

单词 page
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ABOUT/APPROXIMATELY〕Each disk stores approximately 144 pages of text. 每张磁盘大约可以储存144页文本。朗文写作活用〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕There were a few faint pencil lines on the page. 那一页上面有几条淡淡的用铅笔画的线。朗文写作活用〔FIRST〕I always read the sports page of the newspaper first. 我总是先读报纸的体育版。朗文写作活用〔LINE〕She divided the page into four by ruling two diagonal lines across it. 她用尺在纸上画了两条对角线,把它一分为四。朗文写作活用〔LISTEN〕Okay, class. Listen up. Open your books at page 33. 好,同学们听好了,把书翻到第33页。朗文写作活用〔MODERN〕The latest model can print 15 pages every minute. 最新的型号能够每分钟打印15页纸。朗文写作活用〔NEWS〕I turned the page, and saw a small item about Muhammad Ali. 我翻过这页,看到关于穆罕默德·阿里的一篇小小的报道。朗文写作活用〔NOTICE/NOT NOTICE〕An observant reader has pointed out an error on page 26. 一位细心的读者指出第26页上有个错误。朗文写作活用〔ORDER〕The pages were all mixed up, and I only have five minutes before the deadline. 页码都乱了,而我只有五分钟的期限。朗文写作活用〔READ〕I kept a diary then -- pages and pages of tiny scrawl. 我那时写了一本日记—一页一页都写得密密麻麻、笔迹潦草。朗文写作活用〔STRAIGHT〕First, draw two straight lines across the page using a ruler. 首先,用尺在这一页上画两条横的直线。朗文写作活用〔TEAR〕She tore a page out of her diary and wrote her phone number on it. 她从日记本上撕下一页,把她的电话号码写在上面。朗文写作活用〔THNQ〕THNQ for visiting my home page.感谢您访问我的主页。麦克米伦高阶〔USEFUL〕See page 35 for a list of useful addresses. 有用地址的清单见第35页。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕Write your name at the top of the page. 在页面上方写上你的名字。朗文写作活用〔abundantly〕All the pages are abundantly illustrated with colour photographs.每页都配有丰富的彩色照片。柯林斯高阶〔after〕He read page after page.他逐页地读下去。文馨英汉〔answer〕The answer is given on page 43.答案见第43页。外研社新世纪〔banner〕A headline spanning the width of a newspaper page.报纸的通栏大字标题美国传统〔begin〕Let's begin at page nine [at the beginning].让我们从第九页[从头]开始。文馨英汉〔below〕For further information on this subject, see below (= lower on the page or later in the book).关于这一点的详细说明请看下文。剑桥高阶〔bend in〕The pupil bent the corners of the pages in and damage them.这名小学生把页角向内折,弄坏了书页。21世纪英汉〔bleed〕A page trimmed so as to bleed.被剪裁的页次:经切裁以印成出血版的纸页美国传统〔block〕You block a passage of text and hit Control+C to centre it on the page.你对一个文本段落进行块操作,按Control+C把它放在页面的中央。麦克米伦高阶〔blot〕The page was blotted with red ink.页面上沾上了红墨水。外研社新世纪〔blur〕The tears in my eyes blurred the words on the page.满眼泪水使我无法看清页面上的字。韦氏高阶〔boil〕Whole pages of information get boiled down to one paragraph in the paper.整整几页的信息被压缩成论文中的一段。麦克米伦高阶〔bookmark〕Don't forget to bookmark this page.别忘了给这个网页设个书签。剑桥高阶〔borrow/take a page from someone〕You may want to borrow/take a page from his book and study harder for your finals.你应该以他为榜样,更加努力地学习,准备期末考试。韦氏高阶〔bracket〕The title appears in/within brackets at the top of the page.标题在页面上方的括号里。韦氏高阶〔bring〕Accounting To carry (a sum) from one page or column to another.【会计学】 转入下页,转入下栏:把(数字)转入下页或下栏美国传统〔carry ... over〕The tale was carried over to the next page.故事未完转到下页。