

单词 poses
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PROBABLY〕Global warming poses a serious threat for the future. 全球变暖对未来是个很大的威胁。朗文写作活用〔SEXY〕The magazine is full of pictures of partially dressed women in provocative poses. 这本杂志里面全是姿态撩人的半裸女子照片。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕Models were forced into all sorts of indecent poses for the camera. 模特儿们被迫在镜头面前摆出各种各样有伤风化的姿势。朗文写作活用〔backdrop〕The photographer poses his subjects against painted backdrops.摄影师让他的拍摄对象在绘制的背景布前摆好姿势。牛津搭配〔challenge〕The result of the vote poses a serious challenge to the government's credibility.投票结果使人们对政府的可信度提出了严重质疑。剑桥高阶〔comparable〕The risk it poses is comparable with smoking just one cigarette every year.它所带来的危害相当于每年只抽一支烟所造成的危害。柯林斯高阶〔comparable〕The risk it poses is comparable with smoking just one cigarette every year.它所带来的风险相当于每年抽一支烟。外研社新世纪〔confidential〕Containing secret information, the unauthorized disclosure of which poses a threat to national security.机密的:包含机密信息的,未经授权泄露可能会危及到国家的安全的美国传统〔consequently〕This poses a threat to agriculture and the food chain, and consequently to human health.这会对农业和食物链造成威胁,由此而危及人的健康。牛津高阶〔crime〕Mr Steele has committed no crime and poses no danger to the public.斯蒂尔先生没有犯罪, 而且对公众也没有构成任何危险。外研社新世纪〔crime〕Mr Steele has committed no crime and poses no danger to the public.斯蒂尔先生没有犯罪,并未对公众构成危害。柯林斯高阶〔danger〕We believe it poses a serious danger to our national security.我们认为这对我们的国家安全构成了严重威胁。韦氏高阶〔dilemma〕All this poses a dilemma with which the airline industry must deal.所有这些都为航空业提出了一个必须解决的难题。英汉大词典〔dilemma〕This poses a difficult dilemma for teachers.这种情况让老师很为难。牛津搭配〔elite〕The Ukrainian politician poses the most potent threat to the country's ruling elite.这位乌克兰政治家对本国的上层统治者构成了最强有力的威胁。外研社新世纪〔fabric〕Drug abuse poses a major threat to the fabric of our society .吸毒对我们的社会结构造成严重威胁。朗文当代〔fabric〕Drug abuse poses a major threat to the fabric of society.毒品的滥用对社会结构造成了很大威胁。麦克米伦高阶〔hazard light〕A light on a vehicle that blinks to indicate that the vehicle poses danger to others.危险信号灯:安装在车辆上表示会对别人造成危险的能闪烁的灯美国传统〔hazard〕Oil leaking from a barge in the Mississippi River poses a hazard to the drinking water of New Orleans.密西西比河上一艘驳船发生漏油, 对新奥尔良的饮用水构成了威胁。外研社新世纪〔hazard〕Oil leaking from a barge in the Mississippi River poses a hazard to the drinking water of New Orleans.密西西比河上驳船漏油事件危及新奥尔良市的饮用水。柯林斯高阶〔hazard〕Production of these chemicals poses serious environmental hazards.生产这些化学品会严重危害环境。牛津搭配〔immediate〕The wildfire poses no immediate threat to any houses in the area.目前这场野火对该地区的房屋尚未构成威胁。韦氏高阶〔large〕The chemical pollution poses a threat to the population at large.化学污染对全人类造成了威胁。朗文当代〔normative〕The critique is strongly normative. It poses the question: 'Should planning by the state be improved or abandoned?'这篇评论文章规范性很强。它提出了“应该改善还是应该放弃国家规划”的问题。外研社新世纪〔obscure〕They accused the company of trying to obscure the fact that the product poses a health risk.他们指控这家公司试图掩盖其产品存在健康风险的事实。韦氏高阶〔poser〕One who poses.装腔作势的人美国传统〔pose〕Decreasing the unemployment rate poses a serious challenge to/for the new governor.降低失业率对新任州长来说是个严峻的挑战。韦氏高阶〔pose〕His ill health poses serious problems for the future.他的健康状况堪忧, 这为他将来的生活带来了严重的隐患。外研社新世纪〔pose〕His ill health poses serious problems for the future.他身体不好,对将来造成严重的隐患。柯林斯高阶〔pose〕In her book she poses the question, 'How much do we need to be happy?' 她在书里提出了这样一个问题,“我们要拥有多少才能快乐?”朗文当代〔pose〕It poses the question 'Should planning by the state be improved or abandoned?'它引发了这样一个问题:国家调控应当改善还是废弃?