

单词 persistent
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTINUE〕He has a persistent cough because of his smoking. 由于吸烟的关系,他的咳嗽总好不了。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕The country has suffered from persistent economic problems. 该国持续遭受经济问题。朗文写作活用〔COST〕Experts say they expect price rises to be gradual but persistent. 专家称,他们预计价格会持续缓慢上涨。朗文写作活用〔Hydra〕A persistent or multifaceted problem that cannot be eradicated by a single effort.难以根绝的祸患:难以轻松解决的、头绪多的、复杂的问题美国传统〔PAIN〕She missed more than ten performances that year due to a persistent sore throat and cough. 由于一直嗓子痛和咳嗽,那年她错过了十多场演出。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Persistent abdominal pain may be indicative of appendicitis. 肚子持续疼痛可能是阑尾炎的征兆。朗文写作活用〔SICK/VOMIT〕Persistent vomiting can lead to dehydration. 持续呕吐会导致脱水。朗文写作活用〔SPY〕There were persistent rumours that the former head of British Intelligence was in the pay of the Soviet Union. 一直有传闻说英国情报局的前领导被苏联收买了。朗文写作活用〔admirer〕Johnny was the most persistent and most harmless of her admirers.约翰尼是追她的人中最痴心、最没有心机的一个。柯林斯高阶〔aggravate〕Don't aggravate your father by persistent goading.不要没完没了地缠着你父亲惹他恼火。英汉大词典〔approach〕She resented his persistent approaches.她对他没完没了的纠缠极为反感。牛津高阶〔aspersions〕Holmes made persistent racist and sexist aspersions.福尔摩斯说话一直带有种族歧视和性别歧视。外研社新世纪〔assiduity〕Persistent application or diligence; unflagging effort.勤奋:坚持不懈的勤奋或用功;持续的努力美国传统〔bait〕To attack or torment, especially with persistent insults, criticism, or ridicule.抨击,折磨:打击或使受折磨,尤指用不断的侮辱、非难或嘲笑美国传统〔bird-dog〕To follow a subject of interest, such as a person or trend, with persistent attention.密切观察;严密监视:对所追随的兴趣对象的持久关切,如一个人或一种趋势美国传统〔block〕His persistent attempts to complain to his superiors were blocked and ignored.他一再试图向上级投诉,但都被挡了回来并置之不理。柯林斯高阶〔bothered〕He was still bothered by a persistent leg injury.他还是受着一直未愈的腿伤的困扰。牛津搭配〔bunker mentality〕An attitude of extreme defensiveness and self-justification based on an often exaggerated sense of being under persistent attack from others.地堡理念,自以为是的心态:极度戒备并自我开脱的态度,基于夸大被他人长期伤害的感觉美国传统〔catarrh〕After a cold, many patients complain of persistent catarrh.许多病人感冒后主诉有持续的卡他症状。朗文当代〔conk〕A persistent idea has been buzzing around in my conk.一个驱赶不走的想法一直在我的头脑里萦回着。英汉大词典〔constant〕Continually occurring; persistent.持续的:连续发生的;持续不断的美国传统〔crown〕The persistent, mostly underground base of a perennial herb.宿根:多年生草本植物的通常位于地底下的宿存基部美国传统〔decisive〕You must be decisive and persistent to succeed in this competitive field.你必须坚决果断并坚持不懈,以在这个竞争激烈的领域里取得成功。韦氏高阶〔demoralizing〕Persistent disapproval or criticism can be highly demoralizing.一再的否定和批评可能会对信心造成严重打击。柯林斯高阶〔diabetes〕Any of several metabolic disorders marked by excessive discharge of urine and persistent thirst, especially one of the two types of diabetes mellitus.多尿症,糖尿病:一种新陈代谢失调症,以排尿过多和持续的口渴为特征,尤指糖尿病的两种类型之一美国传统〔diligence〕Earnest and persistent application to an undertaking; steady effort; assiduity.勤奋,用功:认真不懈地对待一项任务;勤勉;刻苦美国传统〔dirty〕He was sent off for persistent dirty play.他因为总是不择手段而被打发走了。外研社新世纪〔dismal〕A dismal, persistent drizzle was falling.