21世纪英汉〔cast off〕I've cast off your book and think it will come to about 150 pages when it's printed.我已经对你的书估计了篇幅,印好时将有150页左右。21世纪英汉〔catchword〕The first word of a page printed in the bottom right-hand corner of the preceding page.书眉:印在书页右下角的与上页有关的第一个词美国传统〔cling together〕Many pages of his diary have clung together.他的日记中有好多页都粘在一起了。21世纪英汉〔cling〕The pages of this book have clung together.这本书的书页都黏在一起了。英汉大词典〔colophon〕A publisher's emblem or trademark placed usually on the title page of a book.商标:出版商的商标或徽章,通常置于一本书的首页美国传统〔colour〕On the back page is a picture for your child to colour in.反面这一页是给你的孩子填色用的。朗文当代〔columnist〕Clarence Page is a columnist for the Chicago Tribune.克拉伦斯·佩奇是《芝加哥论坛报》的专栏作家。柯林斯高阶〔concrete poetry〕Poetry that visually conveys the poet's meaning through the graphic arrangement of letters, words, or symbols on the page.具体派诗:通过对字母、单词或符号进行图象编排以视觉形式表达诗人意思的诗美国传统〔condense〕I condensed ten pages of comments into/to two.我将十页的评论压缩成了两页。剑桥高阶〔crease〕The pages of the book were stained and creased.这本书的书页弄得脏兮兮、皱巴巴的。韦氏高阶〔curl〕The pages had begun to yellow and curl.书页已经开始泛黄卷边。麦克米伦高阶〔detail〕For more detail on how to obtain a visa, see page 8.有关如何获得签证的详细信息,请参阅第 8 页。牛津搭配〔dog-ear〕To turn down the corner of (the page of a book).把书页折角美国传统〔double〕I would ask you not to double the pages.我请你不要折书页。英汉大词典〔down〕He finally got his report down to three pages.他最终将报告压缩到三页。韦氏高阶〔down〕He got his report down to only three pages.他把报告压缩到仅3页。英汉大词典〔down〕Sharif cut his report down to only three pages.沙里夫把报告删减到只有三页。朗文当代〔exit〕To exit from this page, press the return key.退出本页面按返回键。牛津高阶〔eyebrow〕An intriguing item on the news pages caused me to raise an eyebrow over my morning coffee.早上喝咖啡时, 新闻版面的一则趣闻令我感到惊奇。外研社新世纪〔face〕Look at the illustration on the facing page.看对开页上的插图。韦氏高阶〔face〕Look at the illustration that faces page 132. = Look at the illustration facing page 132.看132页对开页上的插图。韦氏高阶〔fall〕The book fell open at a page of illustrations.书翻开在有插图的那一页。牛津高阶〔fashion〕There are 20 full-colour pages of fashion for men.有20张男式时装全彩插页。外研社新世纪〔feature〕The story featured on the front pages.这篇报道登上了头版头条。外研社新世纪〔figure〕She sat and stared at the figures on the page.她坐下来盯着这一页上的数字。麦克米伦高阶〔flick over〕You're not really reading,you're just flicking the pages over.你不是在读书,只是匆匆把书页翻了过去而已。21世纪英汉〔flip〕He flipped to a fresh page and began to write.他翻到另外一页,开始写了起来。英汉大词典〔flounder〕He lost the next page of his speech and floundered around/about for a few seconds.他把演讲稿的下一页弄丢了,支支吾吾了几秒钟。剑桥高阶〔fold〕He folded down the corner of his page.他将他正在看的那一书页折一个角。英汉大词典〔foot〕A single word at the foot of a page caught her eye.其中一页底部的一个字吸引了她的注意。柯林斯高阶〔frontispiece〕An illustration that faces or immediately precedes the title page of a book, book section, or magazine.扉页插图:在书或杂志的书名页前的插图美国传统〔front〕The violence in the Gaza Strip makes the front page of most of the newspapers.加沙地带的暴力事件成为大多数报纸的头版新闻。柯林斯高阶〔further〕I never got further than the first five pages of "Ulysses".