外研社新世纪〔pose〕Officials claim the chemical poses no real threat.官员们称这种化学物质不会造成实际的威胁。朗文当代〔pose〕The model was asked to adopt various poses for the photographer.模特儿被要求摆出各种姿势让摄影师照相。英汉大词典〔pose〕The mountain terrain poses particular problems for civil engineers.这种高山地势给土木工程师带来了特殊问题。剑桥高阶〔pose〕The movement poses a direct threat to their interests.这场运动对他们的利益造成了直接威胁。英汉大词典〔pose〕The photographs show the models in both clothed and nude poses.这些照片展示了模特们着装和裸体的各种姿势。韦氏高阶〔pose〕The task poses no special problems.这项任务不会造成特别的问题。牛津高阶〔pose〕The workers' movement poses a direct threat to their interests.工人运动对他们的利益造成了直接威胁。21世纪英汉〔pose〕We are being told that the accident poses no threat to the environment.我们被告知说那次事故对环境没有造成危害。麦克米伦高阶〔pose〕We have had several preliminary sittings in various poses.我们进行了几次预拍摄,摆了各种不同的造型。柯林斯高阶〔potential〕Critics say the factory poses a potential threat to the environment.批评人士称这家工厂对环境是个潜在威胁。韦氏高阶〔pout〕On the record sleeve, she pouts and poses.在唱片套上, 她噘嘴摆着造型。外研社新世纪〔problem〕The accident poses a terrible problem for the family.那场事故给这个家庭带来了可怕的灾难。牛津搭配〔problem〕The shortage of teachers poses a major problem .师资紧缺引起了一个重大问题。朗文当代〔puzzle〕His letter poses a number of puzzling questions.他的信中提出了许多令人困惑的问题。柯林斯高阶〔puzzling〕His letter poses a number of puzzling questions.他的信中提出了许多令人困惑的问题。外研社新世纪〔question〕The new play poses some challenging questions.这出新戏提出了一些挑战性问题。牛津搭配〔race〕Environmental pollution poses a threat to the race.环境污染对人类构成威胁。文馨英汉〔routine〕The surgery has become a very routine operation and poses little danger.这种手术已经非常普遍,几乎没有危险。韦氏高阶〔secret〕Containing information, the unauthorized disclosure of which poses a grave threat to national security.极机密的:包含情报的,该情报未经授权的泄露将对国家安全构成严重威胁美国传统〔sectarian〕Sectarian violence poses a real threat to the stability of the country.教派间的暴力冲突给这个国家的稳定造成真正的威胁。麦克米伦高阶〔serious〕An accident like this poses a serious threat to the environment.像这样的事故对环境是个严重的威胁。麦克米伦高阶〔shill〕One who poses as a satisfied customer or an enthusiastic gambler to dupe bystanders into participating in a swindle.雇佣骗子的骗局:一个假装成满意的顾客或一个热心的赌徒以欺骗旁观者使其参与一项骗局的骗子美国传统〔sitter〕A person who poses or models, as for a portrait.模特:做出某种姿态的人,例如被画像的人美国传统〔snapshot〕Credit rating agencies provide a snapshot of the risks an investment poses at any one time.信用评分机构提供的是某一时刻投资风险的简要情况。剑桥高阶〔therapeutic abortion〕An abortion induced for medical reasons, as when pregnancy poses a danger to the woman's health.治疗性流产:为医学原因进行的流产,如当怀孕对妇女健康造成危险时美国传统〔threat〕Pollution poses a threat to fish.污染对鱼类构成威胁。朗文当代〔threat〕The dispute poses a direct threat to peace.这一争端对和平构成直接威胁。麦克米伦高阶〔top-secret〕Containing information, the unauthorized disclosure of which poses the gravest threat to national security.绝密:极其保密的信息,任何不经许可的揭密都会对国家安全造成最严重的危胁美国传统I thought she'd become an actress because she was always striking poses in the classroom and imitating the teachers.我想她会成为一名演员,因为她总是在教室里摆姿势模仿老师。剑桥国际The children were photographed in amusing poses.孩子们照了一张姿势滑稽的照片。剑桥国际The deployment (= putting into position ready for use) of nuclear weapons in nearby countries poses a serious threat to peace.在附近国家布置核武器给和平造成严重威胁。剑桥国际The increase in student numbers poses many problems for the schools. 学生人数增加给学校造成许多问题。译典通The result of the vote poses a serious challenge to the government's credibility.投票的结果使人们对政府的可信度提出了严重的质疑。剑桥国际The severe weather poses a threat to both crops and livestock.恶劣的天气对农作物和牲畜构成了威胁。牛津商务The situation poses a grave threat to peace. 这一局势对和平构成重大威胁。译典通




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