凄苦的蒙蒙细雨不停地下着。英汉大词典〔dog〕He has been dogged by persistent back problems.他一直以来都被背痛所困扰。麦克米伦高阶〔dull〕The pain was dull but persistent.痛感不严重但一直未消。朗文当代〔earwig〕To attempt to influence by persistent confidential argument or talk.怂恿:不断地进行机密的讨论或谈话以企图施加影响美国传统〔electret〕A solid dielectric that exhibits persistent dielectric polarization.驻极体:表现出永久电极化状态的电介质物体美国传统〔eroticism〕Abnormally persistent sexual excitement.情欲过盛,性欲异常:不正常的持续性冲动美国传统〔estrange〕His persistent antagonism caused his wife to be alienated from him.固执的对立终于使得妻子疏远了他。美国传统〔fire〕A rapid, persistent chemical change that releases heat and light and is accompanied by flame, especially the exothermic oxidation of a combustible substance.火:散发出光和热并伴有火焰的迅速的、持续的化学变化,尤指易燃物质放热的氧化作用美国传统〔frustrate〕A persistent wind frustrated my attempt to rake the lawn.持续不停的风阻碍了我整理草坪的打算美国传统〔gadfly〕A persistent, irritating critic; a nuisance.讨人厌者:总是搅得别人不得安宁的吹毛求疵者;讨厌鬼美国传统〔henpeck〕To dominate or harass (one's husband) with persistent nagging.对丈夫罗嗦:唠唠叨叨以管制或烦扰(丈夫)美国传统〔herb〕A plant whose stem does not produce woody, persistent tissue and generally dies back at the end of each growing season.草:一种茎部由非木质的、非宿存的组织组成的,一般在每段生长期末死亡的植物美国传统〔high-pressure〕To attempt to sell (something) or persuade (someone) by using aggressive, persistent tactics.用强制手段,强行推销:以坚持的、纠缠不休的手段试图出售某物或说服某人美国传统〔inferiority complex〕A persistent sense of inadequacy or a tendency to self-diminishment, sometimes resulting in excessive aggressiveness through overcompensation.自卑心理:一种持续的自信心不足的感觉或倾向,有时有这种倾向的人为了补偿,在行动上会出现过分的侵略性美国传统〔infertility〕The persistent inability to conceive a child.不孕:持续的不能怀孕的能力美国传统〔insanity〕Persistent mental disorder or derangement.精神病:持续的精神紊乱或错乱美国传统〔itch〕To have a persistent, restless craving.渴望:有持久的、永不停止的渴望美国传统〔lameness〕Persistent damage or inadequate healing may lead to chronic lameness.持续损伤或愈合不良会导致长期腿瘸。外研社新世纪〔lame〕Persistent damage or inadequate healing may lead to chronic lameness.反复受伤或治疗不当可导致长期跛足。柯林斯高阶〔leave〕Although the infection cleared up, he was left with a persistent cough.尽管感染治愈了,可是给他留下了一直咳嗽的毛病。朗文当代〔licence〕Persistent offenders face losing their licence .多次违规者将面临被没收执照。朗文当代〔longing〕A strong persistent yearning or desire, especially one that cannot be fulfilled.渴望:强烈的、挥之不去的渴望或欲望,尤指无法实现的美国传统〔memory〕Biology Persistent modification of behavior resulting from an animal's experience.【生物学】 行为的修正:由动物过去的经历导致的保持终生的行为修正美国传统〔negativism〕Behavior characterized by persistent refusal, without apparent or logical reasons, to act on or carry out suggestions, orders, or instructions of others.抗拒性:因没有明显的或逻辑的原因而对执行别人的建议,命令或指导持一贯的否定态度所形成的行为性格美国传统〔neglect〕He has shown a persistent neglect of duty.他老是玩忽职守。英汉大词典〔niggle〕It's not a severe pain, more of a persistent niggle.疼痛并不剧烈, 而是那种持续、轻微的疼痛。外研社新世纪〔noise〕Physics A disturbance, especially a random and persistent disturbance, that obscures or reduces the clarity of a signal.【物理学】 干扰噪声:一种干扰,尤指一处任意的和持续的干扰,使信号变模糊或减少美国传统〔nothing〕You've got to admit – he's nothing if not persistent.你得承认,他非常执着。