恐怕我看《尤利西斯》从未超过开头的5页,之后就看不下去了。剑桥高阶〔gilt-edged〕Having gilded edges, as the pages of a book.金边的:镶金边的,如书的页美国传统〔go down〕Go down to (= read as far as) the bottom of the page.一直读到这一页的最后一行。剑桥高阶〔gooseneck〕I twisted the gooseneck lamp around so that the light fell on the pages.我把鹅颈管台灯扭转来,使光照在书页上。英汉大词典〔guess〕The many twists and turns in the plot will keep readers guessing until the last page.曲曲折折的情节将让读者看到最后一页才弄得清楚来龙去脉。韦氏高阶〔gum〕I gummed the photographs onto the page.我把照片粘在书页上。麦克米伦高阶〔head〕Each page was headed with the writer's name.每页上端都有作者的名字。英汉大词典〔heck〕The story's too short – only 30-odd pages – but what the heck!这个故事太短了, 只有30几页纸, 不过管它呢!外研社新世纪〔home page〕To make this your home page, click here.点击此处把此页设为主页。剑桥高阶〔horizontal〕Draw a horizontal line across the page.在这一页上从左到右画一条横线。麦克米伦高阶〔inclusion〕We welcome readers' letters for possible inclusion on this page.欢迎读者来信,我们会在本版选登。牛津搭配〔inclusive〕Read pages 10 to 20inclusive.从第10页念起,一直到第20页。英汉大词典〔informed〕To help you to make an informed choice, we list on page 4 the websites that will help you to track the success of various investments.为帮助你作出有依据的选择, 我们在第4页列出一些网站, 帮助你跟踪各式各样成功的投资案例。外研社新世纪〔initial〕She initialed each page of the contract.她把姓名的首字母签在合同的每一页上。韦氏高阶〔initial〕She put her initials on each page of the contract.她把姓名的首字母写在合同的每一页上。韦氏高阶〔inscribe〕The prize winners each receive a book with their names inscribed on the first page.每名获奖者都得到一本首页题有他们签名的书。剑桥高阶〔jump out〕The mistake jumped out of the page at him.这一页上的错误一下就被他注意到了。外研社新世纪〔justice〕You cannot do justice to such a complex situation in just a few pages.你不可能仅仅几页就将这么复杂的形势恰如其分地描述出来。牛津高阶〔lap〕He used to lap the page where he stopped reading.他常把读到的那一页折起来。21世纪英汉〔leaf〕To turn through the pages of.逐个翻页美国传统〔leap〕The photograph seemed to leap off the page at her.这一页上的照片跳入她的眼帘。牛津搭配〔letter〕Several pages are lettered in gold.有几页用的是烫金的字。朗文当代〔link〕You'll find some useful links on the first couple of pages.在开头几页上能找到一些有用的链接。牛津搭配〔live〕Here are some live links to other aviation-related web pages.这是另外一些与航空有关网页的有效链接。牛津高阶〔loosely〕A page came loose and floated onto the tiles.有一页纸脱落下来,飘落到地砖上。柯林斯高阶〔make〕Reports of his death made the front pages of all the papers.所有的报纸都在头版报道了他的死讯。外研社新世纪〔margin〕To inscribe or enter in the margin of a page.在书页边上作注释或记录美国传统〔mark〕I've marked the pages you need to look at.我在你需要阅读的那几页上作了记号。朗文当代〔mark〕She had her finger pressed to the page as if marking her place.她用手指压在书页上,仿佛要记下读到了什么地方。英汉大词典〔mottled〕The book's pages were mottled with brown stains.书页上布满了褐色的污渍。朗文当代〔musing〕His long, shapely, musing sentences spread themselves over page after page.他那长长的、条理清楚的、充满思索的句子遍布一页又一页。外研社新世纪〔news〕His resignation was front page news (=was important news) .他的辞职成了头版新闻。朗文当代〔next〕The next page is blank.下一页是空白的。外研社新世纪〔off-centre〕Place the photo slightly off-centre, so that there is more space on the page.把照片放在稍稍偏离中心的位置,这样页面上的空间就更多了。