

单词 pitched
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FIGHT〕About 200 students fought pitched battles with police during the demonstrations. 游行示威中约200名学生与警察发生了激烈冲突。朗文写作活用〔T-ball〕A form of baseball played by young children in which the ball is not pitched but hit from a stationary position on top of a tee.乐乐安全棒球:青少年玩的棒球形式,球不是用扔的,而是将球放在球座上的一固定位置后再打击出去美国传统〔THROW〕A sudden gust of wind pitched him off the ledge and he was left hanging by his safety rope. 一阵突如其来的强风把他抛离了岩架,然后他被自己的安全绳悬在半空。朗文写作活用〔THROW〕She pitched the ball to the little boy. 她把球扔给小男孩。朗文写作活用〔THROW〕Tod pitched his coat onto the sofa and ran toward the kitchen. 托德把外衣扔在沙发上,向厨房跑去。朗文写作活用〔THROW〕Two of the crew were pitched overboard when a big wave hit their ship. 一个大浪拍到他们的船,有两个船员被抛出船外。朗文写作活用〔ball〕A pitched baseball that does not pass through the strike zone and is not swung at by the batter.坏球:一个投出的棒球,未通过击球区且未被击球手击中美国传统〔battle〕Police fought a pitched battle against demonstrators.警方和示威者展开了激战。牛津搭配〔battle〕The two armies fought a pitched battle on the plain.两支军队在平原上展开激战。牛津搭配〔bean〕To hit (another) on the head with a thrown object, especially a pitched baseball.击头部:用扔出的物体来击打(另一个)的头,尤指棒球中的投球美国传统〔boat〕The boat pitched violently from side to side.船剧烈地左右摇晃。牛津搭配〔brilliant〕He pitched a brilliant game.这一局他投球很棒。韦氏高阶〔camp〕It was dark by the time we pitched camp.等我们扎好了营天已黑了。朗文当代〔camp〕Reporters had pitched camp outside his house.记者们据守在他的房子外。麦克米伦高阶〔camp〕We pitched camp just outside the woods.我们就在树林外扎营。牛津搭配〔cello〕A four-stringed instrument of the violin family, pitched lower than the viola but higher than the double bass.大提琴:一种提琴类四弦乐器,音调比中提琴低但比低音提琴高美国传统〔contrabass〕Pitched an octave below the normal bass range.倍低音的:比正常的低音乐器或嗓音在音域上低一个八度的美国传统〔curve ball〕A pitched ball that veers or breaks to the left when thrown with the right hand and to the right when thrown with the left hand.曲线球:一个被投掷的球,用右手投时它向左转向,用左手投时它向右转向美国传统〔distance〕Even with an injured elbow, he went/lasted the distance and pitched the rest of the game.虽然他肘部受伤,但还是坚持在余下的比赛中担任投手。韦氏高阶〔earned run average〕A measure of a pitcher's performance obtained by dividing the total of earned runs allowed by the total of innings pitched and multiplying by nine.投手责任得分率:一种测量投手表现情况的方法,将所得的责任分除以所有回合中所投的球数再乘以九,即得投手责任得分率美国传统〔foul tip〕A pitched ball that is deflected slightly off the bat toward the catcher.擦棒球:接球手在接球时,球轻微地斜擦过球拍美国传统〔gable roof〕A pitched roof having a gable at each end.人字屋顶:两端各有一面山墙的斜屋顶美国传统〔gable〕The generally triangular section of wall at the end of a pitched roof, occupying the space between the two slopes of the roof.三角墙建筑部分:斜屋顶末端的墙的大体三角区,占据屋顶两个斜面间的空间美国传统〔gem〕He pitched a gem of a game.他投出了比赛中最漂亮的一球。韦氏高阶〔gopher ball〕A pitched ball that is hit for a home run.本垒球:可以造成本垒打的投球美国传统〔infrasound〕Such a disturbance is what physicists call infrasound — sound pitched too low to be heard by the human ear.