

单词 participating
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕Being a spectator wasn't as enjoyable as participating. 做观众不如做参与者快乐。朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕The hours spent in front of the tube mean that children aren't participating in other forms of entertainment. 在电视机前花掉许多时间意味着孩子们没有参加其他的娱乐活动。朗文写作活用〔afield〕They enjoy participating in a wide variety of activities, both locally and further afield.他们乐于参与本地及外地的各种活动。柯林斯高阶〔athletics〕More women are participating in athletics nowadays.如今参加田径运动的女性更多了。麦克米伦高阶〔bench〕The place where the players on a team sit when not participating in a game.赛场外板凳:不参加比赛的运动员坐的地方美国传统〔blind date〕Either of the persons participating in such a social engagement.参加这种社交约会的男方或女方美国传统〔bystander〕A person who is present at an event without participating in it.旁观者:处于某事件发生的现场但没有参与的人美国传统〔car pool〕A group, as of commuters or parents, participating in a car pool.合伙用车的一伙人,如通勤者或家长美国传统〔churched〕Belonging to or participating in a church.教会的:属于教会的,或在教会中参与的美国传统〔collectively〕He will see that he is participating in all the decisions of the collective.他会确保自己参与集体企业的各项决策。柯林斯高阶〔collective〕He will see that he is participating in all the decisions of the collective.他会看到, 自己已经在参与所有的集体决策进程。外研社新世纪〔commensal〕An organism participating in a symbiotic relationship in which one species derives some benefit while the other is unaffected.共生生物:具有共生关系的组织,在这种关系中一个种类得到某种利益,而其他种类不受影响美国传统〔cost〕Participating in the strike cost me my job.参加罢工而使我失去工作美国传统〔exchange〕The fee or percentage charged for participating in such a system of payment.汇换制度:参与这样的交换体制所要交的手续费或佣金美国传统〔flag〕Flags of all the participating countries are flying outside the stadium.所有参赛国家的国旗都飘扬在体育场外。剑桥高阶〔freak-out〕One having such an experience or participating in such a scene.颓废者:有此种经历或参与过这种场面的人美国传统〔inactive〕Chemistry Not readily participating in chemical reactions.【化学】 无活性的:化学反应中无活性的美国传统〔noncontributory〕Of or relating to a pension plan in which participating members or employees are not required to support the plan with their own contributions.无贡献或不涉及贡献的:属于或关于不要求参与者或被雇者用他们自己的贡献物来支持的年金方案的美国传统〔out of〕Not aware of or participating in a particular group, pursuit, or trend.在局外,没加入:意识不到要参加或没有参加一个特殊团体、行业或潮流美国传统〔outsider〕As a child he was very much an outsider, never participating in the games other children played.小时候他非常不合群,从来不和其他的孩子一起玩游戏。剑桥高阶〔overestimate〕The importance of participating in the life of the country cannot be overestimated.参与国家生活的重要性再怎么说都不为过。柯林斯高阶〔participant〕Sharing in or taking part; participating.分享或参加的;参与的美国传统〔participate〕Details of the competition are available at all participating stores.比赛的详情可在各参与商店取阅。牛津高阶〔passenger〕A person who travels in a conveyance, such as a car or train, without participating in its operation.乘客:乘坐汽车或火车等公共交通工具,但不参与驾驶的人美国传统〔pool〕The persons or parties participating in such a fund.集合基金成员:加入这样的基金组织的人或团体美国传统〔reactant〕A substance participating in a chemical reaction, especially a directly reacting substance present at the initiation of the reaction.反应体,反应物:参加化学反应的物质,特别是指从一开始就参加反应并直接反应的物质美国传统〔riotous〕Participating in or inciting to riot or uproar.参加暴乱或骚动的;煽动暴乱的美国传统〔scam〕They believed they were participating in an insurance scam, not a murder.他们以为他们参与的是一起保险诈骗, 不是谋杀。外研社新世纪〔scam〕They believed they were participating in an insurance scam, not a murder.他们认为自己是在参与一起保险诈骗,而不是谋杀。柯林斯高阶〔scrub suit〕A two-piece garment of lightweight cotton, worn by hospital staff especially when participating in surgery.手术衣:医护人员特别是在动外科手术时,所穿两件式的轻质棉布衣着美国传统〔scrub〕To wash the hands and arms thoroughly, as before performing or participating in surgery.在施行或参与手术之前把手和臂彻底洗净美国传统〔shill〕One who poses as a satisfied customer or an enthusiastic gambler to dupe bystanders into participating in a swindle.雇佣骗子的骗局:一个假装成满意的顾客或一个热心的赌徒以欺骗旁观者使其参与一项骗局的骗子美国传统〔slowdown〕It's impossible to assess how many officers are participating in the slowdown.要估算出究竟多少高级职员参与了怠工是不可能的。柯林斯高阶〔spod〕One who spends an inordinate amount of time exchanging remarks in computer chatrooms or participating in discussions in newsgroups or on bulletin boards.灌水:花费过量的时间,在计算机聊天室内与人交谈,或在新闻组或公告牌上参与讨论的人美国传统〔sportsmanship〕The fact or practice of participating in sports or a sport.运动实践:参加运动的事实或练习美国传统〔subatomic〕Having dimensions or participating in reactions characteristic of the constituents of the atom.亚原子的:具有亚原子结构之尺寸的,参与亚原子结构之反应的美国传统〔toughen〕They believe that participating in fights toughens boys and shows them how to be men.他们认为参与打架会使男孩子变得坚强,教会他们怎样成为男人。柯林斯高阶〔unchurched〕Not belonging to or participating in a church.不属于教会的,不参与教会的美国传统〔walk〕She is participating in the walk for breast cancer research.她正在参加为乳腺癌研究举行的徒步募捐活动。韦氏高阶As a child he was very much an outsider, never participating in the games other children played.小时候他是一个非常离群的人,从来不参加其它孩子玩的游戏。剑桥国际Confidentiality is guaranteed to everyone participating in the survey.参加调查的每个人都得到保证为其保密的允诺。剑桥国际Of all the teams participating in the competition, I think the Oxford team will bear off the palm. 在所有参赛队中,我认为牛津队将得胜。译典通There were 150 runners-up and they all got a small sum of money for participating.有150位参与者,他们都因此得到了一小笔钱。剑桥国际You can redeem the tokens with any participating airline.你可以在参与活动的任何一家航空公司兑现礼券。牛津商务




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