

单词 pauses
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔pause〕Everyone nodded in agreement in the pauses between his sentences.他每说完一句话,大家都赞同地点头。牛津搭配〔pause〕He made frequent pauses to catch his breath.他不时停下来喘口气。牛津搭配〔pause〕He read very slowly and with frequent pauses.他读得非常慢,并不时停顿。牛津搭配〔pause〕The insect moves slowly and laboriously, with frequent pauses to gather strength.那昆虫缓慢而费力地移动,频频停下以恢复体力。英汉大词典〔pelt〕The swish and pelt of the rain were heard in pauses.哗哗的雨声时断时续。英汉大词典〔phrase〕A word or group of words read or spoken as a unit and separated by pauses or other junctures.片语:作为读和说的词或词组的单位,并通过暂停或其他连音隔开美国传统〔phrase〕To pace or mark off (something read aloud or spoken) by pauses.将文章断句:用暂停来为(朗读或讲的东西)定节奏或划出分隔美国传统〔repetition〕Casual conversation tends to be filled with repetition and pauses.随口闲谈往往多重复,也多停顿。英汉大词典〔stammer〕A way of speaking characterized by involuntary pauses or repetitions.口吃,结巴:以无意识的停顿或重复为特征的说话方式美国传统〔stammer〕To speak with involuntary pauses or repetitions.结巴:说话时无意识地停顿或重复美国传统〔stammer〕To utter with involuntary pauses or repetitions.结结巴巴地说:说话时无意识的停顿或重复美国传统〔whipstall〕A usually intentional stall in which a small aircraft enters a vertical climb, pauses, slips backward momentarily, then drops nose downward.机头急坠失速:通常为故意失速,在此过程中一架小的习机进入垂直爬升、停顿及暂时向后滑行,随后机头向下降落美国传统〔wind〕He pauses for wind.他停下来喘喘气。英汉大词典




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