这种干扰就是物理学家所说的“次声”,即音频低于人类听觉范围的声音。英汉大词典〔level〕We pitched the tent on level ground.我们在平地上搭起了帐篷。韦氏高阶〔melee〕Confused, hand-to-hand fighting in a pitched battle.混战:激战中之人对人的殴打美国传统〔no-hit〕He pitched a no-hit game today.他今天投出了一场无安打比赛。韦氏高阶〔nowhere〕At dusk we pitched camp in the middle of nowhere.黄昏时刻我们在远离人烟的地方扎营。外研社新世纪〔off-key〕Music Pitched higher or lower than the correct notes of a melody.【音乐】 走调的:比乐曲中正确的调要高或低的美国传统〔outcurve〕A pitched ball that curves away from the batter.外曲线球:击球员投的曲线球美国传统〔pitch a fit/tantrum〕My three-year-old pitched one of her temper tantrums when we tried to leave the party early.我三岁大的女儿在我们试图提早离开聚会时大发脾气。韦氏高阶〔pitch into sb/sth〕He pitched into me as soon as I arrived, asking where the work was.我一到他就劈头盖脸地骂我,问作品在哪里。剑桥高阶〔pitch into〕He got mad and pitched into Waller with both fists.他大怒,挥起双拳殴打沃勒。21世纪英汉〔pitch into〕He has pitched his basketball into our house.他把篮球扔进了我们的屋子。21世纪英汉〔pitch into〕I pitched into the work on my desk.我开始埋头干我桌上的工作。21世纪英汉〔pitch into〕I didn't ask for the chairmanship. I was pitched into it.我并不要求主席职位,我是被迫接受的。21世纪英汉〔pitch into〕It was a wonderful meal, and we all pitched into it as though we hadn't eaten for a month.这顿饭好极了,我们放开肚子大吃大喝,好像一个月没吃过饭似的。21世纪英汉〔pitch into〕The boss pitched into me.上司批评了我。外研社新世纪〔pitch into〕They pitched into the meal.他们开始吃饭了。外研社新世纪〔pitch into〕They pitched into the work.他们开始工作了。外研社新世纪〔pitch in〕He was pitched in.他挨了一顿打。21世纪英汉〔pitch in〕My brother pitched in with an offer of help.我弟弟主动提出来帮忙。剑桥高阶〔pitch in〕The agency says international relief agencies have pitched in.该机构声称国际救援机构已经开始参与了。外研社新世纪〔pitch in〕The entire company pitched in to help.公司上下都协力相助。柯林斯高阶〔pitch on〕The spot pitched on for the city must be reckoned very judicious.这个城市的选址必须要是极为明智的才行。外研社新世纪〔pitch on〕We'd have pitched on you, had yon happened to be here.如果你碰巧在这里,我们定会选中你的。21世纪英汉〔pitch out〕My latest lover pitched me out on the grounds that he wasn't in love with me.我上一个恋人以他不再爱我为由把我甩了。外研社新世纪〔pitch out〕The boy was pitched out of the school for failing to pass the examination again.那男孩因考试又不及格被开除了学籍。21世纪英汉〔pitch out〕The player pitched the ball out of the court.这位选手把球投出了球场。21世纪英汉〔pitch up〕Gerald finally pitched up two hours late.晚了两小时后,杰拉德终于到达。剑桥高阶〔pitched battle〕Pitched battles were fought with the police.发生了数次和警察之间的激烈冲突。柯林斯高阶〔pitched battle〕A pitched battle between the two sets of fans developed on the terraces after the match was over.比赛结束后,双方的球迷在看台上大打出手。剑桥高阶〔pitched battle〕She has been in a pitched battle with her ex-husband over custody of their children.她和前夫陷入了一场对孩子监护权的激烈争夺之中。韦氏高阶〔pitched battle〕She wanted to avoid another pitched battle with her son.她想避免和儿子之间又一次激烈的争论。朗文当代〔pitched battle〕The demonstration escalated into a pitched battle with the police.示威逐步升级,演变成了一场同警察的混战。牛津高阶〔pitching〕Alan staggered sideways, pitched head-first over the low wall and fell into the lake.