朗文当代〔op-ed page〕A newspaper page, usually opposite the editorial page, that features articles expressing personal viewpoints.专栏版,特约稿:一种报纸上登载的反映个人观点的署名文章,该页位置经常与社论版相对美国传统〔open out〕His eyes were fixed on the page I had opened out and laid flat on the desk.他的眼睛紧盯着我打开平放在书桌上的那页书。外研社新世纪〔out〕When I opened the book, I saw that several pages had been torn out.我翻开书时发现有几页已经被人撕掉了。麦克米伦高阶〔overleaf〕On the other side of the page or leaf.在页后:在书页的另一面或页后美国传统〔overrun〕To rearrange or move (set type or pictures) from one column, line, or page to another.移行接排,使超排:重新安排或使(排的铅字或图片)从一栏、一行或页移至另一栏一行或一页美国传统〔over〕She turned another page over.她又翻了一页。剑桥高阶〔page view〕For the quarter ending March 31, the site had 152 million page views.第一季度网站页面被浏览了1.52亿次。剑桥高阶〔page〕Page the doctor in case of an emergency.如果有急诊就传呼医生。韦氏高阶〔page〕Fill in the form over the page.反面麦克米伦高阶〔page〕For details on how to enter the competition, see page 134.关于如何参加比赛的细则,请参见134页。剑桥高阶〔page〕He was paged at the airport and told to return home immediately.机场扩音器传出了呼叫他的广播,叫他立刻回家。剑桥高阶〔page〕The article appeared on the front page of the New York Times.这篇文章刊登在《纽约时报》的头版。剑桥高阶〔page〕The book had several loose pages.这本书有几页纸松散了。外研社新世纪〔page〕The information you need is on the same page.你需要的信息在同一网页上。牛津搭配〔page〕The news dominated the pages of the local newspaper.这一消息占据了当地报纸的版面。牛津搭配〔page〕They have turned up in the letters page of The Irish Times.他们的名字出现在《爱尔兰时报》的读者来信版。外研社新世纪〔page〕To attend as a page.作为侍者参加美国传统〔page〕We need to get environmentalists and businesses on the same page to improve things.我们需要使环境保护主义者和企业同心协力以改善状况。朗文当代〔page〕Write your name at the top of each page.在每一页的上端写上你的名字。牛津搭配〔paginate〕To number the pages of; page.编页码:给…编页数;给…标页数美国传统〔paging〕The transfer of pages of data between a computer's main memory and an auxiliary memory.分页,页试调度:计算机主存和辅存间对数据页面的传送美国传统〔photograph〕Her photograph appeared on the front page of The New York Times.她的照片登在了《纽约时报》的头版上。柯林斯高阶〔pick sth up〕The author picks the same theme up again on page ten.作者在第10页又谈到同一主题。剑桥高阶〔picture〕The golfer is pictured on many of the front pages, kissing his trophy as he holds it aloft.许多报纸的头版上都刊登了那个高尔夫球手高高举起奖杯亲吻的照片。柯林斯高阶〔place〕She put the pencil between the pages to hold her place.她把铅笔放在书页间以免忘掉自己读到什么地方了。英汉大词典〔prominent〕The story was given a prominent position on the front page.这则报道刊登在头版的显著位置。牛津高阶〔quarto〕A book composed of pages of this size.四开本:由这样大小的纸张组成的书籍美国传统〔read〕On page 61, for ‘three thousand', read ‘three million'.61页的麦克米伦高阶〔refer〕For additional explanation, refer (back) to page 20.若需进一步的补充解释,请参阅本书第20页。英汉大词典〔refresh〕Click to refresh the page.点击来刷新本页。外研社新世纪〔reverse〕You should reverse the order of these pages.你该把这几页的顺序颠倒过来。牛津高阶〔right-hand〕Please write your name on the bottom right-hand corner of the page.请在这页的右上角签上你的名字。韦氏高阶〔rip out〕She ripped out one of the pages.她扯下其中的一页。外研社新世纪〔run〕I ran my eyes over the page.我匆匆地看了看这一页。牛津高阶〔run〕The book runs to 500 pages.这本书长达500页。英汉大词典〔run〕The interview transcripts run to over 120 pages.采访记录长达120多页。