朗文当代〔no〕He was so persistent that he would not take no for an answer.他固执己见,不愿听取别人的反对意见。英汉大词典〔offender〕At 16, Scott was already a persistent offender (=someone who has been caught several times for committing crimes) .斯科特 16岁时就已经是个惯犯了。朗文当代〔persistent〕Persistent rumors that the business is for sale have alarmed the staff.不断有谣言说公司要被出售,这使得员工们感到惊慌。韦氏高阶〔persistent〕Although she told him she knew nothing, he was very persistent.虽然她已经告诉他她一无所知,他还是不肯罢休。麦克米伦高阶〔persistent〕Be persistent - don't give up.要坚持不懈——别放弃。剑桥高阶〔persistent〕Flooding has been a persistent problem in the area this year.洪水是这一地区今年反复出现的问题。韦氏高阶〔persistent〕He has been a persistent critic of the president.他一贯对总统持批评态度。剑桥高阶〔persistent〕He has been fighting a persistent cold/infection.他一直都在与反复的感冒/感染做斗争。韦氏高阶〔persistent〕He is one of the government's most persistent critics.他是政府最固执的批评家之一。韦氏高阶〔persistent〕He phoned again this morning. He's very persistent.今天早上他又打电话了。他真是非常执着。外研社新世纪〔persistent〕He phoned again this morning. He's very persistent.今天早晨他又打来了电话。他非常执著。柯林斯高阶〔persistent〕Her position as national leader has been weakened by persistent fears of another coup attempt.由于人们一直担心会再次发生政变,她的国家领导人地位被削弱了。柯林斯高阶〔persistent〕His persistent refusal to pay eventually led to a prison sentence.他坚持不肯付钱,最终招来了牢狱之灾。麦克米伦高阶〔persistent〕His cough grew more persistent until it never stopped.他咳嗽持续的时间越来越长,直到咳个不停。柯林斯高阶〔persistent〕His cough grew more persistent.他咳嗽持续的时间更长了。外研社新世纪〔persistent〕How do you deal with persistent salesmen who won't take no for an answer? 你怎么对付那些不轻言放弃、一直纠缠下去的推销员?牛津高阶〔persistent〕If she hadn't been so persistent she might not have gotten the job.假如不是如此执着,她可能得不到这份工作的。朗文当代〔persistent〕Inflation has been a persistent problem since World War II.二战后, 通货膨胀问题一直存在。外研社新世纪〔persistent〕She has been persistent in pursuing the job.她坚持不懈地找工作。韦氏高阶〔persistent〕She is a persistent offender and has been arrested five times this year for shoplifting.她是个惯犯,今年已5次因在商店行窃被捕。剑桥高阶〔persistent〕Shoppers picked their way through puddles caused by persistent rain.购物的人们小心翼翼地择路避开由于连续下雨形成的水坑。柯林斯高阶〔persistent〕Some infections can be quite persistent.有些传染病十分顽固。牛津搭配〔persistent〕Symptoms of the illness include a high temperature and a persistent dry cough.病症包括高烧和持久的干咳。剑桥高阶〔persistent〕The weeds were very persistent.野草的生命力很强。牛津搭配〔persistent〕There are persistent rumours that he has not brought his drinking under control.不断有谣言说他还没管住自己酗酒的毛病。外研社新世纪〔persistent〕There had been persistent reports that disruption was being planned.接连有报道声称有人在谋划破坏活动。外研社新世纪〔persistent〕There have been persistent rumours that the principal might take early retirement.不断有谣言说校长可能会提前退休。剑桥高阶〔persistent〕We were nagged by a persistent salesman.喋喋不休的销售员把我们烦死了。韦氏高阶〔phobia〕A persistent, abnormal, or irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid the feared stimulus.恐惧症:对某一特定事物或情况持续的、不正常的或不合情理的恐惧,以致于要避开这些引起恐惧的刺激物美国传统〔phosphorescence〕Persistent emission of light following exposure to and removal of incident radiation.发磷光,闪磷火:曝露于入射的辐射线并将辐射线移开后持续放射光美国传统〔priapism〕Persistent, usually painful erection of the penis, especially as a consequence of disease and not related to sexual arousal.