艾伦身子倒向一侧,一头栽过矮墙,跌进了湖里。柯林斯高阶〔pitching〕At dusk we pitched camp in the middle of nowhere.黄昏时分,我们在茫茫荒野中扎了营。柯林斯高阶〔pitching〕Her voice was well pitched and brisk.她的声音响亮活泼。柯林斯高阶〔pitching〕His cry is pitched at a level that makes it impossible to ignore.他的哭喊声之大让人没法不理睬。柯林斯高阶〔pitching〕His voice was pitched high, the words muffled by his crying.他的声音很高,嘴里的话因哭泣而含混不清。柯林斯高阶〔pitching〕I think the material is pitched at too high a level for our purposes.我想相对于我们的意图来说,内容定得过难了。柯林斯高阶〔pitching〕I was pitched into the water and swam ashore.我被甩到水里后向岸边游去。柯林斯高阶〔pitching〕The government has pitched High Street interest rates at a new level.政府已设定了新的商业利率水平。柯林斯高阶〔pitch〕Alan pitched head-first over the low wall and fell into the lake.艾伦一头栽倒在矮墙上, 掉进了湖里。外研社新世纪〔pitch〕At dusk we pitched camp in the middle of nowhere.黄昏时, 我们在偏远的地方扎营。外研社新世纪〔pitch〕Everyone pitched in with efforts to entertain the children.所有人都合力逗孩子们开心。朗文当代〔pitch〕Everyone pitched in with the work.每个人都投入了这项工作。牛津高阶〔pitch〕Everywhere people pitched in to help.到处都有人协力相助。英汉大词典〔pitch〕He pitched a good game.他在比赛中球投得好。文馨英汉〔pitch〕He pitched for ten years before retiring.退役前他当了十年投手。21世纪英汉〔pitch〕He pitched in the major leagues for several years.他在大联盟当了几年投手。韦氏高阶〔pitch〕He pitched into me with his fists.他拔拳打我。英汉大词典〔pitch〕He pitched into the idea of raispitching taxes.他猛烈抨击提高税收的主张。英汉大词典〔pitch〕He pitched over the railing.他摔出栏杆外美国传统〔pitch〕He pitched the level just right.他把水准定得刚刚好。麦克米伦高阶〔pitch〕He lost his balance and pitched forward onto the ground.他失去平衡,前倾倒地。韦氏高阶〔pitch〕He lost his consciousness and pitched forward on his face.他失去了知觉,脸向前扑倒在地。英汉大词典〔pitch〕He picked up a stone and pitched it.他捡起一块石头扔了出去。麦克米伦高阶〔pitch〕He suddenly pitched forward.他突然往前倾跌。文馨英汉〔pitch〕He suddenly pitched headlong to the ground.他突然一头栽倒在地。英汉大词典〔pitch〕He was pitched against Kennedy in the battle for the party leadership.在党的领导人之争中,他被推出与肯尼迪竞争。麦克米伦高阶〔pitch〕He was pitched out of office last year after a series of blunders.他去年犯了一系列大错之后,被逐出了办公室。麦克米伦高阶〔pitch〕Her book is pitched at teenagers.她的书是针对青少年的。麦克米伦高阶〔pitch〕Her voice was pitched low.她把声音放低了。牛津搭配〔pitch〕Her voice was well pitched and brisk.她的音调很准而且清新活泼。外研社新世纪〔pitch〕His foot caught in a rock and he pitched forward.他的脚拌在石头上,他向前趔趄了几步。21世纪英汉〔pitch〕His lectures were pitched directly at the level of his students.他的演讲是直接按照学生的水准订定的。文馨英汉〔pitch〕I pitched into the work on my desk.我开始埋头干桌上的工作。英汉大词典〔pitch〕I didn't ask for the championship, I was pitched into it.我并不想当冠军,是人家赶我这鸭子上架的。英汉大词典〔pitch〕If they hit any unseen obstacle they would be pitched headlong into the snow.如果撞上任何没看见的障碍,他们就会被一头抛进雪里。牛津搭配〔pitch〕It is pitched as a cheaper alternative to other workstations.它被定为替代其他工作站较便宜的一个选择。朗文当代〔pitch〕Jan pitched her books over the fence and climbed over after them.简把书扔过围栏,随后人也跟着翻了过去。