麦克米伦高阶〔run〕The story runs for nine pages.那篇故事长达九页。文馨英汉〔scan〕She quickly scanned the pages of the newspaper.她快速地浏览报纸。韦氏高阶〔section〕The illustration on page 84 is a section of the human brain.第84页的插图是一张人脑的剖面图。外研社新世纪〔sequence〕This article is out of sequence and belongs on page 57.这篇文章排错了顺序,应该在 57 页。牛津搭配〔site〕A site map lists and links to all pages on your website.网站地图罗列出网站上所有页面的链接。牛津搭配〔society〕I just glanced at the society page.我只是浏览一下社交新闻版。英汉大词典〔society〕The couple quickly became a fixture of society pages.夫妇俩很快便成为了报纸社交版上的常驻人物。柯林斯高阶〔so〕I stopped reading after thirty or so pages.我读了三十页左右就停了。朗文当代〔splash〕The gunman's picture was splashed across the front page.持枪歹徒的大幅照片刊登在头版上。朗文当代〔splash〕The newspapers splashed the story all over their front pages.各家报纸都以整个头版醒目地刊登了这一报道。柯林斯高阶〔sport〕He picked up the newspaper and turned to the sports pages.他拿起报纸,翻到体育版。朗文当代〔squiggle〕His signature was an illegible squiggle at the bottom of the page.他的签名就是页末那些弯弯扭扭、难以辨认的线条。剑桥高阶〔stab〕Goldstone flipped through the pages and stabbed his thumb at the paragraph he was looking for.戈德斯通翻动书页,大拇指按到他正在寻找的那个段落上。柯林斯高阶〔story〕The story about the fire made the front page of the newspaper. = The front-page story was about the fire.这场火灾是报纸的头版新闻。韦氏高阶〔stroke〕It was a bold stroke to reveal the identity of the murderer on the first page.在头版上披露谋杀犯的身分,这是一个大胆的举措。牛津高阶〔tear〕Several pages had been torn out of the book.有几页被从书中撕掉了。牛津搭配〔text〕The book has 500 pages of text.这本书正文有500页。剑桥高阶〔text〕There are 200 pages of text and illustrations.有200页正文和插图。麦克米伦高阶〔thumb〕To scan (written matter) by turning over pages with or as if with the thumb.翻阅,翻查:用或似用拇指翻动(书写物的)纸张以浏览美国传统〔turn〕Don't turn back the corner of the page to mark your place.别折书角来作读到哪里的记号。英汉大词典〔up〕Read up to page 100.读到第 100 页。牛津高阶〔versed〕Page is well versed in many styles of jazz.佩奇精通多种风格的爵士乐。柯林斯高阶〔vignette〕A decorative design placed at the beginning or end of a book or chapter of a book or along the border of a page.小花饰:在书或书的章节的首尾处或页边上的蔓叶花饰美国传统〔wear〕After 50 pages, the reader's patience starts to wear thin.读了50页后,读者开始有些不耐烦了。麦克米伦高阶〔white space〕Space on a page or poster not covered by print or graphic matter.空白处:书页或海报上没有印刷或书写内容的空白处美国传统〔wizard〕Wizards and templates can help you create brochures, calendars, and Web pages.向导程序和模板可以帮助创建手册、日历和网页。外研社新世纪〔workbook〕A booklet containing problems and exercises that a student may work directly on the pages.练习册:一本包括问题和练习的小册子,学生可直接做在上面美国传统〔write up〕He wrote up his visit in a report of over 600 pages.他将自己的访问整理成了一份600多页的报告。柯林斯高阶〔yet〕The novel is 800 pages long, yet it reads more quickly than many shorter books.这部小说有800页长,不过读起来却比许多篇幅短些的还要快。麦克米伦高阶After a few pages you realise that these writings are the outpourings of a deeply troubled man.看了几页后,你会意识到这些文字乃是一个极其困惑的男人的感情流露。剑桥国际As I turned the page his picture leapt out at me.当我翻书的时候他的照片露了出来。剑桥国际Do the exercises on page 10. 做第十页上的练习。译典通He always reads the racing pages in the paper.