

单词 oversubscribed
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔oversubscribed〕All good schools are oversubscribed.所有好学校的入学申请都超额了。朗文当代〔oversubscribed〕Shares of McClintock Clayton were heavily oversubscribed.麦克林托克•克莱顿公司的股票出现了严重的超额认购。外研社新世纪〔oversubscribed〕The $400 million oil company share issue was three times oversubscribed.4亿美元的石油公司新发股被超额认购了3倍。剑桥高阶〔oversubscribed〕The popular schools tend to be heavily oversubscribed.那些热门学校常常让人挤破头。外研社新世纪〔oversubscribed〕The popular schools — the sort you really might drive across town for — tend to be heavily oversubscribed.那些受欢迎的学校——那种真的会想要驾车穿越城区去上的学校——常常让人挤破了头。柯林斯高阶〔oversubscribe〕The opera season was oversubscribed.这场歌剧的票已被超额订购一空美国传统The ISP allows its dial-up Internet service to be oversubscribed by 20%.互联网服务供应商允许其拨号上网服务超额开通 20%。牛津商务The Royal Philharmonic's concert season is expected to be hugely oversubscribed.人们预计皇家爱乐乐团的音乐会季节的票子将大大地被超量订购。剑桥国际The new issue was heavily oversubscribed (= more people wanted to buy shares than could have them).新股票的认购严重超额。牛津商务The share issue was five times oversubscribed.新发行的股票获五倍超额认购。牛津商务




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