麦克米伦高阶〔pitch〕John pitched a fast ball to him and he stroke it out.约翰给他掷了一个快球,而他把球打出去了。21世纪英汉〔pitch〕My brother pitched in with an offer to lend us some money.我弟弟提出借给我们一些钱。麦克米伦高阶〔pitch〕Orange juice is to be pitched as an athlete's drink.橙汁将作为运动员饮料进行推销。牛津高阶〔pitch〕Passersby on the street pitched coins into her open guitar case as she played.当她弹奏时,大街上的路人往她的空吉他盒里扔硬币。韦氏高阶〔pitch〕Perez has pitched effectively this spring.今年春天佩雷斯投球投得很好。牛津搭配〔pitch〕Room rates are pitched at £69 for a single.单人房的房价定为 69 英镑。朗文当代〔pitch〕She pitched her idea to me over a business lunch.她在一次吃工作午餐时竭力向我游说她的想法。剑桥高阶〔pitch〕She pitched her voice too high.她把音调定得太高。英汉大词典〔pitch〕She pitched his letter into the wastebasket.她把他的信丢入垃圾桶。文馨英汉〔pitch〕She pitched into me as soon as I started to speak.我刚一开始讲话她就对我大肆攻击。朗文当代〔pitch〕She pitched onto the green from a patch of tall grass.她从深草区击高球,把球打到球穴区。韦氏高阶〔pitch〕She pitched the empty box into the garbage.她把空盒子扔进垃圾堆里。韦氏高阶〔pitch〕She pitched the first three innings.头三局她担任投手。韦氏高阶〔pitch〕She pitched well/great yesterday.昨天她投得很好/很棒。韦氏高阶〔pitch〕She crumpled up the page and pitched it into the fire.她把那页纸揉成团扔进了火里。朗文当代〔pitch〕She slipped and pitched forward onto the ground.她脚下一滑,一头栽倒在地。朗文当代〔pitch〕Some questions were pitched too high for intermediate students.有些题目对于中级水平的学生来说出得太难了。朗文当代〔pitch〕The ball pitched (= landed) short.球投到了不远处。剑桥高阶〔pitch〕The ball pitched a yard short.球差一码落了地。牛津高阶〔pitch〕The bike hit a rut and I was pitched (forward) onto the road.自行车卡进车辙,我重重地(向前)摔在路上。剑桥高阶〔pitch〕The boat pitched violently in a heavy swell.船在汹涌的海浪中剧烈颠簸。牛津搭配〔pitch〕The boat overturned and the passengers were pitched out.船翻了,乘客被摔了出来。21世纪英汉〔pitch〕The carriage overturned and the passengers were pitched out.车翻了,乘客被摔了出来。英汉大词典〔pitch〕The drug has been pitched as a treatment for many ailments.广告宣传这种药能治许多小病。韦氏高阶〔pitch〕The explosion pitched her violently into the air.爆炸将她猛烈地抛向空中。牛津搭配〔pitch〕The floor pitched down slightly.地板有点向下倾斜。外研社新世纪〔pitch〕The general's speech was pitched as a call to arms.将军的讲话是一个要大家拿起武器的号召。21世纪英汉〔pitch〕The horse reared and pitched its rider to the ground.那匹马用后腿直立起来,把骑马者摔到了地上。麦克米伦高阶〔pitch〕The incident had pitched him into the national headlines.该事件使他意外地成了全国的头条新闻人物。麦克米伦高阶〔pitch〕The missile pitched and missed the target.导弹偏航,没有击中目标。21世纪英汉〔pitch〕The movement took him by surprise, and he pitched forward.这一动使他猝不及防, 向前摔倒。外研社新世纪〔pitch〕The new clarinet is pitched in C.新的单簧管定在C调上。外研社新世纪〔pitch〕The new government has already been pitched into a crisis.新政府已被抛入危机之中。牛津高阶〔pitch〕The new machine will be pitched at users in the hotel and air reservation business.这种新机器将以酒店及机票预订行业的用户为目标群。朗文当代〔pitch〕The nose of the airplane suddenly pitched downward.飞机机头突然向下俯冲。韦氏高阶〔pitch〕The president's speech was pitched as a call to arms.总统的讲话是一个要大家拿起武器的号召。英汉大词典〔pitch〕The price has been pitched very high.价格定得相当高。牛津搭配〔pitch〕The sea was rough and the ship pitched and rolled all night.