他常读报纸的赛马版。剑桥国际He had to scroll through page after page of sales data.他不得不一页一页地滚动查看销售数据。牛津商务He is revamping the company's web page.他正在修改公司的网页。牛津商务He lost the next page of his speech and floundered for a few seconds.他丢掉了演讲稿的下一页,只好支支吾吾了一会儿。剑桥国际He omitted reading the second page. 他忘了读第二页。译典通I prefer it when books have their notes at the foot of the page, rather than at the end.我喜欢书将注释放在页脚,而不是放在书的末尾。剑桥国际I tore a page from my notebook. 我从笔记本上撕下一页纸来。译典通I'd like you to average (out) (=calculate the average of) the column of figures on page 34.我希望你能计算一下34页那栏数字的平均值。剑桥国际If no extraneous matters/issues are introduced, we should be able to keep the report to ten pages.如果不插入其他无直接关系的问题/论题,我们应该可以把这个报告保持在十页之内。剑桥国际If you want to find what page the circulation of the blood is described on, look it up in the index.如果你想找到哪一页描述血液循环,在索引中查一下。剑桥国际It's a long book/report/letter/film (= it has a lot of pages or information and takes a large amount of time to read/watch, but it can be any shape) .这书/报告/信/影片篇幅很长。剑桥国际My book got wet and all the pages have stuck together.我的书被弄湿了,所有的书页都粘在了一起。剑桥国际On page 21, twenty tricks to speed up your beauty routine. 21 页上有20种技巧可加快你例行化妆的速度。剑桥国际Read pages 25 to 50 inclusive. 从第二十五页一直读到第五十页。译典通She sat idly flicking through the pages of a magazine.她懒洋洋地坐着轻轻翻阅杂志。剑桥国际She sellotaped the torn pages back into the book.她用透明胶带把撕下的几页贴回进书里。剑桥国际That page looks badly spaced (= there is too much/too little distance between the lines or words).那一页的排列看上去很不匀。剑桥国际The article appeared on the front page of the Guardian.这篇文章出现在《卫报》的头版上。剑桥国际The author picks up the theme again on Page ten.作者在第十页又重新谈到那个主题。剑桥国际The costs of translation should average out at about €20 per page.翻译费应该是平均每页约 20 欧元。牛津商务The examples are on the even pages (= pages on which the numbers are even) and the exercises are on the odd ones.例题在偶数页,习题在奇数页。剑桥国际The funny book had a laugh on every page. 这本滑稽的书每一页上都有令人发笑的地方。译典通The incremental cost of delivering one more page of data is zero.多传送一页数据的增量成本为零。牛津商务The newspaper ran the review on page four. 报纸把这则评论刊登在第四版上。译典通The pictures are all displayed on the right-hand page.图片都显示在右边的一页上。剑桥国际The program can model a typical home page for you.这个程序可以为你制作典型主页的模板。牛津商务The report runs to (= is) 250 pages.该报告有 250 页。牛津商务The site has more than 7 million page views per day.这个网站每天有 700 多万次的页面浏览量。牛津商务There was some writing in the margins on one of the pages.在其中一页的页边空白处有一些字迹。剑桥国际There were pages of information but the facts were virtually inextricable from irrelevant details.尽管资料有好几页,但不相关的细节和事实几乎完全纠缠在一起了。剑桥国际This morning's newspapers all carry the same story on their front page.今早所有的报纸在头版刊登了相同的报道。剑桥国际We need a more attractive page layout for our brochure.我们的小册子需要一个有吸引力的版面设计。牛津商务Web pages are written in HTML.网页都是用超文本标记语言编写的。牛津商务When you have deleted those lines, format the page.你把这些线条删除之后,将这一页格式编排一下。剑桥国际




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