庸,陈腐美国传统〔muck〕The script is utterly banal. It is incredible that human minds can put such muck on to paper.这个剧本是十足的平庸之作,难以想象有人会写出这样的垃圾。柯林斯高阶〔muck〕The script is utterly banal. It is incredible that human minds can put such muck onto paper.这个剧本是十足的平庸之作, 难以想象有人会写出这样的垃圾。外研社新世纪〔painfully〕This was painfully banal television.这档电视节目老套得让人看不下去。外研社新世纪〔plastic〕TV game show hosts with their banal remarks and plastic smiles 语言陈腐、笑容刻板的电视竞赛节目主持人牛津高阶〔prelude〕He preluded with some banal remarks.他讲了一些老套话作为开场白。21世纪英汉〔rhyme〕The lyrics are banal and the rhymes clumsy.歌词平庸老套, 押韵也很拙劣。外研社新世纪〔rhyme〕The lyrics are banal and the rhymes clumsy.歌词平淡老套,押韵生硬蹩脚。柯林斯高阶〔wish-wash〕Speech or writing deemed banal or foolish.空洞无聊的话或文章美国传统He just sat there making banal remarks all evening.他整晚都坐在那儿说些无聊的话。剑桥国际




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