大海波涛汹涌,船整夜颠簸摇晃。牛津高阶〔pitch〕The ship pitched up and down/from side to side in the rough seas.船在汹涌的海浪里上下/左右颠簸。剑桥高阶〔pitch〕The song is pitched too high for my voice.对我的嗓子来说,这首歌的音定得太高了。21世纪英汉〔pitch〕The test is pitched at a high standard.测试是按照高标准制定的。牛津搭配〔pitch〕The test was pitched at too low a level for the students.这次考试太低估学生的程度了。牛津高阶〔pitch〕The training will be pitched at a particular level of knowledge and skill.培训将设定在特定的知识和技能水平上。外研社新世纪〔pitch〕The tune was pitched (= the notes in it were) too high for me to reach the top notes.调定得太高,高音处我唱不上去。剑桥高阶〔pitch〕There was a loud bang and he was pitched from his seat.一声巨响,他被从座位上抛了起来。牛津搭配〔pitch〕They pitched camp by the river.他们在河边扎营。21世纪英汉〔pitch〕They pitched camp for the night near the river.他们靠河边扎营过夜。牛津高阶〔pitch〕They pitched him out (of the room).他们把他扔到(房间)外面去。文馨英汉〔pitch〕They pitched the TV show to several different networks before they found one that wanted to produce it.他们向好几家电视网推销这个电视节目,最终找到了一家愿意制作的。韦氏高阶〔pitch〕They pitched the test at a fifth-grade reading level.他们针对五年级学生的阅读水平设计这次考试。韦氏高阶〔pitch〕They have pitched their prices too high.他们把价格定得太高了。牛津高阶〔pitch〕They have pitched upon the most suitable man for the job.他们已选好最适当的人来做那项工作。21世纪英汉〔pitch〕This pitched him into the political arena.这使他从此走上了政治舞台。英汉大词典〔pitch〕This roof is pitched too steep.这屋顶太倾斜了。文馨英汉〔pitch〕Wait a bit longer – Bill hasn't pitched up yet.再等一等,比尔还没到呢。朗文当代〔pitch〕We pitched camp by the river.我们在河边扎营。韦氏高阶〔pitch〕We pitched on the other side of the hill.我们在山的那边扎营。21世纪英汉〔pitch〕We pitched our tent near the beach.我们在沙滩附近搭起了帐篷。外研社新世纪〔pitch〕We all pitched in $10 to buy her a gift.我们每人出 10 元钱给她买礼物。牛津高阶〔pitch〕When the boat was hit, I was pitched into the water.当船被撞时, 我被抛到了水里。外研社新世纪〔pitch〕With a cry she pitched forward.她大叫一声向前跌倒了。牛津高阶〔pitch〕Without a seatbelt, you can easily be pitched right through the windscreen.不系安全带的话很可能会撞破挡风玻璃摔出去。朗文当代〔pitch〕You pitched that note a little flat.你把那个音符定得有点低了。牛津高阶〔rafter〕One of the sloping beams that supports a pitched roof.椽:支撑起一个斜屋顶的斜梁中的一根美国传统〔roll〕The ship pitched and rolled in heavy seas.那只船在巨大的海浪中颠簸摇晃美国传统〔screwball〕Baseball A pitched ball that curves in the direction opposite to that of a normal curve ball.【棒球】 怪球:投出的与正常的曲线球方向相反的球美国传统〔sinkerball〕A pitched ball that sinks sharply as it reaches the plate; a sinker.下坠球:到达击球者时忽速下坠的投球;下坠球美国传统〔strike〕A pitched ball that is counted against the batter, typically one that is swung at and missed, fouled off, or judged to have passed through the strike zone.好球,正球:对击球员不利的投球,典型的这种球为没有击中,击球出界或被认为已经过了好球区美国传统〔take〕Baseball To refrain from swinging at (a pitched ball).【棒球】 放过: 放过(一个投给击球员的球)不打美国传统〔tent〕They pitched their tent in a little clearing in the woods.他们在树林里一小块空地上支起了帐篷。牛津搭配〔tent〕We pitched the tents ready for our first night camping.露营第一晚我们把帐篷搭置妥当。