阴茎异常勃起:阴茎长期并且通常很痛苦的勃起,尤指和性欲无关的,是病的结果美国传统〔prick〕A persistent or sharply painful feeling of sorrow or remorse.痛苦的回忆:悔恨或内疚的持久而极度痛苦的感觉美国传统〔rankle〕To cause persistent irritation or resentment.惹怒,使生厌:引起不断的恼怒或怨恨美国传统〔rattle〕My persistent questioning of his story rattled him.我对他的陈述诘问不已,把他惹火了。英汉大词典〔remove〕Three children were removed from the school for persistent bad behaviour.三个孩子因持续行为不检被学校开除。牛津高阶〔ride〕To harass with persistent carping and criticism.数落:用不断的指责或批评使某人烦恼美国传统〔rouse〕A persistent ringing roused Christina from a pleasant dream.电话铃响个不停,把克里斯蒂娜从美梦中吵醒。朗文当代〔rumour〕There have been persistent rumours of quarrels within the movement.运动团体内部存在争执的传闻始终未断。柯林斯高阶〔rumour〕There were persistent rumours of drug-taking among staff.职员吸毒的传言不绝于耳。牛津搭配〔steadily〕The improvement in standards has been steady and persistent, but has attracted little comment from educationalists.标准一直在持续提高,但却几乎没有教育学家对此发表意见。柯林斯高阶〔sticker〕A tenacious, diligent, or persistent person.固执的人:顽强、努力或执着的人美国传统〔stretch〕Experts said the definition could be stretched to cover persistent offenders.专家称这一定义可以延伸, 将惯犯也包括进去。外研社新世纪〔stubborn〕Characterized by perseverance; persistent.坚持的:顽强的;坚持不懈的美国传统〔suitor〕He was her most persistent suitor, and she eventually agreed to marry him.他是她最执着的追求者,最终她同意和他结婚。韦氏高阶〔tenaciously〕He is regarded at the BBC as a tenacious and persistent interviewer.在英国广播公司,他被看成一个不屈不挠、坚定执著的采访者。柯林斯高阶〔unfit〕A persistent back problem eventually rendered him unfit for work.持续的背疼最后使他不能工作。麦克米伦高阶〔unpunished〕Persistent criminals who have gone unpunished by the courts have been dealt with by local people.没有受到法庭制裁的惯犯被当地人处治了。柯林斯高阶〔unremitting〕Never slackening; persistent.从不放松的;坚持不懈的美国传统〔weed〕Achemical weedkiller can be used to kill persistent weeds.一种化学除草剂可以根除顽固的杂草。麦克米伦高阶〔whinge〕To complain or protest, especially in an annoying or persistent manner.啜泣,哭诉:表达抱怨或反对,特别是以令人厌烦的或持续不休的方法美国传统Persistent whiteouts were only one of the hazards that the polar expedition faced.持续的乳白天空只是极地探险队所面临的危险之一。剑桥国际Be persistent -- don't give up.要坚持不懈,别放弃。剑桥国际He has been a persistent critic of the president.他坚持不懈地批评总统。剑桥国际He has shown a persistent neglect of duty. 他一贯玩忽职守。译典通He's really difficult to pin down -- you'll have to be persistent.让他交待很难----你必须坚持。剑桥国际His persistent moaning about his personal problems has been really bugging me lately.最近他总是固执地悲叹他的个人问题,这使我心烦。剑桥国际She is a persistent offender and has been arrested five times this year for shoplifting.她是个顽固的犯法人,今年因在商店顺手偷盗5次被捕。剑桥国际Symptoms of the illness include a high temperature and a persistent dry cough.病症包括高烧和持久的干咳。剑桥国际The measures have allowed Customs to concentrate on persistent offenders (= people who commit many crimes).这些措施使海关将注意力集中在惯犯身上。牛津商务The salesman was excessively persistent.推销员坚持得过分了。剑桥国际The school expelled him for persistent misbehaviour.学校因他屡次行为不端而开除他。剑桥国际There have been persistent rumours that the managing director might take early retirement.老是有一个谣言说总经理会提前退休。剑桥国际




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