外研社新世纪〔tent〕Wherever they pitched their tent they made friendships that lasted for many years.他们无论在哪里住下,都同当地人建立了持续多年的友谊。英汉大词典〔tip〕Baseball To hit (a pitched ball) with the side of the bat so that it glances off.【棒球】 擦棒球:用球棒的侧击(一个投出的球)而使之从棒上擦地美国传统〔yaw〕The car pitched and yawed over the mud road.汽车一路颠簸, 在泥泞的路上驶歪了。外研社新世纪A pitched battle between the two sets of fans developed on the terraces after the match was over.比赛结束后,双方的球迷在观台上展开了激战。剑桥国际After the Christmas dinner, we all pitched in to clean up the house. 耶诞晚餐后,我们全都动手帮助清理房子。译典通Gerald finally pitched up two hours late.迟了两小时,杰拉尔德终于到达。剑桥国际He pitched into me as soon as he arrived, asking where the report was.他一到就大骂我,问那份报告在哪里。剑桥国际He pitched the ball (= in cricket, threw the ball for the player with the bat to hit it) wide of the stumps, and the batsman didn't play at it.他把球投出了门柱,击球手没击这个球。剑桥国际Mussina has pitched 13 innings (= thrown the ball in that number of parts of games) in the last three games.穆西那上三场比赛中投了13局球。剑桥国际My brother pitched in with an offer of transport.我弟弟提出负责运输。剑桥国际Our ship rolled and pitched on the heavy sea. 我们的船在波涛汹涌的海面上摇晃颠簸。译典通She pitched the ball as far as she could. 她尽力把球投得远一些。译典通The ball pitched (= landed after having been thrown) wide of the stumps.定点击地,球出了门柱。剑桥国际The bike hit a rut and I was pitched onto the road.自行车进了小沟,我被扔在路面上。剑桥国际The boat pitched suddenly and keeled over. 船突然上下颠簸,接著就倾覆了。译典通The boys pitched a tent by the river. 男孩子们在河边搭起了帐蓬。译典通The bus driver braked sharply and all the passengers pitched forward.公共汽车司机突然刹车,旅客们向前跌去。剑桥国际The car is being pitched as a high-quality, low-cost alternative to local models.这款汽车是作为本地型号汽车的高品质、低成本的替代品而推销的。牛津商务The carriage overturned and the passengers were pitched out. 车子翻了,乘客们被摔了出来。译典通The fisherman lost his balance and pitched into the sea. 渔夫失去了平衡,一头栽进海里。译典通The garage has a pitched roof.车库有一个有坡度的屋顶。剑桥国际The new software is being pitched at banks.这新软件是面向银行销售的。牛津商务The prices of these cars are pitched extremely competitively. 这些汽车的售价定得极有竞争性。译典通The roof of the house pitched at a 45 degrees angle. 屋顶倾斜四十五度。译典通The ship pitched up and down/from side to side in the rough seas.船在汹涌的大海里上下/左右颠。剑桥国际The takeover would be pitched at $4.6 billion.这项接管价值定为 46 亿元。牛津商务The tune was pitched (= the notes in it were) too high for me to reach the top notes.调定得太高了,我无法达到最高音。剑桥国际They pitched up for the night. 他们扎营过夜。译典通They all pitched in and finished the work within two hours. 他们全部努力地做,两小时内就把工作完成了。译典通They have pitched their prices too high.他们定价过高。牛津商务We pitched camp (=set up our tents) by the lakeside.我们在湖边扎营。剑桥国际We pitched camp/our tent in the shade.我们在阴凉处安营/搭起帐篷。剑桥国际We all pitched in to buy Uncle George a birthday present. 我们大家出钱给乔治叔叔买生日礼物。译典通You were lucky to be pitched on. 你被选中,真是幸运。译典通You were lucky to be pitched upon. 你被选中,真是幸运。译典通




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